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Alicia Villarreal

I grew up in Mexico surrounded by art since I was a child. I would visit museums and local artists’
exhibitions. When I graduated at the Academy of Fine Arts in Saltillo, I decided to move to Italy.
There, my life and perceptions were turned upside down by the influence of the Renaissance
tradition. As time passed, I felt the need to get back to the origins of my Mexican roots, without
leaving behind my fascination for Italian art. So, I began my journey towards a fusion, decoding
and classifying symbolisms from both backgrounds, which are so different in their cultural and
religious aspects.

My work is currently focused on iconographic representations from both cultures. I am trying to

reach a deep comprehension of the different perceptions of life and death indelibly inscribed in both
cultures by modeling and paining ancient ex-votos and religious items from Aztec and Mayan
In doing this, I use, develop and experiment into traditional art techniques such as gilding, the use
of powder pigments, rabbit skin glue or egg tempera. I explore the symbolic use of colors and
materials in order to give my work intensity and energy.

It’s a journey through two cultures far away from each other but so dear to my heart.

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