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Critical thinking and reflective practice

(EDU 406)
Spring 2020
Assignment no. 2


(a) Write down brief summary of article:

Critical reflection is the process of analyzing , questioning and reconsidering of experiences and
most of the Teachers often think that critical and reflective thinking practices should be taught to
them by experts, but they actually don’t know as well that how to get taught and how to use
reflective practices actually in the class. There is a dire need of incorporation of critical thinking
in the classroom, but unfortunately this concept was not researched properly in the past, which is
pathetic. This research paper “Reflective thinking and teaching practices by S Chee Choy and
Pau San oo” is a best effort to stimulate links between critical and reflective thinking. This study
was conducted in 2012 over 60 participants and they were supposed to answer that how they
perceive reflective practices and skills and how they use them. Most of the teachers think that
reflection is a primary activity and it takes place before taking action in the class but actually it's
not. This thinking of teachers about reflective practices is hindering them to handle situations as
a quick fix.

Here the gap appeared between their teaching and what they are practicing in the class. Which
teachers are more aware and know to access what actually they know they also aware that how to
fill this gap, and here critical thinking and reflective practice can lead them in this direction of
self-awareness. There are 4 learning steps which ware necessary to follow to become a critical,
reflective practitioner; Speculation analysis, contingent awareness, inactive speculation and
reflective cynicism. These four steps always indicative to reflective practices and unfortunately
teachers ignore them and that’s why critical thinking is minimal in the teaching profession.
Actually teachers are closely influenced by the beliefs, values and their worldwide views.
That’s why the main focus of teacher in knowing that how their students are assessing them, but
not how actually they are giving to their students, which is a big reason of their poor (not
progressive) teaching performance in the class which is causing a decrease in their efficacy in the
classroom and also indicates to their low level of metacognition. Research also proved that those
teachers who have higher level of self-efficacy they also have higher level of metacognition and
they can change and alter their way to attain goals. Prior experience, teacher’s vision, available
resources and sense of responsibility of social change are the drivers of higher level of self-
efficacy. It is highlighted that critical thinking need socialization are demanding reflection on the
behalf of learners. Therefore it is obvious that reflection toward lessons would also effect critical
thinking skills of the students.

Almost every higher education institute knows the importance of addition of critical thinking
curriculum in their curriculum and they are taking steps towards it. Research also proved that
those students are also failed to think critically because their teachers dot teach them that how to
resolve problems critically which requires a certain effort of critical reflection. Bloom taxonomy
is important for student’s development and teachers are failed to incorporating these levels in
their teaching. Main research question s of this study are if teachers are practicing reflective
practices in the classrooms or not and how they perceive their teaching and teaching reflective
practices? Study was both quantitative and qualitative in nature. This research paper was actually
about that, what are the preferences of teachers and why their critical and reflective practices are
so low and not focusing on how to increase critical thinking practices s class and how to each
them to be reflective practitioners in the class and how to increase their lesson's
efficacy and metacognition level.

(b) Write any 5 practices which you will adopt in your teaching practice.
Explain why you want to adopt them.

Teacher’s teaching practices are really important to improve teaching process and help teachers
to cope with daily life and professional life challenges. These practices are the actual source to
shape their students learning tracks, motivation and achievements. Being a teacher I would prefer
to adopt those teaching practices in in my classroom which cause ultimate positive impact of
student’s learning and achievements. Some of those practices are given below; let’s have a look
1. Subject/ Teacher clarity:

Clarity is the fundamental factor which directly leads t learning process. First of clarity of
subject should be insure by the teacher and then teacher should clearly deliver the knowledge
to their students. Being a teacher it would be my first priority to learn my students in easy
and clear way with giving them practical life examples and experiences. I would ask
questions again and again to my students regarding the delivered lecture and try to enter in
their heads to insure that they are learning properly or not and try to mend their false

2. Class room discussions:

Delivery of clear concept by teacher is not enough there is always a space for more
knowledge. Class discussions are the best source to unfold more opinions. I would always
welcome to class discussions about the derived lecture and activity. As research proved that
peer learning is more effective than teacher learning. When students discuss with each other,
they talk with each other according to their cognitive level which helps to clear the concept
effectively and efficiently. During discussions I will also participate to avoid
misunderstanding and misconceptions by the students.

3. Timely and constructive Feedback:

Its human nature that we want feedback of our actions by others. Students also want feedback
from their teacher. And this feedback is actually the driver of student’s performance. Being a
teacher I would always try to give feedback in positive way to my students, even to the poor
students as well. Because I know when teachers give negative feedback to their week
students this demotivate and dishearten them. Which leads to worse performance in the
future. Positive and accurate feedback always leads to good performance and student’s
interest level in learning as well so be positive and avoid try to turn negative in to positive as
well by giving constitutive comments.
4. Formative assessment:

When teachers focus of summative assessment it’s important to focus upon formative
assessment as well. Being a teacher I would insure informative assessment of my students
during learning by asking different questions like please stop for a while and write 2 to 3
lines what you have learned till now in today’s class. And then I will try to assess either they
are getting my teaching in right way or not. If yes then I will continue to teach in the same
way and if they are not getting my point in the right direction then I will try to change my
teaching methodology to insure the effective learning by the students.

5. Collaborate with my colleagues:

It is not necessary that all teaching practices takes place in the classroom and with the
students. Best teachers also try to discover and amend their teaching practices outside the
class. And collaboration with other teachers is the best way to know about explore about
different new teaching methodologies and know about the different student behaviors and
responses towards different teaching styles. And being a teacher I would love to discuss my
teaching style and student learning behaviors with my colleagues’ and this also will help me
out to reflect my teaching practices and will lead to better teaching methods.

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