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Effective Schools Observation

Artifact: Empathy and Community

Mackenzie Smith 11/17/20 EDU 205 - 47

Learning Environment Examples

How does the teacher provide strong leadership?

The teachers provide strong leadership by encouraging the students to thrive in the loving
nature and positive environment that is provided. The teachers do guide their students
gracefully into the many important lessons that are taught within the school community.

Is there a clear School Mission? Is the Mission Evidence in the classroom practice?

The video begins with the principal, Julia Zuckerman, explaining how Castle Bridge School is a
small public elementary school that is dual-language, progressive, inclusive, and integrative.
The intention is to have everyone there. They have a very democratic and equity-seeking
mission. Castle Bridge represents the bridge into relationships, abilities, etc. It is evident in the
classrooms: students learn in both Spanish and English and are brought together by lessons
about different countries and topics that all are able to benefit from.

Does the teacher provide a safe and orderly climate?

The teachers provide a safe and orderly climate by being open to all students, no matter what
nationality, ethnicity, race, sexuality they are. They are always helping each of the students
thrive and grow to be respectful and helpful human beings in the world. The teachers are
welcoming and inviting to all who attend, creating a positive environment for the students to
feel safe in.

How does the teacher monitoring student progress?

Students share their work at weekly recitals. It is exciting to see all types of students figuring
out a way to present their assignment, even if their setbacks and disabilities are trying to stop

How does the teacher use Differentiated Instruction?

Since the school is dual-language, often lessons are taught in both languages with many
activities to go along with them. There is great use of a lot of different types of visual, hands-on
activities within their classes as well. It is seen during the science class, they are planting seeds
in soil that was put in containers. Lessons are taught on the white board as well, correlating to
visual learners. In addition, the students choose to create performances while they are learning
about a certain topic. In this particular video, it was discussed that the students were learning
about immigration and people at the border.
How does the school represent democracy and equity?

To begin, community sing is a way they start each week where the whole school comes together
as a community. They sing to create harmony with each other, in hopes to bring the students
together and to connect with one another. The principal and school want this school to be a
place where everyone can come together and work on things, “regardless of what their
intellectual capabilities are, what their emotional or physical challenges are”.

Other observations about the class that you may have:

The students within the classes seemed very intrigued and interested in what they were
learning about. They seem very devoted to their work and their overall goal of making the
world a better place is present within the lessons they are learning at school.

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