Sps Mental Health Challenge

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Shepherd Public Schools Mental Health

When: Monday, November 16th
to Friday, November 27th, 2020
Who: Shepherd Public Schools
Students & Staff

SPS Mental Health Challenge Week

Daily, we should make time to care for ourselves and strengthen our mental health
wellness. Join in a week of being mindfulness to care for your needs and your mental
This week you are encouraged to complete a healthy activity each day to strengthen your
knowledge of caring for yourselves and strengthening your mental health wellness while
building your resilience. Questions to ask yourself: What are some ways we can take care
of our overall health (physical self, emotional self, cognitive or brain, and our spirituality)?
Daily, what are some things you do to take care of yourself?

Monday – Emotional Wellness: Expressing the Emotions of

Kindness, Patience, and Compassion
Be mindful to go out of your way to be extra kind, patient and show compassion
towards yourself and others. What does kindness look like, sound like, and feel like?
How will you practice patience today? Try extra hard to remain calm. Compassion is
intentionally listening to others and showing someone acts of kindness by trying to
understand others actions or life situation.
Kindness Plan: I will use kind thoughtful words and actions today as I interact with
others. I will think kind and positive thoughts about myself and others.
Patience Plan: Today I will try hard to remain calm when interacting with others or
problem solving by (taking deep breaths, counting to 10, focus on the issue not the
person, meditating or using another technique).
Compassion Plan: Today I will intentionally observe others and be kind to them with
my words and actions.
Tuesday – Physical Health: Eating Healthy Foods and Be Active
The foods and drinks are fuel for our body and impact our health. Today be
intentional in the food and drink choices your make. Plan to have foods and drinks
that are delicious, healthy and low in sugar. Be mindful of the quantity or how much
you are eating. Don’t forget to drink lots of water. Our body also needs to move to be
strong. Take a few minutes to be active today by remembering to get up and move.
Wednesday – Creativity for your Spirit
Being creative has a powerful impact on our health and well-being. The arts (painting,
drawing, sewing, coloring, dancing, writing, knitting, wood working, pumpkin
carving, decorating for the holidays, plus many other creative ideas can help you stay
healthy. Do something creative today that involves the arts.
Thursday – Uplift your Spirit with Laughter
Laughter is a good way to decrease your stress and help you have a positive outlook on
life. Today is tell a joke or funny story day. What can you do to help others smile?
What is your favorite knock-knock joke? Have you ever noticed that you can’t be
mad when laughing or smiling? Maybe you could wear a comical mask to school
(Example: Wear a smiling mask).
Be mindful of when and where you should tell a joke (timing is important) and the
content of your joke should be age-appropriate for your audience.
Friday – Giving Back and/or Being Grateful:
Helping others without being asked is good for us. It shows we care about others. It is
also a good practice to show gratitude towards others for the help they give us in our
lives. Do you know someone who shares their wisdom and life experiences with you?
Have you thought of the many ways your family members, friends, educators and
community members help you? Some help provide for your needs (food, clothing,
shelter, and connections like friendship) and others might mentor, coach, or teach you
skills. Today is your day to intentionally thank others and show gratitude to them.
You might leave them gratitude notes on paper or virtually message them, you could
verbally show your appreciation, and maybe you could help them with something, or
make time for them to show your appreciation.
I am so grateful that you do/are ______________.
I am grateful to you for _____________________.
I think it’s great the way you_________________.

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