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You are now about to start the second half of the grading period. Now, let us see check what you have
learned last session. As you answer the following question you will be able to gauge what you have
understood from the previous lesson. Write your answer on the space provided.
1. The evaluation of the performance of government employees is mandated by the:
A. City Health Office
B. Department of Health
C. Civil Service Commission
D. Nursing Service Office
Answer: C
Rationale: The CSC said that use of the Strategic Performance Management System allows objective
assessment of the government employees performance.

2. The following are example of less grave offense, EXCEPT:

A. simple neglect of duty
B. simple misconduct
C. habitual drunkenness
D. gross neglect duty
Answer: D
Rationale: less grave offenses are: simple neglect of duty, simple misconduct, and gross
discourtesy in the course of official duties, insubordination, habitual drunkenness,
nepotism, and unfair discrimination in rendering public service due to party affiliation or

3. Which among the following is a light offense?

A. simple neglect of duty
B. simple misconduct
C. borrowing money from subordinates
D. having an affair to a married person
Answer: C
Rationale: Light offense include the following: neglect of duty; discourtesy in the course
of official duties; improper
or unauthorized solicitation of contributions from subordinate employees; violation of reasonable
office rules and regulations; gambling prohibit by law; refusal to render overtime service;
borrowing money from subordinates;

Multiple Response

1. PHN Grace is designing the program evaluation. She included the five dimensions. To
address the dimensions, Grace must ask the following questions EXCEPT:
A. What indicators should be used?
B. What should be evaluated?
C. What are the program objectives?
D. What are the responses of the people in the community to the program?
Answer: D
Rationale: This question is not ask using 5 dimension of program. The WHO suggested five
dimensions of program performance that could be the evaluated: relevance, progress,
effectiveness, impact and efficiency. To address these dimensions, the evaluator should review
the program context and objectives.

2. The program evaluated was found to be effective. What should be the recommendations?
A. The program must be terminated.
B. The program must be modified.
C. The lesson learned will serve as a guide in modifying the program.
D. The program can be applied to another group with same characteristics.
Answer: D
Rationale: With the recognition that no other best way to implement the intervention. If the
intervention program was effective and efficient, this could be continued and/or applied to another
client group, given similar circumstances. This is, of course, with the recognition that there is no
one best way to implement and intervention program. If there is still another phase of the
program, then the positive evaluation results serve as a go-signal to start the next phase

3. Evaluators sometimes faced poor quality of available data. In order to minimized if not
prevented, the PHN must:
A. Tools should be filed-tested
B. Data collectors should be trained
C. Data collection must be filed tested
D. Poor quality data must be addressed during the program planning stage.
Answer: ABC
Rationale: The evaluator’s primary aims is the generation of accurate and reliable data. Prior to
actual data collection, data collection method and tools should be filed-tested and data collectors
should be trained.

4. An indicator that reflects what is to be achieved:

A. Valid
B. Reliable
C. Objective
D. Specific
Answer: A
Rationale:. Option A, an indicator is valid if it actually reflects what it is intended to reflect or if it
measures what is supposed to measure. Option B, reliability is present if it lends itself to
measurement with minimum error. Option C, objectivity is met when it is not influenced by personal
biases. Option D, if it is sensitive to the given situation.

5. Which among the following objective is properly constructed?

A. Eighty-five percent (85%) of leprosy patients will complete the multi-drug therapy (MDT).
B. After two sessions, Mr. S will be able to check his blood sugar accurately.
C. Mr. S will wash his hands before pricking his finger for blood extraction,
D. Mr. S’s family will accompany him to diabetes clinic.
Answer: B
Rationale: “After two sessions” was indicated means that they have probably implemented
nursing care intervention theoretically.
6. Outcome: The family is able to provide nursing care to the sick member of the family. The
family is able to:
A. correctly perform appropriate interventions in caring for the sick member of the family
B. identify signs and symptoms indicative of improvement or worsening of condition
C. refer the member to appropriate health facility or health worker on time
D. give alternative treatment even without health workers’ advise
Answer: A,B
Rationale: The family should perform appropriate intervention for the sick to be treated well.

7. Outcome: The family is able to maintain an environment conductive to good health and
personal development.
A. provide physical and social environment that promotes the members’ health and well-being
B. identify factors that can adversely affect the members’ health and well-being
C. mitigate the effects of non-modifiable factors
D. modify/eliminate/control the factors that adversely impact on the members’ health and well-
Answer: ABD
Rationale: Options A, B and D easily pinpoint nursing interventions that are effective and those that are
not. It can show the value of nursing care/service. Meanwhile option C requires long-term application to
further identify and eliminate non-modifiable factors.

8. Outcome: The family is able to maintain reciprocal relationship with the community and
health institutions. The family is able to:
A. participate in health and health related activities in the community
B. share resources with other members of the community
C. provide feedback to health personnel/institutions regarding health policies, programs, projects
and activities
D. join community activities upon request
Answer: ABC
Rationale: Participating health related activities enhances self-confidence and social relationships with
others. Options A, B and C all provide a collaborative effort of both the family and the community in
maintaining a healthy relationship towards each other. While option D on the other hand stated the word
“request” which indicates an involuntariness for the family to participate in the community activities.

The following items 4-5, test your knowledge in formulating criteria based from the objective.
Select all possible criteria in relation to the objective.

9. Objective: After one month, the family will be able to take care of the malnourished child.
The family will be able to:
A. allocate resources to meet the nutritional needs of the malnourished member
B. identify readily available and affordable nutritious food for the child
C. feed the child based on readily available
D. bring the child to the RHU for weight monitoring regularly
Answer: AB
Rationale: It is important to consider the foods of a child to eat to meet the standards of a healthy

10. Objective: During home visit, Mr. Jaime will be able to collect a good sputum sample for
microscopy. Mr. Jaime collects the sputum specimen as instructed:
A. breathes air deeply
B. coughs strongly at the height of inspiration
C. spits the sputum into sterile container
D. submit the sterile container uncovered
Answer: ABC
Rationale: it can help to get good sputum and prevents bacteria entering form the container

LESSON WRAP-UP (5 minutes)

Q1. Enumerate at least three words related to Evaluation.

Answers: Assessment; Diagnosis; Planning

Q2. List at least two outcomes for a family with TB

Answers: O1 - The family will be able to acquire medication
and maintain this throughout the timeline treatment.
O2 - The family is able to demonstrate techniques/initiate
lifestyle changes to promote safe environment and the family will be
able to diminish TB among the members of the family after six
months of proper, appropriate and well-timed medicinal treatment.

Q3. Give at least one criterion to achieve the outcome: (choose one outcome only)
Answers: O1 – The family is able to: (a) verbalize understanding of the disease (b) verbalized
understanding of the therapeutic regimen.
Answers: O2 – The family is able to: (a) eliminate factors that would be a potential leading cause of
disease (b) proper ventilation and cleanliness should be observed and the family will be able to identify
TB sign and symptoms and proper interventions in preventing them.

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