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Sche a He'son holide My aunt and uncle are on holiday. ae b Youre on holi My aunt is on holiday. ¢ They're on holiday, d Wereon holid My uncle is on holiday. My cousin and Tare on holiday. ‘ond I e She's on holic: im You and your family are on holiday. Uaona Read and answer. 1 Are cherries grey? No,, they aren't. 2. Isa butterfly an insect? 3. Are whales big? 4 Are penguins green and white? 5 Ismilkred? 6 Are carrots orange? " B Ug) LD) I 1 He's got a camera 4 Th : ley'Ve got 3 5 got 6 mA uN ANKLE NOX 7 Scanned with CamScanner what about you? Write, 1 Have you got a mobile phone? 2 Have you got a computer? 3 Has your cousin got a bike? 4. Has your grandma got a dog? 5 Have your aunt and uncle got a white car? @iisten and circle. oe PE / Maths Art/ History English / History] Art / PE Maths / Art Now write She's got or She hasn't got. 1. She's got English on Monday. 4 PE on Thursday. 2 Art on Tuesday. 5 History on Friday. 3 Maths on Wednesday. Me My Friend [green shorts _|=blue sunglasses zabluebook —[-apurple swimsuit | -acamera -amap | : - Newgate ; My Picture i Ik. Inmy holiday bag, I've got green shorts and a blue boo! aca Dictionary Tye also got a camera and my passport My friend pes go! blue sunglasses and a punple swimsuit She's also go! and train tickets. Nd \\ yasoven Scanned with CamScanner a | The FlyHigh Review (a) @ Write the words in the correct box. shorts PE plane Clothes sunglasses shirt | i i ticket Art suitcase Kelly Ted Jenny Carol Ron Alex 500m Hokdore Bis) History passport Maths swimsuit My name is Ted. I've gota (1) _ sister. Her name is (2) I've got a (3) Her name is Jenny. I've got a dad. His name is (4) (5) an aunt. (6) Carol. Tve got an (7) His name is Ron. (8) acousin His name is (9) ® Match, 1 Has Kate got a bike? — a Yes, I have. 2 Have you gota cat? b No, we haven't 3 Has James got a rabbit? ¢ Yes, ithas. 4 Have your cousins got watches? d_ No, he hasn't 5 Have you and Mark got Passports? e Yes, she has. 6 Has your dog got a ball? f No, they haven't, Scanned with CamScanner @ Write questions. Then answer. they / tickets? Have they got tickets? Yes, they have she / a sandwich? Has she got.a sandwich? No, she hasn't. She's got an ice crec she / a mobile phone? it/a map? she / sunglasses? she / an ice cream? he/a Passport? Nouwnono Read and colour. a My Eng I ish 1 Isshe your sister? Yes, she is. / No, she isn't © © 2 Are you shy? Yes, Iam. / No, I'm not Ome) 3 Have you got a camera? Yes, Ihave. / No, haven't. © © 4 Has your brother got a dog? Yes, he has. /No, hehasn't ~ G) (S) el Scanned with CamScanner a eb A. sik parcel afternoon eve! ig wad ) morning letter postcard The postman comes at seven. Oo Hello. Have we got a letter today? for you anda parcel for Sally. [SS 1. The postman comes at six es Kno) 2 There's a parcel for Sally. Nes 3 The postcard is from Chatter. yes / no 4 Ziggy swims in the evening. yes/no 5 Chatter opens the parcel yes/no A ainhtaon Scanned with CamScanner Q) Circle and write. gs 1 sally get up /(Gets upat six T/You/We/They play games He/She/It plays games. 2 Roband Vicky go / goes to school at 3 The zoo open / opens at & 4 The shops close / closes at 33) 3) Listen and stick. Then write. e i 1 Inthe morning we 3. Inthe evening we 2 Inthe afternoon we . 4 AtnightI p Lucky, lucky Ziggy Lucky, lucky Ziggy Every day, he plays. Every day, he plays. Lucky, lucky Ziggy Lucky, lucky Zigay He's on holiday. He's on holiday. ‘on the beach. wims in the sea. its an ice cream. ches TV. Scanned with CamScanner (1) choose and write. , fternoon night morning evening otter 1 morning 2 3 @ mors, b It's three o'clock, d Q e Its four o'clock aN CE @ Its eleven o'clock. IK Z| 1 2 3 4 It's one o'clock. 5 6 It's seven o'clock. Its nine o'clock, ® Put the letters in the correct: ‘order. Choose and write, _~ me es fa NAS an | 1 tonomps 2 crepal 3 tele 4 radocpis cpl 1 The postman Comes every morning, 2 Tvegota Its big! Whatis it? 3 We've gota from grandma, It’s very long! 4 Itsa from treat ‘my friend. There's q Picture of France on it Scanned with CamScanner @ Write the correct forms. do 1 1. do my homework in my bedroom. 2 Mybrother does his homework in the kitchen. ply 31 the violin. 4 Mybrother the guitar. go 51 to the park on Saturdays. 6 My brother to the swimming pool on Saturdays. watch 7 I dancers on TV. 8 My brother football on TV. © Choose and write. Use the correct forms. 1 2 3 In the morning Harry and Katie. go. to town In the afternoon they He In the evening he and she Write. Hello from sunny France. Every morning we go (go) to the beach. My mum (2) (swim) in the sea and I (3) (play! football with my dad. My baby sister (4) (play! on the beach We (5) (eat) ice-cream too. In the afternoon we (6) (go) to town. In the evening my sister (7) (go) to bed at seven o'clock. Then mum and dad (8) (watch) TV and I 9) (write) postcards. Sam Smith 19 Forest Road Manchester Scanned with CamScanner

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