Curriculum Advisory Services Fiji: Ministry of Education, Heritage and Arts Activities For Year 9

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These activities are designed using the learning outcomes, identifying the concepts, skills and
attitudes that students will achieve or demonstrate in Year 9.

The scope of content at each level or year is an extension of prior concepts, skills and attitudes that
have students developed and build coming through the weeks of Term 1 of the 2020 academic year.

These activities are intended to provide equal emphasis from the teaching of the three strands in the
English Classes.

As students read, view and attempt them, they will make meaning, identify and use the appropriate
conventions of language and also prepare themselves for assessments.

Students are encouraged to use technology where possible so that with the learning of language, they
are constantly equipped and are beneficiaries of the modern world with confidence.

Compilation 2020

Ministry of Education English Activities for Years 9


A. Grammar Exercises

Complete the following sentences using the past or past participle form of the
verb given in the brackets.
1. They were badly ……………. in the battle. (beat)
2. Recently the prices of essential commodities have ……………….. up. (go)
3. He …………….. us good-bye. (bid)
4. I ………………. him up last night. (ring)
5. I ……………. my duty. (do)
6. Her voice gradually ……………… to a whisper. (sink)
7. His path was ……………. with thorns. (strew)
8. As expected, he …………….. to the occasion. (rise)
9. After the storm we ……………. a spell of fine weather. (have)
10. The faithful dog …………….. his blind master. (lead)
11. The prisoner was …………….. hand and foot. (bind)
12. You never ……………… me a chance to speak. (give)
13. He ……………… a clean pair of heels. (show)
1. They were badly beaten in the battle.
2. Recently the prices of essential commodities have gone up.
3. He bade us good-bye.
4. I rang him up last night.
5. I did my duty.
6. Her voice gradually sank to a whisper.
7. His path was strewn with thorns.
8. As expected, he rose to the occasion.
9. After the storm we had a spell of fine weather.
10. The faithful dog led his blind master.
11. The prisoner was bound hand and foot.
12. You never gave me a chance to speak.
13. He showed a clean pair of heels.
Complete the following sentences.
1. Dowry is an evil practice. It is no longer permitted by law even in
………………………. marriages.


a) inter-religious
b) love
c) conventional
d) polygamous
2. Family planning is essential because it will help to curb the rapid
……………………….. in population.
a) spurt
b) augmentation
c) spread
d) increase
3. The parties couldn’t arrive at an agreement because one of them
……………………….. the decision of the arbitrator.
a) disputed
b) rejected
c) questioned
d) objected
4. Kings have few things to desire and many things to ………………………….
a) crave
b) long
c) worry
d) apprehend
5. John shouted at her …………………………. the top of his voice, but she did not hear
and went on.
a) at
b) to
c) against
d) for
6. In order to ……………………….. the rising demand for petroleum products, the
government is planning to impose additional taxes on high-end cars.
a) regulate
b) reduce
c) restrain
d) contain
7. Though, the winding road was a ……………………….. climb, we finally managed to
reach the top.
a) tortuous
b) easy
c) fast
d) slow


8. A light breeze ………………………… the forest fire and made it more dangerous.
a) blew
b) ignited
c) fanned
d) lit
9. Take care of the …………………………. and the hours will take care of themselves.
a) days
b) years
c) seconds
d) minutes
10. The way he kept knocking over things, he was more like a bull in a
……………………. shop.
a) China
b) English
c) Cattle
d) Grocery

1. conventional
2. increase
3. disputed
4. worry
5. at
6. contain
7. tortuous
8. fanned
9. minutes
10. China

This grammar exercise tests your ability to use different tense forms correctly.
Fill in the blanks with the appropriate form of the verb given in the brackets.
1. Our humanity ………………………… us. (unite)
2. She ……………………….. a huge amount of money for that coat. (spend)
3. We all ………………………… to the human race. (belong)
4. The play was so humorous that the audience …………………………. all through it.
5. It ……………………….. me when you talk that way. (hurt)
6. The dome ……………………….. by white marble columns. (support)
7. Dark clouds …………………….. the coming of rain. (foretell)


8. Shy people ……………………… comfortable with strangers. (not feel)
9. The monument …………………………. local war heroes. (commemorate)
10. The hotel ………………………… all the comforts of home. (provide)

1. Our humanity unites us.
2. She spent a huge amount of money for that coat.
3. We all belong to the human race.
4. The play was so humorous that the audience laughed all through it.
5. It hurts me when you talk that way.
6. The dome is supported by white marble columns.
7. Dark clouds foretell the coming of rain.
8. Shy people don’t feel comfortable with strangers.
9. The monument commemorates local war heroes.
10. The hotel provides all the comforts of home.

This worksheet tests your range of English vocabulary. Fill in the blanks with the
appropriate form of the word given in the brackets.
1. Follow the directions carefully or this medicine may be …………………….. (harm)
2. She gobbled down lunch and …………………………. to her appointment. (haste)
3. There wasn’t much time, so I dressed ………………………… (hasty)
4.These steep stairs are …………………………. (hazard)
5. There is nothing more ……………………….. than a brisk walk every day. (health)
6. The men had a ……………………….. argument about politics. (heat)
7. Is baldness …………………………? (heredity)
8. Lack of education could be a ………………………….. to your career. (hinder)
9. I can’t understand his ………………………….. to our suggestions. (hostile)
10. The Nazi war criminals were condemned for crimes against ………………………….
1. Follow the directions carefully or this medicine may be harmful.
2. She gobbled down lunch and hastened to her appointment.
3. There wasn’t much time, so I dressed hastily.
4. These steep stairs are hazardous.
5. There is nothing more healthful than a brisk walk every day.
6. The men had a heated argument about politics.


7. Is baldness hereditary?
8. Lack of education could be a hindrance to your career.
9. I can’t understand his hostility to our suggestions.
10. The Nazi war criminals were condemned for crimes against humanity.

Fill in the blanks with an appropriate word or phrase.

11. The jury decided to acquit the accused as the photographs ————— the verbal
account and proved his innocence.
a) Revealed
b) Corroborated
c) Betrayed
d) Disclosed
2. His argument that globalization only aggravates poverty does not —————– with
the established facts.
a) comport
b) convince
c) approve
d) accept
3. Twelve years of effort and struggle were —————–when the foundation stone for
the new theater was laid.
a) Finished
b) Finalized
c) Consummated
d) Approved
4. I don’t think it will be possible for us to live in this world if each of us ———— exactly
what fate had in —————– for him.
a) follow, plan
b) appreciate, strategy
c) knew, store
d) visualize, hidden
5. People who have failed in most aspects of life often end up —————- pessimistic
a) Evolving
b) Projecting
c) Lamenting
d) Following
6. She was —————— the lack of funding for her project.


a) Lamenting
b) Digesting
c) Criticizing
d) Condemning
7. Although his writings are greatly influenced by those of his contemporaries, they
nevertheless also show display a —————- degree of originality.
a) Concise
b) Marked
c) Relative
d) Limited
8. Despite the —————- and difficulty of his style, a careful reading of his books is
seldom —————–
a) Novelty, useful
b) Originality, unreliable
c) Complexity, unprofitable
d) Creativity, durable
9. It is the —————– of selfishness in man to deny the advantages of good education
to women.
a) Height
b) Degree
c) Level
d) Advance
10. This essay is an excellent example of the writer’s repeated attempts to —————
the vast ocean of philosophy.
a) Explore
b) Fortify
c) Augment
d) Delimit

1. corroborated
2. comport
3. consummated
4. knew, store
5. projecting
6. lamenting
7. marked
8. complexity, unprofitable
9. height
10. Explore


Conjunctions are words used to connect two words, phrases or clauses.
Underline the conjunctions in the following sentences.
1. Give me something to drink or else I will die of thirst.
2. Blessed are the merciful for they shall obtain mercy.
3. I hear that you are going abroad.
4. My grandfather died before I was born.
5. I shall be upset if you do it.
6. You cannot go unless you have his permission.
7. He fled lest he should be killed.
8. I did not go because I had not been invited.
9. Water and oil do not mix.
10. He is richer than his brother.
11. We can travel by land or water.
12. He asked whether he might take a day off work.
13. We reached home before the storm came.

1. Give me something to drink or else I will die of thirst.
2. Blessed are the merciful for they shall obtain mercy.
3. I hear that you are going abroad.
4. My grandfather died before I was born.
5. I shall be upset if you do it.
6. You cannot go unless you have his permission.
7. He fled lest he should be killed.
8. I did not go because I had not been invited.
9. Water and oil do not mix.
10. He is richer than his brother.
11. We can travel by land or water.
12. He asked whether he might take a day off work.
13. We reached home before the storm came.

State whether the following sentences are in the active voice or passive voice.
1. I can hear somebody coming.
2. Suddenly I heard a strange noise.
3. She has been told.
4. We have not heard anything from them.


5. The suspects were interrogated by the police.
6. You needn’t have woken me up.
7. The students were praised by the teacher.
8. This house was built in the 19th century.
9. She has been waiting to hear from her husband.
10. We have been invited to their party.
11. Do you know this?
12. He was shown the door.
13. The child was injured in the accident.
14. The bird had been caught by the cat.

1. I can hear somebody coming. (Active voice)
2. Suddenly I heard a strange noise. (Active voice)
3. She has been told. (Passive voice)
4. We have not heard anything from them. (Active voice)
5. The suspects were interrogated by the police. (Passive voice)
6. You needn’t have woken me up. (Active voice)
7. The students were praised by the teacher. (Passive voice)
8. This house was built in the 19th century. (Passive voice)
9. She has been waiting to hear from her husband. (Active voice)
10. We have been invited to their party. (Passive voice)
11. Do you know this? (Active voice)
12. He was shown the door. (Passive voice)
13. The child was injured in the accident. (Passive voice)
14. The bird had been caught by the cat. (Passive voice)



i. Schools should try to eliminate bullying in schools.

Bullying is unwanted, aggressive behavior among school aged children that involves a
real or perceived power imbalance. Bullying is never acceptable under any
circumstances. It is revolting, nasty and cruel. There are limitless arguments for this
including terrified children who fear school. Numerous instances have been brought to
light in regards to bullying in schools.

Firstly, in Fiji schools today, there are children who are actually so afraid that they do
not want to go school because of bullying. Allowing this disgusting behavior to continue
could seriously impact the future of children and prevent them from learning and
becoming successful in life. All stakeholders should not stand by and let this atrocity to

Secondly, children today are already dealing with so many burdens. Schools should
provide a safe and positive environment for these young people to escape any stress
and anxieties that they are facing at home. Many children are already dealing great
emotional hardships and we need to look after them. Banning bullying is the first step
that we must take as a society to nurture and protect all children, especially those at risk
due to their difficult home life.

Thirdly, children should never be hurtful, physically or mentally. Bullying causes long
term scarring that can traumatize a child for the rest of their life. Adults should put
themselves in the victim’s shoes and imagine the intense pain and trauma that one
would be feeling. Children’s future would be put at risk of developing serious mental
illnesses by allowing this bullying to continue.

In summation, no one can deny that bullying must be busted. It is appalling that this
problem has not been fixed yet. Children would be scared away from schools, adding to
their emotional burdens and causing life-longing physical and emotional scars. Everyone
has to come together and take a stance against bullying in schools.

ii. Traffic jams are becoming a cause for concern in Fiji’s towns and cities.


Fiji is a fast developing country and has beautiful towns and cities but faces a modern
problem. Traffic jam has become a threatening problem that is disturbing the tranquility
of major towns. Twenty years ago, there were only a handful of cars but today, the
streets are blocked with modern vehicle; buses, trucks and taxis. Every morning and
afternoon, the streets are crowded with these vehicles.

Firstly, several factors have contributed to Fiji’s traffic problems. Everybody now can
afford a car due to rapid economic growth. There are also too many taxis in towns and
cities and around the suburbs. With these, is the rapid increase in population growth. As
well, the current road building infrastructure cannot keep up with the increasing needs.
There is limited space as roads are quite narrow.

Secondly, school buses also add to this as children no longer walk to school. For other
travelling public, there are no alternatives to travelling such as trains or tams.
Consequently, people have to take the roads. Presently, there is also poor public
transport infrastructure. Buses and heavy trucks all end up using the same lane, thus
causing massive congestions.

Consequently, these traffic jams have several adverse effects. Firstly, it leads to higher
levels of anger and frustration. A great impact is the time that is wasted leading to a
delay at work and school or when doing an errand. This can also lead to a reduced
productivity. The more the number of vehicle also means increased air and noise
pollution, thus, making Fiji’s environment less pleasant.

Conclusively, traffic jams is a serious problem and affect Fiji’s towns and cities and there
are several factors. Policy makes should consider improving existing infrastructures or
design new roads and streets and formulate plans for alternative modes of
transportation for the travelling public.

iii. Online communication is fast becoming today’s mode of communication and

taking over face to face communication.

In today’s global family, people find themselves communicating more and more through
online channels such as messaging, social media and video calls, often at the expense of
face-to-face dialogue. There are certain situations where online communication is
unavoidable but others where people opt for virtual over real-life conversation.

To begin with, one of the main arguments in its favor is that it opens up the possibility of
communicating with people in different places around the globe. This can take place
video conferencing without the need for time consuming, exhausting business trips.


Another point is that written online communication gives people the option of
responding either immediately or at a time that suits everyone as well as allowing
people to edit and polish the message.

On the other hand, there are several significant drawbacks to over- reliance on online
communication. Some experts are concerned that a lack of face- face interaction
impedes the development of vital social skills. Also, the very nature of conversation is
different in the virtual world. If short snippets and emoticons replace longer stretches of
direct conversation, the world may run the risk of losing the art of real conversation.

To conclude, on-line communication brings an overall advantage in today’s fast paced,

global society. However, people need to exercise extra caution not to overlook the
benefits of engaging in face-to- face dialogue.

iv. The negative impacts of consuming fast foods.

With a changing and modern lifestyle, people in Fiji are moving away from traditional
foods and adopting more of fast foods. This culture is evidently clear as more and more
eateries are booming with business. While fast food is tasty, the question that is
arguable is that is it really good for one’s health. Thus, this essay intends to look at the
impacts of the consuming fast foods.

Firstly, fast food may taste great but it does not provide enough nutrition to the bodies.
It has too much fat, sugar and carbohydrates that do not give the required energy
needed for a day. Quite often, after eating fast food, people may feel sluggish and even
still hungry. This goes to show that food that taste great does not make one feel great.

Also, eating fast food can make a person become fat and obese overtime. Most fast
food is deep fried in oil and has many calories. Fast food also has a lot of carbohydrates
that get converted to sugar and make people fat. Being fat is not good as one cannot
lead a quality and productive life.


Additionally, being on a total fast food diet can lead to severe health issues. Fast food is
known to cause heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes and many other related
conditions. Having poor health leads to much sickness and one is not able to do things
they would normally enjoy doing.

To conclude, fast food may taste great, but it is not really worth risking one’s health. It
provides little nutrition and eventually makes a person obese. Fijians must make a wise
choice to eat healthy in order to lead happy and productive lives.

v. The positive impacts of multiculturalism in Fiji.

Multiculturalism is the diversity of two or more cultures in a society. Fiji is a multi-racial

country where people from different ethnic groups and countries call Fiji their home.
These groups of people have different languages, customs, values and religions.
Different people have different views to things, like or dislike, agree or disagree. Thus,
this essay will look at the positive impacts of multiculturalism.

Firstly, increased globalization has made the world a smaller place and this implies that
there is

increased cultural diversity as people move to global societies. It is from this perspective
that people learn to appreciate the different values, personalities, and styles of different
people as part of managing cultural diversity. This is because people of different races,
gender, or ethnicity to have different characteristics, even though some personalities
are usually common among people of different races. This implies that although there
can be differences in race and ethnicity, people tend to share certain attributes since
they are human beings.

Secondly, diversity also embraces aspects of individuals from different backgrounds

such as geographic location, education, culture, language, or parental status. Diversity
also enables people to learn from others and respect their experiences, whether
different or similar. Furthermore, writing a good paper on cultural diversity should entail
respecting other people’s opinions and way of life. This is because personalities tend to
differ, especially when people have been brought up in different regions.


In addition, in Fiji, there is freedom for all people. The relationships of people in the
country are friendly and harmonious, and people’s lives have become rich and colorful.
People are understanding and learning from each other more easily than before. People
can eat different cultural style foods and attend cultural events as well.

In a nutshell, multiculturalism is a good thing for Fiji, so it is positive. Fijians need to

enhance and develop multiculturalism in their daily lives. Although cultures may differ,
there are certain attributes that are shared by all human beings. The whole world has
become a global village. Multiculturalism is becoming more important than at any other
time in history.

vi. The issue of wearing uniform to school is a debatable topic

School uniforms and why students wear them has been a topic of concern and debate
for as long as these clothes have been around. Though people who argue that wearing
uniforms in educational institutions make people appear all equal, give a sense of
community, and teach discipline, however, it seems there are more disadvantages to
wearing uniforms than advantages. Thus, this essay intends to discuss the disadvantages
of wearing uniform to schools.

Firstly, demanding students to adorn uniforms takes away freedom, they are often
uncomfortable, they are a waste of money, they promote conformity over individuality,
and children’s self-image is damaged more when they wear uniforms at school. Most
modern countries like, Fiji, for instance, believe in one’s right to freedom of expression.
Making it mandatory for students to give up their right to express themselves through
clothing is wrong.

Additionally, uniforms are often seen as less comfortable than normal clothes. They can
be tight and not adjustable to different weather conditions. The temperatures in winter
and summer can be unbearable in a standard school uniform. In this sense, making
uniform compulsory is unpractical.

Further on, another concern is that paying for uniforms wastes the money of parents,
when their children can simply wear the clothes they have. Sometimes some schools
have arrangements with exclusive suppliers who may unnecessarily charge parents. This
simply means that do parents have to spend extra money on an outfit.

To conclude, there are some benefits of wearing uniforms in school, however, there are
more disadvantages than advantages. This is because uniforms take away freedom and
is uncomfortable, is a waste of money. Schools are to be constitutional by allowing
students to wear what they deem expresses their uniqueness.


vii. Human activity is making the earth a worse place to live.

The world is changing at a rapid pace nowadays due to the actions of human
populations. In the past century, humanity has had a mostly negative effect on the
planet. The effects are now felt by the people and are now reminiscing of their actions
which seems to threaten their very own existence. Thus, this essay will discuss the
effects of man’s actions on planet earth.

To begin with, industrial development has caused major air pollution, which has a
terrible effect on people’s health. Almost every day, the world is made aware on news
reports about how horrible air quality is in major cities all over the world. Additionally, it
is often reported that chronic lung diseases are on the rise and that there is a
connection between these two trends. A majority of the population of the Earth now
resides in cities, and they often suffer from similar consequences of industrial

Secondly, human development has led to a massive accumulation of trash, which spoils
the natural beauty of the planet. While in the past products were often made of
biodegradable materials like paper and wood, today most manufactured goods are
made of plastic that never breaks down. Such materials sometimes find their way into
permanent landfills, but often they just end up as litter.

In addition, many beaches, roadsides, picnic spots, waterfalls and so on which were
once places to be admired in the natural environment is marred by an accumulation of
plastic bags and water bottles that are strewn everywhere. The same place a century
ago would not have found it tainted in such a way.

In conclusion, it can strongly put forward that human activity has made the planet a less
pleasant place to live. This is because people are more likely to suffer from the effects of
pollution than in the past, and because humans create garbage which has destroyed the
natural beauty of our world.


C. Dictionary Abbreviations:
Below are abbreviations commonly used in dictionaries. Familiarise yourselves with the ones used in the
Oxford Word Power Dictionary. Write what each abbreviation means as it is used for words in the

1. conj. _____________________ 11. exc. _____________________

2. Gr. _____________________ 12. pl. _____________________

3. sing. _____________________ 13. O. _____________________

4. vt. _____________________ 14. vi. _____________________

5. esp. _____________________ 15. pt. _____________________

6. L. _____________________ 16. art. _____________________

7. adv. _____________________ 17. n. _____________________

8. pron. _____________________ 18. OE. _____________________

9. Ger. _____________________ 19. adj. _____________________

10. prep. _____________________ 20. Fr. _____________________

Copyright © 2015 All Rights Reserved. Free for educational use at home or in classrooms.


D. Read the questions below and attempt the questions.


President / ‘Prezident / noun [c] 1 (also president) the leader of the country
and head of the government in many countries that do not have a king or queen.
A President is usually chosen in an election: President Mitter-rand of france. O
the vice – president 2 the person with the highest position in some organizations

Presidential / Prezi’dent [I] adj connected with a president.

Source: The Oxford Wordpower Dictionary New 3rd Edition

1. How many syllables are there in the headword?

2. Identify the adjective form of the headword.

3. What the symbol - stands for

4. What does the [c] represent in the entry?

Part 2 Mass Media .

5. Explain one advantage of a newspaper that a radio does not have.

6. Who is a radio personality?

7. Why is the ‘Letter to the editor” section important?

Part 3 Library

8. How are non- fiction books arranged in a library?

9. Write down one item/information you will find in the spine of a book.


E. Poetry

Using two of the poems you have studied this year, answer the


1. Write the titles of the poems and full names of the poets.

2. Identify the themes of each poem.

3. Discuss what each poem is about and state one thing that you liked about each

4. Explain why each title of the poems is appropriate.

5. Mention and quote a figure of speech used in each poem.

6. The poem is a good read for Year 9 students because___________


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