Clases Alcides

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1: one /uan/

2: two /twu/

3: three /thri/---------------------------------------Tree= árbol /tri/.

4: four /foor/

5: five /faiv/

6: six /si*x/------------------------------------------- sex= sexo /sex/

7: seven /seven/

8: eight /eiht/

9: nine /nain/

10: ten /ten/

0: zero /cirou/

**cuando se dicta números 256904863. Al cero se le llama /ou/.

11: eleven /ileven/

12: twelve /tuelf/

13: thirteen /thirtin/

14: fourteen /fourtin/

15: fifteen /fiftin/

16: sixteen /sixtin/

17: seventeen /seventin/

18: eighteen /eihtin/

19: nineteen /naitin/

20: twenty /tueni/

21: twenty one

29: twenty nine

30: thirty /thirti/------------(cuidado con confundir con el 13)

35: thirty five

40: forty /forti/

42: forty two

50: fifty /fifti/

58: fifty eight

60: sixty /sixti/

63: sixty three

70: seventy /seventi/

79: seventy nine

80: eighty /eihti/

88: eighty eight

90: ninety /nainty/

94: ninety four

**Cuando decimos fechas complicadas se separa a la mitad. Ej: 1968(nineteen sixty eight).
1997 (nineteen ninety seven). 2005(no es complicada entonces no se separa).

100: one hundred /jandred/

159: one hundred fifty nine.

200: two hundred

700: seven hundred

842: eight hundred forty two

1000: one thousand /thausend/

1573: one thousand five hundred seventy three

2000: two thousand

9000: nine thousand

5406: five thousand four hundred six

- 523

- 8054

- 1897*fecha*

- 8970546023 *celular*

- 10564

Verb to be:

Yo I /ai/ *siempre va en mayuscula*
Tu o Usted You /yuh/
Ustedes You /yuh/
Él He /ji/
Ella She /shi/
Nosotros We /wi/
Ellos o Ellas They /thei/
ESO It /i*t/ *referido a objetos o animales*

Subject= sujeto Verb to be (ser o estar)

I am --------- (I’m /aim/)
You are /ar/-------- (you’re /your/)
He is ---------- (He’s /jis/)
She is ---------- (She’s /shis/)
We are -------- (We’re /wier/)
They are -------- (They’re /their/)
It is ----------- (It’s)

 How old are you? ---------- how old + (verb to be) + subject +?
 I´m 21 years old.
 Is Maria 30 years old?
 Yes, she is.
 No, she isn´t. She is 32 years old.

 You are 59 years old.

 How old is he?
 Daniel is 38 years old.= He’s 38 years old.
 How old is Marta?

Subject+ verb to be Negative

I am / I’m I am not/ I’m not
You are / You’re You are not/ you’re not/ you aren’t /arent/
They are / They’re They are not/ they’re not/ They aren´t
We are/ We’re We are not/ We’re not/ We aren´t
He is / He’s He is not/ He’s not/ He isn’t /isent/
She is/ She’s She is not/ She’s not/ She isn’t
It is/ It’s It is not/ it’s not/ it isn’t
 Alfredo is not 38 years old.


 Good= bueno o buen.

 Bad= malo o mal.
 Hard /jard/= Duro o Difícil
 Easy /isi/= Fácil.
 Soft= blando o leve.
 Ugly /agli/= Feo
 Beautiful /Biuriful/ = Bonito
 Big= Grande
 Small= Pequeño

 The chair is soft. Subject + verb-to-be + Adjective.

 The exam is easy.
 You are beautiful.

 Is the chair soft? Verb-to-be + subject + Adjective?

 Yes, it is.
 No, it isn’t.

 Are you beautiful?

 Yes, I am.
 No, I am not. I’m very ugly.


 Red, Yellow, Orange, Pink, Blue, Green, White /wait/, Black.

 Brown= marrón.
 Gray= gris.
 Purple /purpol/= purpura o morado.
 Golden= Dorado.
 Light Blue= celeste.
 Light green= verde claro.
 Dark Blue= azul oscuro.

 Is the table brown?

 The table is brown.
 The cloud is light blue.
 The light is red.

 Light red= rojo claro.

Red light= luz roja.

 The black chair is small. Adjective + Noun


 Read /rid/= Leer------------------------------- Reads -> She reads the newspaper.

 Study /stadi/= Estudiar---------------------- Studies - > He studies Biology /bioloyi/.
los verbos que terminan en “y” y tienen varias silabas se le coloca “ies”.
 Play= Jugar-------------------------------------- Plays -> Antonio plays guitar.
 Do= Hacer--------------------------------------- Does /das/ -> Alexandra does the
homework. /homwork/.
 Make= Preparar/hacer----------------------- Makes -> She makes bacteria culture medium.
 Run= Correr------------------------------------- Runs/rans/-> The dog runs in the park.
 Walk /wok/= Caminar------------------------ Walks -> My mother walks to the university.
 Teach= Enseñar--------------------------------
 See= Ver-----------------------------------------
 Understand /understend/= Entender----

Simple Present:

 I play soccer.
 Subject + verb + p.
 You understand English.

I, YOU, WE, THEY Verbo en forma natural

We run every day.
He runs every day.


 Hello= hola; Hi (más informal)

 Good morning(mañana)/ afternoon(tarde)/ night(noche) / evening(noche)
 Bye= chao(informal); See you later/leirer/= Hasta luego; See you tomorrow

Rules for verbs in third person: SAY=DECIR SAYS

 Las palabras que terminan en SS, X, CH ,SH o la letra O; se les añade + ES.
Kiss= Besar--------------------Kisses
Go= Ir---------------------------Goes /gous/
 Los verbos que terninan en consonante + Y; se les la Y y se les añade IES.
Deny/denai/= Negar, Denegar------- Denies
Carry=Levar, cargar--------------------- Carries
Hurry=Apresurarse --------------------------- Hurries
 La única palabra que no cumple ninguna regla es “have”.
Have=Tener-------------------------------- Has

Negative in Simple Present:

 I play soccer.
 I do not(don’t) play soccer.
 You understand English.
 You do not understand English. Subject+ don’t+ verb+p.
 The dog runs in the park.
 The dog does not(doesn’t) run in the park.
 She reads the newspaper.
 She doesn’t read the newspaper. Subject+ doesn’t+ verb(forma regular)+p.

Vocabulary of Seasons /sisons/(estaciones o temporadas):

 Spring= primavera
 Winter= invierno
 Summer= verano
 Fall/foul/ / Autumn= Otoño

Questions(preguntas) in Simple present:

 You play soccer.

 Do you play soccer?
Yes, I do.
No, I don’t. I play Basketball.
 I like spring.
 Do I like spring? Do+Subject+verb+p?
Yes, I do.
No, I don’t.
 She reads the newspaper.
 Does she read the newspaper?
Yes, she does.
No, she doesn’t.
 He studies Biology.
 Does he study Biology? Does+Subject+verb(forma regular)+p?
Yes, he does.
No, he doesn’t.


She studies English every day

Does she study English every day?

Yes, she does

No, she doesn´t

You like summer

Do you like summer?

Yes, I do

No, I don´t

He has two children

Does he have two children?

Yes, he does

No, he doesn´t

She touches with her hands

Does she touch with her hands?

Yes, she does

No, she doesn´t

You see with your eyes

Do you see with your eyes?

Yes, I do

No, I don´t


What: /wat/

 What is your favorite animal?

My favorite animal is the dog.
 What is it? What+ verb to be+ subject?
It is an animal.
 What is your name?
My name is Miguel.
 What is your favorite /feivorite/ season?

 What sport do you play every day? Sport= deporte

What (+mas especifico) + do/does + subject + verb + p?
I play basketball.
 What does she study every day?
She studies English every day
 What season do you like?
I like summer.
 What instrument do you play?
I play piano in my house. Instrument= instrumento

Which (opciones limitadas): BED=CAMA

 Which is my dish? Which+ verb to be+ subject?

 *muestro fútbol, basketball, tenis*
Which sport do you play?
I play tennis. Football= futbol americano
 Which of these beds is brown?
This is brown.



What is your favorite meal?

My favorite meal is the ceviche

what music do you dance?

I dance marinera

Which dish do you wash?

I wash only my dish.

What do you do?

I work

Vocabulary of position:

CERCA This/dis/ = esto, esta o este These/dis/ = Estos, estas
LEJOS That= eso, esa, ese Those/thouse/= Esos, esas

 This cellphone is small.

 This is small.
 These animals eat meat.
 That wall is white.
 Those fruits are delicius.

Days of the week: (siempre van en en mayúscula)

 Monday= Lunes.
 Tuesday /tiusdei/= Martes
 Wednesday/wensdei/ = Miércoles
 Thursday /thursdei/= Jueves
 Friday= Viernes
 Saturday= Sábado
 Sunday= Domingo

Months of the year: (siempre van en en mayúscula)

 January /yánuari/= Enero

 February= Febrero
 March= Marzo
 April /eiprol/= Abril.
 May /Mei/= Mayo
 June /yun/= Junio
 July= Julio
 August= Agosto
 September= Septiembre.
 October= Octubre.
 November= Noviembre.
 December= Diciembre.

TAREA 12/10/20

This cell is in the dish.

This flower is beautiful.

These children play soccer.

These bacterial are pathogens.

That bacteria are virulence.

That culture medium is for Streptococcus.

Those wonderful years are in my mind.

Those mice are inoculated.

Possesive Pronouns:

Subject Possesive Pronoun

You= tú your= tu
I my= mi
They their= sus
We our= nuestro
She her= su
He his= su
It its= su

 Your hair /jeir/ is black.

 My dog barks all day. BARK=LADRAR
 I have 2 friends, and now I know their parents. KNOW= CONOZCER, SABER
 Our family is very small.
 Diana studies with her friend.
 The student is in his laboratory. THING= COSA
 The thing is in its place. PLACE=LUGAR
 The laboratory equipment is in their place.
 My first job starts tomorrow. START=COMENZAR

 1er= first= 1st
 2do= second= 2nd
 3er= third /third/ = 3rd
 4to= fourth = 4th
 5to= fifth
 6to= sixth
 7mo= seventh
 8vo= eighth /eith/
 9no= ninth
 10mo= tenth
 21avo= twenty first= 21st

TAREA 15/10/20

I like listening to his music.

Your virus is pathogen.

Our daily bread.

This book has its price.

They have to do their homework.

I appreciate his help.

Her dress is blue./ Carmen’s dress is blue.

My address is santa cruz de Tenerife.

Posesivo “de”:

-La mochila de Raul esta sucia. = The backpack of Raul is dirty./ Raul´s backpack is dirty./ His
backpack is dirty.


WHEN: Cuando come/com/=venir church/charch/= iglesia

marry= casar

 When is your birthday? When+ verb-to-be+ Subject?

 When is the exam?

 When do you go to the church? When+ do/does + subject + verb(forma regular) + p?

I go on Mondays.

 When do you come to visit me?

 When do you marry Sara?

 When does she read her books?

In, on, at in time:

 In: se usa en años, meses, temporadas.

I marry Sara in 2025.
I go to the beach in January.
She drinks tea in fall.
 On: se usa en días de semana.
I study on Fridays.
I go to Chilca on Saturdays.
 At: es para una fecha en específico, para horas (ej 2:50 pm).

Tarea 16/10: Friday, October 16th.

When is your daughter's birthday?

it's April 12th.

When do you finish your thesis?

I have to finish this year.

When can we travel to Ayacucho?

We can travel in the month of November.

When can we eat grilled chicken?

We can eat it tomorrow Wednesday at 6 in the afternoon

when do we talk about business?

I can´t talk now, we can talk on Thursday.

I can never talk about business.

Want= querer

Have to: (se contracciona solo cuando se habla hafta)

 She has to write an essay. Essay /esei/ = ensayo

 I have to wake up early. Sell= vender
 We have to sell this house.
Subject+ have to/has to+ verb(forma regular)+p.
Want to: (se contracciona solo cuando se habla wanna)

 I want to eat pizza.

 I want to talk in English. / I want to speak English.
 We want to talk in English.
 He wants to live/liv/ forever. Life(noun)= vida
Subject+ want to/ wants to+ verb+ p.


 Papa = potato /poteiro/ (papas frita= french fries) frito(adj)= fried

 Camote= sweet potato sweet=dulce
 Tomate= tomato /tomeiro/
 Plátano= Banana
 Manzana= apple
 Higo= fig
 Lúcuma= lucuma
 Atún = Tuna (tuna salad=ensalada de atún)
 Fresa= Strawberry
 Arandano= Blueberry
 Cereza= Cherry

TAREA 20/10/20 Get=conseguir, obtener

She wants to buy tomatoes.

I want to grow figs.

I have to do my homework of English./ I have a homework of English.

He has to cook sweet potatoes for ceviche.

I have to get strawberry for juice.

Objectives: kill=matar

 You have to kill me now.

Subject Objective
You= tú you
I me
They them
We us
She her*
He him
It it
 I want to give you a gift. GIFT=REGALO GIVE=DAR
 Tell me your life. TELL= CONTAR (narrar)
 We have to beat them. BEAT= VENCER
 He doesn’t want to help us.
 We need her in the house. PUNISH= CASTIGAR
Ella quiere castigarlo por varios días. Sub+ want to+ verb(with objective)+p.
 She wants to punish him for many days.
 I have to do it right now. DO= HACER


Tell them your life. / Tell your students your life.

Isabel tells me about the students.

You need me for work./ You need me to work.

She wants to bring her from Ayacucho.

I want to bring him from Ayacucho./ I want to bring Arturo from Ayacucho.

They have new cars.

They don’t have new cars.

They have to congratulate us.

You are thin, You need to eat.

 Eres inteligente./ Tu eres inteligente

 You are smart.


 Read all those books.

 Close the door, please. Verb(regular form)+p
 Give me your cellphone.

CAN/CAN´T (can not)

 You can run very fast. RUN=CORRER

 She can live alone. Subject+ can/can’t + verb(form regular)+p
 He can’t sing Huayno.
 They can´t study in this classroom.
 Can you run very fast? Can/can’t + subject + verb(for regular)+p ?
 Can she live alone?
 Can’t you see me?


My name is Sangeeta. I am 11. I live in New Delhi, India with my father, mother, two brothers
and three sisters. My grandparents also live with us. In India, family is very important. It is
common to have grandparents, aunts, uncles and/or cousins living in the same house. My
aunts, uncles and cousins also live nearby. We see each other often. My older brother is a
computer programmer. Right now, he is in Australia. His company sent him there for one year.
We all miss him a lot. We write him letters every week. I want him to come home soon.


Vocabulary of time:

 Always= siempre
I always play football./ Bacteria always grow in culture medium./ He is always at home.
 Often= a menudo
 Usually/iushuali/= usualmente **
 Sometimes= algunas veces**(mas común al comienzo de la oración)
 Hardly ever= casi nunca
 Never= never

TAREA 26/10/20 stain= teñir, colorear

1) I don't usually eat breakfast, because I'm not hungry early.

2) To isolate a bacterium, it is always recommended to first perform the Gram staining in

order to choose a culture medium.

3) My mom often has a headache/jedeik/, we need to take care of her.

4) Carmen always gets up early to go to buy bread and prepare breakfast.

5) Sometimes I can’t talk with my brother, because he lives far away.

6) When environmental conditions are hostile, bacteria sometimes form spores that are
structures of resistance.


 I´m teaching English to my uncle.

 You are going to Jockey plaza. Subject+ verb to be (not)+ verb(+ing)+p.
 She is playing tennis with her family.
 I am leaving the country at 7 pm.
 He´s taking singing classes every Monday.
 I´m not teaching English to my uncle.
 What are you doing? Wh-quest+ verb to be+ subject+ verb(+ing)?
 You are dancing Salsa.
 Are you dancing Salsa?
Vocabulary of family:

 Mother/ Father.
 Mother in law.
 Step mother.
 Grandmother.
 Son(hijo)/ Daughter(hija) /dahrer/.
 Son in law.
 Uncle(tío)/ Aunt(tía)
 Wife(esposa)/ Husband(esposo).
 Siblings(hermanos).
 Cousin(primo).
 Nephew(sobrino)/ Niece(sobrina).

Today is friday October 30, 2020.

I am doing my homework commissioned by my nephew Miguel, who is teaching me English.

My mother is called Máxima and she is in delicate health, God allows her to recover.

I have 4 siblings, 3 sisters and one brother.

My sister Raquel has two children, my nephew called Miguel and my niece Natividad.

My wife is called Carmen; my son Rodrigo and my daughter Christina.



 Where are you?

 Where is Rodrigo?
 Where is the restaurant?
 Where is the restroom? Where+ verb-to-be+ Subject?
 Where are you dancing? Where+ verb-to-be+ Subject+ verb-ing?

 Where do you dance every week?

Where+ do/does + subject + verb(forma regular) + p?
 Where does she live?

Why:/wai/ CRY=LLORAR

 Why are you sad?

 Why is she here? Why+ verb-to-be+ Subject+ p?
 Why are you telling me lies? Why+ verb-to-be+ Subject+ verb-ing+ p?

 Why does he cry every night?

Why+ do/does (not) + subject + verb(forma regular) + p?
 Why don’t you sleep?


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