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Chittagong Independent University

CIU Business School

Course Name: MKT 567 Section: 01 Term: Autumn 2020
Course Title: Marketing Research
Total Marks: 40 Time: 02 (two) hours

Answer any 04 (four) questions. Answer all the parts of a question consecutively. Figures
in the right margin indicate full marks.

1 a. Define marketing research. Describe a classification of marketing research and give

. examples. 3
b Describe the steps in the marketing research process. 7

2 a. How is the decision to conduct a marketing research taken? 5

b Describe one marketing research project that would be useful to each of the following 5
. organizations:
i. Your campus cafeteria
ii. The public library authority in your area
iii. A major shopping mall in your city
iv. A restaurant located near your campus
v. A theme park in a major city

3 a. How would you classify marketing research suppliers? 4

b Enumerate the guidelines for selecting an external marketing research supplier. 6

4 a. Why is it important to correctly define the marketing research problem? 2

b State the marketing research problems for each of the following management-decision problems. 8
. i. Should a new product be introduced?
ii. Should an advertising campaign, which has run for 2 years, be changed?
iii. What pricing strategy should be adopted for a new product?
iv. Should the compensation package be changed to motivate the sales force better?

5 a. What are some reasons that management often is not clear about the real problem? 2
b State the management-decision problems for which the following marketing research problems might 8
. provide useful information.
i. Determine the media mix for a new promotional campaign that would result in maximum market
ii. Evaluate the effectiveness of alternative channels of distribution.
iii. Assess current and proposed sales territories with respect to their sales potential and workload.
iv. Determine the prices for each item in a product line so as to maximize total sales for the product
6 a. What is the difference between a symptom and an underlying cause? How can a skillful 6
. researcher differentiate between the two and identify the true problem?
b What are some differences between a management-decision problem and a marketing 4
. research problem?

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