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You are using your and You have just passed the state bar

You are using your wireless device to locate a restaurant. Suddenly, a large flashing skull-and-
crossbones appears on your screen and a menacing laugh plays. Seconds later your device
has been wiped clean. You are the victim of a cybercrime. If caught, can the cybercriminal

You are using your wireless device to locate a restaurant. Suddenly, a large flashing skull-and-
crossbones appears on your screen and a menacing laugh plays. Seconds later your device
has been wiped clean. You are the victim of a cybercrime. If caught, can the cybercriminal that
destroyed your device’s data be brought to justice, regardless of jurisdiction?

To prepare for this Assignment, examine a law that addresses cybercriminal (e.g., hackers,
spammers, or cyber terrorists) offenses.

For this Assignment, write a 1- to 2-page paper in APA format that:

Explains the law’s key elements, especially those related to jurisdiction and sentencing.
Analyzes the jurisdictional aspects of cybercrime related to bringing cybercriminals to
justice. Provide an example in which this law might apply.

You have just passed the state bar exam and are now officially an attorney. As a reward, the
junior partner has assigned you a case. Your client is a popular band named Pixel the Pony.
The band’s manager, Hub “The Hippo,” and record producer, Mac “The Meerkat” are in your
office. Hub explains that the band’s new single “Pony Express” is being distributed illegally by
music lovers on the Internet in mp3 format. He discusses at length the substantial time and
costs the band incurred creating this original work.

Once he finishes, Mac shows you spreadsheets detailing costs, expenses, and projected

profits. She feels that the illegal distribution (via peer-to-peer networks [P2P]) will result in the
record label losing significant income. Hub and Mac want the distributions to stop immediately
and those responsible held accountable. So far, the record label’s investigators have
determined that illegal distribution has occurred in the United States and abroad.

For this Assignment, write a 3- to 4 -page paper in APA format that:

Specifies which U.S. intellectual property, digital rights management, and/or property
laws apply to this case
Enables your case as a consideration in the purview of "fair use" under the law
Proposes remedies the law provides for the enlisted violations
Addresses how your client’s expected revenues will be adversely impacted
Discusses legal remedies that you will be seeking on behalf of your client
Briefly addresses possible international jurisdictional problems



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