Abstract. Sustainability-Oriented Innovation: A Systematic Review

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Sustainability-oriented Innovation: A Systematic Review

The main aims of this work is to presents a classification of practices organized around the themes of about
sustainability and the process to pursued this goal in the Firm environments. , and at the same time We shall
review maps the state of the art in a given frame of time.

Over the past twenty years, we have assisted at seen a growing concern about the over-consumption of natural
resources, environmental degradation and social inequality. This has worked as a wake-up call for public
opinion, that has begun to demanded companies to take more responsibility and make an effort for a change.
This phenomenon began in 1987, immediately after the World Commission on Environment and Development’s
Brundtland report, with the idea that sustainable development is a ‘development that meets the needs of the
present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs ’. The objective was to
make this became more mainstream.

This paper present the evidence on sustainability-oriented innovation (SOI) through identifying, analyzing and
synthesizing companies’ best practices and processes, in order to offer a range of methodology on becoming and
being sustainable. To achieve this, result the authors adopt a new review approach involving three stages:

Stage 1: Developing an initial ‘architecture’ for reviewing SOI. In doing so, authors focalize on two aspect:
1) Firms innovation activities of firms (they give a statistic framework); 2) the contexts of SOI (they
cover theories of sustainability management).

Stage 2: Systematic review of SOI, through the collection of research material

Stage 3: Framework synthesis whereby results are categorized and divided into 5 points: strategy, process,
learning, linkages and innovative organization.

The interesting aspect of This paper is to does not claim to be a stages model, which is not even conceivable
given the difference variety and the extent of the references. Instead, the authors offer a scientific model. As if
they were in a lab, they characterized the references using by a flexible matrix, in which is possible that allows
to generate concepts and theories and investigate elaborate solutions to be adopted by companies.

Following on from this point. In conclusion, the authors highlight the urgency of for new managers to
understand how their vision effects the real world works in a practical sense. The authors try to inspire the
change, since policies by themselves without implantation are not a sufficient conditions to achieve


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