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Mechanical Engineering Department

Thermal fluid lab

Instructor: EN Mamoun Khdier

Student Name: hussain salh alomary

Section : 11

Experiment Name: head losses

Abstract 5%
Introduction 10%
Theory 10%
Apparatus & procedure
Data & calculations 40%
Tables & figures 10%
Discussion 10%
Conclusion 5%
Total 100%
The head loss that occurs in pipes is dependent on the flow velocity, pipe length and diameter,
and a friction factor based on the roughness of the pipe and the Reynolds number of the flow.
The head loss that occurs in the components of a flow path can be correlated to a piping length
.that would cause an equivalent head loss

In this experiment we are testing the head loss of different types young valves , and we are
testing the head loss in a pipe that is 127 cm long with the same height and with the same inner
. radios so the z and the kinetic energy term is the same on the two sides of the equation

There are two types of losses in fluid studying major losses and minor losses the major losses
come from the friction inside the pipe And depending on flow velocity , pipe length, pipe
dimeter , and friction factor based on the roughness of the pipe and whether the flow is
laminar or turbulent, Minor Losses , the losses that occur in pipelines due to bends, elbows,
joints, valves, etc. are sometimes called minor losses. This is a misnomer because in many cases
these losses are more important than the losses due to pipe friction, we are going to use this

Darcy's Equation:

The frictional head loss can be calculated using a mathematical relationship that is
known as Darcy's equation for head loss. The equation takes two distinct forms. The first
form of Darcy's equation determines the losses in the system associated with the length
of the pipe.

f ∗L 2

f = friction factor (unitless)

L = length of pipe (ft)
D = diameter of pipe (ft)
v = fluid velocity (ft/sec)
g = gravitational acceleration (ft/sec2)
Apparatus & procedure:
we are going to use a 127-centimeter pipe Add measuring the head loss using AU
.shape manometer which has Mercury inside it

The experiment involves a known flow of water through long and small pipes to observe the
head losses. We first tried to calibrate the experimental setup before beginning. This was done
by removing air bubbles from the linings of the tubes connecting the manometer and the pipes.
This was followed by connecting the manometers to the long pipe and setting the flow rate in
the rotameter to the required values and then the change in the height of manometers was
observed in the manometers. This was followed by noting the time it takes to fill 10 liters of
water in the empty tank. We had to repeat the same procedure using the other pipes. The
values of the diameter and the length of the pipes are given in the lab manual. We would find
.the head losses using the above given equations
:Data & calculations
because of the unfortunate events of the global pandemic of coronavirus we have to take the
data from our instructor not collecting it by our self and this is the data as given from my

:From Bernoulli equation between point one and two

1 1
P 1+ + Z = P 2+ +Z + h
2 ρ ¿v 1 1 2ρ ¿v2 2 l

Since the velocity and the elevation is equal.

hl =P1−P2=ρ∗g∗h

Where the ρ=( ρmer −ρ wat )

Pipe number 7:
D=0.009m l=1.27m

Δp cm Time for 1 letter

23 4.3
6.5 8.75
3.6 12.47
0 49.3
r2 0.001 Q 1000∗V∗d
A=π Q= V = ℜ=
4 t A 8.4∗10−4

64 2∗9.81∗Δp∗d∗12593 12593∗Δp
F ( laminar )= ℜ F (tubnal )= head loss=
L∗1000∗v 2

A=3.53∗10−3 Q=2.36∗10−4 V =0.0669 ℜ=358.39 F ( laminar ) =0.1786

head loss= =2.89639 m

Pipe number6:
Δp cm Time for 1 letter
2 49.6
D=0.0016m l=1.27m

A=6.283∗10−3 Q=2.0161∗10−5 V =3.2088∗10−3 ℜ=¿384.019

F ( laminar )=0.1666 head loss=0.25186

Pipe number 8:
D=16mm l=2.15m

Δp cm Time for 1 letter

12 49.6

A=6.283∗10−3 Q=2.0161∗10−5 V =3.2088∗10−3 ℜ=¿384.019

F ( laminar )=0.1666 head loss=1.5116 m

Valve number 16(gate valve):

Δp cm Time for 1 letter
0.1 49.6

0.001 4∗Q 1000∗V∗d 2∗9.8∗Δ p∗12953

Q= V= ℜ= k=
t π∗d 2
V 2∗1000

head loss=

Q=2.0161∗10−3 V =0.1604 ℜ=305.523 k =7.61∗10−6

Valve number 16(needle valve):

Δp cm Time for 1 letter
16 49.6

Q=2.0161∗10−3 V =0.1604 ℜ=305.523 k =1578.8384

As we saw during the experiment the more dimeter in the pipe the easier and less
head loss there is and the Elbows and valves reduce the pressure by considerable

The values for resistance that we obtained for the long pipe are almost consistent with the
values in the literature (Moody`s Chart). We educated through this experiment that there is an
head loss in each pipe due to internal friction of the pipes. The experiment is precise and gives
us a good idea of the head losing in pipes.

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