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Formative Practice 13.2

HUMAN URINARY SYSTEM 1 The proximal convoluted tubules and distal
convoluted tubules are found in the cortex, whereas
the loop of Henle is found in the medulla.
Formative Practice 13.1
2 Eating salty foods and drinking less water
1 Homeostasis is the regulation of the physical and
chemical factors of the internal environment within a 3 Water is reabsorbed through osmosis. The
normal range so that cells can function optimally. reabsorption of sodium ions and glucose occurs
through active transport.
The mechanism of homeostasis occurs by negative
feedback: 4 The individual does not need undergo
• A values that exceeds the normal range is haemodialysis. The individual only needs to reduce
reduced back to normal. food rich in protein and salt as well drink enough
• A value that drops below the normal range is water.
raised back to normal.
Formative Practice 13.3
2 Mechanism of homeostasis:
• Vasodilation occurs 1 Kidney stones may block the ureter and reduce the
production of urine.
• Sweat glands secrete sweat
• Erector muscles relax – body hairs are lowered 2 Not drinking enough water and excessive intake of
mineral salts such as calcium
• Skeletal muscles contract and relax lesser. Body
does not shiver.
Summative Practice 13
• The adrenal and thyroid glands are less
stimulated – metabolism rate is lowered 1 The loop of Henle can be found in the kidney
3 Excess glucose is not converted into glycogen. The
glucose level in the blood rises (hyperglycaemia) 2 (a) Diluted urine in large amounts
and glucose is excreted through the urine (b) Concentrated urine in small amounts
(glycosuria). In this condition, the individual is
considered as having diabetes mellitus. A diabetic 3 Benedict’s tests
patient is constantly feeling thirsty, exhausted 4 The liver slows down cellular respiration, converts
and lethargic and experiences weight loss. If left glycogen to glucose and prevents the conversion of
untreated, it may lead to death. glucose to glycogen.
4 • B
 lood pressure rises. The baroreceptor on the 5 (a) The amino acid concentration in blood
aortic arch and arterial carotid are stimulated. plasma is higher than that found in the urine.
• The cardiovascular control centre in the medulla Reabsorption occurs. 100% of the amino
oblongata is stimulated. acids are reabsorbed into the blood capillaries
• The smooth muscles of the artery wall relax through active transport at the proximal
(vasodilation), hence reducing resistance to convoluted tubule.
blood flow in the blood vessels. (b) The kidney failed to function as
• The cardiac muscles contract weakly. osmoregulatory organ. The water content in
• Blood pressure returns to normal. the body cannot be regulated.

Biology Form 4 1

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6 (a) • A
 bsence of lipase. This means less fat – Sweat glands are not stimulated. Therefore, no
digestion. sweating occurs.
• Absence of trypsin. This means less protein – Erector muscles contract, causing body hairs
digestion. to rise. A thick layer of air is trapped on the
• When insulin and glucagon are not skin surface and acts as a heat insulator that
produced, the regulation of blood sugar level prevents the loss of heat through the skin.
is affected. – Body shivers. The skeletal muscles contract
and relax, generating heat and increasing body
(b) • Reduce the intake of carbohydrates
• Get an insulin injection if the blood glucose
– The thyroid gland is stimulated to secrete
level rises above normal.
thyroxine and the adrenal gland is stimulated
7 (a) Ultrafiltration to secrete adrenaline. Thyroxine increases
cell metabolism rate and adrenaline increases
(b) Blood cells and plasma protein
glycogen conversion into glucose. Glucose is
(c) The diameter of the afferent arteriole that oxidised to yield heat energy.
carries blood into the glomerulus is larger
9 • There is less oxygen in the atmosphere.
than the diameter of the efferent arteriole that
carries blood out of it. This creates a high • The oxygen partial pressure is low.
hydrostatic pressure in the glomerulus, and • There is less oxygen in the blood.
pushes molecules of specific sizes such as • This is detected by the peripheral
glucose and amino acid out across a two-cell chemoreceptors. Nerve impulses are generated
thick wall between the capillary wall and the and sent to the respiratory and cardiovascular
inner wall of the Bowman capsule. control centres, and then to the intercostal
(d) Glucose was reabsorbed in the proximal muscles, diaphragm and cardiac muscles.
convoluted tubule through active transport. The rate of contraction and relaxation of the
intercostal muscles and diaphragm increases,
(e) Animals that live in a dry environment have hence increasing the breathing (inhale/exhale)
a longer loop of Henle compared to animals rate. Heartbeat also increases.
living in a moist environment. This enables
• More oxygen is brought to the cells and more
more water to be absorbed through the loop of
carbon dioxide is transported to the lungs.
Henle. The result is concentrated urine.
10 • T
 he erector muscles relax, causing the body
Essay Questions hairs to lean towards the skin surface.
8 • T
 he body temperature of the worker drops after • Body hairs trap a thin layer of air allowing more
sitting in a cold room for 6 hours. heat to be released to the surrounding.
• The thermoreceptors on the skin receive stimuli • Sweat glands secrete sweat. When the sweat
and transmit nerve impulses to the temperature evaporates, heat is lost to the surrounding.
control centre in the hypothalamus through 11 (a) (i) The optimum temperature for all
afferent nerves. enzyme-catalysed chemical reactions
• A negative feedback mechanism occurs: is 37 °C. If the body temperature rises,
– Vasoconstriction takes place. This reduces the enzyme-controlled metabolic reactions
flow of blood to the skin surface and hence will be affected because the enzymes will
less heat flows to the surrounding. become denatured.

2 Biology Form 4

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(ii) • T
 he erector muscles of the skin • As a consequence, blood osmotic pressure
contract, raising body hairs. A layer drops and returns to the normal range.
of air trapped on the skin surface, • Low osmotic pressure creates a negative
functions as an insulator. feedback mechanism that reduces the
• When stimulated, skeletal muscles activities of the osmoreceptor cells in the
contract and relax more. The body hypothalamus.
shivers and heat is generated. • This will then cause the pituitary gland to
(b) • Protein is digested into amino acids. cease secreting more ADH.
• Excess amino acids are toxic and cannot be
• Through deamination, the nitrogenous part 12 Seawater fishes do not experience dehydration
of amino acids is converted to urea while although sea water is hypertonic to the body fluids
the non-nitrogenous (carbon chain) part is due to homeostasis. Through homeostasis, most
converted to glycogen or fat for storage. water is reabsorbed into the blood. Only a small
amount of concentrated urine is excreted. Fishes
• Urea is a nitrogenous waste product that
also drink a lot of sea water to replace water loss.
needs to be excreted through the urine.
Excess salt is expelled through specialised cells
• Since the urea concentration is high in a found on the gills, that is, chloride cells. All of these
person who ate too much protein-rich foods, maintain the osmotic blood pressure of the fish so
urea needs a lot of water to be excreted. that dehydration does not occur.
• Therefore, he/she will pass urine frequently.
13 Drugs in the bloodstream are secreted into the
(c) • W
 hen a person drinks too little water, the renal tubule and excreted through urine. By testing
blood osmotic pressure will increase above the presence of drugs in urine, we can determine
normal levels. whether a person is taking drugs or not.
• The osmoreceptor in the hypothalamus is 14 In applying the silicone nanotechnology to produce
stimulated. Nerve impulses are transmitted a semipermeable membrane filter that lasts long,
to the pituitary gland to secrete more the following should be taken into account:
antidiuretic hormone (ADH) into the blood. • The apparatus does not require installation of a
• A high concentration of ADH increases the tube.
permeability of the distal convoluted tubule • The apparatus must be small and can be inserted
and collecting duct walls. into the body without triggering any rejection from
• More water is reabsorbed from the filtrate the immune system
into the blood. • Able to carry out ultrafiltration process, remove
• Urine becomes more concentrated and only all toxins and reabsorb all substances needed by
a small amount is excreted. the body.

Biology Form 4 3

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