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Teacher Education Program

Lesson Plan
Session 2

Teacher Education Candidate: Kristie Najdek Date: February 19, 2020

Subject:Reading Grade Level: 1st and 2nd

Topic: Arctic Animals


The purpose of this lesson is for students to gain a basic understanding of Arctic animals including common
vocabulary, where they live, and what they eat.

2. Student Learning Objectives and Standards

Students will be able to discuss the answers comprehension questions asked from the read aloud.
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RI.1.1: Ask and answer questions about key details in a text.

Students will able to define nine key vocabulary words on the topic of Arctic Animals.
Standard - CC.1.2.1.K: Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning word and phrases based
on grade-level reading and content

Students will be able to describe the location of where Arctic Animals live.
Standard - 7.1.1.B: Describe places in geographic reference in physical features.

Students will be able to write their own fact about a polar bear they learned throughout the session.
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.1.2 Write informative/explanatory texts in which they name a topic, supply some facts
about the topic, and provide some sense of closure.

Students will be able to design their own process artwork based on the facts they learned in today’s session.
Standard - 9.1.V.1.B1: Create works of art and identify art materials, techniques, and processes.

3. Assessment of Student Learning

Pre-assessment The teacher will have students complete a journal entry on the word Arctic. Teacher will
walk around and see what students already know.

Formative assessment The teacher will complete a read aloud on the book Knut, How One Little Polar
Bear Captivated the World. The teacher will introduce the trifold board on Arctic animals with an
interactive vocabulary active and allowing students to explore more what polar bears have, can, and are.

Summative assessment The teacher will see what students learned by having students share their process
art along with the fact they learned about arctic animals.
4. Books, Materials, Resources, Websites, Technology (APA format)

YouTube Videos:
Polar bear

 Journals
 Crayons
 Pencils
 Scissors
 Bins
 Coloring sheets
 Various colors of paint
 Paint brushes
 Polar bear template

 Artic Foxes, Leo Statts
 Artic Tern Migration, Kari Schuetz
 Beluga Whales, Leo Statts
 Endangered Animals of Antarctica and the Artic, Marie Allgor
 Glaciers, Marie Schuh
 Knut How One Little Polar Bear Captivated the World, Julianna, Isabella, and Craig Hatkoff
 Magic School Bus presents Polar Animals, Cynthia O’Brien
 Polar Bears, Cari Meister
 Polar Bear Morning, Lauren Thompson
 The Frigid Artic Ocean, Doreen Gonzales
 Walruses, Jody Sullivan Rake
 What Lives in the Arctic?, Onna Gaarder-Juntti

5. Teaching Strategies

Direct instruction, discussion, sustained silent reading, read aloud, hands-on activity, QAR, YouTube video

6. Sequence of Instructional Delivery and Classroom Management

Introduction—Engage, Motivate, Explore

 To begin session 2, Arctic Animals, the teacher will have students complete their journal prompt on the word
 Then if students finish early they may work on an Artic animal coloring sheet.
 The teacher will walk around and discuss with students individually what they know about the Arctic.
 The teacher will then go around the classroom interviewing students on two more questions.
 What is their favorite animal ?
 What they like to do their free time?
 The teacher will introduce the topic of polar bears and walruses through National Geographic Wild for Kids
YouTube videos.

Body—Explain, Extend, Make Connections

 The teacher will then introduce the trifold on Arctic animals all students will participate in an interactive
vocabulary Velcro activity.
 Followed by a class discussion and Velcro activity on what polar bears can, have, are.
 The teacher will give each student a different vocabulary card and one at a time the teacher will read a different
definition. If a student feels they have the word they will come up to the trifold and place it next to the definition.
 Vocabulary words include: Arctic, walrus, polar bear, arctic hare, caribou, seal, hibernate, blubber, puffin.
 The teacher will complete the same steps for the can, have, are chart.
 The teacher will then introduce the read aloud book Knut How One Little Polar Bear Captivated the World.
Throughout the read aloud the teacher will ask comprehension questions including:
o Page 2: Why did Thomas and Andre take the cubs from their mother?
o Page 4:Would you want to put in the numerous hours to take care of this cub?
o Page 12: If you were Knut what would you be like?
o Page 17: Do you think Knut like being at the zoo and the public seeing him?
o Page 21: How is Thomas feeling now that Knut is older and not spending much time together?
 Students will then have an opportunity to explore their knowledge on Artic animals with silent sustained reading
time. The teacher will instruct students to pick a book from the library that interests them and read it. If time
allows they may trade their book for a new book. The teacher will remind students this is a quiet independent
reading time.

Closure—Evaluate Summarize, Review

 To end our session, the teacher will introduce the activity they will be creating.
 It will be a painting technique called process art. This is where students will place a template down on paper and
paint over it, but every students will come out different and unique.
 When students receive all their materials, they will trace their polar bear with a template.
 Then they will write one fact they learned about arctic animals in the middle of the polar bear. Making sure they
don’t go outside the polar bear.
 Then students will take their polar bear template and place it over their fact with a piece of tape rolled on the
 Students may then choose up to three color of paint, and paint the entire remaining parts of the paper.
 After students finish they will be placed on the back table to dry.
 Once all students are finished and all materials are cleaned up, students will get their projects and take off the
polar bear template.
 The result should leave a white polar bear with their paint all around it and a fact in the middle.
 In order to assess what students have learned, the teacher will have students share the fact they wrote on their
polar bear and show their creation to the class.
 The teacher will then dismiss students for the session.
Day 1: Artic Animals

4:00-4:10: Students arrive, and students will complete journal entry. Teacher will also ask questions three and four
of oral interview.

4:10-4:15: YouTube videos

4:15-4:20: Trifold introduction and vocabulary

4:20-4:30: Read aloud/snack

4:30-4:40: SSR

4:40-4:55: Polar bear activity

4:55-5:00: Sharing projects

Session 1: Vocabulary Words

Walrus Polar Bear Arctic Hare

Arctic Caribou Seal

Hibernate Blubber Puffin

7. Reflections—Question, Analyze, Revise

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