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Applying Allocation

Time after school Time spent

Instant Zone Taking a nap

6 hours in a day
Binge eating

Watching reality TV

Lasting Zone Riding a bike

3hrs in a day

Watching a documentary

1. Are you surprised by how you are allocating your time? What are you observing?

No, I am not surprised. I know the way that I allocate my time isn’t the most healthy oe
productive method.

2. Are there any things you need to eliminate from the Instant Zone? Yes binge eating and
even taking less naps, those are what take sup most of my time.

Now that you understand the benefits of staying in the Lasting Zone and know how to plan
your time to do so, look at the following questions and reflect on the answers. Use your
responses to figure out how to spend even more time in the Lasting Zone.

What are my biggest time wasters? How can I reduce them? My biggest time waters are
napping, I can start drinking coffee to get out of the groove of sleeping so much. Also, binge
eating, it is not really a time waster but it does not need to happen.

What is one important thing I have been putting off? One important thing I have been putting
off is scanning through all of my classes to see what I have to turn in, and completing

What sorts of activities totally energize me? Where can they be scheduled to keep that energy
going? Going biking and listening to podcast energize me, sometimes at the same time. This
activity can be scheduled with my lasting zone because they are a productive time spent.

What sorts of activities completely drain me? How can they be scheduled so I can maintain a
strong, steady work flow? The activities that drain me are studying and napping although I
have to keep studying. Studying I can make them easier right after I do my homework. Also,
with napping I can just sleep earlier.

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