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3 - AJ, ace high OOP isolation – Standard Line

Nick: Correct. 6 BB is a good sizing for isolating limpers out of position preflop. The flop c-
bet is standard. We play OOP isolation pots as we would play OOP 3bet pots as the

The low/non-interactive turn card is a hotspot to double barrel. We are never bluffing on

the river out of position after B-B because we expect that villain has already overfolded
the weak hands in his range.
1.4 - AQs, ace high 3bet OOP – Standard Line

Nick: This is a fold to the flop raise. Normally we have more than enough equity to
continue with a gutter, BDFD, and two over cards, but that assumes we have implied odds.
Our implieds are slashed at this SPR so we must fold.

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