Apple Muffin: Apple Muffin Resepi Asal... Apple Strudel Muffins Bahan A

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Apple Muffin

Resepi asal...Apple Strudel Muffins

Bahan A
300 g tepung gandum
1 s/k baking powder
1/2 s/k baking soda
1 s/k serbuk kayu manis [cinnamon]
sikit garam
190 g green apple dadu kecil
2 s/b kismis
2 s/b coklat chips

115 g butter ( or margarine ) kakliza used butter

100 g gula kastor
100 g gula perang
3 biji telur
1 s/k vanilla

1. Pukulkan butter , gula, dan telur sehingga sebati. Masukkan esen vanilla.
2. Ayakkan tepung, baking powder, soda bikarbonat dan serbuk kayu manis. 3.
Masukkan epal dadu, kismis dan coklat chips. Gaulkan rata.
4. Masukkan dalam adunan butter dan gaulkan dengan senduk kayu.
5. Sudukan adunan dalam papercup dan bakar dalam pre-heat oven pada suhu 180'C
selama 25 minit.
6. sejukkan dan hiaskan mengikut kesukaan sendiri.

Serve warm
Recipe yeilds 20 muffins

TIPS dari Zack: To make muffins that have fruits in it, make sure you add the
diced/sliced fruits into the dry ingredients and mix it well until all the fruits are
covered in flour. This will make sure the fruits are distributed evenly in the
muffins when baked.
4. Make a well in the bowl containing the dry ingredients and pour in the wet
mixture. Fold as
gently,quickly and as even as possible.

TIPS: In order to make great fluffy

muffins, DON'T OVERMIX your dry ingredients and your wet ingredients. After both
are mixed, the batter should be lumpy and NOT RUNNY .
5. Scoop in a prepared muffin pan, greased at the bottom side with
butter/margarine. To scoop out
batter, use an ice-cream scoop as a tool .
6. Bake in a preheated oven of 180 degress C for 20-25 minutes. Once baked take
out from muffin pan as soon as possible, and leave to cool on wire rack. This is to
avoid the muffins from getting soggy when cooled.

Vanilla Muffin

Bahan-bahan ( 2 dozen muffin )

 8 tbsp mentega, dicairkan
 4 cawan tepung
 2 cawan gula
 2 cawan susu segar
 4 tbsp baking powder
 1 tsp garam
 2 biji telur
 1 tbsp esen vanilla

1.Pukul Gula & Telur. Gaulkan kesemua bahan hingga sebati.
2.Isikan adunan tadi kedalam bekas muffin.
3. Panaskan oven 5 min.
Bakar selama 20minit/180

Blueberry Muffin
300 gm self-raising flour
150 gm gula kastor
15 gm susu tepung
90 gm telur (anggaran 2 bj telur saiz B)
120 gm butter
165 gm air
30 gm madu
sedikit perasa vanila

Inti : Buah blueberi


1. Panaskan oven pada 180C

2. Pukul gula, susu tepung, butter dan madu hingga kembang.

3. Masukkan telur perlahan-lahan hingga habis

4. Ayak tepung dan masukkan ke dalam adunan bersilih ganti dgn air hingga habis.

5. Kisar bersama buah blueberi. Saya pakai blueberi filling.........just letak kat atas je.

6. Letakkan adunan dlm acuan muffin. Masukkan ke oven dan bakar selama 20-25 minit.
List of Muffin Recipe

1. Muffin Coklat Walnut (viewed 21727 times)

2. Muffin Coklat Chip (viewed 21581 times)

3. Muffin Blueberry (viewed 16942 times)

4. Cheese Choco Muffin (viewed 13154 times)

5. Chocolate Chips Muffin Nigella Lawson (viewed 11523 times)

6. White Choc, Banana and Blueberry Cupcakes (viewed 11307 times)

7. Chocolate Chips Muffin (viewed 10820 times)

8. Choc Chip Banana Muffin (viewed 10754 times)

9. Banana Muffin (viewed 10440 times)

10. Dark Chocolate Muffin (viewed 9001 times)

11. Lemon Cream Cheese Cupcakes (viewed 8900 times)

12. Double Chocolate Muffin (viewed 8414 times)

13. Chocolate Walnut Cupcakes (viewed 8064 times)

14. Apam aka Muffin Pisang Coklat (viewed 7489 times)

15. Choc Chip Cream Cheese Muffin (viewed 7266 times)

16. Nutella Banana Muffins (viewed 7105 times)

17. Triple Choc. Muffin (viewed 6711 times)

18. Banana Chocolate Chip (viewed 6476 times)

19. Muffin Coklat Walnut (viewed 6353 times)

20. Macadamia Nut Chocolate Chips Muffin (viewed 6140 times)

21. Chocolate Almond Cherry Muffins (viewed 5719 times)

22. Nuttela Frosted Choc Chip Muffin (viewed 5281 times)

23. Mango Muffin (viewed 5186 times)

24. Banana Chocolate Muffin (viewed 5075 times)

25. Sour Blueberry Muffin (viewed 4942 times)

26. American Sticky Prune Muffin (viewed 4733 times)

27. Hazel Nut Chocolate Chip Banana Muffin (viewed 4726 times)

28. Muffin Nangka (viewed 4724 times)

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