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3 Amoeba sp. forms spores. In the spores, mitosis

CHAPTER 2 CELL BIOLOGY AND takes place multiple times to form daughter cells.
ORGANIZATION Once environmental conditions improve, the spores
will germinate and release daughter cells.
Formative Practice 2.1 4 The contracting rate of the contractile vacuole will
1 Rough endoplasmic reticulum has ribosomes decrease.
attached it whereas smooth endoplasmic reticulum
does not have any ribosomes attached to it. Formative Practice 2.3
2 Light microscope usually has a magnification 1 Rough endoplasmic reticulum, ribosomes and Golgi
of 1000x. On the other hand, the electron apparatus.
microscope is able to magnify a cell as much as
2 A nerve tissue is made of cell body and nerve fibres
2000000x. Without an electron microscope, cell
that are called dendrites and axons. Nerve tissues
structures cannot be seen clearly because the
coordinate and control bodily activities.
light microscopes can only observe certain cell
components, such as cell membrane, cell wall, 3 A large number of chloroplasts can absorb more
nucleus, cytoplasm, and chloroplast only. light for photosynthesis.
3 Onion cell because onions grow in the ground. 4 Fat cells contain very little cytoplasm but have high
Onions obtain food from their storage organs which fat content.
are onion bulbs. Fat cells contain very few mitochondria because it
does not need a lot of energy.
4 Similarities:
Fat cells can expand to store more fat.
Both cells have nucleus, cytoplasm, plasma
membrane, Golgi apparatus, mitochondria,
endoplasmic reticulums and ribosomes.
Formative Practice 2.4
1 Cell Tissue Organ System
Multicellular organism
• Plant cells have a fixed cell shape whereas
animal cells do not have. 2 Skin is classified as an organ because skin is made
• Plant cells have cell walls whereas animal cells up of epithelial tissues, connective tissues, nerve
do not. tissues and muscle tissues that work together to
carry out the functions of skin.
• Plant cells have chloroplasts whereas animal
cells do not. 3 Trunk and branches make up the support
• Plant cells have large vacuoles, whereas animal system of plants to support leaves at a vertical
cells do not (if there is, the size is small). position to allow maximum absorption of sunlight
during photosynthesis. Flowers are involved in
• Plant cells do not have centrioles whereas animal
cells do.
4 The organism is not able to carry out a lot of
Formative Practice 2.2 functions that are needed for its survival.

1 Contractile vacuoles are involved in osmoregulation. Summative Practice 2

2 Amoeba sp. moves by extending its pseudopodium 1 This is because chloroplast is used to produce food
(false feet). This is followed by cytoplasmic during photosynthesis. Animal cells do not produce
streaming into the extended pseudopodium. food.

1 Biology Form 4

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2 Amoeba sp. undergoes binary fission. When • When water enters the vacuole, the vacuole
Amoeba sp. has expanded to a certain size, the expands.
nucleus will divide mitotically. Then, cytokinesis • The vacuole and cytoplasm will push
takes place. Two Amoeba sp. that possesses the towards the plasma membrane and cell wall.
same genetic composition are formed. This will produce turgor pressure within the
3 Phloem sap. Photosynthesis takes place during cell and maintain cell turgidity.
the day. Therefore more sugar is produced and is 10 (a) • T
 he meristematic tissue is a tissue that has
absorbed by the aphid. small cells, compact cytoplasm and many
4 P is cell wall. P is built from cellulose which is nuclei. This tissue carries out cell division.
strong and fibrous as well as fully permeable. The • The epidermal tissue has cells with large
function of cell wall is to maintain plant cell shape. vacuoles and a thin layer of cytoplasm. This
tissue covers the surface of plants to protect
5 X is stomach. The rough endoplasmic reticulum
it from injury and loss of water.
carries proteins produced by ribosomes. Stomach
is an organ that synthesises enzymes in large (b) Cell is the basic unit of all life. Tissue is a
amounts for protein breakdown. group of cells that have a certain structure and
6 Process X is differentiation. Xylem forms hollow carry out a certain function.
connected tubes. This ensures the continuous (c) The epithelial tissue is made up of one or more
transport of water and mineral salts. layers of cells that cover the surface or body
7 Herbicides contains respiratory poisons. Herbicides cavity and protects it from injury and drying up.
will destroy respiratory enzymes that will stop The muscle tissue is made up of muscle cells
cellular respiration. No ATPs are produced, which and muscle fibres that can contract and relax
then hinders the active transportation of ions into to produce movement.
plant cells. 11 (a) P: Mesophyll cell R: Epidermal cell
8 Through osmoregulation. Osmoregulation in (b) P contains a large number of chloroplasts
Amoeba sp. involves contractile vacuoles. Water for maximum absorption of sunlight for
will be absorbed into Amoeba sp. via osmosis. photosynthesis. R protects plant tissues from
Water collects in the contractile vacuoles until they mechanical injury.
reach the maximum size. Then, the contractile
vacuoles will contract to expel water from Amoeba (c) When light intensity and carbon dioxide
sp. As such, Amoeba sp. does not overexpand and concentration are high, guard cells (Q cell)
burst. curve outwards. This causes the stomata to
open and allow more carbon dioxide to enter
9 (a) (i) K – Golgi apparatus the leaves.
(ii) K – The centre for processing, packaging
(d) (i) Xylem and phloem
and transportation of carbohydrate, protein
and glycoprotein (ii) • Xylem is made up of vessel elements
N – Contains chlorophyll to trap sunlight for and tracheids that are connected from
photosynthesis one end to the other.
• Vessel elements do not contain any
(b) • L is vacuole. Cell sap inside the vacuole
contains water, dissolved substances and
mineral salts. • The cell walls are impregnated with

Biology Form 4 2

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• These characteristics allow xylem (b) If a cell does not have Golgi apparatus, protein
to transport water and mineral salts from rough endoplasmic reticulum:
throughout the entire plant. • will not be processed and modified
• Phloem consists of sieve tubes that are • will not be separated according to their
arranged from one end to the other end. respective destinations
Sieve tubes contain sieve plates that • will not be packaged into vesicles
allow the continuous transportation of
organic compounds. Thus, protein cannot be transported to other
parts of the cell or secreted by the cell as
extracellular enzymes.
Essay Questions
(c) (i) • Cell P is root hair cell.
12 Example of unicellular organism is Amoeba sp.
Five life processes of unicellular organisms are as • Root hair cells are normal epidermal
follows: cells with long projections.
• Movement • This allows the root hair to seep
Amoeba sp. extends its pseudopodium through between soil particles to reach water
the flow of cytoplasm to move. that surrounds soil particles.
• Nutrition • Long and thin projections increase the
Ingests through phagocytosis by extending its total surface area of the cell to absorb
pseudopodium to engulf food particles. Food water and mineral salts. The thin and
is kept inside food vacuoles and hydrolysed by semipermeable plasma membrane
enzymes before being absorbed. allows water to diffuse through it into the
• Respiration cytoplasm via osmosis.
Gaseous exchange of oxygen and carbon (ii) • Q
 is a red blood cell. The red blood cell
dioxide through plasma membrane by diffusion. does not have a nucleus. It is shaped
• Excretion like a biconcave disc and flat.
Excretory products such as carbon dioxide and • This increases the cell’s total surface
ammonia are excreted via diffusion. Cellular area and allows oxygen to diffuse faster
osmotic pressure is controlled by contractile into the cell.
vacuoles. • Red blood cells are elastic. This allows
• Reproduction the cells to move though very thin
Reproduces via asexual reproduction, which is capillaries.
binary fission and spore formation. • Red blood cells also contain a red
13 (a) • X
 is the contractile vacuole that controls the pigment known as haemoglobin that
water content in a unicellular organism. transports oxygen throughout the entire
• Excess water within the cell will enter the
contractile vacuole through osmosis.
• This will cause contractile vacuole to
expand. 14 • T
 he epithelial tissue that lines the lungs, colon
or the skin is the outermost layer of the skin or of
• The vacuole will then contract to expel water
the organ. As such, the epithelial tissue is the first
from the organism.
tissue to be exposed to any substances that can
cause cancer compared to other tissues.

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• The second factor is the high rate of cell division 15 Cells of new cartilage tissue can be generated
in epithelial cells, which means mutations are through embryonic stem cell injections to parts
more likely to happen spontaneously due to an of the damaged cartilage discs. Visit https://www.
error during DNA replication. to see how
• Both factors contribute to the higher chances of this procedure is carried out.
cancer occurring in the epithelial tissue.

Biology Form 4 4

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