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~arberth, Pennsylvania, September 4, 1931 Price, Five Cents
Volume 17, No. 48
.. , •
Championship Baseball Teams and Playground Directors



-Our Town Photos.

The Wildcats and the Cardinals, champions in the jurlior and senior baseball leagues at the playground, snapped at the annual "Play Day" last Friday when
cups were presented to these teams. In the front row, the Wildcats, winners 0/ the junior league, from left to right: Billy Leahy, Eddie Dixon, Eddie Curran, Sam
White, Ellis Wright (captain); Jack Kane, Teddy Finn, Jack Cl,ain and Francis Coradetti. .
In the back row, the Cardinals, senior league champions, from left to right: E. Weiss, Bob Gilroy, Francis Dixon, Dave Stroup, Eddie Burgess, Jack Shea,
Paul Kane and John Gallagher. c.,.~,!ain Bob Wright and Pete Curran, of the Cardinals, were absent when the picture was taken as were Joe O'Conner, Jack Weir
and Bill Miller, of the Wildcats.
In the other photo are shown Allan B. Weatherall (left), director of the playground, and his assistants, Miss Marietta Bach and Charles McGowan.

Games, Prizes, Feature Community Building Local Candidates Boosted, Organization

Annual tPlay Day' Addition to Provide Rapped at Political Meeting in Borough
Showers at Playground
Two Hundred and Fifty Boys Baby Falls 20 Feet-Unhurt Stites Describes UCourthouse
\Vork is well under wayan an addi-
and Girls Participate in tion to the Narberth Community Build- BiI1y Dougherty, two-ycar-old son of
Ring"; Boyd Visits
ing at thc rear which will provide Mr. and ~Irs. J amps P. Dougherty, of Meeting
showers and toilet facilitics for thc
225 \Vitliams Avenue, Narberth, fell
childrcn at the playg-round.
DR. KING GIVES AWARDS twenty fcet from a sccond story win- PLAN WOMEN'S GROUP
Just thc basement room will hc com-
plcted this fall. but it is planned to add dow to the ground on Wednesday but
Scventy mcn of thc Borough
Ovcr 250 boys and girls ran wild on a first story addition in thc spring for cscaped scrious injury. He was picked
gathcred in thc hall over the Narberth
thc playground last Friday afternoon, the use of thc library. up unconscious on the grass by his Theatre Monday night to devise ways
the annual .. Play Day" fcaturcd by Borough lahar. wl11ch has been all mother and takcn to Bryn Mawr Hos- and means of electing two Narberth
prescntation of prizcs for the season. half timc for most of the sumnJer, is pital. where physicians sai«( he cscaped mcn to County positions. As part of
The instructors divided them into hack on fnll time for this job. It is the festivitics. the methods of County
with bruises.
expected to cost about $600. Boss Charles J ohllson were taken for
four groups according to age and all • a good, hard ride.
kilHls of compct'tive games were
s:aged. They included dashes, basket- 'Narberth Meets Bryn School Enrollment The meeting, under the initial chair-
manship of John J. Cabrcy, and the
ball throw. ring toss, base-running.
baseball accuracy throw, three-legged Mawr On Saturday Rules Announced permanent chairmanship of Wilmer G.
race. howling. bicycle racc. sack racc, Crowell, was in behalf of Fred Walzer
spoon, whcelbarrow racc and many Davimell All Grades Start Work on for Sheriff and Louis A. Young for
Must Win Crucial County Commissioner, although cvery
others. At the conclusion of the events
Contest to Stay In Mond~y, September speaker urged support of the entirc
Dr. LcRoy A. King, chairlllan of the
Recreation Board, prescnted the prizcs League Race. the 14th Boyd-Just ticket.
to the winners. "A neighborly, intimate gathering"
The following were the prize win- D,' IlA Vg (jASI~\' The Narberth public schools witl was the description of Mr. Cabrey in
ners in the various events: Sen:or boys licne Davis' Narberth basebal1ers ope'J for all g~'ades in the reconstructed opening the session. Pride in N ar-
-baseball accuracy, James Gallagher; will face thcir most important game of building' on Monday m,orning, Sep- berth's distinction of having two can-
basc-runncrs. M ikc McGarry; ring thc season whcn they clash with tem her 14. The classrooms in the didates on the ticket, and contempt for
loss, "Och" Smith; 100-yard dash, Bob thc season when they clash with Danny upper g'ra(\c huilding' wil1 be ready for the Johnson organization featured 1\1 r.
occupancy at that time. The lower Cabrey's kcynote talk. "The only ex-
Con.lll1le.l .....·"J:e 10 Hemcher's g·ryn Mawr Redmen this cusc for the existcncc of thc present
Ooor wil1 not hc completed then, ren-
Saturday afternoon at thc Narhcrth county group is selfishness and self-
dering it necessary to postpone the
Tl'~CS Being Trimmed Playground. Thc flying Rcdmcn, who perpetuation," he said.
opening' of thc cafeteria until a later
Trees lining sidewalks are receIving have captun'd six straight games in
date. Former Senator Fletchcr W. Stites,
a trimming by the Borough Shade Tree thc second-half racc. will virtually long a foe of J ohnsonis111, traced the
Pupils wilt be excused before lunch
Commission under the supervision of clinch thc title if they manage to de- growth of the former strong leader-
time on the opening day of school, W.
Robert J. Edgar, its chairman. Trees feat the Davismen in thi~ crucial con- ship into a "Courthouse ring" of
J ames Drennan, supervising principal,
whose branches hang low over the test. Narberth, which holds the sec-
stated, but full-day sessions will be in revolving jobs.
walks are receiving particular attention. ond place position. has suffered but "I want to register a protest," he
order thereafter.
Borough laborers are collecting the lone defcat this half and this was at
Conthltled on Page Four Contlnuea on Ln.t Pose
trimmings. Cuntlnue,. on PnJ;'e 10
....,1· . ," -.•

Page "1wo OUR TOwN September 4, 1931

comedy ~hose more a~propriate title is I

Let "~ur Town" hear of your news,
"Newlynch." Also Dilled are Laurel Nar?erth s n~w;;-stand~ ~r $? for a

.eocal CJJ10vies "0 W'f . " 'I

and Hardv in thcir ncw absurdity ye~r s subscription, brll1gmg It eve~y
Fnday mormng to your home by mall.
ur Ie.
Narberth Theatre Notes
"Born to Lover" in which Constance Thirty Turn Out for Junior ~~s~t~~e:t;~ial_~a~_~
Bennett appears at Narbcrth this Fri-
day and Saturday, is another of her High Football Practice, Sign of the Best Meats
popular sex dramas. In its place, at I PROFIT nv '1'HJ<J!'!I~
Saturday's matinee, Wheeler and
\Voolsey win entcrtain in "Cracked
Coa~ Dick Mattis has had a good EGYPTI'AN WJ<JEK-ENU SPECIAl,!,!
turnout for morning practice the past
Nuts." Also on thc week-ena bill is Sholll Shop of the Main Line
another "Adventure in Africa," and an
week, over 30 boys reporting, and his Rib Roast of Beef
Andy Clyde comedy. Junior High football prospects look
good for another championship this Thick End, lb., 22c
Joe E. Brown, of the wide grin, will
year. NOW: Janet Gaynor
amusc Narberth theatregoers next
1\Ionday and Tuesday in "Broad- With Mike Zengel, Johnson and Mc- Warner Baxter: Pin Bone Roast •
minded," his newest comedy. On Mahon back, he has a neucleus for a
winning combination, for those three
I 5 to 6 pounds each
\Vednesday and Thursday Paul Lukas "DADDY
and Kay Francis give dramatic per- are real football men and havc the Ib.,30c
beef to back up their arguments.
formances in another gang thriller,
"Vice Squad."
Coming next Friday and Saturday
Parkinson and HeUer are promising
candidates for the backfield, and as
Skirt Steak '-.
to Narberth is Earl Derr Bigger's Sat- thcy had some experience last year the Ib.,25c
chances for a good ball-carrying en- MONUAY nncl TUESDAY
urday Evening Post detective story,
"The Black Camel," in whic\1 Warner semble arc bri~ht. Fourth Anni'l'ersary W uk
Oland gives another pleasing "Charlie
Chan" performance.
Mr. Lincoln, assistant coach, will be
on hand the first of next week to help
Shoulder of Lamb .
Mattis in the work. Char1es Ruggles: lb., 18c
A t the Egyptian
The Egyptian Theatre, which will
celebrate its fourth anniversary next
week, oilers "Daddy Long Legs" as its
attraction this Friday and Saturday, in--
Miss Sellers Victor
Miss Betty SeUers, of the Merion
Cricket Club, won the women's singles
in the annual Avalon ~ennis to~rna­
Charles Chase:
Leg of Lamb
Ib.,29c " .
eluding Saturday matinee. Janet Gay- ment las.t. Saturday. \Vlth her Sls~cr. Cottage Hams or
nor and Warner Baxter givc a pleasing Dr: PatTI Cia Sellers, also .of the MeTlon
performance of this popular story, CTlcket Club, she shared 111 the douhles WJ<JDNESDAY nnd TJlURSDAY Smoked Butts
which is one of the vear's films most
recommended for elljoyment by the Robert Montgomery: Ib.,32c •
entire family.
"Girl Habit," at the Cynwyd Thea- "MAN IN POSSESSION" Breakfast Bacon
tre next Monda,y and Tuesday, is a
comcdy at once nonsensical and sophis-
ticated, for people who are not too
critical 6f plot. Charles Ruggles is the
Whole Piece, lb., 30c
Sliced, lb., 35c " .
nonchalant and diverting star. Also on Jackie Searl, Mitzi Green: Other Prlee" CorreNI' .. n,lIlllth·
the program is "Rough Seas," a
Charles Chase comcdy.
Robert Montgomery gives a smooth "FORBIDDEN Deli'l'eries ,TWIce Dail)! as Far West
as H dl'erforJ
and interesting stellar performance in •
"Man in Possession," the Egyptian's
feature next Wednesdl\y and Thursday.
Bradley Market
The Skippy kids-Jackie Searl, Mitzi Laurel & Hardy 2106-08 Market Street
Green, etc., and Louise Fazenda will "OUR WIFE"
amuse Cynwyd 'fans next Friday and
Saturday in "Forbidden Adventure," a
Low-Fare Excursions 19 For that • 9
From Narberth "BORN TO LOVE" 1- - •
.1xfrll-"Att,"eJltureH In Alr.tOIl"
1>1.40 Atlantic City
Cape May
W heeler and W oolse" in
~ § •
1>2.05 Asbury Park, Next I'londn)' nnd TueNdnT Ideal Atmosphere
Ocean Grove, JOE E. BROWN in C C
Long Branch "BROADMINDED" _~ 839 OASIS =_~
Lancaster Avenue
Next \VedlleHdn,. nlUl 'l'hurM•.,." ",
~3.30 NEW YORK Paul Lukas, Kay Francis §
1= .
Bryn Mawr, Pa. §
Also Labor Day, September' :\'C'xt ,Veek-elUl. "nlnek C ..inel"

~3.30 BALTIMORE ....


Sundays, Sept. 6, 20
Strayer's to go! Soon the weather will turn cold-
and usually this happens with great sud-
Olltlcmnl Attrnetlve SlghtMeeln,,;
TourH Seer..tnrl..". Ste....,.,rnp"..r", B ....kkeep-
lIIornlng and afternoon lours in
erN, Tn.l"tM thoroll,,;hl)' trnlned for
M...·.·("HHI..1 l"..dneHII l'llreerH. Good per-
denness. Are you ready for it? is the vital
New York and Washington. Spe-
cial rateH when tickets are pur-
mllllent pONltlon.. gunrnntee.l. question.
chased with rail tickets.
Register Now If your heater has been thoroughly
stllrt SellOol I'loncln,. Un)' or NIght
STRAYER'S BUSINESS COLLEGE cleaned and gone over,- your smoke pipes
Pennsylvania Railroad 807 Chelltnut st. Phlln,
tightly cemented in place-your coal bin
at least partially filled with a supply of
:1 good JEDDO HIGHLAND anthracite
THE HOLMAN SCHOOL -you are ready. If not-may we sug-
(A Country Day School)
ARDMORE, PA•. gest, UAct Now!"
T hirty.second Year Begins
SEPTEMBER 17, 1931
Narberth Coal Company : ...
Prepares for Bryn Mawr, Mount Holyoke, Smith, Swarthmore, Vassar, Main Line Distributors
Wellesley and Other Colleges. Also General Course Jeddo-Highland Anthracite
Hacke')', Riding, Tennis, Basketball
ELIZABETH W••BRALEY, Headmistress Phone: NARBERTH 2430-2431
.. ~ ., i . ~.':.' ,'-",'- .

September 4, 1931 OUR TOWN Page Three



A Timely Exhibit of the Finest
Land O'Lakes
foods, received fresh daily, is offered by Cotter's Mar· Crisco
Sweet Cream keto Food fit for a king-and for our discriminating lb. can, 23c
BUTTER 1 cllstomers.... Fresh, healthful foods. . .. In the gath.
ering place of those who know quality and at the same New Pack Crushed
• Ib.,39c time want the best at lowest possible prices. Com
Schlorer's can,9c
.. PICKLES Note these specittls, selected from those effective ttt
.Cotler's Market until next Wednesdtty night, Septem· 3 for 25 c
I 7-oz• bot., 10c ber 9. And WATCH OUR WINDOWS for daily

Booth Beverages suggestions. 1 Tomatoes
II bot., 20c
Libby's Cone.«.o Tio, 3 cans, 20c
(Plus Deposit)
Corned Beef PEAS
·. I
Gulden can,21e _15 c; 2 cans, 29c
New Pack Refreshing
Royal Purple
I Grape Juice
S-oz. jar, I2 c pt. hot., 15c
• I Lotos Cereal
Fresh Fruit and Vegetables
I Beverage Gold~n Jumbo Bananas " doz., 15c
New Pack Tender Sweet
I 6 bots., 25 c - can, Sc
(Plus Deposit) California Oranges ... doz., 25c, 29c
I 3 for 23 c
Fancy Pink
Iceburg Lettuce. . . . . . .2 heads, 29c
Sugar Wafers I
can, IOc; Mealy Penna. POTATOES,
2 for I9c I 30 lb. basket, 59c Ih·,25 c I

Coffee I pkg·,12 c
Ib·,25 c
Note These J-Jow Yolo Dill or Sour

Meat Prices PICKLES
Cocoa qt. jar, 23c
Fresh.killed FRYING-2'l'2 to 3 lb.
half lb. can, 15c
I Campbell's and Ritter's
Chicken average ...... lb., 39c
STEWING .... lb., 29c
Chatka Japanese
BAKED BEANS Tender, Juicy SIRLOIN ...... lb., 59c
7c; 3 cans, 20e - Steaks RUMP STEAK .lb., 39c
I Sealect Evaporated Tomato Juice
MILK Boneless Stewing c Plate Beef, c 9 c; 3 cans,25 e
I Beef, lb................. 25 3 lbs.....................

I 2 tall cans, 13 c
3 small cans, 10c Rib Roast of Beef,
thick end, lb. .,'.:.... 25
c Shoulder of Splling 19c
Lamb, lb............... I PEAS
New Pack

Swift Premium Breakfast Sliced, lb. ............ 39c 110c; 2 cans, 19c
CATSUP Whole Piece, lb., 35c
3 bots., 25 c I BACON ••• delicious!

Chicken of the Sea CLEANER
TUNA FISH Fancy Shrimp dothesLinJ can, 19c
can,2Ic can,17c hank,19 c Cleans what it touches

Qualitr Foods Without Premium Prices

COTTER'S CMARKET Narberth 2250 We Deliver, City Line to Bryn Mawr
. -
Page Four OUR TOWN September 4. 1931

School E~rollment I
. Rules Are Announced
ContInued trom Palf8 One
A Co-operatiye Communit., News-Maga~ine, founded in 1914 b., the Narberth T ommr Macklin Looks O"er
Kindergarten enrollment will be held Ciyic Association, alld published eyer'Y Friday at Narberth, Pa., b., the iower Merion's Grid Prospects
on Wednesday, September 9, from LIVINGSTON PUBLISHING COMPANY
2 to 4 in lile afternoon. All children 'Nel1, TOll1l11Y's hack, and he's heen
who will be five years of age on or PHILIP ATLEE LIVINGSTON, President and General Manager takinA' "Time Ont" for the past few
before February IS, 1932, are eligible ROBERT MOORE CAMERON, Editor days to look over Albert Adam's foot-
for enrollment. Parents are requested I THOMAS A. ELWOOD, Advertising Mana~er I bal1 prospects on Pennypack'er Field.
to present vaccination certificates and
some evidence of age at this time for
I Office-258 Haverford Avenue, Narberth .The result is, I'm writing with tears
in my eyes, and not to music, either.
their children. Telephone-:-Narberth 2545; if no answer, Ardmore 3100 I • *. *
Enrollment for aJl pupils, grades one! SUBSCRIPTION PRICE: $2.00 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE Adam's squad this year is light, oh,
so light. And green, oh, so green.
to eight inclusive, not already regis- Entereel n. lleeOllll-eln.... Illlltter, October 1:1. 1014, lit tlce Pmet om..., nt But they're fast, in spots very fast, and
tered in the schools will be held on Nnrberth Pn.. ullder the Aet of 1\111reb 3, 18711 what is more important, they are keen
Thursday, September 10, from 2 to 4 I to play footban.
in the afternoon. All children who will September 4, 1931 I ** *
Now that I've scattered the blues all
he six years of age on or before Feb- over the opening paragraphs, I will
ruary 15, 1932, are eligible for the first
grade. Those children who were en-
rolled in the }Jarberth public schools
Why Narberth Is Sidetracked
In a letter to the editor, published elsewhere in this issue, Mr. Ches-
I proceed to go into details and maybc
things will brighten up as we go along.
* * * 10,
fi I C Captain Lachman Rinehart, ov
kindergarten Illay enter the rst grade., tel' 'J. ook, a resident of M,erion but an owner of many properties here pounds, will look after the centre posi-
Vaccination certificates and evidences and a business man of the Borough, interrogates us on various points. tion capably as last year, barring acci-
of age must be presented for all Chil-I In reply to his first query as to why we do not publish SherilT's sales, dents. He's the best center in thc
dren not previously cnrolled in the, the answer simply is that we are not paid to do so. They arc a form of suburbs. Herbert Thomas, I:.;,
school, regardless of grade. I
Count)' legal advertising which, at the !)resent time, are dealt out to hench- pounds, will be a capable end. DOlui-
nic Polilli, 195 pounds on the hoof,
Bus transportation will be providcd I men of the Johnson regime. will be a real tackle, and only a junior.
for all ~arberth ,Pupils L~w- g This situation, we hold, is not only illogical but vicious. That is the These, gentlemen, represent the vei-
er Mcnon junlo~ and Selllor .Hlgh extent to which we agree with 1\11'. Cook's contention that we approve eran members o! t~e ~quad.
~chools, .gr~des lune to twelve lll~lu- of the present condition. County legal advertising. such as Sheriff's sales, To complete his linc, Coach Adam
Slve, beg'llllllng \Vedne~day morl1lng, should not be handed out as a political plum to favorites of the "court- will have to fill in with green material.
Septen~ber 9. Busses WIll le~ve at tJ.le house gang" but should he published in those papers of the County and none of it heavy in the mattcr oi
usual tnue and places, Bus tIckets WIlli where the properties involved are located Thus sheriWs sales of Nar- beef. Harry Gr.auch, ISS pounds, h~s
be given out at a later date to be an-! I . I I l' I' ,,' 1"" T • had SOllle expenence at end. ConnIe
. '0 'f ,,' lert 1 propertIes wou d Je pu lllshe( Itl Our own, N ornstown sales I \Vickham in the hundred and forties is
nounced lIl' ur OWl!
r' ,. '. !
. IN' -
ttl t le . ornstown papers, etc. Under the prescnt ,~rrang~ments sales of all fight a:nd brallls, 31nd wl}I.. causc
' . ." .
Carlton Ha Idle~~, of M~n~fiel~, Pa., I properttes all over lVlontgomery Count,· are puhhshed ttl one or two other candIdates for wlllg posItions In
jumor HIgh School. He was formerly f
has .been ~Iected to teach hIstory III the Lowcr Merion papers. 0. wners of prOIJerties involved have hut a ghost hustle. Xoung .Everhart, of Cynwyd,
I f ' I. . . , a n o t h e r Itghtwelght, can be used at
. .
H' I S I I
. I P 'J"
an lIlstructor III t le . ottstO\\ n unlOr I T '
0 a c lance 0 ever seettlg anyt lttlg Itl pnnt about sales to transpIre.
. - •• " .
\". e ql1lte agree wtth Mr. Cook when he says "Onr 1 own IS entitled lI.lter enng guar.
I' end or mav turn out to be a first-class
f" d H
e move.s aroun(
Igl C100. i to some of the "gravv dished out f rom our million-dollar count\' seat," i hke 31 football player, and IS a:lmost •
N ar bert h Scores 13 Runs m be
· iI
I '1 . -. ." •
II certam to make a berth for hllllself
JUt untl. there IS a chang: ttl the political ahgnl11cnt, and .we would not somewhere. Talley, of Bryn Mawr;
surpnsed to see one tIllS fall, there wonkl seem to he httle hope of a Harry Lott, of Cynwyd. and other can-
One Inning Against Colwyn jlogical and fair solutio.n of the problem. didat~s, most .of whom .are, !~uilt aIOl~!{
U'·. nAVE C:'-SEY
\. I
, E S to t le all( ~Clt) 0
I" f "L . OU
.. ".10ung ,me
. I 1".t e(I \\"1"
. ~ ze.r ttl :unnlllg
A run-makmg exhibition in the third County offices agamst the WIshes of Boss Johnson, tt ts 11Igh tnlle such an and tackle berths.
inning that has never been equaled on event took place. The Main Line sl'ction has had no proper representa-
. T f or I vil' ~eneral hnes of BIll Illden, WIll
the with each other for vacant guard

* • :
the Narberth playground .assisted the tion in the County government at Norristown for many vcars. 'VI/care It to me at thIS ear.'y date that
. . d' . ' I ., f·\ ' • I'·· ., , I- 'I' , , I' • ,Adam WIll have to depcnd In some dc-
Narberth team m overwhelmlllg the a. \ ocatttlg t le. nomttlatlOn 0 t lese two men ~ec,ltIse" e >e te, e t liS sec-j gree to his sophomore candidates frolll

sad aggregation called Colwyn on tlon of the County should have representatIOn. In the case of M1". last year's Junior High champion or-
Wednesday night by the score of 16-3. I Young, who is running for County Commjssioner, we feel that every ganization. Titlow, Mason, Kelly, et
Eight base hits and three errors by the :vote cast for him at the Primaries is a blow toward redeeming the gov- . aI., a~e big, .bony, he-.boys who can
f tl C t f tl .. I f , I" I I' U d I play m the Ime and gIve a good ac-
visitors allowed the home team to put eMrnmJent ole. 0 un )1' rom le trn~lctp efTa' on~-Imalr~ eM e~s 1I P. . n ler i cOlint of themselves. Harvey Buek
r . ? llI~son, ~t 1las Jecome a am! y a all' ~Vtt 1 liS son-Itl-1aw m t ~e I and Mike Iochavelli will make the
across 13 runs in this unparalleled
'1'1 . I . I d'
Comn.lIsslOne:s ?ffic~ and the latter ~ hrother-Ill-Iaw on tl?e bench. TIllS I ?ackfield without much doubt. Buek
D' k heredItary pnnclple J11 government IS not onl\' un-Amencan hut works 'lIS a heavy but fast plunger, and can

lree PltC lers, IIlC u lIlg one . IC' dIsadvantageous
. Iy III
. t Ile avera<te clttzen ..• .•
5 ttlterests.
alld . cut
. tile corllcrs
. 'Jealltl'I'llll",.
Kent. who wore a Narberth ulllformil t:o I Iochavelh IS the smallest but fastest
earlier in the season. suffered under the . The aim of the opposition to the organization is not one-t~lan lea~ler-1 backfield 1!lan in the suburbs. He's a
bombardment of the local batsmen. r slup but the leadershIp of several men. a round tahle on whtch vanous flash 0'£ hght., and there s no. dou'!t •
l °he leading hitters of the evelling \\'ere sections will be represented and in which they will have equal say. Under I\,abokut ,lt ' He s. clever a\nd d'lvlth hIS
. f . I . Iff'l . Jas et Ja l l cxperlence can lan e passes
Joe Rubincam, Bob Martin and Ray thts form 0 \ead~~s~lIP t le:.e ~s n~ c :ance or a a~11I y tyranny to (~evelop I as well as any .hig*h s.chool boy.
Young Rubincam performed the un- nor for the leadetsillp to Ullgmate flam hut one 11<Irt of the Count). I
usual feat of ge;ting four safe hits in- Narberth has ~ peculiar distinction in thi? year's c~mpaign, with. t.wo .The ba~kfield men back ~his year
. . . . . ,candidates on the ticket. Let us make our vOice heard III Count" I)ohttcs. I WIll. not wIn ball g!!mes for the Maroon lo".
SIde of three Inlllngs, whIle Martm . unaIded. Bob 1 aylor, Buck Ryan,
obliged with a long home run and two j "Shorty" johnson and Victor Newborg
singles and Young crashed out a double
d . I
The Men Step F rth
l O b e slnfted to a guard poslllon. fhat
I are tl~c only ones, and Ne,w.borg }s to
an a slllg e,
A Letter From Mr. Cook
The news that a group of men in Narherth plan to establish a hridge leaves a fair backfield, however, whe,n
i c11~b
is encol1ragin~ to tho~e who have looked. forward fOl~ years to ~he II r~~i~l~iI!~ll.twRy~~:iffl'l~n~:I~ls:iJise~~i~
eXistence of a men ~ group ttl the Borough. 1t IS odd that Narberth, With gible, is one of the best plunging backs
To the Editor of Our Town: I
the greatest community spirit in this scction, should have ncglected the the !v[aroon has had in years. Taylor
The Bryn Mawr. and Ardm.or,e local men so long. and Buck are heavy and fast, and John-
papers always pubhsh the sheriff s sales . son and Iochavelli are speed artists.
with deed descriptions etc., prior to It IS true that the male part of the populace get togcther for the hase- , * • *
these very interesting events.. . I
ball banquet and the firemen's banquet once a year. but there is no penlla- Adam has his work cut out for him:
Y'J.e note t?,at you ar~ s~lll ~llalll- ·I nent group. Bala-Cvnwvd has its Neighborhood Chtb: Wayne its Men's he won't have as good a team as last
talllll1g that ~vl!atever IS, IS nght," Club but Narherth I{as liad to relv on women's groulJs or mixed comlJany. ycar's, .but you can gal!lbl.e that the
so how about glVlI1g us news that your I ' .. . club WIll be III there wll1mng games,
readers ought to have? Of course, we don't all play bridge. but it is a step in the right direc- and again giving the fans of Lower
Narberth is .in Montgomery County tion. Perhaps after the men folks find out how pleasant it is to get I Merion their money's worth in good
an.d ~n ~ssentlal part of th~ Jolll~son together with their neighbors regularl)' we ma)' have an honest-to-good- I football.
prlllclpahty and your paper IS entitled , . I'
to some of the gravy dished out from ness men s club. It used to he. when everyhody went m town on the W'll S d.l
our million dollar cout~ty seat. As it is train, that every man knew every other man, N arherth has grown. has I S I
on 'P
:you are not gettit~g the crumbs. . I
bought autos, and has drifted apart a little too milch. More power to, ) According to t!le will of Harry G.
What do you thlllk of the audaCity. of the auction and contract fans!
Lou Young and Fred Walzer darlllg'
I ar~er, of. 504. S. Narberth ~~venue,
. !vlenon, hIS Widow, Mary hhzabeth
torull for two sacred county offices I --------- i Parker, is named sole beneficiary of his
against the a~gust wishes of the "Laird
of Plymouth ?
I i
.Narberth's new ~\ayers' organi7.a.ti~)l1 is destined to tll.ake its first estate.. The amo~l~t has not yet ?een
pubhc appearance e:lrher than was antlctpated. And that wtll be on the I d~ternllned. ~he l~ also named ex~c,u-'
., Yours truly,. toad, as it were, instead of .at home, in the Waync historical Pageant I t~lx of the WIll, tlne of whose codiCIls
. Chester Preston Cook. lb'" I . I IT . G I "1\[ I" A I \\T i directed that Eldred W. Parker, son of
(Note-:-Mr. Cook's letter is answered inl ce e :atmgmct( ents m t le I cot Jenera h' ac ....nt lony ayne to he I the deceased, shall receive ."one dolla~
th~ edltonal columlls.-Ed,) .' ·1 held III that town the latter part of the month. ' .. I
for n'aSOllS good and suflklent to me.'

OUR TOWN Page Five
September 4, 1911

At the Head of
the Class Already
They've made their grades in Autumn Fash-
ions - their places are assured. We've lined
them all up for approval in our Main Line
Store - the models sketched and all their
classmates - a most likeable group_
. '
Put these school clothes through the most
critical style tests - we just know that you,
too, will pass them with a big ~~E".

Two-piece brother-and-
sister suits of middy blue
jersey with orange jersey
trimming. Sizes 2 to 6
years. Price _ . . $2.00

Wool jersey dress with

detachable two-toned
,. linen collar. Makes a
practical school dress on
which a variety of collar
sets can be used. Sizes
10 to 16. Price .. 85.95

.. Junior misses' travel

tweed dress with cap
sleeves. Separate bolero
jacket with long sleeves.
.. Smartwidepatcntleather
belt. Sizes 11 to 17.
Price $25.00
Misses' llama coat-the
choice of so many college
girls who dress the part.
One hundred per cent
llama, and lined with
Skinner's satin. The

.' lining has a separate

hem. Sizes 14 to 20.
Price • • • • • • $49.50


.' The e%ain £ine c8tore
MonlgoDlery )\....enue &.. St. JaDles Place, )\rdDlore

September 4, 1931
Page Six

Big Innin'g Gives Narberth

Narberth-Merion-Penn Valley
.Justice of the
To Make Debut in Fall
7-3 Win Over Media A. A.
Fire Insurance-Best Companies
n)' DAVE CASEY Narb.4049.W 215 Haverford Ave.
200 Woodbine Ave. Narb.4058
We are beginning to sense fall in the A determined uprising in the fifth
offing now that so many are rdurning inning of last Monday night's game Twenty-one New Books
from vacations, and the younger folks
allowed Narberth to break their two-
are packing to go away to school.
Among those fr0111 Lower Merion game twilight losing streak and cap'
Added to Library in August
High School who are going to collegc
we find James L. McIntyre. son of
Mr. and Mrs. Charlcs A. McIntyre.
of Wayne Avenue, who will enter
Dickinson College.
Whitfield Bell, formerly of Chestnut
Avenue, and Harris Latta, of Penarth
Road, Cynwyd, will also enter Dickin-
ture a 7-3 victory over the Media A. A.
of Philadelphia. New books' added to thc library
The inning, which was featured by during August include the following:
two costly errors by Nask, the Media . Fiction-"Simple Peter Cradd," by
E. P. Oppenheim; "Money Mad," by
shortstop, and the loud and rauc~us Rex Beach; "Shadows on the Rock,"
coaching of John Jackson on the thlrd- by Willa Cather; "White Bird Flying,"
base line which seemed to unsettle the by B. S. Aldrich; "Irish Beauties," by
For 50 cents you can telephone to friends, rela-
son College this fall. Media pitcher, was opened by a single E. Barrington; "AlI Alongshore," hy J. tives or customers as far as eighty miles away.
"Villiam Price, of Narberth Avenue, by Harry King and Jim McKee fol- C. Lincoln; "Kindled Flame," by Mar- For example: from Philadc1phia to New York
will enter Brown Preparatory School. lowed with another one base blow. garet Pedler; ."Flcet Hall Inheritance,"
Helen Staley, of Iona Avenue, will Rubincam then forced McKee at sec- by Richard Keverne; '''Martin's Sum- City, Stroudsburg or Cupe May, N. J. And
go to Fairfax Hall, Va.. to attend ond, but there follpwed Nask's two mer," by Vicki Baum; "Dermott's after 8: 30 P. 1\1. you can call them for only
school this winter. misplays, a base on balls and. a long Rampant," by Stephen McKenna;
Miss Elma Reese, daughter of Mr. single by Bob Jones, all of whIch sent "Dark Horse," by B. M. Bower; "Last 35 cents!
and Mrs. G. H. Reese. of Hampden five Narberth runs across the plate·l Days of September," by Pamela The service is fIL~t, clear, dependable
King and McKee, up for the second I Wynne; "Sons of Mrs. Aab," by S. G.
A\'enue, is spending some time at Cape
Whelen. Highpoint, X. J. Mr. ami
1\'lrs. Reese have just returned after
time in the inning, again came through Millin; "Susan Spray," by Sheila Kaye-
with base hits, McKee smiting a lopg Smith; "Royal Heritage," by Roland
I -the calls easy to make. Just give the
number to the operator (ask Infor-
spending a week at Hollidaysburg, Pa. double into Windsor Avenue whIch Pertwee, mation if you don't know it) and
Robert Riter, of Lakevicw Apart- -.r. MitcheIl Eillott. scored two .m~re !'uns and ad~1.!at.ely Detective and Mystery Stories- I "hold the line,"
.ments, and David Ridge, of the Eng· MISS ROSE VINCENT LYON p!'otected J un s tItle. of the hlttmg "Case Against Andrew Fane," by
lish Village. \Vvnnewood, have rcccntl\' daughter of Dr. and Mrs. B. B. Vincent pItcher." . Anthony Gilbert; "Murder in the WiI- (Ratcs based on Enst, Standard Time)
returned from trip to South America. Lyon, of Rosemont, who will be presented In addition to his batting explo~ts lett Family," by Rufus King; "Danger
David Ridge is now preparing for a to society by her parerlts at a tea on McKee pitched a capable game whIle Calling," by Patricia Wentworth;
trip to Caltiornia.
:\1 r. and Mrs. Joseph Barclay have
October 29. his battery mate, Harry King, was the "Crime Conductor," by Philip Mac-
batting star of the evening with three Donald; "Murder at Hazelmoor," by
now moved to Homewood Avenue. clean hits. Agatha Christie; "Lone Wolf's Son,"
:\Irs. Barclay wil1 be' rcmembered as home after spending two weeks at Spickler's efficient firs~ ~ase play was by L. G. Vance. Phila.4-
Miss Wilma Weigel.
The Misses Julia and Kathcrine
Wilmington, Del. the high light for the VISItors,
The hox score: , ..:;;; ----
I-::==~====================~=====~ -::==============
Robison, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. J. Sjoholm, of Jona Avenuc, NARBERTH
G. :\\. Robison, of Dudlc\' Avcnuc, rc- had as her guests for two weeks the rho a c
!urned home last Saturda:" after spend- early part of August Rev. and 1\lrs. C. Ruhineam, Ih. 1 0 10 0 0
mg a week at Camp Fernbrook. E. Hoffstcn. of Detroit, Mich. Balter, 2h. 1 1 1 2 0
l\1 CI J \'T I . f II d ~1 rs. J. A. Bailey, Jr., of 1\1 crion amI ,,~.
• r. ayton . ., a tcrnllre, 0 . u - Essex Avenues, has been vacationing lIIae<lregor, Slaugh ter, ef.
son, X. Y., has been the gucst of Mr. for the past month at Ocean City, and Martin, rf. 1 0 2 0 0
\Villiam A. Stout, of Hampden Avenue, is not expected to return home until .Tones, 3b. 1 1 0 2 0
for two weeks. several days after Labor Day. nilllllan, If. 1 1 0 0 0
Thc Rev. and Mrs. John Van Ness Arthur Railcy has just returned aftcr King, e. 1 3 7 0 0
h!1ve just returncd from Ocean, taking a summcr course at the Uni- l\leKce, ]1. •••••••• 0
Prepare Dinner Dishes
2 0 :l 0
N. J .. where. they }lave been stayIng versitv of \'ITisconsin. 7 S 21 10 1I
~hr. a short. tlllle. 1 hcy spel~t most of, Mrs. D. J. Hcss and childrcn, of Tota I~
A. A. I
I clr N'acatt~n on a motor tnp th.rough I Pricc Avenue, have been spcnding the
tl,loe '1 ew I;n~~an? States, stoPP.l11 at I summer at Avalon, ~ . .I .. and arc not :\1-or,;al1, 21.> .•••.••• 1 r ho '0) 'I ' '0'"
r tand. "lc;. Northficld. l\lass., and I expectcd homc until after Labor Dav. Weavcr, cf. 1 1 1 11 11
:\I's' :\1" \- t. K.·
• 1. s.:. lnal11 clln: 0
f P

ha\'e Just complJet~d a SOOO-mile ~n.o.tor

. \ '1
'" r. amI .~1 rs. J . '\' . J) ar I'mgton, 0. f TaHcy, If.
ot.tst~l\\ II I Hampdcn A,·cnuc. ha\'c just returncd
and ~lIss Clara Corbl11. of ~llchlgan from a trip to Olean, X. Y.
tour of. thc l IIItcrl ~!atcs, VIsitIng Hampdcn Avcnue. wcrc vacationing :-;a~I" ~~.
:\11'. and :\Irs. C. A. Speakman, (Ii Spiel,le". I h.
in the Morning
twenty-clght St:itCS. II.ley had !hc for a fcw da\'s at the home of :\1 rs. Huel, c.
pleasurc of ~)athll1g both 111. the PaCIfic Spcakmall's brothcr, :\l r. Allcn Daniels, ColUlllhi, )I.
11 II
al;~ _ !~tl~nt~c O~~~1.1S. thIS sumlllc~. at Gratz. Pa. Edwin and l\1ary Spcak- T(ltal~ ...........:l
1\ ISS Kem.l IS a. lIIe cc oj :\1 r. and Mrs. man. who had bccn visiting thcrc for Sc-ore by illnillgH:
1S ~ 4\
H. C. .Kellll, ot Dudley Av~nue, \,:ho thrce weeks. returncd home with them. Media A. A. ....•... 2 0 0 0 0 11 1-3

, ~

('ntertal11ed. th~ tr~\'clcrs whde passl11g Mr. R. D. Bishop, of Essex Avenui', Narherth 11 0 0 0 7 0 x-7 I
thro~gh thIS. chs!n.ct. . ,has had his mother visiting him for
1I11ss .Lucla Ksn~I, daughtcr of :\Ir. ~ 1110St of thc summcr. Just now his
and :\lrs. H. C. KCIIII. spcnt thc month I sister and two children are visiting him Phone Na..bcrth 4151 for
of. Stonc Ha~bor, N. J., and! ~1"(). Thc\' are al1 from Terre Hautc, COOK PLUMBING \
"'111 rcmaln thcrc until aftcr Labor i Ind. .
Day,. I :\1 r. (;. Hcnchen and son Harold, of & HEATING CO.
:\llss J can Ryall. daughtcr of :\1 r. I Essex Avcnue. left last week for a
and Mrs. J. Bruce ~yal1, of Bryn trip to St. Louis. Thev expect to be
Mawr !,venue, Penn Val!cy, returncd. gone about ten days. '
Price and Essex Avenues
Jobbing a Specialty I
last. Fnday from a v~catlOn at Camp I
Mr. and Mrs. J amcs c. Kecnan, of
EI01~e, Espes Park, CQ/orado. I Forest Avcnue, expect to spend th~ ~­ • •
:\fl~ Ruth. B.. HOf'fstcn., .of Icma /. \\~ck-end vis'lting rClati"cs in J'itt~­


!' venuc, has Just. returncd aftcr spend- burgh. Time-for Retiring
lng thc stlllll1lcr In France. Tired Tires?
1\f r. and Mrs. \\Til1iam Burgess. of C..ntllJueO .... rnge II • •
:\ot~ 1~"t--N(~ prl~~M for Our ~
• SabintJ Avcnuc, rc!turncd :\lon'\lav afti'r. ' \
(;OOIlVJ';,\ liS
a vacation at the Pocono l\fountains Permanent Waves: .
and visiting fricnds at Hol1y, Pa.
• ~
~4.75 \ ~,
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Booth and Bonat, Y'S.50 4.40,,21
th eir twko sOldIS. ofAFo res.t A ':CI1l1e, spent :. Eugene, d,t 0 4.50,,20 5.35 '" '
ef11 in lfo~P C!ecb,lc I~l
t l1CMr.w,ceand
'-en Mrs. Clty.
t lantIc M.
at Lewis Kcim, .of Y' 4.50,,21 5.45
N b B'd G
North Narbcrth Avcnue, have just
spent a most cnjoyahlc two weeks on
BEA UTY SHOPPE ar. rl ge arage
iJ,t tn 'It av e... in Ita!!llIt holU ~~~Q.ta
a motor trip through the N cw England
States and Canada.
:Miss Frances Kcim. daughter of :\1 r.
and Mrs. Lewis M. Kcim, has rcturn!'el
., .....
1'1 HELEN• •
r • ..l:
H,n'crfor,l A,·c.
. ..
Narberth Ave. at the Bridge
C. p, COOK

Te~o I1te if;; 9o~/1' ~
Call Narberth 4040
eofl'V ~ ~ . ;r1of/~
The Harvey Roofing Co. Penshurst Pure Milk
E. R, COOl<, Mgr. Prepare your meat pie or casserole dish •.• as well as salad
Roofing. Gutters, Spollting Certified hy the Milk COJlll1li~~ion, Philadelphia Pediatric Socicty.
and Sheet Mewl Wor~ Licen~c No. I, Lower Merion Board of Health. Pure unprocessed and dessert .•. in the morning. Slip onto the cold shelves!
natural fresh milk--highe,t quality-lowcst price.
Wc Dclivcr to your door !\-1ilk, Crcam, Buttcrmilk and Eggs
All you have to do is transfer your meat dish from the
Remember . •. Phone CYflWyd 97 for Deliveries electric refrigerator to the oven half an hour before
We Stand Behind Our dinnertime to have a savory masterpiece on the table!
Penshurst Farm Penn
Work in
Cleaning Now ••• You Can Enjoy an
An assurance of our sincerity
in serving you
of • • •
Adelizzi Bros. As low as


102 .... ore.t A,·e., Xllrbertll 2802
::20 Un III ;\ '"t·.. e'"ll,,")"d. 02R JT~V
Davis' is the place to make YOllr choice It's easy to take the first step to thrift. Re-
of a large, moderately priced assort·
met/t of
solve to deposit a definite sum out of each
salary check. With each ,additional deposit,
School Supplies your steps will grow stronger, until, as you see
Pencil Cases, 25c to $1.50.
your savings grow, you walk with the full,
Faber Pencils, Erasers, You have
Fountain Pens, Eversharp easy swing of a ~~man of affairs!') $201.50 and up
Pencils, I n g e r sol I 2 years According to size and make
Wa t c he s, .Loose·leaf TAKE THE FIRST STEP TODAY
Books, Composition Pads,
to pay (Slightly higher on Budget Plan)

Brief Cases, etc., at

Oldest Store in Narberth Narberth National Bank A complete line EI..E£TRIt: A Pioneer in
of electric labor- Establishing Low
savers at our
city and
suburban stores l:OMPANY Rates for All
Electric Service


Member Federal Reserve System
Narberth 4035

I,·" ~
Page Eight OUR TOWN September 4, 1931

Repair Church Organ be used on Sunday, September 13, at A meeting of the session of this If you've wants of any kind, try a
," time there wilt be a speciall1lus- I I 1 I II I f F ' I
, c 1urc I las Jeen ca e{ or •rl< ay eve- classified advertisement in this paper-
The pipe organ of the Preshylerian leal program at both the mornll1g and perhaps your neighbors wi1l be able to
Church is being repaired but witl again evening services, . ning, September 4. filt your needs.

109'/ wl.eelbase
priced as low as $440*
co,u,,'ete 'Ditl.
Chev.·olet-built bOllies
Illustrated at the right arc ,-,OI1\C (If the half-
tOll Illodels included in CheHolcl's complete
line of trucks -which consists of 1/2-ton and 11Jz-ton models
in three wheelhase lengths.

Take the question of first-cost-and you learn th .. t the Chev-

rolet Six is one of the lowest priced trucks ,-ou CRn hu:r!

Investigate econOlny-alld "ou discover thc Chcnolet t.'iix to

be more economical to operate than any other truck, regard-
less oj tire nnmber oj cylinders.
Investigate stamina, reliability and upkecp costs-and you

find that Chevrolet owners frequently report !-Ouch records as
"20,000 miles without opening thc engine"-".')(),O:!Olllilcs and
still depclldable"-"ten nlonths with praeticaJl," no expense
for rcpairs. "
As for speed and power, Chevrolet gives you a six-cylindcr 50-
horsepower engine-25% more powerful than the engine in
any other truck in the lowest price field. And us for capacity,
Chevrolet's longer wheelbase, sturdy frame an(1 long spl'ings
permit the mouftting of extra-large Chevrolct-built hodics.

Before you buy a truek for any purpose, find out about six- " ..
cylinder Chevrolet trucks. Your Chevrolet dealer hus the facts.

Balf-ton 109 -Inch

wheelbase chassis
lJ,i-ton 131-lneh
wheelbase ebaSNI.
I 'h-tcu. 1;;7-lnch
$3SS $520 $590
* (Dual wheel. '25 ""Ira)
'440 ~ the price of tI.e open cab pick-up.
(Dual wheel••randard)

All truck cNua16prlc.../. o. b. Flint, Mlchl,an. All truck body prlceaf. o. b. IndlanapoU., Ind. Special eq,dpment extra. Lolo ,'cllvcrcd price. and "a.y G. M. A. C. term••


Phone: Cynwyd 81 208 Bala Avenue, Bala-Cynwyd '.
F o· R L () \\' EST T RAN S P 0 R T A T"'A 0 NCO S T


• .:1~1

September 4, 1931 OUR TOWN

Forming Men's Bridge

THE FIRESIDE Club in Borough
lUratlUhtlltrr' (ttrturtrry
A men's bridge club is being formed
Continued from PnJ{e 6
Mrs. C. J. Russell, of Annapolis, in Narberth, designed to have a large
membership and permanent quarters. I
I Lo~ated on Belmont Avenue above City Line:
Adjacent to the Bala.Cynwyd Section, accessible
1Id., is visiting her sister, Mrs. James from all points. The Westminster landscape has
R. Cole, of Chestnut Avenue.
:M iss Anne Com\>ton, of \Voodbine
Edward C. Griswold, of Chestnut Ave-I
nue, has been active in gathering a
congenial group together and to date
I all the charm of a picturesque rural countryside.
Avenue, who has bcen swimming in-
some forty men have signified their For informat)on:-without obligation-call, write or telephone
structor at Camp Recta, wilt return
home on Monday. desire to join. I Post Office Address: . Station I, Philadelphia
Mrs. Robert H. Durbin, of North The building and loan room in the
• Narberth, has recently returned from
Borough Haltnew
been leased
a two months' vacation abroad, and tel'S for the Tablesaswill
is now occupying her cottage at set up at the club room everv week I
Avalon, 'N. J. d~y evening, save for the ;lleeting I Our Coal Prices are
· .
~I rs. William C. Claghorn, of Chest-
nut Avenue, has had her niece, Miss
Nancy White, visiting her. Miss White
mghts of the Narberth Building and'
Loan. Formal organization has not
yet been completed and any men inter-
Higher and Lower • • •
left today to return to her home in ested are invited to communicate with I
Milwaukee, and Mrs. Elizabeth Davis Mr. Griswold. II You see, effective September 1, prices in the
returned with her to spend a few
• To a better world. Leaving a note
entire section advanced from the summer level.
weeks there.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Cortright, to the effect that he was g'oing to "a
better world," Richmond Berry, 25.
I . • • But the new price is lower than that prevailing
of \-Vyndale Avenue, have returned
from a few weeks' stay at Cape ~hy, who made !lis ho,me with his sister
and brother-m-Iaw, Dr. and Mrs. E. H.
I last year. It averages 75c per ton lower for most
N. J. of the grades of anthracite sold here.
•• Mr. and Mrs. George :M. Dando, of
Weber, of \Voodside Avenue. Nar-'
berth, was found dead lying under hi,!
Anthwyn Road, spent the past week automobile, his head beneath the ex-! Lower than other coal costs are those of L. M.
visiting Mrs. Dando's mother at Tower haust pipe, on the Mays LandinI-( I
City, Pa. Road, near Somers Point early last I Thompson's Lehigh Valley and Delaware 'and
Miss Betty Davis. of Detroit. is visit- Thursday morning. H e w~s a former I Lackawanna Anthracite Coal-BECAUSE Out· coal
ing :Mr. and :Mrs. Dando. Lower Merion High School athlete. !
The Misses Helen and Bobby Staley, , is harder and cleaner.••• And that means morc
daughters of Dr. and Mrs. R. M. Staley.
35 Avon Road, have returned from I enduring heat for each ton you buy here.
Camp Owaissa, Pocono Pines, and GOLDEN I
their brother Jack has returned from And therefore we contend that althoug.h coal
•• Camp Pocono, Lakeville. Until her
school opens in Chestnut Hill, 1\1 iss
Elvirita Zubieta. ef Panama City, is the
Guernsey ,i
prices have advanced, you pay less this year than
guest of the Misses Staley, who were
her campmates this sUllJmer.
MILK last, and when you buy L. M. Thompson's coal,

you get more heat for your money.'
'-:&IUr~111i. - ~~., I
Narberth Players Group
To Participate in Pageant It~' I "The Coal
e~: "M.'"
The Narberth Players group will
participate in the \-Vayne historical
pageant to be gh'en there on September
24, 25 and 26. All members are re-
PEPh• !
That Satisfies II
" Warm
Friends II

quested to be present at the next meet-
ing of the group to be held Thursday
eveuing, September 10th, at the home 6ALA" CYNW'(O 280
of Mrs. James D. ~1 oore, 246 Dudley
Avenue. Bala and Union Avenues, Bala.Cynwyd

\Vork towill
tableau be begunat then
be presented on the
the pageant. ':~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i~~,
I - -- --
- - ._-
-- -- - - -
It will consist of a reception to General
Anthony \Vayne in the City Tavern, .f/ PLIANT . . . .....

School Supplies
Philadelphia, upon his return from the . . - - • • • ....,..,
Indian wars in Ohio. The Narberth ~
• •• dottle. .. ~
_ ..•./. I
group will be assisted in this by the _ ...
Color Guard of the First City Troop .......
of Pililadelphia.
At the last meeting of the Narberth
Players'. Group held recently at the MILIC I Large Assortment
home of Mrs. H. I. McConnen, fur-
ther plans were laid for launching the

~- ~.L~'"
t..: '
dramatic season which the club is to.~ of&«\'
;;.r-MIJIo .... of School
sponsor. The c011lmittee on the selec-

Necessities fIJ
tion of plays has been busy reading
several manuscripts with a view to the
selection of the first· vehicle to be pre-
~ an:-
a= I -

sented sometime in the early fall. and Visit the Dairv Bungalow
announcement of the name and exact "
date win soon be made. After Your Swim
Russell Green, \>resident of the club Broo k mead Guernsey " Pencil Cases, 10c to $1
is making an in~nsive study of th~
organization and strucutre of other Dairies School Bags, 250 to $1
players' groups and through his obser-
vatiolls the club expects to profit bv
the experiences of these clubs which
W. Lancaster Ave., Wayne
Phone Wayne 1121 I
I Children's Knickers, Shorts, Shirts,
in sOl11e instances date back thirtv and "A Complete. Dependable Dairy II Underwear, Stockings, Etc.

l ~~ii~li~§ji~ms§emr~l/miCie~"~~m'~gj~1 !I,II
s._~ Frankenfield' Sons
5c to $1 Store



Page Ten OUR TOWN September 4, 1931
B. M. and Narberth Clash
In Crucial Contest Saturday Go to Church
Continued fronl Page One
First Church of Christ, Scientist
thc hands of these Bryn Mawrites on Athens and Linwood Aves., Ardmore.
August 1, when the heavy hitting of Sunday services, 11 A. M. No eve-
Johnny CUI'vall and the cool pitching ning service.
of Charley Townsend (both fanner Sunday School, 11 A. M.
Narberth players) gave the Redmen all Wednesday evening testimonial
8-4 victory over th~ borough team. meetings, 8 o'clock.
Manager Davis, however, is confi- Reading Room, 19 West Lancaster
Avenue, open daily, 10:30 A. M. to
dent that his boys will provide much 4:30 P. M. Wednesday evening, 9:15
sterner oppusition this time, as he has to 9:45. •
finally got a smooth-working infield The subject for the Bihle lessoll ser-
quartet in Jefferies, Baker, MacGregor mOil for Sunday: "Man."
and Jones, which should improve the
team's chances in no smal1 way, as
infield misplays played a hig part in
Baptist Church of E...angel
Robert E. Keighton, Minister. ' ..
Narberth's defeats in important con- Sunday, Sept. Ii:
tests in both the first and second hal£s'l 11 :00 A. M.-Rev. Paul Humphries,
If Narberth emerges victorious from directur of the Young Peol>le's \Vork
the clash with the lea!{ue leaders they at tl~e First Baptist Church, Phila-
must still defeat L1anerc~l and Paoli delphIa.I •
on Labor Day to stay 111 the race. I M th d' t Ep' h I Ch h
The Llanerch team, which will be the! e 0 IS urc

mornin!{ opponent on Labor Day,! I~ev. Samuel MacAdams, Minister.
should not cause the Davismen much I' Sunday, Sept. Ii:
trouble, but they will have to be at 9:45 A. M.-Su\l(l~y School. .
their best to conquer the hard-hitting 11 :00 A. M.-Mornlllg \Vorslllp. Ser-
. ' . mon by the Rev. Roger S. Il~l~
Paoli outfit whIch comes here m the
afternoon gallle of the holiday twin
Tuesday, Sept. 8:
bill. Manager Davis is in rather a 8:00 P. M.-Important Meeting of
quandary about his pitching selections I the Ofticial Board.
for these difficult contests, but he will
probably depend on John Jackson, I The Presbyterian Church
cunquerer of HiI1dale, against Bryn I' Rev. John V:!:n Ness, M. A., Minister.
Invest Wi8el'? ..
Mawr, while Bill Reynolds will take Meetm/fs for Sept. 6: Ask the successful man to what he attri~·
. t 1) I' TI'
tl le I11'II agams '11 1 9:45 A. M.-Blble School. All de- utes his success and nine times out of ten
ao I. liS WI ea\'e I partment~.
either Keith Parks or Jim McKee to 111 :00 A. M.-Morning Worship. Dr. he'll tell you "sound investments." For by
handle the hurling against Llanerch I Van Ness will preach special investing wisely you make your money
and either of these boys should be able! Labor Day sermon ~ on tl~e serve you-it works for you. As banl~el"s.
, . , .I
to han(IIe Nyc J uShs team WIt lOut a I,
I theme: "The Present Economic
D epresslOn-
. A CIla II enge t 0 th e we are in a position to aid you in mal;ing
great deal of trouble, I Church." wise investments. Consult us if you widl
II 7:45 P. M.-Evening Wprship.· Ser- to invest.
Games, Prizes Feature
mon theme: "All Things Vvork-
ing Together for Good."
Annual ~Play Day'l. Next W,ednesday a~ 8 P. M,-The .
ContInued from PIlt.\"e One
Gilroy; shot put, Joe Witte; three-,
, Ject: "God s Outlook.'
ject: "God's Outlook."

legged race. Hartley and Daubert; free i Holy Trinity Lutheran Church
throw, Joe Dossone; bowling, Mike I Rev. Cletus A. Senft, Pastor. TITLE and TRUST CO~ •
Mc(iarry; high jUlllp, Joe Baker; bi- Sund~y, Sept. 6: NARBERTH ARDMORE
I R' I 1 G ·fti 9:30 A. M.-Blble School.
cye e ~acc, . IC lar~ r.1 lS, . l.1 :00 A. M.-The morning service.
Selllor glrls-ll1gh Jump, Josephme Sermon by Hev. J. E. Shewell,
Baker; bowling, L. Campbell; free of Narberth. ..
throw. I.uci1e Baker; three~egged rac~ '~~~~~~~-~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I
J. Baker and L. Maltby; basketball ,I. - - - . - - - - - - - ----
throw, Helen Hansel; 75-yard dash,\
Fril'da Roessler; ring toss, Charlotte I
Maxwell; base-running, Evelyn Han-I

Frank X. Renninger
sell; baseball throw, Frieda Roessler. I
Junior boys-sack race, B. Leahy;
baskethall throw, Tilllm; wheelbarrow
race. Chain and White; 75-yard dash,
Fillipone; bowling, Fittipoldi; three-
legged race, Clevenger and Duncan;
ring toss, Mackey; esquimo race, White
anc! B. Leahy; ()uck race. Fillipone and
District Attorney
Juliior girls-ring toss, Anna Bren-
nan; three-legged race, Shirley Vincent!
IMr. Renninger is opposed to the making of Judge
Williams County Leader, 'to succeed Charles John-
and Roessler; bowling, Stout; spoon
race, Jane King and 1-'linnie Mouche;
Ison. Judge Williams will be the county boss, if the
wheelbarrow race, Kay \\oIiight and n.,
Johnson candidates are elected. No Judge' should
Rudolph; basketball throw, Rita salvo-,'I
run a political machine.
torelli; duck race, Minnie Mouche; sack
race, ~I. Stout, 50-yard dash, Fral1ces . If you nominate and elect Mr. Renninger, he will
Metzgar<lt, Rita Saivotorilli. keep Judge Williams out of the District Attorney's
At the conclusion of the competition I o~ce. He will not allow either judicial or political
a treasure hunt was staged with a', interference with the District Attorney.
merry chase run around the playground
led by little Walter Case who finally I
\\'on it. The prize was a dollar bill
fitted snugly into a hole in the me-I
morial in front of the library.
The junior tennis tournament finals
were played off Friday between Wil-
liam Filtipoldi and Sam White. Fitti-
" .
poldi won the best out of ten games
hy a score of 10-3. FRANK X~ RENNINGER
In the adult tennis tournament Lees,'
and Ifartzler reached the semi-finals
and the winner between these two Willi For District A ttorn~y ..
matchtheinwinner of the Eidenberg-Duffy
the finals. II~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I
• •
September 4, 1931 OUR TOWN Page Eleven

them frolll hard freezing and the violet

fragrance may be cnjoyed all winter
in the house.
CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Have seeds, fresh seeds, of annual
larkspur, blue cornflower, Shirley pop-
' Nofl"ce- Clssstfted Advertisements wll1 be charged only
to residents of the Main Line whose namllll
pies, China pinks and forgct-me-not to
sow outdoors over the fall-planted
appear tn the telephone directory: to persons malntalntng an account With bulbs. A light covering of salt hay,
Uf, or to regUlar subscribers to either THE MAIN LINER. OUR TOWN, or
NEWS OF BALA-CYNWYD. criss-crossed, is all the protection they

R at 10 cents a line In each paper; 25 cents a line In all three.

eS--Mlnlmum charge, 35c In ODll paper; 75 cents tn all three AV-
erage of ftve words to the line. No blackfaced type used. So long, Japanese beetles! BUSiNESS BITS
Deadline f OJ" I nSeJ"tions- 1?~a:~~~~~eg-~~e[~IW~~~:~~d;l11~ 'f
Hello, little beetle grubs! Mrs. Allen's r:.ella Shop reopened
o'clock 'for OUR TOWN or all three papers; Thursday, 1 o'clock, for 'utE for the season this week in the Ritten-
MAIN LINER: Thursday, 5' o'clock for NEWS OF BALA-CYNWYD. 'f
Cooler nights bring better dahlias. house Arcade, Montgomery Pike neal
Meeting House Lane. She plans to
Phone Your Ads to ARDMORE 3100 'f
Asters (annual asters) should b.e offer wOlllen's and children's dresses
for sale exclusively, and will dispose
planted on new ground each year as It
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ requires two years to mature the root of her children's underwear, toy~, etc.,
aphids which destroy them. After two at prices lower than cost.
HOUSI~WORK by the da~', cleanln!;" or
Laundrr at Home laundry worl<. Uood worker. RefR. years the same soil llIay be used again. 'f
I.AUNDRY desired at home. Ph. Bryn Ph. Ard. 2204-R. (0I1lb9-4) Also in the Arcade, Robert Little,
Mawr 1631. (omb9-4 31) C
Aster yellows is'fa bacterial disease, Jr., is reopening his radio sales and
MAN and wife desire position doing
houRework. Bxcellent cook, 16 years spread by a leaf hopper, and is diffi- servit.:e shop.
At Your Ser"ice A-I references. Ph. Bow- cut to control. Destroy affected plants ~
SJ~WINn wa.nted hy the day, regularly. chauffeur.
Faml!)' sewing and mending, also ex- doin, Ardmore 3244. (omb9-4) promptly to prevent spread. Nearby, at 910 .\Jontgol1lcry Ave-
perienced In making curtains And CAPABLE middle-aged woman wants -(
nue, Narberth, Kitty 1'1 cLean's Hockey
draperies. MrR. Emma Hess, 108 Chcst- position as. nurse or companion to In- Hardy asters. called fall asters or Shop acquired 1\ brnnd-new sign in
nut Ave., Narb. 4J61. (omhtf) valid or elderly person. Ph. Cynwyd Michaelmas Daisies, may be trans- front this weck.. Miss l\IcLean is e,,-
3116. (omb9-4) planted as the flowers are fading or in pected to 'return on the 15th, for the
LOCAL and Ion/-\" Distance Haullng- fall season.
The Service Co., F. H. SeeI)', .Tr., Mgr., WANTED-Day's work, cleaning or early spring.
5 Bala Ave., Cyn. 87;. (ob9-25) laundry. Refs. Phone Bryn Mawr 'f ~
1743-W. (omb9-4) A Inta:- Stores did not scem to "click"
ALL kinds of carpentry work. Cellars All fall-planted perennials should be on the M~;11 Line. One in Narberth,
cleaned, lawns cared for. C. Mar- HOUSEWORK by the week. Exp. mulched lightly after the ground has
on Haverford Ayenue, was discon-
shall. Ph. Cvn. 1170-R. (omll-tf) cook. References. Ph. Bryn Mawr frozen, about Christmas time, to pre-
1631. (omb9-4-31) vent the winter sun from thawing out tinued ("'~r a year ago. Last wee!~
PIANO tuning and repairing In your HIGH SCHOOL graduate, experienced the soil. Salt hay, or marsh hay, is the only Almar store in Bala-Cynwyd,
own tnwn costs much less. Send on Rala Avenue ncar Highland, closed
In typing, llIing, bookkeeping, etc.
postal. Q. Uherti, 317 Hampdcn Ave- Best of references. Ph. Narb. 2573-M. the ideal material. its door<.
nue,' Narherth. (0b9-5-3l) (omb8-28) 'f
Pity the poor private estate garden-
DRESSMAKING - Elizabeth Pearson, YOUNt.; married ScotCh woman would ers. The owners go to Maine in the
215 Dudley Ave., Narb. Ph. Narb. like light house work by day except summer and find lawns, trees, shrubs
2728. (o-tf) Saturdays. Ph. Cyn. 1170-R. (omb8-28) and flowers growing luxuriantly for a As wc are going into the big
EXPERIENCED callable woman wants short season of three to four months, en : of our selling season, we
DRESSMAKING and alterations in general housework. Well recom- have o:>enings for a few high.
your home or mine. Mrs. M. Redlich. mended hy present employer. Ph. Cyn. but resting for a long winter of from g: ;:J~ salesmen for the Main
Phone Narherth 2365-W. (09-11-31) 38-R. (om\l8-28f) eight to nine months. Our plants only Line. Opportunity for earn·
rest for six months and are asked to ings ;md advancement limited
For Sale Help Wanted grow for six months. Naturally our by c;\ergy and ability.
gardens look duller in comparison with
FOR SAl.E-RadloIA 20. hattery t~·lle. MIDDLE-AGED housekeeper for home. the Northern States. hut our sprin~
with loud sneaker, excellent condi- 2 aduils. Write "Broomall," care of Phone Mr. Mead, Wayne
tion, low price. Ph, Cpt. 2-J. (omh9-4) Our Town. (ombtf) and fall seasons are just about ideal 963·W, or Mr. vonRohr,
for human enjoyment. Cynwyd 333-J-or apply in
PIANO-One Upright piano, mahogany,
excellent condition. Call Nllrb. 2856-,J. Rooms and Boarding 'f person at 40 South 17th
(omb9-4 ) ROOM and board wanted hy stUdent, Notice an odd leaf of swamp maple. ~ Street, Philadelphia. S
eonvenlent to Lower Merion High or a few stems of sumac that have pre-
CHl~AP-A Plercc Hutler Coal hot- Hehonl. Ph. Trinity 6710. (omll-4) maturely taken on their vivid fall col- 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111\111111111\"
water boiler. In perfect condition. oring. Just a suggestion of our road-
Allply Narh. 4157-W. (omh9-4)
PEACHES-¥l!JLLOW and 'Vhlte Free- Increased Enrollment
sides, woods and hillsides in the glori-
ously colorful days of October. Plan
stone. EI Rancho Orchards, J. Gordon to enjoy the beautiful fall landscape Carpcnter .:. Builder .:. Jobbing
l"etterman, Providence Rd., one mile Expected at Junior High bv driving to Valley Forge when the
north of Rose Tree Hunt Club, near lOa N. NARBERTH AVE.
Media. Get your peaches and see the dogwoods are in fruit and in fall color. Phones:
new lake at the same time. (om8-11) The report that the Junior High No need to turn back from Valley Day-Narberth 3973-M
Forge: there are many, many miles of Night-Narberth 289O-R
School would be smaller on opening beauty on the Main Line and in the
Rooms for Rent day this year seems to be wrong. The surrounding country. And right he~e
J"OR RENT-Front room, second \lnor, indications point to at least an increase the picture lasts for many weekS-III
for buslne>'s men or couple. I\feals
olltlonal. Prl\'ate famll)', 131 Upland of fifty over last )'ear's opening nUIll-
Pennsylvania heautiful. H. B. WALL
Tcrrace, C '·n. 1257-,1, (omb9·4) IJer TIle h;gll sellool group wl'll also 'f I I" .Plumj>illit : Heating
J • r Pansy seedlings and Englis 1 (aISI~S,
FURNISHED or unfurn. JI/-\"ht house- be increased by a like number, giving too may he transplanted to rOOlmer 100 Forest Avenue,
train and suite
bus. nrPh. single
Narb. room:
2829-J. near a total in the two high schools of ahout (IUa'rters' and set three inches apart f in
(omb!I-4) 1600 on opening day. This number a cold frame to remain until time or Phone: Narberth 3652.M
setting out in spring. .~~~
FURNISHED or unfurnished rooms. will increase during the year until The sallie applies to perennial seed-
light housekeeping. Near train and about 1800 students will be enrolled. lings. W'hen they have two sets of
bus. Ph. Cynwyd 3274. (omb9-4) It is interesting to note that there' true leaves the little plants may be
Eleetrlrlnn-Ph. ArdnlOre 1121'i
ROOM for gentlenJan, with or without is only one change in the faculty of give'n 1110re space in which to grow so 49 ANnERSO:ll AVE.. Ardmore
board. Convenient to station and the Junior High this year. Mr. Lin- that they may be transplanted in spring Electric Washer and Motor
bus. J08 Chestnut Avenue, Narberth. coIn is taking the place of Mr. Unver- with a good ball of soil. Repairs-Armature Winding
Phone Narberth 4161. (omb-tt) sagt, w h '
0 reslgne d h
upon t e comp e- I If tllere I'S a S\Jare cold frallle tr,v EJlthnntlng \Vltltout Cltllrge
FOR HENT-Furnlshed rooms for tion of the term last year. some plants of sweet violets. Keep Contrnrtlng. \Vlrlng, Jobbing

housekeepln~ sln~e
529 Dudley Ave. Ph. Narb. 3878-J.
or a furn. (09-4)rm'li~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
FOR RI'~NT-Two nicely furn. rooms,
near Con\'enlent to station.
'VIIl serve breakfasl and dinner If de-
sired. Ph. Narb, 2614-R.
LARGE sunny room, one or two gen-
(09-18) "Specials" in Garden Furniture
tlemen. Convenient to station. Per- These are regular stock pieces that have been used
sonal ref. required. Apply "H," care
Our Town. ,Narll. (09-4) for display. Theyare offered to you at 33 1-3
ROOM for gentleman, next to bath,
private famll~', cOllvenlent to slatlon, below regular prices. Come' in and make your
Ph, C)·n. 249. (09-4)
selection before .she stock is depleted.
Situations Wanted
'VOMAl\' dellires to do housework and
cooldng, sleep In Ill' out. Ph., Bryn
Mawr 596-M. (omb9-4f)
MAN and wife desire position together.
Shull Lumber Company
Wife excellent 1'001<. Mun can act The Link Between Forest and Home
as butler and fine chauffeur. Best ref.
Ph. Nathan White. :,lherwood 3923.
29 Bala Ave., Bala-Cynwyd Cynwyd 662
MIDDLE-All ED, relined woman desires For material you will need this week.end, please urday, when we will close instead of the usual
position" as practical nurse or com-
panion to invalid or elderly pers~n. let us have your order before NOON this Sat- 3 P. M. time; and we will close all day Labor Day.
Reference::;. Experienced. Ph. Narb.
4183-J. (omb9-4f)

Page Twelve • OUR TOWN September 4, 1931

tho~e living' within fifty mites of Phila- Candidates to Speak

Local Candidates Boosted Narberth Woman Captures delphia. Thcrc wcre many contestant~ Many candidates for countv' ottires
At Meeting in Borough Archery Tourney Honors from di~tant points, including the are expected to attend a meeting at the
Avondale Archcrs and Potomac Arch- Merion Tribute House and give their
Contlnllt'd from I'nlt" One I At the thirrl annual tournament of er~, of \Va~hington, D. C. One of the platforms next Wednesday evening,
~aid, "against tlw idea that in a pri.! the Philadclphia Archery A~sociation, novelties of the meet wa~ the Chine~c Septemher 9th, at 8 o'clock. The meet-
ing is sponsored by the 11{ erion League
mary. e~ection a candidate has to get he~d on the polo ficlrl of .the Philadcl- whi~tling arrow, shot by Dr. Elmer, of W olllen Voters. All voters of
pernUSS10n from one man to run for: phla Country Cluh last Sunday, Mrs. past national champion. Merion, Bala, Cynwyd, Narberth and
nomination, and if he persists in ~eek-I F. Van Buren Connell, of Narherth. Wynnewood are invited to attend. Re-
. .. made a score of 721 for the douhle • b h
mg nOl.llInatton, tha,t 1.1~ be. accuscd of American round, hettering' her per-
freshments will he served.
Pitts urg er Speaks
not hemg' 'regular. I he Idea of the formancc at thc Huntingdon Valley
Uniform Primary Act is to permit it Counlry Cluh. when she won the
candidate to take his case hefore the wome.I!'s 1931 championship for Phila-
A talk on the slllal1 loan corporation
plan, which is being inaugurated on lhe
~lain Line, featured the weeklv meel
'i---------I The Full Cream
J I' . delphIa. Tn the afternoon she also won ing of the Bala-Cynwyd-Narherth
~'oters.. ~l'gU anty doe~ not consl~t the old English clout shool for \~'ol11cn. Rotary Cluh at the Cynwyd Cluh on
111 helplllg one man to perpeluate hIS The active memhership of the 1'hila- Tuesday noon. E. L. Stuhey, of Pitts- Flavor
selfish rule, hut is a matter of adher- I dclphia Archery Association comprises hurg-h, wa~ the speaker.
that you miss in ordinary
ence lot he pa rt yin the gen era I cl ec - ~ ;;;~!!!!!!!!!!"!!"!!"!!!!!!-!!!!!"!!!!'"!!-~!!!~~!!!!!!i!!~~i!ii!~~~~~!!!~!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~
lion.· Even Charlr's Johnson can forg-ct I ji ------.-- ice cream is what you
regularity if it suits his own ends, as i notice in White's. It's
shown hv the fact he once cut thc I Buy Your Coal, smooth and delicate in •
regular T~eptJhlican nominl'e for Dis.. I texture. Choose aay of
trict Attorney (Tlll'oclore Lane Bean) the many Ravors-they
and supportl'd Larzelere, a Dl'mocrat." Fuel Oil or Coke frOID are equally pleasing.
~I r. Stites then went on to show the
workings of the Courthouse ring. He ]. ]. SKELTON & SON SHOP
stated Ihat county omcials, on fini~h­ 219 Ha'l'crford A'I'c., Narb.
ing a tl'rm in one joh, were given an-
other, so that a small group conlrol,
nearly ,al1 the jobs without interfer-
ence. Hl' furthcr stated that these
Phone Cynwyd 700·701
Bala.CYllwyd, Penna.
Greenwood 7484
'I'll \' Ot'lt IINt.lCIOl'S
hrc'nd. rollN. C"Ukt'M. "h-N,
l"unth- nntl Mnltt'" !luhc_
, .
officials. in adclition to drawing fat sal-
appointive)llaced thcir own
positions, giving relatives ill
no other, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
cilizcn of the countv a chance. I
"The enthusiasm 'for the anti-John- i
son cause this year is the greatest
have ever secn," he said, "but the gang
has plcnty of moncy; $5000 pl'r can-
didate for the privilegc of Johnson's
support mounts up into a pretty hig Support these candidates endorsed by REGULAR
war chest." I REPUBLICANS of Montgomery county who stand for a
.1 anles S. Boyd, president of the
Senate, visited thc and mgl',ll new deal in the political affairs of the county.
the support of the entIre Boyd-Just;
ticket. "Nepotism," he said, "is hring-:
ing- back to this cnunty the very i
things we lefl England to gct away I (Vote for Two)
from. The spirit of hereditary rig-ht
must g-ive way to sOl11e consideratioll
Louis A. Young, Narberth ......... [8]
for the party workers and taxpayers,
Thl~rc must he a fair rotation in ollicc.
~Iinor johs must be rotated so as to Arthur F. Strouse, Norristown ..•... [8]
help out ill unemploymcnt,"
Fred \Valzer not onlv made the CONTROLLER
specch of the e\'ening, l)ut no douht
the speech of his career. He was ve-
henlent, humorous, flucnt and dramatic.
"Hovd is the }'lo~es to lead us out of
the -wildernes~. \Ve must take the
to Aid AmO! H. Schultz, Wor~ester

sh'lckles from our nccks," he said.
Brief talks were made hy Carl n. Fred Walzer, Narberth ....•.•.•... ~ '.
~I etzger, },1 r. Crowell, 1\1 r. Young and
Arthur Slrouse, the other candidate fnr
Countv COl1ll11issioller. I'lalls wcre
laid for the formation' of a women's
group and for a later mceting at the

George Gane, Bl'7I1 Mav.:r .......... [g]

call of the chair, Thc name, "Narlwrth
Progressive Repuhlican Committee," RECORDER OF DEEDS
was adopted, and John HakeI' electell Will be spent on Montgomery
county highways and public insti- Fred J. Koeberle, Cheltenham ...... ~
The men who attended the mecting
were the fol1owillg: George A. Bailey,
John Baker. Joseph Barkcr, Hcrbert tutions. Material and labor will CL~K OF COURTS "1'
Barton, C. C. Benkert, Erne~t Boulay,
C. J. Bruneel, John J. Cabrey, Sabie.
Censorc, Robert Complon, George;
be furnished by Montgomery Warren K. Oberholtzer, Norristown .rx1
Conley. John Conway, Chester 1"1'
COUlIlty manufactur9rs and work- COUNTY TREASURER
Cook, Harvey Cook, Arthur L. Cooke, ingmen.
\Vilmer (;. Crowell, P, B. Crowther, i William D. Asnip, Orelan.i ....•.•.. ~
Eugene I-I. Davis, Howard R. Dil-'
worth, E. 1'. Dold, Joseph Dold. Rob- DISTRICT Al"fOUNEY
ert J. Dothanl, Joseph S. Dougherty, SUPPORT THESE
Carrol1 Downes, \Villiam H. Durbin.
Robert J. Edgar, W. D. R. Evans, Abraham H. H('n~rieK!I, Collegeville . rx1
J. J. Findeisen, Vernon Flcck, Salva-
tore Fratantoni. Mauricc Freed, Helll'v!
A. Frye, Tony Guilian, J. D. Gowland,;
(Vote for Two)
Roy I. Gowland. Joseph c. Grahall!. i
E. C. (;ri~wold. John R. Hall, C. W.'
Hoffman, Dr. R. C. Hoffman, \\'illiam
REPUBLICANS Earl B. Bechtel, Pottstown ••••••••. [E]
S. Howanl. F. A. Keegan, l.eRoy A.:
King, Philip A, Livingston, J. D. 1\la-,
Emilie F. P. Wilso~, Conshohocken .. @
guire, Carl B. Metzger, Carl B. Mctz': who are supporting this great pro- . CORONER
gel', Jr., H. 1. McConnell, J. L. 1\lc-;
Crery, Patrick McSorley. , gram of advancing and enhancing
John C. Nash, Frank A. (rHrien.'
George Purring, John Purring, Dr. T. the interests of the business peo- Albert Schafenacke:t:, North Wales ..[8]
M. Rees, S. M. Russell. W . .1. SaWyl'r, ple and the workingmen of Mont- COUNTY SURVEYOR
George Schroeder, \V. Scott Smith,
Fletcher \V. Stites, H. C. Sturm. R. D, gomery county. William T. Muldrew, JenkintowD •... fXl ..
Tabor, A. S. Thomas, W. E. Titus'!1
Fred Walzer, 1. N'. Wilson, John B.
Wine, Howard Wise, Louis A, Young. j

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