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• The term Sociology is defined differently by various authors as
The study of social behaviour, group The study of the formation and
interaction and relationships, and social transformation of groups and the
structures – how social relations arise, relationship of groups and group
develop and how they are sustained. members with one another.

The study of associations in terms

of participation and cohesion, and
dissociations in terms of conflict.

The study of the various social

interactions, activities,
associations, conflicts, roles and
other social phenomena in society.

Herbert Spencer Karl Marx


• The word Sociology was first used by

Augustine Comte (1798-1857).

• Comte combined the Latin word Socius

meaning sharing in a group with the Greek
word logos meaning Science.

• He therefore defined the subject as the

Science of Society.

• Before Comte’s initiatives to make Sociology

autonomous, social phenomena were studied
as part of philosophy, religion and politics
In the 19th century however, there were
certain conditions which appeared to give rise
to Sociology as a distinct discipline. aeedeconomics1/auguste-

• Socially, there was the recognition that
problems such as poverty which
became rampant during and after the
industrial revolution period, were
social in nature and not natural.
• There was concern also about the
social order and how to maintain it
especially during and after the French
• Within those recognitions and
concerns it was thought that natural
science methods could be adapted to
study the extent of the social problems
and provide knowledge to facilitate
social reforms.
• These views encouraged the growth of
a sociological approach to
understanding the society and
subsequently to sociology as a distinct
science of society.

• Philosophical historians like Karl Marx, Augustine
Comte, Herbert Spencer, and others were
changing interest from writing about political
society and finding new interest in the study of
industrial society.
• Themes like the family, the nature of society,
population, social institutions and development
were gaining ground in sociological writing.
• From these humble beginnings, sociology as a
discipline has steadily grown in scope and
• It is now a discipline which specializes in studying
key social institutions as well as gauging the social
value of services provided viz. hunger
eradication, nutrition programmes, health and
hygiene, family planning programmes, etc.
• In view of its current expansion and extensive use,
Sociology covers a variety of areas in its expression
of general knowledge, research, problem solving.

Sociology of architecture is the sociological study of the built environment and the role and
occupation of architects in modern societies.

built environment
places and spaces
The human- created or
made space modified by
in which people including
people live, buildings, parks,
work, and and transportation
recreate on systems
a day-to-day
basis recent definition
healthy food
access, community
gardens, mental
health, walkability,
and bike ability

Map of Miletus

Early concepts of built environment of Hippodamus of Miletus, known as the "father of urban
planning, developed Greek cities from 498 BC to 408 BC that created order by using grid plans
that mapped the city.

Nature of Sociology

Sociology is an independent science. Sociology like any other discipline have its own area of study and not fully
dependent on other discipline.
Sociology is a social science not a physical science. Social sciences focus on various aspect of human society while
physical sciences deal with natural phenomena. Thus Sociology is a social science as it deals with man and his social
Sociology is a categorical and not a normative discipline. Sociology is value-free. It is only interested in ‘what is’ and not
‘what should be’ or ‘ought to be’.
Sociology is pure science and not an applied science. As a Pure science it is only interested in acquisition of knowledge,
it has nothing to do with application of that knowledge. Like Physics is a pure science while engineering is its application.
Sociology is relatively an abstract science and not a concrete science. It studies the society in an abstract (Theoretical
not physical) way. Like, Sociology is not interested in particular families but in family as a social institution that exists in
all societies.
Sociology is a generalising science and not a particularising science. Sociology is not interested in particular events
rather it studies events in a general way. Example: History study French Revolution but Sociology will be interested in
revolutions in general.
Sociology is a general science and not a special social science. Like Economy or Political Science, Sociology does not
focus on only one aspect of human activity. As it has to deal with society it includes all aspects of human life in a general
Sociology is both a rational and an empirical science. It studies the social phenomena in scientific way. It is based on
reason (logic), observation and experimentation.

Scope of Sociology
Scope means the subject matter or the areas of study or the boundaries of a subject. What we have to study in a
particular subject is known as its scope. Every science has its own field of inquiry. It becomes difficult to study a science
systematically unless its boundary or scope is determined precisely. Sociology as a social science has its own scope or

• Scope of Sociology is very narrow and limited. It need not study all the events connected with social science.
• Sociology studies the social relationships. Furthermore only forms of social relationships are to be studied and not
its content.
• Sociology also focuses on the mental and psychic relationship which links men together in society.
• Aim of sociology is to interpret and understand social behaviour.

• Social Morphology: deals with population (social structure, social groups and institutions)
• Social Control: deals with formal and informal means of social control such as customs, traditions, morals, religion,
law, court etc.
• Social Process: different modes of social interaction (conflict, cooperation, isolation, integration etc.)
• Social Pathology: social mal-adjustment and social problems like poverty, beggary, unemployment, overpopulation
• General Sociology: philosophical part of sociology. Its function is formulation of general social laws.

Social Behaviour Social Relationships

Social Structure Social Institutions
Social Processes Social Control
Social Change Social Stratification
Social System etc.


1. Technologies of the self, which permit individuals to effect by their own means or with the help
of others a certain number of operations on their own bodies and souls, thoughts, conduct, and
way of being, so as to transform themselves in order to attain a certain state of happiness,
purity, wisdom, perfection, or immortality.

2. From another perspective, a cyborg world might be about lived social and bodily realities in
which people are not afraid of their joint kinship with animals and machines, not afraid of
permanently partial identities and contradictory standpoints.

3. Does not fulfill himself in his work but denies himself, has a feeling of misery rather than wellbeing,
does not develop freely his mental and physical energies but is physically exhausted and
mentally debased.

4. A cyborg body is not innocent; it was not born in a garden; it does not seek unitary identity and
so generate antagonistic dualisms without end (or until the world ends); it takes irony for

5. The cyborg appears in myth precisely where the boundary between human and animal is
transgressed. Far from signalling a walling off of people from other living beings, cyborgs signal
disturbingly and pleasurably tight coupling.

6. This fact expresses merely that the object which labour produces — labour's product —
confronts it as something alien, as a power independent of the producer.

7. By the public sphere we mean first of all a realm of our social life in which something
approaching public opinion can be formed. Access is guaranteed to all citizens. A portion of the
public sphere comes into being in every conversation in which private individuals assemble to
form a public body.

8. External control and the threat of punishment are not the only means for bringing about effort
toward organizational objectives. Man will exercise self-direction and self-control in the service
of objectives to which he is committed.

9. Sociology studies society in a scientific way. Before the emergence of sociology, there was no
systematic and scientific attempt to study human society with all its complexities.

10. Sociology throws more light on the social nature of man. Sociology evolves deep into
the social nature of man. It tells us why man is a social animal, why he lives in groups,
communities and societies. It examines the relationship between individual and society, the
impact of society on man and other matters.

11. Sociology throws more light on the social nature of man. Sociology evolves deep into
the social nature of man. It tells us why man is a social animal, why he lives in groups,
communities and societies. It examines the relationship between individual and society, the
impact of society on man and other matters.

14. The contribution of sociology is not less significant in enriching culture. Sociology has
given training to us to have rational approach to questions concerning ourselves, our religion,
customs, mores, institutions, values, ideologies etc. It has made us to become more objective,
rational, critical and dispassionate.

15. Sociological knowledge is necessary for understanding and planning of society. Social
planning has been made easier by 'sociology.


As sociology is considered a very popular and fast growing science came into existence (only
after 1839 AD) is vast and broad discipline. It has lots of specialists so that we can divide it into
various sub-divisions on the basis of its contents.
Theoretical Sociologist
It includes micro theory or small/middle/large theory. The theories of Karl Marx, August Cimte,
Max Wever, Emmile Durkhaim, Sorokin, etc are studied under the theories of sociology.
Eg. The theories of “Economic determinism” and the theory of “Class Struggle” of Karl Marx.
Eg. “Theory of Sucide” by Emmile Durkhaim.

Historical Sociology
It is the study of social facts and social groups. It studies the background of any social events.
How and when different social groups or organizations originated ?
Eg. The history of Hindu, Roman, Greek, etc. and other major civilizations were studied by P.A.

Sociology of Knowledge
The newly emerged branch of sociology indicates that our knowledge is the product of social
phenomena. This means our knowledge is always influenced by society. The economic religious
political and other intrests save the human belief and idea.

This branch of sociology studies the criminal behavior of individuals or groups. Origin of crime
its types nature, causes as well as law, punishment, police, etc. come under this study, The
efforts for the improvement is also studied.
Different organizations establish to control the crime as well as their role also come under its

Sociology of Religion
This branch studies the structure of the religion in social system as no society is free from the
influence of it. It analyses the social behavior of human beings. It also studies the religious
constitutions and their role in the society.
Augste Comte, Emmile Durkheim, Herbet Spencer did the study of elementary forms of religious

Sociology of Economy
This branch of sociology studies production, distribution, consumption and exchange of goods
and services.
This branch also studies the economic activities of the society in which the focus is given about
the socio-cultural factors. The access in production, the mode of distribution, the real
consumers, the role of culture in such activities are studied under it.
Eg.. “Why Hindus don’t eat Cow?”

Rural Sociology
This branch of sociology studies the way of life of rural people as the rural population is higher
than the urban. The patterns of life such as behavior, belief, culture, tradition norms, values, etc.
are totally different than of urban people. So, it studies the rural society in scientific way. It also
studies rural life, social institutions, social structure, social processes, etc. of the rural society.

Urban Sociology
This branch of sociology studies the way of life of urban people. It gives information about the
social organizations and instution of urban society as well as social structure and social
interaction. It also studies the social pathology of urban society such as discrimination) crime,
corruption, robbery, beggary, loot, theft, unemployment, prostitution, environmental pollution,

Political Sociology
This branch of sociology studies different political moments of the society. It includes the study
of different political ideology (view), their origin, development and functions. In this study,
different political parties are considered as social institutions. Various activities and behavior of
political parties are studied in this branch. As they are the part of social system.

Sociology of Demography
Demography of scientific mathematical and statically study of population. It studies about size,
situation, composition, density, distribution, and measurement etc. of the population.
In this branch of sociology, we study the distribution of human population with the analysis of
population change in sociological perspectives. It also finds out the determining factors of
population change and its trend.

Sociology of Law
Sociology of law and legal system are considered as the part of society, as social institution. Law
is one of the very important means of social control. Law is related with other different social
sub systems. Such as economy, nature of distribution, authority, structure of family kinship
relationships, etc. So, this branch of sociology is related to moral order for the society as
formulation and implementation of rules and regulations, law and order come under this.

Industrial Sociology
This branch of sociology is concerned with the industrial relationship of the human beings. It
studies the different industrial organizations and institutions. As well as their interrelationship
and links with other various institutions of society. It also studies the inter relationships of
industrial institutions with various aspects of human life such as culture, beliefs, customs,
religion or the way of life.

Besides the above mentioned various branches of sociology, other different branches are
also emerging day by day as sociology is a very broad social science. Some of their names
are listed below:

Sociology of Family
Sociology of Race
Sociology of Occupation
Sociology of Art
Sociology of literature
Sociology of Peace
Sociology of Development
Sociology of Military
Sociology of Culture
Sociology of Planning
Sociology of Moment
Sociology of Psychology
Sociology of Differentiation
Sociology of Stratification, etc.

Relation of Sociology and its branches to architecture and the built environment


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