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Theories are formulated to explain, predict, and
understand phenomena and, in many cases,
to challenge and extend existing knowledge,
within the limits of the critical bounding
• The theoretical framework is the structure
that can hold or support a theory of a
research study. The theoretical framework
introduces and describes the theory which
explains why the research problem under
study exists.
Formulating the Theoretical Framework

• It helps the researcher see clearly the
variables of the study;
• It can provide him with a general framework
for data analysis;
• It is essential in preparing a research proposal
using descriptive and experimental methods.

J199 lecture, R.E.Khan

The theory provides a point of focus
for attacking the unknown in a
specific area.
If a relationship is found between two
or more variables a theory should be
formulated to explain why the
relationship exists.
Importance of Theory
A theoretical framework consists of
concepts, together with their definitions, and
existing theory/theories that are used for your
particular study.
The theoretical framework must
demonstrate an understanding of theories and
concepts that are relevant to the topic of
your research paper and that will relate it to the
broader fields of knowledge in the class you are
Importance of Theory
The theoretical framework is not something that is found
readily available in the literature. You must review course
readings and pertinent research literature for theories and
analytic models that are relevant to the research problem you
are investigating. The selection of a theory should depend on its
appropriateness, ease of application, and explanatory power.

The theoretical framework strengthens the study in the

following ways.
An explicit statement of theoretical assumptions permits the
reader to evaluate them critically. to act in more informed and
effective ways.
The theoretical framework strengthens
the study in the following ways.
• An explicit statement of theoretical assumptions permits the
reader to evaluate them critically.
• The theoretical framework connects the researcher to existing
knowledge. Guided by a relevant theory, you are given a basis
for your hypotheses and choice of research methods.
• Articulating the theoretical assumptions of a research study
forces you to address questions of why and how. It permits
you to move from simply describing a phenomenon observed
to generalizing about various aspects of that phenomenon.
The theoretical framework strengthens
the study in the following ways.
• Having a theory helps you to identify the limits to those
generalizations. A theoretical framework specifies which key
variables influence a phenomenon of interest. It alerts you to
examine how those key variables might differ and under what
• By virtue of its application nature, good theory in the social
sciences is of value precisely because it fulfills one primary
purpose: to explain the meaning, nature, and challenges of a
phenomenon, often experienced but unexplained in the
world in which we live, so that we may use that knowledge
and understanding
Placement of a theory in quanti
research only
General guide:
• Introduce the theory early in the study:
• In the intro, in the review of lit,
• Immediately after the hypotheses or research ?s
(as a rationale for the connection among the
• Or as a separate section of the study (ideal so
that researcher can clearly identify the theory vis-
à-vis the study)


Quanti Theory Perspectives (Cresswell,
“The theory that I will use is____ (name of theory). It was
developed by ____ (identify the origin, source or
developer of the theory), and it was used to study ___
(identify the topics where one finds the theory being
applied). This theory indicates that ___ (id the
propositions of hypotheses in the theory). As applied
to my study, this theory holds that I would expect my
independent variable/s ___ (state independent
variables) to influence or explain the dependent
variable/s (state dependent variables) because ___
(provide a rationale based on the logic of the theory)


This investigation substantially depended on
the capability approach originally developed by
Sen (1993). The capability approach, according to
Robeyns (2003) is a broad normative framework
for the evaluation of individual well-being and
social arrangements, the design of policies and
proposals about social change in society. She ADMINISTRATIVE
claimed the capability approach is used in a wide CAPABILITY AND
range of fields, most prominently in development PERFORMANCE OF
thinking, welfare economics, social policy and LOCAL GOVERNMENT
political philosophy. It can be used to evaluate a UNITS IN THE
wide variety of aspects of people’s well-being, CORDILLERAS
such as individual well-being, inequality and ROGELIO D. MERCADO, DPA
poverty. It can also be used as an alternative
evaluative tool for social cost-benefit analysis, or
to design and evaluate policies, ranging from
welfare state design in affluent societies, to
development policies by governments and non-
governmental organisations (NGOs) in developing
This inquiry also relied on the
Theory of Organizational Performance
Management. Davis (2013) held that
performance management is a set of
techniques used to measure success
in meeting goals of an organization. ADMINISTRATIVE
Performance management can be CAPABILITY AND
used to evaluate specific processes PERFORMANCE OF
and systems, the performance of LOCAL GOVERNMENT
departments or the performance of UNITS IN THE
individual employees. The theory of CORDILLERAS
organizational performance ROGELIO D. MERCADO, DPA
management, known as OPM, applies
this approach to an organization as a
whole, assessing progress toward
goals and identifying and adjusting
factors which hinder progress.
Management Performance of Pangasinan
collective theory was first proposed Credit Cooperatives in the Context of
as a solution to the problem of free- Collective Action and Good Governance
riding in collective action by Mancur
Olson's seminal work, entitled “The
Logic of Collective Action” in 1965.
He is credited with initiating a
paradigm shift in the study of the
challenges facing collective action.
Olson argues that group benefits
that are difficult or impossible to
exclude allow individuals to access
these benefits, even though they
have not contributed their
proportional or appropriate share of
the resources needed to supply the
Edwin BR. Gbargaye, DPA
Management Performance of Pangasinan
The governance theory has a bearing to the Credit Cooperatives in the Context of
present study. Originally, it was in Collective Action and Good Governance
Britain when corporate governance entered the
mainstream through the publication of the
Watershed Cadbury Committee Report in 1992. .
The term “governance” is used in a variety of
ways and a variety of meanings (Rhode, 1996 and
Stoker 1997). There is however, a baseline
agreement that the development of governance
styles in which boundaries between and within
government and public sectors have become
blurred. The essence of “governance” is its focus
on governing mechanisms does not rest on option
to the authority and sanctions of the government.
The “governance” concept points to a creation of
a structure or an order which cannot be externally
imposed but as a result of the interaction of the
multiplicity of governing and each other
influencing actors (Kooiman and Van Vliet,
1993). Edwin BR. Gbargaye, DPA
The theory that the researcher
will use in this study organizational
theory, performance theory and
Theory of Service Delivery.
The provision of services
provided by the members of Organizational
the Women and Children theory is being used in
Protection Desk of the this study to relate
Philippine National Police performance of PNP
Cordillera Administrative based on their
Region (WCPD, PNP-CAR). organizational structure,
financial resources,
Melyrita A. Davis, DPA human resources,
equipment; and facilities.
Another theory which has a bearing
to this study is the theory of performance.
(Chandler: 1962; Donaldson: 1987).
Accordingly, it is assumed that an
organization in misfit fail to make the
The provision of services adaptive changes that would move them
provided by the members into fit if they underwent a crisis of low
performance. This is consistent with Simon
of the Women and Children (1976) that management decisions are
boundedly rational that organizations do
Protection Desk of the not maximize their performance but
satisfies. Managerial decision making is
Philippine National Police problem solving that is activated when
Cordillera Administrative organizational performance falls below
deemed to be satisfactory (i.e.satisficing).
Region (WCPD, PNP-CAR) Thus, low performance of an organization
that whose structure misfits, contingency
Melyrita A. Davis, DPA variables lead into a change in the
organizational structure to bring it into fit.
In addition high performance feedback can
increase the contingency variables.
The present study anchored on the
theories of Governance and New Public
Management (NPM). The decentralization
of agricultural extension programs from the The delivery of
Department of Agriculture to the Local agricultural
Government Code revealed several issues
associated to policy, program, thrust, extension services
organizational structure, human
resources, operation /implementation and
by the local
fiscal resources as a consequence Government Units in
associated with the transition from
centralized the decentralized system. Pangasinan
Thus, the devolution of agricultural Rogelio C. Evangelista, DPA
extension function required local
empowerment for self governance .
The management of
internal control system of
Millionaire Multi-Purpose
Cooperatives operating in
Region I.
Scientific Behavioral Contingency Social Quantitative
Management Management Management Management Management Theory.
Theory. Frederick Theory. This theory Theory. The Theory. This theory This theory expresses
Winslow Taylor as stated by Robert contingency theory considers the mathematical models
(1856-1915), the Owen, is that focuses on the system of and measurable data.
Father of Scientific management must following: 1.) legal management as a This emphasizes the
Management, have concern on the aspects; 2.) cultural system of cultural creation of models,
assumed that labor worker's condition considerations; and interrelationship. It is which state specific
is not the cause of which affects the 3.) emerging field of also a social assumptions, purposes
most problems in quality and quantity public interaction dealing and necessity. The
business and it is of his work. Mary administration. This with other people, as quantitative
only the Parker Follett is the management theory well as, cultural explanations of the
management which psychologist who attempts to explain relationships condition of
can provide first applied the operation of the assumptions, purposes
solutions to the psychology to system by assessing and problems become
the factors in a given
problems of the busi-ness. the foundation for
business. decision-making.

Agustin D. Cortez, Ph.D.

Based on the foregoing example
1. specifies the theory used as basis for the study
2. mentions the proponents of the theory
3. cites the main points emphasized in the theory
4. Supports his exposition of the theory by ideas from other
5. illustrates his theoretical framework by means of a diagram;
6. reiterates his theoretical proposition in the study.

J199 lecture, R.E.Khan

The hypothesis stated in the ADMINISTRATIVE
null form were tested at CAPABILITY AND
.05 level of significance: LOCAL GOVERNMENT
• There is no significant UNITS IN THE
relationship between ROGELIO D. MERCADO, DPA
administrative capability
and performance of LGUs
in the Cordilleras.
This inquiry has proven that there is a significant relationship
between administrative capability and performance of the
LGUs in CAR with an overall value of .843, interpreted as high
positive correlation as supported by the “p” value of .000
which is highly significant even at .01 level. In view of this
hereby proposed. The proposed theory postulates that as
administrative capability of local government units increases,
the resulting performance also gets better. This
contemplation is also supported by the discovery that as
problems in administrative capability become more serious,
performance of LGUs declines.
This investigation also revealed that social responsibility has a significant
perfect correlation with performance which suggests that the sense
of social responsibility of the LGUs is the most significant dimension
of administrative capability that influences their performance while
the lowest in significance is organization structure. This finding not
only affirmed the inclusion of social responsibility as a dimension of
administrative capability but also proved that social responsibility is
the most dominant dimension that affects performance. In effect, this
supports another contemplation that a “THEORY OF SOCIAL
RESPONSIVENESS” should be considered. This theory posits that as
long as an organization is fully committed to the prosecution of
socially desirable programs and services, no matter how high or flat
its structure is, its performance shall be highly regarded by the
people. For a government entity, this is the real essence of
“Commitment to Public Interest.”

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