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READING Read the article and choose the sentence, a or b, that best describes the main point,

a. Companies that receive no complaints offer the best service

b. It's good for companies to receive complaints.

Read the article again, Are the statements true or false?

1. Australians are correct when they say that the British complain too much.
2. The British aren't very direct when they make complaints.
3. Americans only complain when there is a big problem.
4. British companies don't spend much on service.
5. The Marriott Hotel Group trains its staff to follow a fixed routine when handling complaints.
6. Complaining about bad service in Britain doesn't bring any results.

Getting Better Service

1 ______ 2 ______ 3 ______ 4 _______ 5________
2 Erase the incorrect verbs in italics to complete the text.

If a company doesn't satisfy / offer a customer's needs and he or she

2makes / offers a complaint, the company should respond
immediately and 3 deal with / satisfy the customer's problem.
Businesses that don't try to 4satísfy / handle their customers usually
receive more complaints. If the company s 5 offers / deals with a
refund, the complaining customer will often come back. But if the
company fails to even 6 make / handle an apology, the customer will not
only change to another company, but may also tell other
people about their bad experience.
1 In the first conditional, the verb following if is in the _______________ tense
2 The verb in the other half of the sentence refers to the________________ and is generally formed
with WILL
3 We use the first conditional to talk about the ______________ result of a possible action or event.

Note: If the result is not certain, we use can or could instead of wil1, rneaning 'It's possible'.

1. ___________________________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________________________
4. ___________________________________________________________________
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