What Is Life For Me? For Me As An Individual

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What is life?

What is life for me? For me as an individual.

Life is a journey, Which starting-BIRTHDAY and destination-
DEATH. Many will say another thing but some people believe
that they understand what life truly is, so they seek success,
money, popularity, they get attached to what they desire and
project in their minds. Some others cling themselves to their
past experiences, fearing thus repeating them. I think that life is
a puppet show, This a gift of GOD, as collective concept, or a
family. This means that we are ready to overcome difficulties
for the good of something. Thus, life is overcoming some
difficulties in order to achieve the ultimate goal. Imagine for a
moment. Just dream that we are not doing anything. Stop in
the middle of a noisy crowd and look around. The world did not
stop. Life continues its course. And people around do not even
notice our stop, unless we stop them from passing by. If we
suddenly just stop our action, then our life will somehow stop.
We don’t know when the master will pull us up. I have never
considered life from the point of view of another person, I have
considered life from my point of view. Life is a journey that is
our responsibility to take a good path. Life is a duty, Be honest
to our duty. Life is a dream. we should play our role well. This a
great gift from GOD. So, we should try to all praise him.

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