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Untouchability is Inhuman and a Crime

A publication under Free Textbook Programme of Government of Tamil Nadu

Department of School Education

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Government of Tamil

First Edition - 2018


Content Creation

The wise
possess all

State Council of Educational

Research and Training
© SCERT 2018

Printing & Publishing

Tamil NaduTextbook and

Educational Services Corporation

ELEC_EQUIP_FM.indd 2 21-04-2018 17:59:20


This book is written in accordance with the new guidelines formulated by Tamilnadu
Government Curriculum Framework (TNCF-2017) Committee to strengthen the higher
secondary education on par with the Global Standards by providing different kinds of
learning opportunities to promote holistic approach to education. The objectives of this
book on Electronics Equipment is not only for knowledge upgradation but also for pro-
viding basic skills viz., hands-on-experience with electronic circuits, trouble shooting
of minor problems in electronic equipment, handling of test and measuring equipment.
This book covers the up-to-date curriculum in the area of Electronics and related
fields to encourage the multidisciplinary approach and discourage rote learning of
Electronics with different subject areas. Each Chapter has been designed and written in
such a way to inculcate the basic knowledge of the Electronics to the students and also to
give opportunity to the stakeholders to provide a platform for exhibiting their creativity.
Each Chapter starts with the introduction of the concerned topic and covers the
contribution from different domains such as brief history of scientists and their related
inventions, proverbs or Tamil literature quotes related to the particular scientific con-
cept, learning objectives, learning outcomes and detailed description of the concepts with
the related figures, equations for the easy and deep understanding of the subject matter.
Further, several solved problems and self-evaluation exercises are given in each Chapter
to motivate the students for self-learning and to develop self-confidence in the subject
We appreciate the initiatives, encouragement and guidance extended by the
Tamilnadu Curriculum Development committee headed by Prof. M. Anandakrishnan,
who is responsible for shaping this book to this higher level. We are indebted to the institu-
tions and organisations, which have generously permitted us to draw upon their resources,
material and personnel. We are especially grateful to the members of the Tamilnadu State
Council for Education Research and Training (SCERT) for their valuable support. For the
systemic reform and continuous improvement in the standard of this book, we welcome
critical comments and valuable suggestions, which will enable us to undertake further
revision and refinement of the subject matters covered in this book.
We hope this book will bring an appreciable change in the teaching-learning pro-
cess. We wish all the stakeholders to make use of this book effectively, to get the intended
outcomes and benefits.


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Learning objectives briefly describe the contents of the
Learning Objectives unit. It also outlines the knowledge gained by the students.

Interesting facts to motivate students to gain more

information regarding the unit.

Infographics Visual representations of the unit for better understanding.

Conceptual diagrams that potrays the technique of

Concept Figures drafting and sewing.

To facilitate reading at anytime, anywhere.

Skill oriented activities based on the units for better
Activity understanding.

Access students under the category of understanding,

Evaluation reproducing and application oriented.

Glossary Explanation of significant terms.

A model question paper to help students to face

Model Question Paper examinations.

References List of related books for further reading.

Brief note on successful students who have pioneers in the

Case Study field.

Career Guidance List of job opportunities on successful completion of course

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After completion of Higher Secondary (+2) Vocational Engineering (EE) course, students
can pursue the following courses / Jobs / Self-employment as detailed below:

Vocational Stream
The Vocational Engineering students are blessed with two major opportunities after com-
pleting their +2.

Vertical Mobility Job / Self Employment

1. Lateral Entry for DIPLOMA in 1. Job opportunities offered by few

Engineering (ECE, EEE, E&I) industries like TVS, Leyland, Lucas,
TI-cycles, TITAN watches.

2. Separate allocation given for 2. Audio/Video Equipment Service

Vocational (Engg &Tech) Centre. Computer Hardware service
students in Engineering (B.E.,)
Courses (ECE, EEE, E&I).
Even first 2 days counseling
is allotted for Engineering
Vocational students.

3. B.Sc., (Eletronics), B.Voc 3. They can register their names in the

(NSQF) “Board of Apprenticeship Training”,
4th Cross street, CIT Campus,
Tharamani, Chennai – 600013 for
employment opportunities.

4. The students who need for

employment opportunities
4. Lateral entry opportunities (for and career guidance, including
B.E./B.Tech.,) after completing counselling both in Government,
Diploma. Private and Public sector can see
the website of for
further details.

Chapter 1  Basic Electrical Principles v


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Preface iii
How to Use the Book iv
Career Guidance v

Chapter  1  Basic Electrical Principles  01

Chapter  2  Electrical Devices  38
Chapter  3  Basic Principles of Electronics  60
Chapter  4  Power Supply 83
Chapter  5  Transistors and Amplifiers 98
Chapter  6  Special Type Semiconductor Devices  122
Chapter  7  Oscillators  148
Chapter  8  Digital Electronics  162
Chapter  9  Fundamentals of Digital Computers 179
Chapter 10  Electronic Measuring Instruments 201

Case Study
P.Anand 225
M.Prabhu 225
G.T.Kannan 226

Model Question Paper 227

References 229

E-book Assessment DIGI-Links

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• Download the QR code scanner from the Google PlayStore/ Apple App Store into your smartphone
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1.1  Introduction to Electricity  1.8  Colour coding of resistors

1.2  Types of Electricity   1.9  Tolerance code of Resistors
1.3  Electrical Properties 1.10  Kirchhoff’s Laws
1.4  Ohm’s Law 1.11 Capacitors
1.5  Resistors in Series Circuits 1.12  Types of Capacitors
1.6  Resistors in Parallel circuits 1.13  Capacitors in Series
1.7  Types of Resistors 1.14  Capacitors in Parallel


A student can understand the following in this Chapter

1. Basics of electricity 4. Kirchhoff’s law

Electrical parameters and its 5. Working of Resistors
6. Working of Capacitors
3. Ohm’s law and its verification

1.1 INTRODUCTION TO routine physiological activities, etc., have

ELECTRICITY been pervaded by electrical or electronics
equipment like fan, computer, cell phone,
Electricity is the integral part of human etc. Presently, all fields of science, engi-
lives like water, space, land, fire and air. neering, technology, humanities and arts
Today’s technological era, all the activi- mostly rely on electrical and electronic
ties and functions of the human beings gadgets for their sustenance. Further, our
are pervaded/controlled/facilitated by body activities are initiated and controlled
electrical and electronic gadgets. For by movement of ions across the cell wall,
example, a person awakening from sleep which is called as bioelectricity. Currently,
and during sleep, the environment, work, in medical diagnosis, the measurement of

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bioelectric potential on the surface of the and felt electric shock slightly, which
human body such as Electrocardiogram proved that lightning is electric in nature.
(ECG), Electroencephalograph (EEG), In 1800, in Paris (France), Italian scientist
Electromyogram (EMG), Electroculogram Alessandro Volta proved that his inven-
(EOG), etc., play a vital role in under- tion, “Voltaic Pile” produced electricity.
standing the functioning of the body
organs and their disease condition. In
automobiles, most of the mechanical Later days, The Voltaic Pile was
parts are controlled by electronic controls. called as Voltaic cell
Additionally, the identification of human
beings is based on biometrics measure-
ments, which completely depends on 1.1.2 Generation of Electricity
electronic gadgets. As a result, the human In 1831-32, a British scientist Michael
life is dominated by electrical and elec- Faraday invented electromagnetic genera-
tronic gadgets, hence, the learning and tor using Faraday’s laws of electro magne-
understanding of their working princi- tism which produced Alternating current.
ple is well advised for proper handling, Nikola Tesla, Serbian-American inventor
maintenance and troubleshooting of those contributed the design of modern A.C
devices. Hence, we will discuss the history supply system.
and basic principles of electricity in this
Chapter. 1.1.2 ( a) Types of Power Generation
Important types of power generation are
1.1.1 History of Electricity 1. Hydroelectric power station
In June 1752, American Scientist Benjamin
2. Thermal power station
Franklin, tried to prove that lightning is a
phenomenon of electricity by flying a kite 3. Atomic power station
with conductive rods to attract lightning 4. Wind Power station
to a Leyden jar, which was an early form of
5. Solar power station (D.C)
a capacitor. When kite was flying at a cer-
tain height, he observed an electric spark 6. Gas power station

Benjamin Franklin Benjamin Franklin Trying to Draw Nikola Tesla

Electricity from Lightning

2 Electronics Equipment

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1.1.3 Electricity Waveform
It is a kind of energy that one cannot see Wavelength Peaks
Peak to Peak
as like air. It’s existence can only be known
through the working of electrical appli- B D
ances. Also its existence can be found
One complete
using line tester and multimeter. Amplitude

Positive half
Initially, electricity was known cycle
as electric fluid.
Negative half

Generally there are two types of Electricity. Figure 1.1  AC sine waveform
They are: Amplitude
1. Alternating Current (AC)
2. Direct Current (DC) Amplitude is the distance from the X-axis
to the vertex or peak of the any one half
1.2.1 Alternating Current cycle of the AC waveform. Its unit is volts.
The direction of current varies with time Polarities
is called as alternating current. It has two
terminals viz., phase and Neutral. If the The top half cycle is positive half cycle
phase terminal acts as ‘+VE’, then neutral and the bottom half cycle is negative half
terminal acts as ‘-VE’ terminal. If phase cycle. Both half cycles combined together
terminal acts as ‘-VE’, then neutral termi- to form the one complete full cycle.
nal acts as ‘+VE’ terminal. Wavelength
If you test the phase terminal with
The length from starting point of the wave
a line tester, you may see the tester shows
to the finishing point, which includes one
light indication. Neutral shows no indica-
positive half cycle and one negative half
tion. Neutral is a common terminal used
cycle, is called wavelength. Its unit is
as a return path current flowing from
phase to neutral through the connected
device. It is neither ‘+VE’ nor –VE. Peak to Peak Value Voltage and Frequency of The distance between positive peak and
Household AC Supply negative peak is referred as peak to peak
In our country, the voltage and frequency value. Its unit is volt.
of single phase supply is maintained as
220V/50Hz. In Foreign Countries, par- Angles
ticularly in U.S.A, it is maintained as The starting point of the wave is 0°, +VE
110V/60Hz AC. Figure 1.1 shows the peak is 90°, the end of positive half cycle
waveform of the alternating current. is 180°, peak of negative half cycle is 270°
Chapter 1  Basic Electrical Principles 3

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and the end of negative half cycle is 360°. The unit of frequency was
The wave consists of four quadrants like a named after German scientist
circle. Heinrich Hertz. Frequency
1.2.3 Direct Current
The number of complete cycles per second
The direction of current does not vary with
is called Frequency. Its unit is Hertz (Hz).
time. Therefore, it is called as Direct Current.
Higher value units are kilo-Hertz (kHz),
We can get DC from battery or by convert-
Mega-hertz (MHz), Gigahertz(GHz) and
ing AC into DC using rectifier circuits.
so on.
Figure 1.3 represents the direct current.

1 2 3 +

0 t


(a) 3 Cycles per second (3Hz)


Figure 1.3  Representation of direct current

Low frequency High frequency

(b) wavelength changes with respect to change in Activity 1.1

❍❍ Take a cycle dynamo.
Figure 1.2  Frequency of the AC waveform ❍❍ Connect the output of it with a multi-
meter in DC voltage range.
If there are 3 full cycles occur in ❍❍ Rotate the dynamo.
one second, then its frequency is 3Hertz.It
❍❍ Observe the voltage reading in the
is shown in Fig 1.2 (a) meter.
Low frequency has long wavelength ❍❍ Connect an LED in series with 1 kΩ
and high frequency has short wavelength. with the output of the dynamo.
It is shown in Fig 1.2 (b) You will see the bulb glowing.
Wavelength (λ ) = Velocity of light or
Electromagnetic DC has two terminals namely +ve
waves ( C) and –ve and hence battery symbol is used

to denote DC.
Frequency (F)
λ= C/F
(Unit of wavelength in meter, velocity 1.3 ELECTRICAL PROPERTIES
of light - constant - 3×108 meter/sec
Basic Electrical properties are Voltage,
and unit of frequency in Hertz)
Current and Resistance.
4 Electronics Equipment

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1.3.1 Voltage water flows quickly because it gets a path
Let us see an example to understand about to flow from tank where water is under
voltage. In our home, water is filled in pressure.
the overhead tank using electrical motor
pump. Due to atmospheric air pressure Likewise, if we connect an electrical
and gravitational force, tank water is at load through proper conducting wires,
the higher pressure. The pressure of the Electrons will flow from higher density
water in the tank is assumed as the supply point to lower density point as shown
voltage as shown in Figure 1.4. in Figure 1.5. This is called Electric
Air pressure

Water pressure
Water with pressure due to +–
air and gravitational force Bulb

Water flow Switch

Current flow

Figure 1.4  Comparison of voltage with pressure of Figure 1.5  Comparison of electric current with flow
water of water

The amount of electrical pressure The flow of current can be measured

required to pass the current in a conduc- as ‘the number of electrons crossing the
tor is known as voltage. It is represented by particular cross section of a conductor in
the letter V or E and measured by the unit a second”. It is represented by the letter ‘I’.
Volt. Highest unit value is kilo-Volt (kV). Its unit is Ampere. It is the highest value.
Lower value units are milli-Volt (mV) and Lower values are milli-Ampere (mA) and
micro-Volt (μV). micro-Ampere (μA).

The quantity of one volt is defined as 1.3.3 Resistance

the voltage needed to send one ampere
of current through one ohm resistance The property of a material which
in a circuit. opposes the flow of current is known
as resistance. An electrical compo-
As we designed weighing stone to nent which has the resistance prop-
measure rice, wheat etc., we defined one erty is said to be resistor. It is denoted
volt in the above paragraph. by the letter R and measured by the
unit ohm. (The units used to measure
1.3.2 Electric Current higher value resistance are kilo ohm
Let us try to understand current through (kΩ) and mega ohm (MΩ).
an example. If we open a tap in our home,

Chapter 1  Basic Electrical Principles 5

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Tap fully opened Tap slightly opened

Low resistance to the flow of water High resistance to the flow of water
(Low electrical resistance) (High electrical resistance)

Large amount of water Small amount of water

discharges (High current flow) discharges (Low current flow)

(a) (b)

1A 0.5A

1 Volt 1 Volt

1Ω 2Ω

Figure 1.6  Comparison of

resistance with flow of water (c)

To understand “what is resistance”, 2. Inversely proportional to the cross

an analogy between the water-tap and the sectional area of the conductor.
resistance is the simplest way. For example, 3. Directly proportional to the spe-
if the tap is fully opened, maximum water cific resistance or resistivity of the
flows through the tap, otherwise if a water conductor.
tap is partially opened, then the amount of
water flow through the tap is less. R=ρ

Similarly, if the resistance offered to Where R is the resistance, l is the

an electrical circuit is less, the amount length, A is the area of cross-section, and
of current flows in the circuit is maxi- ρ is the specific resistivity of the conduc-
mum and vice versa. tor as shown in Figure 1.7.

In other words, the current depends upon

A = area
the resistance offered by the circuit. This
L = length
is shown in Figure 1.6(c).
ρ = resistivity = Laws of resistance R
The resistance of a conductor may vary
R = ρL
according to the following factors. A

1. It is directly proportional to the

Figure 1.7 Factors affecting the resistance of a
length of the conductor. conductor

6 Electronics Equipment

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1. From top hole, water flows with a
low speed. Because, only air pressure
The following units were named after the and gravity act on it.
­scientists, as given below. 2. Water from the middle hole flows
Volt Italian scientist Alessandro volta with increasing speed than in the
Ampere French scientist André-Marie Ampere top hole, because pressure increases
Ohm German physicist George simon ohm. due to water in the top portion of
the bottle along with air and gravity.

1.4  OHM’S LAW 3. Water from the bottom hole flows

with high speed than in the first and
German physicist George Simon Ohm middle, because pressure increases
found that “voltage, current and resis- due to water in the top and middle
tance” are related to each other and derived parts along with air and gravity.
a law. This is called Ohm’s law. Let us Likewise, in a circuit, if the sup-
try to understand ohm’s law through the ply voltage increases, the electric current
example shown in Figure 1.8. increases. If the supply voltage decreases,
current also decreases (Resistance value
Air Pressure + Gravity
should be constant in both the conditions)
Therefore, the current in a circuit can be
represented as,
2 Iα

Ohm’s law states that at constant
temperature, the current flows in
a circuit is directly proportional
to the voltage and inversely proportional
1. Medium Pressure to the resistance in the circuit.
2. High Pressure
3. Very High Pressure Voltage (Volt)
Current (Ampere) =
Resistance (ohm
Figure 1.8  Demonstration of Ohm’s law
Take a plastic bottle and make three R
equal sizes of holes viz. (i) Top (ii) centre
and (iii) bottom and fill up the bottle with The other forms of Ohm’s law are
water. given below:

What will happen? V V V

There are air pressure and gravitational
force always around us. Due to this,
water in that bottle is under pressure. V =IxR I =
R =

Chapter 1  Basic Electrical Principles 7

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Theoretical Verification of Ohm’s Law 1.4.1 Power
Example 1: Let V=100 V, R=10Ω,Find The Electrical work done during a specific
the value of I. Assume that the resis- time interval is known as power.
tance value is kept constant. Work done W
Power ( P) = =
V 100 Time T
I= = = 10 A V× I×t
R 10 P =
Example 2: Let V=10 V, R=10Ω, Find P = V × I or Power = Voltage × Current
the value of I. Assume that the resis-
Power (P) is measured using the unit
tance value is kept constant.
called watt. To represent high power
V 10
I= = = 1A ­values, kilo-watt or mega-watt is used.
R 10
From these two examples, we can The unit of Power is ‘Watt’.,
conclude that the voltage increases (100 named after Scotland scientist
V) the current increases (10 A), and volt- James Watt.
age decreases (10 V) current decreases (1
A). That is, current I is directly propor- 1 kilowatt = 1000 watt
tional to voltage V, proved theoretically. i.e. 1 kw = 1,000 watt
Example 3: Let V=100 V, R=100 Ω, find 1 Mw = 10,00,000 watt
the value of I. To find and measure the power, the
V 100
I= = = 1A following formula is used
R 100
P = V × I ���������������������� 1
Comparing Examples 1 and 3, in
According to ohm’s law, (V = I R).
both the examples the voltage is kept con-
Substitute this in the equation..1
stant and the resistance is varied. From
these, it is proved that the resistance value P = I × R × I = I2 R ������������������� 2
decreases (10Ω), current increases (10A),
whereas resistance value increases (100Ω), And also substitute I = in equation 1,
current decreases(1 A), As a result, we
prove that I is inversely proportional to R. V = V2
we get P = V ×
Example 4: Let I=2 A, R=10Ω, find the
value of V.
To find the value of V, the respective quan- Therefore, power can be calculated by
tities are substituted in Ohm’s law 2. following three formulae.
V = I • R = 2 × 10 = 20V 1. P = V × I

Example 5: Let I = 5 A, V=25 V, find the 2. P = I 2R

value of R. V2
3. P =
V 25 R
Using Ohm’s Law 3:  R = I = 5 = 5 Ω

8 Electronics Equipment

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Example 1: Let V = 10 V, that energy. For example, an electrical
I=2 A, find the value of P. fan supplied with electrical energy starts
P = V × I = 10 × 2 = 20 watt rotating and gives air circulation. In this
phenomenon, fan is a load, consuming the
Example 2: Let I = 2A, R=15Ω, find the electrical energy. Similarly, electric lamp
value of P. offers light using electrical energy. Here,
P = I2 R = 2 × 2 × 15 = 60 watt lamp acts as a load by consuming the elec-
trical energy. From this we come to know
Example 3: Let V = 6 V, R=12Ω, find
the value of P.
V 2 6 ×6
P= = = 3 watt
R 12
An object that consumes electrical
1.4.2 Electromotive Force (E.M.F) energy is called electrical load. e.g.,
The force exerted by the density of electrical lamp, fan, mixie, radio,
the electrons in a point is referred as television, etc.
Electromotive Force (E.M.F). Also, it is the
voltage developed by any source of electri-
cal energy such as battery or dynamo. Its 1.4.5 Electrical Circuit
unit is Volt.
If two terminals of an electrical supply is
connected to a load, which enable to pass
current through the electrical devices
is called electrical circuit as shown in
R1 Figure 1.10.


R2 difference Supply voltage Resistance


Figure 1.9  Potential difference across the load

Figure 1.10  Electrical circuit
1.4.3 Potential Difference
It is the voltage across any two terminals of 1.4.6 Symbols
a load in a circuit as shown in Figure 1.9. One cannot draw the actual appearance of
It is measured in Volt. electrical connections and loads. Hence,
simplified symbols are allotted to elec-
1.4.4 Electrical Load trical connections, loads, appliances and
If electrical energy is supplied to an elec- devices. For example, few symbols are
trical appliance, it starts operating using given in Figure 1.11.
Chapter 1  Basic Electrical Principles 9

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DC Power supply AC Power supply AC

(or) batteries supply

Figure 1.11  Electrical symbols

1.4.7 Circuit Diagram Figure 1.13  Closed circuit

An electrical technician can easily draw
electrical connections if simplified sym- 1.4.9 Open Circuit
bols are used. Figure 1.12 shows a sample In a circuit, if there is no current flow due
electrical circuit diagram. to disconnection of wire or switched-off
condition, then the circuit is said to be
open circuit. In an open circuit, no cur-
rent flow in the circuit. Figure 1.14 shows
a sample open circuit.

Bulb Switch off;No current Flow




Figure 1.12  Example of a circuit diagram

A method of drawing electrical connec-
tions with simplified symbols is called
­circuit diagram. Bulb


1.4.8 Closed Circuit supply

A circuit connected in such a way to allow

current flow through one or more loads (b)
with respect to the electrical supply. In a wire cut; No current flow
closed circuit, current will flow in the cir-
cuit as shown in Figure 1.13. Figure 1.14  Open circuit

10 Electronics Equipment

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1.4.10 Short Circuit
Heavy current Heat increases; wire
In a circuit, if the two terminals of a sup- flow S Fuse burns and going to open
ply are connected directly without load, I

then the circuit is said to be short circuit.

Figure 1.15 shows a circuit in a short cir- A.C.
cuit condition. circuit

Fuse blown within a second
(open circuit)
No current
Bulb S

AC circuit
supply A.C. Load

(b) Direct Link

without load
(without resistance)

Figure 1.16  Circuit using fuse wire

Figure 1.15  Short circuit
Fuse wires are available in amperes
In this circuit, the flow of current such as 1A, 2A, 5A and 10A in the market.
V Presently, fuse wires are substituted with
is infinite I = = ∞ A . When short-circuit
0 mains circuit breaker and Earth leakage
occurs, enormous amount of heat will be
produced and heavy spark will occur. This circuit breaker (ELCB).
will cause electrical fire accidents. Hence,
it is very dangerous. To avoid this, fuse Thiruvalluvar referred regarding over load in
wire, main circuit breakers (MCB) and Thirukkural well before 2000 years.
Earth leakage circuit breakers (ELCB) are பீலிபெய் சாகாடும் அச்சிறும் அப்பண்டஞ்
சால மிகுத்துப் பெயின் #குறள்:475
used in electrical circuits.
ப�ொழிப்புைர : மயிலிறகு ஏற்றிய வண்டியே
ஆனாலும், அந்தப்பண்டமும்அளவ�ோடு
1.4.11 Fuse Wire ஏற்றாமல் அளவுகடந்து மிகுதியாக
ஏற்றினால்அச்சு முறியும்.
To avoid fire accidents due to short cir-
With peacock feathers light, you load the wain;
cuit, thin tin coated copper wires with low
Yet, heaped too high, the axle snaps in twain.
melting point is used in series with the
The axle tree of a bandy, loaded only with peacocks’
circuit. If short-circuit or overload occurs, feathers will break, if it be greatly overloaded.
heat increases in the wires and fuse wire is
blown within a second. So, the short-cir-
cuit becomes open-circuit, no further 1.4.12 Partial Short Circuit
current flow and thus avoids fire accident. If short-circuit occurs in few windings of
Figure 1.16 shows the fuse wire connected a coil or a transformer, it is called partial
in an electrical circuit. short-circuit. Due to this phenomenon,
Chapter 1  Basic Electrical Principles 11

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overload occurs. This defect cannot be
found even by multimeter testing. It can A
I1 I2 I3
be rectified only by replacing the exist-
ing transformer with a new one. Partial
12v R1 R2 R3
short-circuit may result in minor fire acci-
dents. Partial short- circuit may occur in
Line Output Transformer (LOT), which B
is used in CRT model television circuit.
Figure 1.19  Parallel circuit
Figure 1.17 shows an example for partial
Partial short circuit in few windings of a coil
Figure 1.20 shows three resistors R1, R2
and R3connected in series. When the volt-
age (V) is applied to the circuit, the current
Figure 1.17  Coil showing partial short-circuit
flow through the circuit and the following
important points are to be noted.

1.4.13 Series Circuit R1 R2

A circuit which has current flow in only

one path through more than one load

connected in serial manner (one after R3

another load) with a power supply is said –

to be series circuit. Figure 1.18 shows a

series circuit. Figure 1.20  Resistors in series

Series circuit
1. The current I is equal in all the
R1 R2 resistors.
2. The voltage drop across each resistor
depends upon their resistance value
A.C. Only one path for
supply current flow
V1 = I . R
V2 = I . R
V3 = I . R
Figure 1.18  Series circuit
3. The EMF applied to the circuit is equal
to the sum of the voltage drops across
1.4.14 Parallel Circuit all resistors (Kirchhoff ’s voltage law).
A circuit, in which all the loads connected, Hence V=V1+V2+V3
have individual path for current flow, then We can derive formula for Total
it is said to be parallel circuit. Figure 1.19 resistance of a series circuit from the
shows the parallel circuit. above equation.
12 Electronics Equipment

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As per ohm’s law V = IR1+IR2+IR3 Total Resistance R = R1+R2
V=I(R1+R2+R3) = 100+200
V R = 300Ω
= R1 + R2 + R3
I V 300 = 1A
Current I = R =
R = R1 + R2 + R3 300

Voltage drop V1 = I × R1 = 1 × 100 = 100V
R= Voltage drop V2 = I × R2 = 1 × 200 = 200V
V = V1 + V2
Where R is the total resistance of the
300 V = 100V + 200 V
series circuit
300 V = 300 V
That is total resistance R is the sum
The sum of the voltage drops in the cir-
individual resistors present in the
cuit is equal to the given supply voltage.
series circuit.
Hence, it is proved.
4. The current flows in the individual
­resistors will be I =
5. The current cannot flow through the
circuit, if there is any disconnection
in any one point of the circuit.
When three resistors are connected one
1.5.1 Uses of Series Connection
after the other as shown in the Figure 1.22
1. Series connection is used in serial (the first ends and last ends are connected
sets as decorative lamps which are separately), the number of current flow-
used in festivals and functions. ing paths (three) is equal to the number of
2. It is used to find out the defect in resistors present in the circuit.
electrical appliances such as tube
light, mixie, electric stove and fans.
Parallel ciircuit
More than one path
Total current for current flow
Problems I
I3 current
Two resistors of values 100 Ω and 200Ω I1
are connected in series with a 300 volts current
R2 R3
supply. Prove that the sum of the v­ oltage supply

drops in the circuit is equal to the ­supply


I 100Ω R1 R2 200Ω
Figure 1.22
V1 V2
300V power Figure 1.22 shows R1, R2 and R3 are con-
nected in parallel. When the voltage ‘V’ is
applied in between the ends of the circuit,
Figure 1.21 
the following points are to be noted.
Chapter 1  Basic Electrical Principles 13

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1. The potential difference across all
the resistors is equal to the EMF I

applied. Wire
No current Current flow
in other path
2. The current flows through resistors A.C. R1 R2
will differ according to the value of
the resistor.
The current flows through resis-
tor R1 is referred as I1, whereas the Figure 1.23

current flows through resistorR2 , is 5. The current in this circuit takes two
referred as I2. or more branch paths from main
path. The current takes branch path
I1 = V I2 = V
R1 R2 (i.e. flows through each resistor) is
called branch current.
3. Hence, the sum of the currents flows
through the individual resistor is 1.6.1 Uses of Parallel Connection
equal to the flow of total current in the At homes and industries, this type of con-
circuit. Using this, we can derive the nection is used.
formula for the total resistance (R).
I = I1 + I2
= +
V Problems
As per ohm’s law,
R R1 R2 1. Two resistors of values 10Ω and
15Ω are connected in parallel
V 1 1 
=V +  with 60V power supply. Prove that

R  R1 R 2  the sum of the branch currents is
Cancelling ‘V’ on both sides, equal to the total current.
1 1
= +1 
R R1 R2 

I1 I2
Again simplifying the above formula by
taking LCM, 60V R1 R2 15Ω
1  R + R1
=V 2  supply 10Ω

R  R1R2 

Cross multiplying: R(R1 + R2) = R1 • R2

Figure 1.24
R= Total Resistance
R1 + R2
R R 10 × 15 150
R= 1 2 = = = 6Ω
4. There will be current flow in other R1 + R2 10 + 15 25
paths, even if any of the paths is dis-
connected. It is shown in Figure 1.23 R= 6 Ω

14 Electronics Equipment

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V 60 I
Total current I = =
R 6 I1 I2

I = 10 A 250V R1 R2
V 60 supply 50Ω 50Ω
Branch current I1 = =
R1 10
I1 = 6 A
V 60 Figure 1.25
Branch current I2 = R = 15
2 Total Resistance
I2 = 4 A R R 50 × 50 2500
R= 1 2 = = = 25Ω
R1 + R2 50 + 50 100
I = I1 + I2
R = 25 Ω
10A = 6A + 4A
10 A = 10 A Total current I = V = 250 = 10A
R 25
The sum of the branch currents is equal I = 10 A
to the total current in a parallel circuit. V 250
Hence, the theorem is proved. Branch current I1 = R = 50 = 5A
I1 = 5 A
V 250
Branch current I2 = = = 5A
R2 50
I2 = 5 A
In parallel connection, the total
I = I1 + I2
resistance is always lower than
the lowest resistance connected 10A = 5A + 5A
in the circuit. 10A = 10A
Ex., If two resistors 10Ω and 15Ω,are The sum of the branch currents is equal
connected in parallel circuit, the to the total current in a parallel circuit.
total resistance is lower than 10 Ω. Hence the theorem is proved.
R = 10 X 15 /25 = 6 Ω. Notice that the
total resistance (6 Ω) is lower than the
lowest resistance (10 Ω). (Here, 10 Ω Activity 1.2
is the lowest resistance connected in If two equal value resistors are con-
the circuit).
nected in parallel circuit, the total
resistance of the circuit will be half of
any one of resistance value.
Ex., If 100 Ω and 100 Ω are connected
2 Two resistors of values 50 Ω and in parallel, the total resistance is (100 X
50Ω are connected in parallel with 100) / (100+100) = 10,000/200 = 50 Ω.
250 V power supply. Prove that Shortly, 100/2 = 50 Ω.
the sum of the branch currents is
Check it through various examples on
equal to the total current.
your own.

Chapter 1  Basic Electrical Principles 15

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R3 4Ω
In a circuit, some resistors may be con- R2 15 Ω
nected in series and some may be con-
nected in parallel. In this, both series and
parallel connection resistors are calculated Electrical supply

separately and then the total resistance (a)

(Equivalent Resistance) can be calculated.
Rp 6 Ω R3 4 Ω
Figure 1.26 shows R1& R2 are in parallel
to each other and R3is series to R1 and R2.

R3 V
Figure 1.28

Electrical supply (V)

In the circuit shown in Figure 1.28,R1 (10
Ω) andR2 (15Ω) are parallel and R3(4Ω) is
Figure 1.26  Resistors in series-parallel circuit series with the resistors R1 and R2.
R R 10 × 15 150
To find out the total parallel resis- RP = 1 2 = = = 6Ω
R1 + R2 25 25
tance Rp (the total resistance of parallel
resistance only), the circuit is simplified Rp = 6 Ω
as shown in Figure 1.27. RT = Rp+ R3
RT = 6+4
RT = 10 Ω
Total resistance of the circuit is 10Ω

Figure 1.27 RESISTORS

1 1 Resistors are broadly classified into two

= +1 
RP R1 R2  categories.
R R 1. Fixed Resistor
RP = 1 2
R1 + R2
2. Variable Resistor
Now, Rp and R3 are series as shown
in Figure 1.27 for estimating the total 1.8.1 Fixed Resistors
resistance RT = Rp + R3. The value of fixed type of resistors cannot be
changed. Hence, these resistors are called as
Example: Find out the total resistance
fixed resistors as shown in Figure 1.29. Its
of the circuit given in Figure 1.28.
symbol is shown in Figure 1.30.
16 Electronics Equipment

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Connecting leads

Figure 1.29  Fixed Resistor

Insulating material Carbon mixture

Figure 1.31  Carbon resistor

Figure 1.30  Symbols of fixed resistor Uses

1. It is widely used in low current flow-
The classification of resistors ing circuits like Radio, DVD players
depends upon their materialsand fabrica- and television etc.
tion methods used.
1. Carbon resistors 1.8.3 Wire Wound Resistors
2. Wire wound resistors Figure 1.32 shows the cut away view
of a wire wound resistor. Particular
3. Metal oxide resistors
length of Nichrome is wound on a small
4. Metal film resistors Porcelain cylinder. The two terminals of
5. Printed resistors the nichrome are connected to the cop-
per legs. The surface is given a protec-
6. SMD type (Surface Mount Device).
tive coating with glass and enamel. These
In modern circuits, Printed resis- types of resistors are manufactured with
tors and SMD type resistors are used. high precision.

Special Type of Resistors

7. Positive Temperature Coefficient
Resistor (PTC)
Connector with Nichrome wire Ceramic
8. Negative Temperature Coefficient lead wire around ceramic core sealing
Resistor (NTC)
Figure 1.32  Wire wound resistor
1.8.2 Carbon Resistor
It is made up of carbon paste and burnt Uses
clay with connecting leads, which is 1. Regulated power supplies in televi-
heated and kept under high pressure. The sion, inverters etc.
resistor is formed as small sticks. It can
2. Also used in Public Address system
handle small amount of current through
it. If high current flows through this type
of resistor, it will burn. Figure 1.31 shows
Nichrome is an alloy made of
the internal construction of a carbon Nickel and chromium.

Chapter 1  Basic Electrical Principles 17

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1.8.4 Metal Oxide Resistors Uses
It is manufactured by coating tin oxide and 1. Used in high frequency circuits such
antimony on a glass strip. It withstands as mobile phone transmitters.
high temperature and moisture. It is rolled 2. Used in computers.
and cut to get desired value. Figure 1.33
3. Used in motor controlled circuits.
shows a metal oxide resistor
4. Used in radar systems.
Metal oxide film
End cap End cap Thin Film Resistor
This type of resistor is manufactured on
high quality ceramic (or) glass tube in
which nichrome metallic vapour is coated.
Connecting lead Connecting lead
It was heated to high temperature and
Figure 1.33  Metal oxide resistor slowly cooled down (called annealing).
Depending on the thickness and materials
Special Features of the thin film, desired values of resistors
1. It has long life can be produced. Figure 1.35 shows a thin
2. It operates at high frequency film resistor.
3. It is not affected by moisture
4. It can withstand temperature up to
Helical cut to reach the
450°C Color coding
desired resistance value

1.8.5 Metal Film Resistors

There are two types of metal film resis- End caps
tors, viz. Thick film resistor and thin film Protective coating Thin metal film with leads
Ceramic carrier
Figure 1.35  Cross sectional view of the thin film Thick Film Resistor resistor

This type of resistor is in the form of cyl-

1.8.6 Printed Resistors
inder (or) plate shape. Inside the cylinder,
there is nichrome metal film as shown in A carbon resistor which is printed directly
Figure 1.34. It has more physical strength. on a Printed Circuit Board (PCB) is
called as printed resistor. It is shown in
1 2 3 4 5 6 Figure 1.36.

1 Color codes / bands 4 Substrates

2 Helixing 5 Insulation
3 Thick Film 6 Terminations / leads

Figure 1.34 Cross-sectional view of thick film

Figure 1.36  Printed resistor

18 Electronics Equipment

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Advantages of Printed Resistors 1.8.8 Variable Resistor
1. Low cost The resistor which value can be changed is
2. It takes small space called as variable resistors.
Its symbol is shown in Figure 1.37 (a)
1. Replacement of faulty printed resis-
tors is complicated and resulting in
damage to the PCBs.
Figure 1.37(a)  Symbol of variable resistor
1.8.7 SMD Resistors
SMD stands for Surface Mounted Device. Variable resistors are also called as
This type of resistor is directly soldered on potentiometers. In this, base is like a washer
copper solder points in the surface of the type with carbon coating. There is a rotary
board and therefore they are called SMD setup having slip-ring to the resistor and have
resistors. They are smaller in size than their three electrical contacts as shown in Figure
traditional ­carbon resistors. They are square, 1.38. Between the first terminal T1 and last
rectangular or oval in shape. The SMD resis- terminal T3, the value of resistance is fixed,
tor is shown in Figure 1.37 (a) and (b). i.e., cannot be altered. But centre terminal
T2 is a variable terminal with respect to T1
and T3.You can check this using a multime-
ter. A plastic or metal shaft attached to T2 is
used to change the value of the resistance.

Carbon track
(a) (b)
Figure 1.37  SMD resistors

Advantages Resistive
1. This type of resistor has small leads
or points that are soldered on c­ opper Terminals

solder points in the surface of the T1 T2 T3

board. This eliminates the need for Control shaft

(controls position
holes in the PCB and we can utilize of wiper arm)

both sides of the PCB. Threaded collar

2. Once the PCB is manufactured, Penoilic wafer

SMDs can be placed on it using a

special machine called a pick and Terminal 1

place machine.
Wiper slider for
“standard” volume
Disadvantages Casing
Terminal 3
control application
(Terminal 2)
1. Replacement of faulty resistors is
complicated. Figure 1.38  Variable resistor

Chapter 1  Basic Electrical Principles 19

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Uses They are:
1. Used as volume control in television 1. Positive Resistors (PTC)
and radio sets. 2. Negative Resistors (NTC)
2. Used as a variable control in amplifi-
ers as bass and treble controls. 1.8.9 Positive Temperature
Semi Variable Resistors
Coefficient Resistor (PTC)
If the temperature of this resistor increases,
It is nothing but preset type resistors. It is
its resistance value increases. Hence, the
used in CRT based TV receivers and volt-
resistor is known as Positive Temperature
age stabilizers. Its value can be altered if
Coefficient (PTC) resistor. It is also called
needed. The preset type resistor is shown
as Posistor and is shown in Figure 1.40. It
in Figure 1.39.
is used in automatic degaussing circuit in
CRT type televisions.

(a) (b)
Figure 1.40  Posistors

Center pin
1.8.10 Negative Temperature
Coefficient resistor (NTC)
If the temperature of this resistor increases,
its resistance value decreases. Hence it is
known as Negative Temperature Coefficient
Left pin Right pin (NTC) resistor. It is also called as Thermistor.
To avoid the surge current while switching
on a power supply, the NTC type of resistors
Figure 1.39  Semi variable resistors
is used. It is shown in Figure 1.41.
1. Used in CRT type television receivers
2. Used in stabilizers and inverters.

Special Type Resistors

Now, we are going to study about spe-
cial type resistors. They have special
characteristics. Figure 1.41  Thermistor

20 Electronics Equipment

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1.9 COLOUR CODING OF Table 1.1  Colour Coding of Resistors
Colour value Multiplier Tolerance
Printing values in small resistors can- Black 0 100 -
not be viewed clearly. So, in small rating Brown 1 101 ±1%
resistors, colour is coated on the body of
Red 2 102 ±2%
resistors in circular shape. Each colour is
Orange 3 103 -
allotted a number. This is called as colour
coding. Yellow 4 104 -

1 2 3 4 Green 5 105 -
Blue 6 106 -
Violet 7 107 -
Figure 1.42(a)  Color coding in a resistor Grey 8 108 -
The first colour denotes the value White 9 109 -
of first digit, second colour denotes the Gold - 10-1 ±5%
value of second digit and the third colour Silver - 10-2 ±10%
(called as multiplier) denotes the number
No colour - - ±20%
of zeros followed by the two digit. The
fourth colour denotes tolerance level. If
it is gold, the tolerance value of the resis- Activity 1.3
tor is 5% and if it is silver the tolerance is
Make a colour circle showing Resistor
10% of the value. Figure 1.42(a) shows the
values using colour codes as shown in
resistor with colour code. Table 1.1 shows
the Figure 1.42(b).
the colour coding of the resistor.






2nd digit 5

1st digit






3 rd


0k x0 0


±0 4
4 7 i

Re sista

in g

k ±5%

t 0%
e c olo u i

To 5 g 1
±2 ne

ran le M

6 ce tip i


2 1st



1 4

Figure 1.42(b)  Colour circle for

colour coding of resistors

Chapter 1  Basic Electrical Principles 21

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1.9.1 Tolerance
Example 5: Orange Orange Orange
It is impossible to manufacture resistors to
the exact values. For example, if we want 3 3 × 103
to manufacture a resistor to the value of 33,000Ω
100 ohms , after the production, the value 33 kΩ
may be a bit higher or lower. This is due
to unavoidable manufacturing process. Example 6: Red Red Red
Hence, there is some lenience in produc- 2 2 ×102
tion of resistors. It is referred as tolerance. 2200Ω
Fourth colour code is the tolerance code. 2.2kΩ
If it is gold, tolerance is 5%. If it is silver, Example7: Yellow Violet Yellow
tolerance is 10%. 4 7 × 104
470 kΩ
Example 8: Brown Black Green
10 × 105
= 1 MΩ
Figure 1.43  Tolerance code – 4th colour from left
Example 9: Brown Black Black
Finding the values of resistors using 1 0 × 100
colour codes 10 × 1 = 10Ω
Example 1: Brown Black Brown
Example 10: Green Blue Brown
1 0 × 10 1
5 6× 101
10 ×10 560Ω
100 Ω
Example 2: Brown Red Black Figure 1.44 Finding the values of the resistors
using colour coding
1 2 × 10 0

12 × 1 Tolerance Calculation
12 Ω
1. Find the tolerance value of the resis-
Example 3: Brown Black Red
tor given below
1 0 × 102
Brown Black Brown Gold
10 ×100
100Ω ± 5% = 100Ω ± 5Ω
1,000Ω = 1k Ω
Tolerance value of 100Ω = 95Ω to 105 Ω
Example 4: Yellow Violet Gold
= 4.7 Ω Figure 1.45(a)  Calculating tolerance code

22 Electronics Equipment

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2. Find the tolerance value of the resis- German scientist Robert
tor given below Kirchchoff created these laws
and hence called as Kirchhoff ’s
Green Blue Red Silver laws.
5 6 X 102 ± 10%
5600 Ω ± 10% i.e., 560 Ω
Tolerance value of 5.6 kΩ = 5040 Ω to 6160 Ω 1.10.1 Current law
The sum of the currents flowing towards
a junction is equal to the sum of the cur-
rents flowing away from it. This is called
Kirchhoff ’s current law.

Currents flow in
Figure 1.45(b)  Calculating tolerance code

1.9.2 Faults in Resistors I5 I2
1. Resistors may get opened because of flow out I3

overheat due to excess current flow. I4

2. Resistance value becomes higher

Figure 1.46  Kirchhoff’s current law
than the original value.
3. Faulty resistors cannot be used in In the Figure 1.46, J is the junction
circuits. (or node) formed by five conductors. The
current in these conductors are I1, I2, I3, I4
1.9.3 Testing of resistors and I5. Here, I1, I2 and I3 flow towards the
1. Using multimeter, test a resistor, If junction and I4 and I5 flow away from the
the dial remains unmoved, then the junction. According to Kirchhoff ’s cur-
resistor is open rent law,
2. If meter shows higher value than I1+ I2 +I3 = I4 + I5
that of the actual value of the resis-
i.e. currents flow towards junction = cur-
tor, the resistor becomes high value.
rents flow away from junction.
On the other hand, I1+ I2 +I3 - I4 - I5 =0.
This is known as Kirchhoff ’s current law
It is used to find out the current flow in equation.
the network circuits easily where it is not
easy to find values using ohm’s law. It is 1.10.2 Voltage law
applicable for both DC and AC circuits. At any closed circuit, the sum of poten-
There are two types of law viz. tial drops across each resistor in a series
circuit is equal to the supply voltage given
1. Current law
to the circuit. The circuit representing the
2. Voltage law voltage law is shown in Figure 1.47.

Chapter 1  Basic Electrical Principles 23

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A R1 B
1 . ABEFA forms a closed circuit

V1= IR1
6I1+2(I1+I2) = 90
8I1 + 2I2 = 90 Eqn.. 1.1
V R2 2. CBEDC forms another closed circuit
– V2= IR2
8I2+2(I1+I2) = 110
2I1 + 10I2 = 110 Eqn.. 1.2
V3= IR3
To solve this, multiply Equation 1.2 by 4
D C on both sides, Therefore,
Figure 1.47  Kirchhoff’s voltage law 8I1+40I2 = 440 Eqn.. 1.3

In a closed circuit, the sum of the Subtract Eq.1.3 from Eqn.1.1.

voltage drops is equal to the sum of the 8I1 + 40I2 = 440
potential applied. This is called Kirchhoff ’s 8I1 + 2I2 = 90 (−)
voltage law (shortly KVL) 38I2 = 350
i.e., V = IR1+ IR2 + IR3
I2 = 350
As per ohm’s law
I2 = 9.21 A
V = V1 + V2 + V3
By putting the value of I2 in Eq.1.1, we can
Example 1 get the value of I1
Find the current flow through each resis-
8I1 + (2 X 9.21) = 90
tor in the circuit shown in Figure  1.48,
8I1 = 90 – 18.42
using Kirchhoff ’s law.
I1 = 71.58
6Ω 8Ω
I1 = 8.95 A
R1 R2
I1 I2
From this, we found that
90V R3 2Ω 110V 1. The current flows through resistor
I1+ I2 6Ω is 8.95 A.
F E D 2. The current flows through 8Ω resis-
tor is 9.21 A.
Figure 1.48
3. The current flows through 2Ω resis-
Solution tor is 8.95 + 9.21 = 18.16 A.
According to Kirchhoff ’s current law,
Example 2
the direction of current flow towards the
junction is noted. According to voltage By using Kirchhoff ’s law, calculate the cur-
law, write down the KVL equation in the rent flowing through each resistor shown
closed circuits. in the circuit diagram (Figure 1.49).

24 Electronics Equipment

ELEC_EQUIP_Chapter01.indd 24 21-04-2018 19:05:28

5Ω 4Ω I1 = -3
A R1 B C
I1 I2 I1 = -0.12 A

4V 20Ω R3 F 6V
The minus symbol shows the current
flows in the opposite direction.
I1+ I2

Figure 1.49
A component which stores electrical
By applying Kirchhoff ’s second law energy and discharges when needed is
(voltage law) called capacitor.
In circuit ABEFA,
The unit for measuring capacitance
5I1+20(I1 + I2) = 4
is Farad, which is used to measure higher
25I1+20I2 = 4 Eqn.. 1 values.

In circuit CBEDC, Other smaller value capacitors are

measured using micro-Farad (µF) shortly
4I2+20(I1 + I2 ) = 6
µF, pico-Farad (pF), and nano-Farad (nF).
20I1 +24I2 = 6 Eqn.. 2
The ability to store electrical energy
To solve this, multiply Eqn.1 by 4 on both is called as capacitance. Figure 1.50 shows
sides, we get, the internal construction of a capacitor. The
capacity to store electrical energy is termed
100I1 + 80I2 =16 Eqn.. 3 as capacitance and the electric device to
Multiply Eqn.2 by 5 on both sides, we get, store it is termed as Capacitor. Like resis-
tors, capacitors are also manufactured with
100I1 + 120I2 =30 Eqn.. 4 admissible tolerance of 5% - 20%.
Subtracting Eqn.3 from 4, we get,
Conductive plates
100I1 + 120I2 = 30
100I1 + 80I2 = 16(−)
40I2 = 14

I2 = 14
40 Dielectric
I2 = 0.35 A
Substitute the value of I2 in Eqn. 1, we get, Figure 1.50  Capacitor

25I1 + 20(0.35) = 4
Unit Farad was named after the
25I1 = 4 -7 = -3 British scientist Michael Faraday.

Chapter 1  Basic Electrical Principles 25

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1.11.1 History
Negative plate
Figure 1.51 is the earliest version of a
Dielectric medium
capacitor, called Leyden jar. It is a device
Positive plate
that stores static electricity between two
electrodes on the inside and outside of a
glass jar. It was the initial form of a capac- Leads
itor. It was invented independently by
German scientist Cleric Ewald Georg Von
Kleist and by Dutch Scientist Pieter Van
Figure 1.52  Parts of a capacitor
Musschenbroek of Leyden city. The inven-
tion was named after the city. Working of a capacitor
Figure 1.53 shows a capacitor connected
How capacitors work The Leyden jar in an electrical circuit.

Metal road
Non-conductive Conductive parallel plates
Q+ + – Q–
Glass jar + –
+ –
Internal + –
metal + –
coating + –

Chain External Symbol
or wire metal
Voltage VC

Figure 1.53  Capacitor connected in a circuit.

Figure 1.51  Leyden jar When switch S is on, current flows through
the capacitor. Due to this, the plate A of the
Capacitor was initially known as capacitor gets +ve charge and plate B gets
condenser –ve charge. Thus, electric field forms across
the plates. After complete charging , the
current flow will stop. The amount of charge
1.11.2 Construction between the plates depends upon the dielec-
Figure 1.52 shows the parts of the capac- tric material and also the distance between
itor. In this, an insulator placed between the electrodes. The charging limit depends
two parallel conducting plates is termed upon the E.M.F. of the battery.
as a dielectric medium. The two parallel
plates are termed as electrodes. Based on
the insulator used in the capacitors, they If a load is connected to that charged
are named as paper, ceramic, mica, and capacitor after removing from the circuit,
polyester capacitors. the electrical energy will discharge. This
is known as discharging of capacitor.
26 Electronics Equipment

ELEC_EQUIP_Chapter01.indd 26 21-04-2018 19:05:28  Dielectric strength proportional to the frequency applied to the
The maximum point at which the dielec- capacitor and the capacitance value of
tric field withstands the potential dif- the capacitor. Its unit is also ohm.
ference, without damage is known as 1
XC = 2πfc
di-electric strength.
where f is the frequency and C is
1.11.4 Functions of a Capacitor the capacitance of the capacitor.
1. It stores electrical energy particu- High value capacitor offers low reactance
larly DC when connected in parallel. to low frequency, but offers high reac-
2. It blocks DC supply when connected tance to high frequency.
in series with DC.
Low value capacitor offers low reactance
3. It couples AC to the next circuit and
to high frequency signals but offers high
blocks DC to that next circuit.
reactance to low frequency signals.
4. It discharges while connected to a
Ex: High value capacitors such as
5. It bypasses unwanted signals to earth.
1000 µF, 2200 µF and 4700 µF are used for
6. It filters ripples in the pulsating dc filtering low frequency 50 Hz ripples in
to get pure dc while connected in power supplies.
7. It decouples the unwanted signals. 1.11.6 Capacitance
8. It helps in producing signals of vari- The capacitance (C) is derived from the
ous frequencies in oscillator circuits. ratio between charge (Q - Coulomb) and
the potential difference between the two
9. Presently, very high value ultra
­capacitors are used in place of bat-
teries for quick charging. C=
10. In a circuit, if an insulator is acciden- Charge (Q)
Capacitance (C) =
tally placed in between two conduc- Voltage (V)
tors, it also works as a capacitor. It is
called as stray or parasitic capacitance. (C in farad, charge in coulombs, V in volts.)
While designing circuits, the design
1.11.7 Classification of Capacitors
engineers take care of this fact.
These are two main classifications
11. Now a days, capacitive type touch
screens are widely used. 1. Fixed capacitor
2. Variable capacitor
1.11.5 Capacitive Reactance(Xc)
Fixed capacitor
It is the property of a capacitor which
opposes alternating current, is known as
Capacitive Reactance. It is represented by
the letter Xc. Capacitive reactance is inversely Figure 1.54 (a) 

Chapter 1  Basic Electrical Principles 27

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In fixed capacitor, capacitance Us e s
value cannot be changed. Paper capacitor is used for the following
Its symbol is shown in Figure 1.54 (a). purposes.
1. Blocking  Types of fixed Capacitors
1. Paper capacitor 2. Coupling

2. Mica capacitor 3. Decoupling

3. Polyester capacitor 4. Filtering

4. Ceramic capacitor 5. Bypassing

5. Electrolytic capacitor (polarized and  Mica Capacitor

Figure 1.55 shows a mica capacitor. In
6. Tantalum capacitors (metal film this type, mica is used as the dielectric
capacitors) medium. Silver coated on the mica acts as
7. SMD capacitor electrodes.
8. Ultra capacitor (or) super capacitor
(dielectric)  Paper capacitor
Figure 1.54(b) shows a paper capacitor. In
this, wax paper is rolled in the form of cyl-
inder and dipped in wax solution in order
to exhaust the air. Then, it is placed in
between two thin aluminium plates.
Silver coated metal plates/foil

Figure 1.55  Mica Capacitor

Aluminium foil This type of capacitor’s values are
available from 2 pF to 1000 pF and voltage
rating from 6V to 500V.

1. Used in high frequency coupling
2. Used in tuning circuits.
Paper soaked in dielectric  Polyester capacitors
Figure 1.54 (b)  Paper Capacitor
Figure 1.56 shows a Polyester capacitor.
Available capacitor values are from It uses polyester film as a dielectric
0.001 µF. Voltage rating from 100 V to medium and aluminium foils as conduct-
1500 V. ing plates.

28 Electronics Equipment

ELEC_EQUIP_Chapter01.indd 28 21-04-2018 19:05:29

Polyester film
Available capacitor values are from
Two-sided 100 pF to low value µF. Voltage rating
metallized Polyester film
(electrode carrier) from 16V to 200V.
Metal contact layer
1. Blocking.
2. Coupling.
3. Decoupling.
4. High frequency filtering.

Identifying the values

Figure 1.56  Polyester Capacitor

It can be used in high voltage applications
having voltage rating up to 2 kV.
Figure 1.58
1. Coupling Figure 1.58 shows the values of capacitors
as 102 and 103.
2. Decoupling
102 means 10 X 102= 1000pF  Ceramic capacitor = 1kilo pico Farad = 1kpF
Figure 1.57 shows the Ceramic capacitor. 103 means 10×103=10,000pF
= 10 kilo pico Farad = 10kpF
coating Ceramic disc
(dielectric)  Electrolytic capacitor
Figure 1.59 shows the electrolytic capacitor.
In this, aluminium oxide is used as dielec-
(Silver coating)
tric medium. Pure aluminium foils are used
as anode (+). Aluminium paste is coated in
the dielectric and it is used as cathode (-).
Figure 1.57  Ceramic Capacitor Since it has polarities (+ and -), it has
to be connected with DC supply only
In this, ceramic is used as dielec-
with correct polarities. Only –ve polar-
tric medium. Silver coating is made on
ity is printed in the capacitor. The
both sides of the ceramic. It is also called
other terminal is taken as +ve termi-
as Disc Capacitor, because it looks like a
nal. Care must be taken while connect-
small disc.
ing an electrolytic capacitor in a circuit,
Chapter 1  Basic Electrical Principles 29

ELEC_EQUIP_Chapter01.indd 29 21-04-2018 19:05:29   Bipolar Electrolytic Capacitor
Figure 1.60 shows a bipolar electrolytic
Positive capacitor.


Metal plate

Aluminum casing


Figure 1.60  Bipolar electrolytic capacitor

This type has two oxide coated

anodes. Hence, it has no polarity and can
Cathode foil
be connected in an AC supply without
Air based oxide
layer on the looking polarities.
cathode foil

Paper spacer,
filled with
Roughned Dielectric 1. Used in starting the AC motors.
anode foil (Al2O3)
2. Used in CRT model TV receivers.

Figure 1.59  Electrolytic capacitor  Tantalum Capacitors

Figure 1.61 shows a tantalum capacitor.
i.e., +ve terminal should be connected
with +ve terminal of DC and – terminal of Capacitance value Positive lead
capacitor should be connected with –  ve (in uF)
maximum working
terminal of DC supply. voltage value (in V)

Negative lead
Positive lead
Electrolytic capacitors should be
(a) 4.7 μF/35 V tantalum capacitor
connected in correct polarities.
Otherwise the capacitor will burst out Sintered and oxidized Polymer electrolyte
tantalum anode Carbon
which is very dangerous. Silver Soldered
Available capacitor values are from
0.47µF to 4700µF and voltage rating from
3V to 500V. wire

Leadframe Leadframe
Molded case
1. Filtering (Anode +) (Cathode –)

2. Used in inverters (b) Internal construction

3. Used for photo flash Figure 1.61  Tantalum capacitor

30 Electronics Equipment

ELEC_EQUIP_Chapter01.indd 30 21-04-2018 19:05:29

In this type, tantalum foil acts as an
anode. Using electro-chemical process, thin
tantalum oxide layer is deposited on anode.
This oxide layer acts as a dielectric medium.
Cathode is also a tantalum foil. The total
setup is placed in a sealed package.
Figure 1.62  SMD capacitor
Advantages  Ultra Capacitor
1. Smaller in size
It is a type of capacitor which has higher
2. Long term stability
capacitance value in farad with low volt-
3. Long shelf-life age rating. It is an electric double layer
4. Low leakage capacitor. It is also called as super capac-
5. Can be used in SMD form. itors. It uses carbon as electrodes. Figure
1.63 shows an ultra-capacitor.
They can store 10 to 100 times
It cannot be used in the circuits where more electrical energy than electrolytic
voltage spikes are more. capacitors.They can accept and deliver
charge much faster than batteries, and
Uses: It is used in long lasting many more charge and dis-
1. Cell phones. charge cycles than rechargeable batteries.
2. Computer circuits.
Uses: It is used in DC operated cars, buses,
3. LED Television circuits. trains, cranes and elevators and static
RAM in computers.  SMD Capacitor
It is directly soldered on the copper sol- Working Voltage
der points of the surface of the PCB and In the Figure 1.63(a), the voltage men-
is called as SMD capacitor. It is shown in tioned in the capacitor is the maximum
figure 1.62 voltage to be applied to a capacitor. But it

Connecting + –
terminals Porous paper
Porous separator
Current collector
Carbon electrode

Carbon electrode
Current collector


coated electrodes
C1 C2

Figure 1.63  Ultra capacitor

Chapter 1  Basic Electrical Principles 31

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should be connected to two-third of the Rotor
voltage of the maximum voltage.

Figure 1.63(a)  Working voltage

In the Figure 1.63(a), 1,000 micro Figure 1.64  Ganged capacitor (Metal)
farad / 25volts is mentioned in the capacitor.
25 V is the maximum voltage to be applied. If rotor moves outward, the area between
Two third of 25 V, that is 16 V should be stator and rotor is less, capacitance
normally applied to this capacitor. also becomes low value. If rotor moves
inside the stator, the area becomes large.
1.11.8 Variable Capacitor Hence capacitance value also becomes
In variable capacitor, the capacitance value high. The minimum capacitance is 49
can be changed within a particular limit. pF and maximum is 500pF. It consists of
two variable capacitors as shown in the
In this section, differ-
Figure 1.64.
ent types of variable capacitors
used in electronics circuit are Variable capacitor  PVC Gang
In this type of gang, thin layer of PVC acts  Ganged Capacitor as a dielectric medium.
Two variable capacitors are arranged in a Rotor is connected with chassis. Its
setup and can be varied through a com- value depends upon the area of plates. It is
mon shaft is called Ganged capacitor. shown in figure 1.65.
It is of two types:
1. Metal gang
2. PVC gang  Metal Gang

Figure 1.64 shows a ganged capacitor.In
this, there are two sets of plates and air
acts as dielectric medium. One is static
Figure 1.65  PVC gang
(stator) and another set is kept rotating
(rotor). Rotor is connected to a shaft.
When the shaft is rotated, metal plates
mounted on the shaft, moves between It is used in tuning circuits of the radio
fixed metal plates. This varies the value of receivers for selecting a desired radio
the capacitance. station.
32 Electronics Equipment

ELEC_EQUIP_Chapter01.indd 32 21-04-2018 19:05:30  Semi-Variable capacitor Figure 1.67 shows the capacitors
Trimmer is a semi-variable capacitor as connected in series.
shown in Figure 1.66. When the capacitors are connected
in series as shown in Figure 1.67, the total
capacitance is
= 1 +1
C C1 C2
Variable Trimmer C1C2
capacitor capacitor C=
symbol symbol C1 + C2

Figure 1.66  Trimmer


In this, a plate is kept static Find out the total capacitance, when
(unmoved) and another plate is placed at two capacitors of values 10 µF, 15 µF are
a distance and it is in such a way that the connected in series.
second plate can be moved little by little Total capacitance
towards the first plate. The second plate C1C2
is attached with the screw for comfortable C1 + C2
10 × 15
When the plates are nearer, the C=
capacitance is high and when it is at a dis-
tance the capacitance is low. This type of Total capacitance C = 6 µF
capacitor is said to be Trimmer. It is also
called as button trimmer. It is available in
values from 4pF to 70pF. 1.11.10 Capacitors in Parallel
Figure 1.68 shows a circuit in which the
Uses capacitors are connected in parallel.
It is used in pre-tuning circuits of the When the capacitors are connected
radio receivers. in parallel as shown in Figure 1.68, the
total capacitance is C = C1 + C2
1.11.9 Capacitor in series

C1 C2

Figure 1.67  Capacitors in series Figure 1.68  Capacitors in parallel

Chapter 1  Basic Electrical Principles 33

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When it is charged completely, the
flow of current will be stopped and the
Find the total capacitance when two
voltage in the capacitor will be equal to
capacitors of values 1000µF and 470µF
the EMF in the battery. When a capacitor
connected in parallel.
is connected in series with DC, it blocks
the supply.
Total capacitance C = C1 + C2
C = 1000 + 470 1.11.12 A
 ction of a Capacitor in AC
C=1470µF. Circuit
Figure 1.70 shows a capacitor connected
in an AC circuit.

1.11.11 A
 ction of a Capacitor in DC
Figure 1.69 shows a capacitor connected C +Q
in a DC circuit. V rms i VC


R Vs positive half-cycle

Capacitor Capacitor
Capacitor charging discharging
+ + + +
Capacitor Capacitor
Battery – – – – charging discharging

– Vs negative half-cycle

Figure 1.70  Action of capacitor in AC circuit

Figure 1.69  Action of a capacitor in DC circuit
When a capacitor is used in AC cir-
When a capacitor is connected in DC cir- cuit, it will be charged and gets discharged
cuit, the current flow will be high until it for every quarter cycle, since polarity is
is charged fully. changed for every quarter cycle (i.e., 90° ).


After studying this Chapter, a student can understand the following

1. Basics of electricity 4. Kirchhoff’s law

2. Electrical parameters 5. Working of Resistors
3. Ohm’s law 6. Working of Capacitors

34 Electronics Equipment

ELEC_EQUIP_Chapter01.indd 34 21-04-2018 19:05:31

S. No Terms Explanation
1 Ampere The unit of electrical current
2 Volt The unit of voltage (potential difference)
3 Ohm The unit of resistance
4 Hertz The unit of frequency
5 Watt The unit of power which equals one joule per second
6 Anode Positive current flows in while AC supply given
7 Cathode Negative current flows in while AC supply given
8 Direct current Electric current flowing in one direction only
9 Fuse A device that protects an electric circuit from excessive current
Alternating An electric current that reverses direction in a circuit at reg-
current ular intervals


I. Choose the best answer from the given four options. Each question carries one mark
1. The unit of current is
a) Volt b) Ampere c) Ohms d) None of these

2. The power can be calculated by

a) P = I - R b) P = V. I c) P = V/I d) P = V/R

3. Two resistors are connected in series, the total resistance value is calculated by
a) R = R1 + R2 b) R = R1 /R2 c) R = R1 X R2 d) R = R1 + R2/R1

4. If two resistors 150Ω and 150Ω are connected in parallel, the total resistance is
a) 50Ω b) 100 Ω c) 200Ω d) 75 Ω

5. What is the colour coding of a resistor which resistance value is 10,00,000 Ω ?

a) Brown Black Brown b) Brown Black yellow
c) Brown Black Green d) Brown Black Gold

Continued on next page

Chapter 1 Basic Electrical Principles 35

ELEC_EQUIP_Chapter01.indd 35 21-04-2018 19:05:31

6. The unit of wavelength is
a) Micro Farad b) Ampere c) Ohm d) Meter

7. Which of the following is not true?

a) Current Increases while voltage increases   b) Power increases while resistance
c) Current decreases while voltage decreases   d) Current increases while resistance

8. The unit of capacitance is

a) Ampere b) Ohms c) Farad d) Watt

9. When two capacitors are connected in parallel, the total capacitance value is
a) C = C1 + C2 / C1 +C2 b) C = C1 + C2
c) C = C1 + C2 / C1.C2 d) C = C1- C2

10. Write the odd one

a) Ohm b) kilo ohm c) megawatt d) mega ohm

II.  Answer in few sentences. Each question carries three marks. (3 marks)
1. Define Ohm’s law.
2. Define open-circuit and short-circuit.
3. Draw symbols for i) AC supply ii) DC supply iii) Resistor
4. What is meant by a resistor?
5. What is meant by tolerance in resistors?
6. If 100 Ohms and 150 Ohms are connected in parallel in a circuit , calculate the total resistance
of the circuit.
7. If 15 Ohms and 10 Ohms are connected in series with 50Volts, Calculate the current flow in
this circuit.
8. Write the expansion for i) NTC ii ) PTC iii) PCB
9. Write short notes on i) SMD capacitor and ii) Ultra capacitor
10. State any three advantages of tantalum capacitors.
11. Define capacitive reactance.
12. What is meant by variable capacitor? Draw its symbol.

III.  Explain in a paragraph. Each question carries five marks. (5 marks)

1. Draw and explain about wire wound resistors.
2. Draw and explain about carbon resistors.
3. What is meant by Kirchhoff ’s laws? Explain the same.
4. Draw and explain about electrolytic capacitors.
5. Write any five names of the types of capacitors.

36 Electronics Equipment

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IV.  Explain in about a Page. Each question carries ten marks.
1. Using Kirchhoff ’s law, find the value of current flow through all resistors in the given circuit
3Ω I1 B I2 4Ω

100V I1 I2 110V


2. In a series circuit, two resistors 50Ω and 100Ω are connected with 300 V supply. Prove that
the sum of the voltage drops across the resistors is equal to the EMF applied in the circuit.
3. In a parallel circuit, two resistors 100 Ω and 150Ω are connected with 240V supply. Prove
that the sum of branch currents is equal to the Total current of the circuit.
4. List out the functions of a capacitor.


1) b 2) b 3) a 4) d 5) c

6) d 7) b 8) c 9) b 10) c

Chapter 1  Basic Electrical Principles 37

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அருவினை யென்ப உளவ�ோ கருவியான்

காலம் அறிந்து செயின் #குறள் 483

செய்யும் செயலை முடிப்பதற்கு வேண்டிய கருவிகளுடன், ஏற்றக் காலத்தையும்
அறிந்து செய்தால், அரிய செயல்கள் என்பது இல்லை.

“True wisdom wards off woes, A circling fortress high; Its inner strength
man’s eager foes Unshaken will defy”. #kural 421
Meaning: Wisdom is a weapon to ward off destruction; it is an inner
fortress which enemies cannot destroy.


2.1. Cells 2.5. Fuses
2.2. Inductors 2.6.  Circuit Breakers
2.3. Transformers 2.7. Switches
2.4. Microphones and Loud 2.8. Electronic Servicing – Safety
Speakers Precautions


After the completion of this chapter, the students can

1. Understand the basic working principles of electrical devices viz.,

cell, inductors, transformers, switches and fuses.
2. Understand the functions of microphone and loudspeaker.
3. Be aware of electrical hazards and able to implement basic
actions to avoid unsafe work conditions.

Confidence and hard work is the best medicine to kill the disease called
­failure. It will make you successful person.
–A.P.J Abdul Kalam

38 Electronics Equipment

ELEC_EQUIP_Chapter02.indd 38 21-04-2018 17:10:50

In 1800, “Alessandro
In our day-today life, we are supposed
Volta” invented the
to use many electrical appliances such
‘Voltaic Pile’ and discov-
as water pump, iron box, mixie, grinder,
ered the first practical
washing machine, UPS, TV etc. In order
method of generating
to understand the basic working principle
electricity, as we already discussed in the
of these appliances, it is better to know
Chapter 1. This ‘Voltaic pile’ was the first
about some of the important electrical
‘wet cell’ that produced a reliable, steady
devices which are used in the appliances.
current of electricity.
In this, we are going to read about
1. Cells
2.1.1. Types of Cells
The cells are classified into two categories.
2. Inductors
They are,
3. Transformers
1. Primary cells
4. Switches and Fuses
2. Secondary cells

2.1. CELLS Primary Cells

Primary cells are widely used in clocks,
watches, remote controls and calculators.
A device which converts chemical
energy into electrical energy is called Positive terminal

as a cell. A group of cells connected Carbon Ammonium

electrode chloride (NH4Cl)
together is called battery. (cathode) Electrolyte

In electric and electronic circuits, an elec- Zinc casing

trical cell is denoted by the following sym- (anode)

bol as shown in Figure 2.1. Protective

dioxide (MnO2)

Negative terminal

– + Figure 2.2(a)  Structure of Primary Cell

The cells that cannot be recharged are

Figure 2.1  Symbol for Cell
called as ‘primary cells’. Some of the
When two dissimilar metals or primary cells are Alkaline cell, Lithium
electrodes are immersed in an electrolyte, cell, Zinc-Carbon cell or dry cell.
there will be a potential difference pro-
duced between these metals or electrodes. Generally, primary cells (figure 2.2a)
In this, one electrode acts as positive ter- are available in the voltage rating of 1.5 V,
minal and another electrode acts as nega- 3 V, 9 V and 12 V and the current rating
tive terminal. of 0.2 A, 0.5 A, 1 A and 2 A. AA and AAA

Chapter 2  Electrical Devices 39

ELEC_EQUIP_Chapter02.indd 39 21-04-2018 17:10:51

type of cells (1.5V) are used in clocks and For example, if a cell has a capacity
remote controls. 1.5 V, 3 V button cells are of 2 Ah, it could supply the current of one
used in watches and computers, respec- Ampere in 2 hours or 2 Amperes in 1 hour.
tively. 9 V cell is used in multimeter and
cordless microphone. 2.1.3 Cell Arrangements
Cell arrangement deter-
Secondary Cells mines the voltage and
current. For that, the
The cells that can be recharged are called cells are connected in
as ‘secondary cells’. Some of the second- series and parallel.
ary cells are lead-acid cell, Lithium ion Cells in Series
cell and Nickel Cadmium cell.
In this method, the positive (+) terminal
of one cell is connected with the negative
Figure 2.2(b) shows the structure of sec- (-) terminal of next cell and so on.
ondary cell. Lead-acid cell is widely used
in two-wheel and four-wheel vehicles.
Lithium ion cells are used in laptops and + + + +
cell phones. Nickel cadmium cells are used 6 volts

– – – –
in flash lights, emergency lights and toys.

Serial arrangement

+ – + – + – + –
– – Charge
– ––
Positive Negative 1.5V 1.5V 1.5V 1.5V
+ +
– + + + – –– Figure 2.3  Cells Connected in Series
+ Separator +
– –
+ ++ Figure 2.3 shows the series connection
+ +
of cells. Cells have a particular potential
difference (Eg.1.2 V, 1.5 V, etc.). If higher
voltage is needed (E.g. 6 V, 9 V, 12 V) cells
terminal are connected in series. The current flow
through in each cell is equal and same.
Cell divider
Positive electrode If four cells are connected in series
(lead dioxide)
Negative electrode
(1.5 V each) the total EMF is,
Dilute H2SO4
ET = n×e
= 4×1.5 = 6 V
Figure 2.2(b)  Structure of Secondary Cell
where ‘n’ is number of cells and ‘e’ is
the voltage of the cell.
2.1.2. Capacity of Cells
The capacity of the cells is termed in Cells in Parallel
Ampere-hour (Ah). This denotes the sup- In this method, the positive terminal of
ply of current based on time. each cell is connected simultaneously and
40 Electronics Equipment

ELEC_EQUIP_Chapter02.indd 40 21-04-2018 17:10:51

taken as a single positive output and the 2.2. INDUCTOR OR COIL
negative terminals are connected simul-
taneously and taken as a single negative Inductor is the passive component used
output. in electronic circuits. It stores energy in
the form of magnetic field and delivers it
as and when required. An inductor is usu-
+ – ally a coil of copper wire wound around a
+ + + + +

core of ferromagnetic material. Figure 2.5
volts 1.5V shows an inductor coil.
– – – – + –

Parallel arrangement Who invented the

inductor coil?
Figure 2.4  Cells Connected in Parallel
“Rev.Nicholas Calland” of Ireland
Figure 2.4 shows parallel connec- invented the inductor coil.
tion of cells. If higher current is needed
(having same EMF), cells are connected
in parallel. The total EMF is equal to the
EMF of individual cells.

Let four batteries are connected in par-
allel having a voltage and current rating
of 12V/7Ah, 12V/10Ah, 12V/7Ah and
12V/6Ah. Calculate the total current
rating of the circuit.
Figure 2.5  Inductors

+ + + + +
12V 12V 12V 12V





2.2.1 Inductance
Whenever current passes through a coil,
magnetic flux is generated around it. This
Total current rating of the circuit magnetic flux opposes any change in cur-
= 7 + 10 + 7 + 6 rent due to the induced EMF. The oppo-
sition to the change in current is known
= 30 Ah as inductance. The unit of inductance is

Activity 2.1 2.2.2 EMF (Electro Magnetic Force)

❍❍ Take a lemon Figure 2.6 shows the force acts between
❍❍ Insert an LED bulb into lemon the charged particles and the combination
❍❍ You can see that LED will glow. of all electrical and magnetic forces. It can
be in attractive or repulsive.
Chapter 2  Electrical Devices 41

ELEC_EQUIP_Chapter02.indd 41 21-04-2018 17:10:51

Magnetic field Inductor with
air core
Induced current in workpiece Current in coil Not iron


Figure 2.6  Electro Magnetic Force
Figure 2.8  Air Core Inductors

2.2.3 Types of Inductor supplies, chokes in fluorescent tubes. The

Inductor can be divided in two categories. iron core inductor is shown in Figure 2.9.
1. Fixed inductors
2. Variable inductors  Fixed Inductor

The symbol of fixed inductor is shown in
Figure 2.7 and can be further divided into
3 categories depending on the type of cores.
Figure 2.9  Iron Core Inductors

Ferrite Core Inductors: Ferrite

core inductors consist of a few turns of
wire wound on a ferrite materials. A fer-
Figure 2.7  Fixed Inductor rite is basically an insulator having very
high permeability. Ferrite core inductor
They are,
is suitable for high frequency applications
1. Air Core Inductors and is shown in Figure 2.10.
2. Iron Core Inductors

3. Ferrite Core Inductors Cylindrical core Conducting wire

Air Core Inductors: Air core induc-

tors consist of a few turns of wire wound on
Current Current
a hollow former. In radio frequency applica-
Figure 2.10  Ferrite Core Inductors
tions, where a very low value of inductance
is required, air core inductors are generally Variable inductors
used. It is shown in Figure 2.8.
In certain application such as tuned cir-
Iron Core Inductors: In this, the cuits, it is required to vary the inductance
former is generally made up of silicon from minimum value to a maximum
steel in the form of thin laminated sheets. value. Ferrite core variable inductors are
These are used in low frequency appli- generally used for this purpose. The vari-
cations such as filter circuits in power able inductors are shown in Figure 2.11.
42 Electronics Equipment

ELEC_EQUIP_Chapter02.indd 42 21-04-2018 17:10:52

Inductor symbols

Inner core Ferrite core

material screws into
Length (l)
area. (A)

Air core Iron core

Number of turns (N)

Ferrite Variable
core core

Figure 2.11  Variable Inductors

2.2.4. ‘Q’ factor (Quality factor) of inductance and make them more effective
an inductor filters. RF chokes use ferrite core, which
operate effectively at high frequencies and
The ratio of the inductive reactance to is shown in Figure 2.12.
the effective resistance is known as the
‘Q’ of an inductor.

where f is the AC frequency, L is the

inductance and R is the resistance.

2.2.5 Chokes Figure 2.12  Chokes

A choke is an inductor that is designed 2.2.6 Relay

to block unwanted high frequency ac in A relay is an electrically operated switch
an electrical circuit. But it allows low and is shown in Figure 2.13. The current
frequency and dc. flowing through the coil of a relay creates
a magnetic field which attracts the lever
and changes the switch contacts. Relay is
There are two classes of chokes.
used in applications to turn ON and OFF
1. Power Chokes a circuit by a low power signal.
2. RF Chokes Uses: Relays are used in stabilizers, UPS
Power and audio frequency chokes (Uninterrupted power supply) and three
typically have an iron core to increase their phase change over switches.
Chapter 2  Electrical Devices 43

ELEC_EQUIP_Chapter02.indd 43 21-04-2018 17:10:52

Hinged Bending
armature strap Normally

Spring open contact

Coil and
iron core


Figure 2.13  Relay

2.2.7  ction of Coils in AC and

DC Circuits AC Circuits A device which has two or more coils
Since the phase is alternatively changed wound on a core is termed as trans-
in AC circuits, the back EMF continu- former. The electrical energy is trans-
formed from one coil to other through
ously presents in the coil. This back EMF
mutual inductance in it.
depends upon the frequency and the core
of the coil. Hence, the coils in AC cir-
The symbol of Transformer is shown in
cuits have resistance carried by back EMF
Figure 2.14
along with normal resistance. These two
resistances combined together is known
as inductive reactance.
Primary Secondary
Inductive Reactance XL =2πfL
where π = 3.14, f is the frequency of AC
and L is the inductance. In AC circuits,
Iron core
the current flows in the coil lag 90˚ with
reference to the voltage. Figure 2.14  Symbol of Transformer DC Circuits History

When the switch is ON, the back EMF In 1880s, the first commercially-used
generated opposes the flow of current. transformer was built by William Stanley,
The back EMF will get vanished when working under George Westinghouse that
constant magnetic field is produced, i.e. was wound to form a core of E-shaped
the back EMF persists only to the frac- plates in step-up and step-down variations.
tion of switching on the circuit. When
the circuit is switched ON, automatically 2.3.1  rinciple of Transformer
the back EMF becomes zero. In DC cir- Construction
cuits, coils would have only normal resis- Transformer is a static device which con-
tance. Hence, it may not be taken into tains one primary and one or more sec-
consideration. ondary coils. The electrical energy in
44 Electronics Equipment

ELEC_EQUIP_Chapter02.indd 44 21-04-2018 17:10:52

primary coil produces a magnetic field 2.3.2 Turns Ratio
(flux).This magnetic strength induces an The strength of current induced in the
EMF in the secondary coil. Normally, this secondary depends upon the number of
happen only in AC circuits. Figure 2.15 turns in the secondary coil. That is, the
shows the parts of the transformer. induced EMF is directly proportional to
the turns in the coil. The voltage ratio
l1 between the primary and secondary is
equal to the ratio between the number of
V1 turns in the primary and secondary.
N2 E p Np
N1 =
V2 Es Ns
Primary фB
EP → primary coil voltage
ES → Secondary coil voltage
Figure 2.15  Transformer
Np → Number of turns in primary coil
The AC current flowing through the pri-
mary induces an alternating magnetic NS → Number of turns in secondary
field. This magnetic field creates an EMF coil
in the secondary. If we are giving DC in
the primary, it won’t induce any EMF, 2.3.3 Types of Transformer
hence the phase does not get changed. Based on the turns ratio, type of the core
Therefore, the transformer can be used and the type of application, the transform-
only in AC Circuits. ers are classified as given below.


Turns Ratio Core Type Application

●● Step-up Transformer ●● Air Core Transformer ●● Power Transformer

●● Step-down ●● Iron Core Transformer ●● R.F Transformer
Transformer ●● Ferrite Core Transformer ●● I.F Transformer
●● Isolating

Chapter 2  Electrical Devices 45

ELEC_EQUIP_Chapter02.indd 45 21-04-2018 17:10:52 Step-up Transformer
Primary Secondary
In this type, the number of turns in
secondary coil must be more than the 1000 V 200 V
10 turns
turns in the primary coil. These types 2A 50 turns
10 A

of transformers are used in power gen-

erating plants, where the electricity is 2000 W 2000 W
carried over a long distance and also in
Television. The step up transformer is
shown in Figure 2.16 and its turns ratio is
Primary Secondary
given in Table 2.1.

Primary Secondary
Figure 2.17  Step-down Transformer

100 V 400 V
10 A
5 turns
20 turns 2.5 A Table 2.2 Turns ratio of step-down
Core Primary Secondary
1000 W 1000 W
Turns ratio 2 1
Voltage ratio 2 1

Primary Secondary Isolating Transformer

This type of transformer has 1:1 ratio of
winding. These types of transformer are
used mainly in fault finding places. This
Figure 2.16  Step-up Transformer transformer is used to avoid materials
to have direct contact with main supply.
Table 2.1 Turns ratio of step-up transformer Figure 2.18 shows an isolation transformer.
Primary Secondary
Turns ratio 1 2
Voltage ratio 1 2 Step-down Transformer

In this type, the number of turns in the
secondary coil must be less than the
number of turns in the primary coil.

This type of transformer is used in Radio


and TV receivers, eliminators and other

video equipment. Figure 2.17 shows a
step-down transformer. Table 2.2 sum-
Iron core
marizes the turns ratio of step-down
transformer. Figure 2.18  Isolating Transformer

46 Electronics Equipment

ELEC_EQUIP_Chapter02.indd 46 21-04-2018 17:10:52 Air-core Transformer Example: EHT transformer, SMPS
This type of transformer coils are wound transformer and Antenna coil.
on plastic sheets placed on thick paper
as shown in Figure 2.19. This is used in
Antenna coil and R.F. Transformer.

3 turns

96 turns
3 turns

Figure 2.19  Air Core Transformer

Figure 2.21  Ferrite Core SMPS Transformer Iron-core Transformer
In this type of transformer, two coils are IF Transformer
wound on thin laminated iron plates as In radio receivers, IF Transformers are
shown in Figure 2.20. Thin plates are used connected in the input and output of the
in order to avoid eddy current loss. They IF amplifier. It is shown in Figure 2.22.
are used as eliminator transformer and
output transformer.

winding Secondary
Np turns winding
Primary Magnetic Np turns
current lp flux, Φ Secondary
+ lp current
Primary +
voltage Secondary
Vp voltage
– Vp

core In


Figure 2.22  I.F. Transformer Power Transformer

Figure 2.20  Iron Core Transformer Generally, in Radio receivers, power trans-
former is used to match the input impedance Ferrite-core Transformer of the receiver and the output impedance of
In this type of transformer, coils are speaker. The Power transformer is as shown
wound on ferrite rod. Figure 2.21 shows in Figure  2.23. The power transformer is a
the ferrite-core SMPS transformer. step-down transformer.
Chapter 2  Electrical Devices 47

ELEC_EQUIP_Chapter02.indd 47 21-04-2018 17:10:53

In this Section, we are going to study
220V 0V about Microphones and loud speakers.
They may also be called as transducers,
9V because they are converting one form of
energy into another form.

0V 9V 2.4.1 Microphone
A device, which converts sound waves
into electrical waves, is called as micro-
Figure 2.23  Power Transformer phone. There are few types based on the
What is the difference Types of microphone
between electrical and
electronics devices? 1. Carbon microphone
The devices that work on AC (Alternating 2. Ribbon microphone
Current) are called Electrical devices and 3. Dynamic microphone
the ones that work on DC (Direct Current) 4. Condenser microphone
are called Electronic devices.
Let us see some of the important
2.3.4 Transformer Losses Dynamic Microphone
Even in best transformers, unavoidable
The dynamic microphone can also be
losses are occurred. These losses may be
called as moving coil microphone, which
reduced using quality materials and can-
is shown in Figure 2.24. It is working
not be totally nullified. The losses are of
under the principle of electromagnetic
three types.
induction. This works on the basis of the
Copper Loss: The loss appeared following principle which states that “in
because of the resistivity of copper string a magnetic field a conductor is placed in
in the coil. such a way that it cuts the magnetic field
Hysteresis Loss: When AC changes and then inducing an electrical field in it”.
its phase, the magnetic phase also gets
changed. This causes some loss in the
strength of the current. This is known as Voice coil

Hysteresis loss.
Eddy Current Loss: When current Audio out
flows in an iron, it will get heated. This
heat creates some loss. This loss is said to Diaphragm

be Eddy current loss. To minimize this

loss, the core should be laminated. Figure 2.24  Dynamic Microphone

48 Electronics Equipment

ELEC_EQUIP_Chapter02.indd 48 21-04-2018 17:10:53

In dynamic microphone, between the microphone, the vibrating plate starts
the two-strong magnetic ends a coil spring slight movement (vibration) in front and
is placed. A diaphragm is attached along back. Due to this, the gap between the two
with this coil spring. The diaphragm is plates gets changed and in turn there is a
firmly attached to the body of the micro- change in capacitance occurs. The change in
phone. The coil spring laminated so it capacitance depends upon the sound waves.
won’t have any contact with other parts. Hence, the electrical signal produced also
This total setup is fixed in a case. gets changed and is taken as output. The
When sound waves strike the dia- condenser microphone is a high impedance
phragm, the coil attached to it will vibrate microphone.
front and back. Due to this, the coil cuts
the magnetic field and creating electrical 2.4.2 Loud Speaker
signal. The strength of this electrical signal A material which converts electrical energy
and frequency decides the true deflection of into mechanical energy and converting such
vibration occurred in the diaphragm. This energy into sound energy is known as loud
electrical signal is the output of the micro- speaker. Simply to say, the part that converts
phone. The dynamic microphone will give amplified audio frequency signals back to
equal frequency response for the sound the original sound is the speaker.
waves in the range of 50 Hz to 10000 Hz. It  Dynamic Loudspeaker
is made up of low impedance material.
Figure 2.26 shows a cross sectional view of Condenser Microphone a Dynamic Loudspeaker.
When the distance between the electrodes
of a capacitor gets changed the capacitance Frame
also varies. The condenser microphone is Surround

working under this principle. A condenser Voice coil

microphone is shown in Figure  2.25. The Spider

construction of this microphone is also sim- Whizzer

ilar to the construction of a capacitor. In this, Dust cap

one plate is kept static and another plate can

vibrate on receiving the sound wave.

Backplate Pole piece
Compliant material
Sound A
waves Audio output
to pre-amp Figure 2.26  Dynamic Loudspeaker

Voice coil is placed in between the
strong magnetic ends in order to fill the
Figure 2.25  Condenser Microphone air gap. Spider is placed on the voice coil.
The vibrating plate will act as dia- Spider helps the voice coil to fill the
phragm. When the sound signal strikes air gap. Paper cone is used to connect the
Chapter 2  Electrical Devices 49

ELEC_EQUIP_Chapter02.indd 49 21-04-2018 17:10:53

voice coil with the frame of the speaker Woofer (Low-Frequency range): The
and so as vibration will be proper. speaker which functions efficiently in the low
When the amplified audio signal is frequency (20 Hz to 1000 Hz) audio signal
given to the voice coil, it will create vari- range is called as Woofer and is shown in
able magnetic field. The force develops in Figure 2.27(a). Since a large amount of power
between the static and dynamic magnetic is needed to deliver this range, these types of
field move the voice coil front and back. speakers are designed as big in size and diam-
Due to this the paper cone gets vibrated. eter. Presently, sub-woofer with frequency
range of 20-200 Hz is also widely used.  Impedence of the Speaker Squawker (Mid-Frequency range):
Speakers are classified (as 4 ohms, 8 ohms The speaker which functions ­efficiently in
,16 ohms ) based on their impedence rat- the mid frequency (2 to 8 kHz) audio signal
ing. The impedence rating is depends range is called as Squawker or mid-range
upon the thickness and numbers of turns speaker and is shown in Figure 2.27(b).
of the voice coil. For proper matching the Tweeter (High-Frequency range):
audio frequency amplifier output must be The speaker which functions efficiently
equal to the voice coil Impedence. If it is in the high frequency (8 to 20 kHz) audio
not equal, then it is said to be improper signal range is called as Tweeter. It has
matching. This improper matching affects less weight and small in size. Now, Piezo
the sensitivity of the audio output. tweeters are also used. Tweeter is shown
in Figure 2.27(c). Frequency Handling of Speakers
Speakers are classified as per the frequen- Two Way and Three-way Speaker
cies handled by them. They are System
1. Woofer A single speaker cannot deliver the full
2. Squawker range of the audio signal (20 Hz to 20
3. Tweeter kHz) with good quality and required
fidelity. So, by using cross-over network
with Woofer, Squawker and Tweeter, the
full audio range can be delivered with
good quality and fidelity. This is done in
two channels (ways), for that, two speaker
boxes are used. This is called as stereo-
A B phonic system. If all the three speakers are
used in one speaker box, it is said to be
monophonic system (one channel).
Figure 2.27 
Types of Speakers
2.4.3 Wattage Rating of Speakers
A  Woofer
B  Squawker
Wattage rating of speakers is nothing but
C C  Tweeter
the capability of voice coil which delivers
the power of sound signal. Speaker having
50 Electronics Equipment

ELEC_EQUIP_Chapter02.indd 50 21-04-2018 17:10:53

high wattage rating deliver high volume
of sound and also it avoids the burn-out
of voice coil and torn-out of cone paper.
Manufactures determine the wattage rat-
ing of amplifiers and speakers. It is noted
in the label pasted in the speakers. The
Figure 2.29  Horn Type Loudspeaker
wattage rating of speakers used in radio
and TV receivers is from 0.5 watts to 15
watts approximately. 2.4.6  ross Over Network of
2.4.4 Column Loudspeakers
The method of connection needed when a
Many Dynamic Loudspeakers (in same woofer and tweeter are used in the audio sys-
wattage rating) used in single system are tem is called cross over network, since tweet-
termed as Column Loudspeakers. They ers perform very well only in high frequencies
are placed vertically and closely to each and not in low frequencies. A  simple cross
other in a box. This system is placed in over network with a capacitor connected in
such a way that the most of the sound series with tweeter is shown in Figure 2.30.
delivered from this box is towards audi- If the audio frequency decreases, the capac-
ence. Since only a little amount of sound itive reactance of the capacitor increases. In
goes towards the wall and ceiling, echo is a particular frequency, the capacitive reac-
not produced. This system is used in audi- tance and the impedance of the tweeter will
torium and theaters. Figure 2.28 shows a become equal. That frequency is referred as
Column loudspeaker. the ‘cross over frequency’ of the system.
A filter circuit is used to give the
respective audio range of frequencies to
the woofer and tweeter separately. This
filter circuit has a coil and capacitor.
Capacitor blocks the low frequency audio
signal whereas coil prevents the entry of
high frequency audio signal to the tweeter
Figure 2.28  Column Loudspeaker and woofer, respectively.

2.4.5 Horn type Loudspeaker +
This type of speakers is extensively used in Tweeter
Public meeting. It is designed in tube type –
funnel. It is more suitable than cone paper
type speakers for delivering very high vol- L2

ume. It has very good frequency response RT1 +

C2 Woofer
in medium and high frequency audio range 18W/8545

and less response in low frequency. A horn

type loudspeaker is shown in Figure 2.29. Figure 2.30  Cross Over Networks of Speakers

Chapter 2  Electrical Devices 51

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How the bat identify the object? Cartridge Fuse
Cartridge fuses are used to protect elec-
Bat emits the ultra sound frequency trical appliances such as motors, air con-
(more than 20 KHz) and send towards the
ditioners, refrigerators, pumps etc., where
particular object. This frequency hits the
object and returns to it as echoes. The bat high voltage rating and current rating
will calculate the location of the object by are required. Cartridge fuse is shown in
measuring the time it takes for an echo to Figure 2.31
return from it.

2.5. FUSE
A fuse is made up of a piece of metal that GLASS TUBE AND
melts when over-heated. It should be con- WIRE FUSE LINK

nected in series with the load. Fuse is made

up of 37% of lead and 67% of iron. Most
common sizes having maximum working Figure 2.31  Cartridge Fuse
voltages are 32 V, 125 V, 600 V to 25000 V.
Electronic fuses having a current rating of Blade Type Fuse
0.1 A, 0.5 A, 1 A, 2 A, 3 A, 5 A, 10 A, 100 This type (also known as plug in fuses)
A and 500 A. comes in plastic body and two metal caps
to fit in a socket. Mostly, they used in auto
2.5.1 Types of fuse mobiles for wiring and short-circuit pro-
Fuses can be divided into two main cate- tection. A typical blade type fuse is shown
gories, according to the type of input sup- in Figure 2.32.
ply voltage. They are,
1. AC fuses
2. DC fuses
There is a little difference between
AC and DC fuses in size.

2.5.2 Other Types of Fuse Figure 2.32  Knife Blade Cartridge

1. Cartridge Fuse Surface Mount Device (SMD)
2. Blade Type Fuse fuse
3. Surface Mount Device (SMD) Fuse This type of fuses directly soldered in
4. Axial Type Fuse the printed circuit board. These fuses are
available in low-voltage and low-current
5. Thermal Type Fuse
ratings. It is the latest method of fuse and
6. HRC Type Fuse also no need to pierce on the PCB. The
7. Resettable Type Fuse SMD fuse is shown in Figure 2.33.
52 Electronics Equipment

ELEC_EQUIP_Chapter02.indd 52 21-04-2018 17:10:54 HRC (High Rupturing Capacity)
Type Fuse
This type of fuse is available in the current
rating of 2 A to 800 A as shown in Figure
2.36. An HRC fuse is a type of cartridge
fuse, in which the fuse element is enclosed
with in a transparent ceramic material.
These are used for protection of power
Figure 2.33  SMD Fuse
transformers, motors, automobiles etc. Axial Type Fuse
In this type of fuses, the fuse element is
enclosed in a glass chamber directly sol-
dered in the PCB board and available in
low-voltage and current ratings. These are
used in robotics, power supplies etc. The
axial type fuse is shown in Figure 2.34.

Figure 2.36  HRC Resettable Type Fuse

A resettable fuse is a polymeric positive
temperature co-efficient (PPTC) device
Figure 2.34  Axial Fuse
that is used to protect against over-cur- Thermal Type Fuse rent faults in electronic circuits. This
The thermal type fuse is used to protect device is also known as poly-fuse or poly-
electrical appliances from the damages switch. It is used in audio-amplifier, com-
caused due to over-heating. Thermal puter power supplies etc. It is shown in
fuses are used in coffee makers, refrig- Figure 2.37.
erators etc., in the form of thermostats.
Figure 2.35 shows the thermal fuse.

Special compound
Before fusing off Lead wire Thermal element
Insulating container Phenolic case
Special compound
Thermal element

After fusing off

Before fusing off Lead wire

Radial type

Figure 2.35  Thermal Fuse Figure 2.37  Resettable Fuse

Chapter 2  Electrical Devices 53

ELEC_EQUIP_Chapter02.indd 53 21-04-2018 17:10:54

2.6  CIRCUIT BREAKER on, the breaker allows electrical current to
pass from a bottom to an upper terminal
A circuit breaker is an automobile oper- across the solenoid or strip. When the cur-
ated electrical switch designed to protect rent reaches un-safe levels, the magnetic
an electrical circuit from damage caused force of the solenoid becomes so strong,
due to excess current, typically resulting that a metal lever within the switch mecha-
from an over-load or short-circuit. Its nism is thrown and the current gets cut-off.
basic function is to stop current flow after Alternatively, the metal strip bends throwing
short-circuit or over-load is detected. the switch and disconnecting the connec-
There are different types of circuit break- tion. To reset the flow of electricity after the
ers and are summarized below: problem is resolved, the switch can simply
be tuned back to on, thus reconnecting the
2.6.1  CB (Miniature Circuit
M circuit. Figure 2.38 shows a layout of MCB.
Presently, we use MCB in low-voltage
electrical network instead of fuse. MCB is
an electromechanical device which pro-
tects an electrical circuit from over-cur-
rent. An MCB is better alternative to fuse,
since it does not require replacement once
an over-load is detected. Unlike fuse,
an MCB can easily reset and thus offers
improved operational safety.
Figure 2.38  Layout of Miniature Circuit Breaker

Working principle
Difference between Fuse and MCB
MCBs are either electromagnetic or a bi-­
The difference between MCB and Fuse is
metallic strip. In either case, when turned
summarized in Table 2.3.

Table 2.3: Difference between Fuse and MCB

Fuse MCB
Fuse is usually made up of a fuse wire. It is MCB has a tripping circuit
an alloy which has a no melting point
Fuse works on the electrical and thermal MCB works on the electromagnetism and
properties of the conducting materials. switching principle
Fuses can be used only once MCB can be used a number of times
Fuse cannot be used as an ON/OFF switch MCB can be used as an ON/OFF switch
Operating time of Fuse is Very less Operating time is comparatively more than that
(0.002 sec) of fuse (0.02-0.05 sec)
Cost of fuse is low Cost of MCB is high

54 Electronics Equipment

ELEC_EQUIP_Chapter02.indd 54 21-04-2018 17:10:54

2.6.2  LCB (Earth Leak Circuit
These are designed depends upon the
An ELCB is a safety device, used in elec-
contact points (pole) and number of con-
trical installations with high earth imped-
nections (ways).
ance to prevent even minor shock. It
detects even small stray voltages on any A device which is used to connect
electrical equipment enclosures and ter- ­supply from one point to another point
minates the supply to them. An ELCB is (load) is called a switch.
a specialized type of a latching relay that
has a provision for incoming mains power
There are few type of switches
connected through its switching contacts.
based on requirements.
So, the ELCB disconnects the power when
earth leakage is detected. 1. Single Pole Single Way
2. Single Pole Two Way
3. Single Pole Multi Way
4. Double Pole Single Way
5. Double Pole Two Way
6. Double Pole Multi Way
7. Multi Pole Multi Way
Switches are classified based on
their voltage and current ratings. In some
places separate switches are used for AC
and DC. Switches are available based on
the following ratings1 A, 2 A, 5 A, 10 A,
15 A, 32 A, 64 A, 100 A and even above.
The different types of switches are shown
Figure 2.39  Earth Leak Circuit Breakers
in Figures 2.40(a-g).

We can use switches depends upon our

The ELCB detects fault currents equipment.
from live to earth (ground) within the
1. Normally open
installation and protect the circuit. If
2. Normally closed
sufficient voltage appears across the
ELCB’s sense coil, it will switch off the Rotary type and slide type switches
power and remain off until manually are also available.
reset. A voltage sensing ELCB does not Yet another type called push but-
sense fault currents from live to any ton switch is available, which makes con-
other earthed body. A typical ELCB is tact temporarily. This will disconnect the
shown in Figure 2.39. contact while withdrawing the pressure

Chapter 2  Electrical Devices 55

ELEC_EQUIP_Chapter02.indd 55 21-04-2018 17:10:54


Symbol SPDT Switch

1) Single Pole Single Way 2) Single Pole Two Way


Symbol DPST Switch

3) Single Pole Multi Way 4) Double Pole Single Way

Symbol DPDT Switch 6) Double Pole Multi Way

5) Double Pole Two Way S1a
10 circuits
Input #1 x4
Input #2 W
10 circuits
Dotted line x4
together”of switches S1c
Input #3
10 circuits
Figure 2.40  Types of Switches
7) Multi Pole Multi Way

applied in the switch. This type of switch 1. Before using the equipment, the
is used in computer keyboard, digital cir- technician must know the operation
cuits for reset, etc. of that equipment and made proper
electrical connections.
2.8 ELECTRONIC SERVICING - 2. If any fault occurs in the electronic
SAFETY PRECAUTIONS equipment, it will be checked and
repaired after the equipment is
An electronic technician must carefully
totally disconnected from the sup-
handle the work without any damage to the
ply. E.g. TV, DVD players
equipment. He must know all the operations
of electronic equipment. Electrical accident 3. While removing the plug-point pin
may occur only due to carelessness. To avoid from the socket, it should be done
this, electronic technician must follow the properly. We should not pull the
rules and regulations when working. wire.

56 Electronics Equipment

ELEC_EQUIP_Chapter02.indd 56 21-04-2018 17:10:55

4. If fire occurs in the circuit, immedi- 8. Before to turn ON the switch, check
ately the main switch must be turned if anybody is working in the elec-
OFF. Water should not be used to tronic circuit.
extinguish the fire because it con- 9. While working with SMPS trouble-
ducts electricity. shooting, the main switch must be
5. If any person getting electric shock switched OFF before troubleshooting.
on touching the electric wire, imme- 10. Before troubleshooting, the technician
diately the supply should be dis- should inspect the circuit through visu-
connected. The person should be alization by identifying the symptoms
removed from the wire by beating like burst, missed and damaged elec-
with dry stick. tronic components. Only after visual
6. Sweating hand should not be used to inspection, the technician should start
switch ON or OFF. the troubleshooting of circuits.
7. During servicing, one must sit in a 11. It is recommended to wear the rub-
wooden chair to avoid electric shock. ber shoes to avoid accidental shock.


1. Remembering the concept of primary cells and secondary cells.

2. Acquiring depth knowledge about working principles of cells,
inductors and transformers.
3. Knowing the importance of safety precautions while electronic
4. Designing and testing of the circuit breakers.

S. No Terms Explanation
1 Auto transformer Transformer that uses a common winding for both pri-
mary and secondary windings
2 Electromotive Measured in volts, a force that exists between positive
Force and negative charges
3 Inductors A device for introducing inductance into a circuit
4 Electrostatic Relating to stationary electric charges or fields as
opposed to electric currents
5 Troubleshoot Trace and correct faults in an electronic system
Chapter 2  Electrical Devices 57

ELEC_EQUIP_Chapter02.indd 57 21-04-2018 17:10:55

6 Echo A sound or sounds caused by the reflection of sound
waves from a surface back to the listener
7 Transducer Device that converts energy from one form to another
8 Electromagnetism Relates to the magnetic field generated around a conduc-
tor when current is passed through it
9 Choke Inductor used to oppose the flow of alternating current
10 Magnetic field Magnetic lines of force traveling from the north pole to
the south pole of a magnet

I Choose the best answer 1 Mark
1. A device which converts chemical energy into electrical energy.
a) Capacitor b) Cell c) Resistor d) Transformer

2. Voltaic pile was invented by……………..

a) Graham Bell b) Michael Faraday c) Alessandra Volta d) Marconi

3. The unit of an inductor is ………………

a) Ohms b)  Farad c) Hertz d) Henry

4. Which of the following is a transducer

a) Resistor b) Condenser c) Transformer d) Microphone

5. Electrical signal can be converted into audio signal by ………….

a) Microphone b) Speaker c) Condenser d) Cell

6. Audio signal can be converted into electrical signal by ……………..

a) Transformer b)  Microphone c)  Speaker d)  None of these

7. The formula for inductive reactance is

a) XL=2ΠfL b)  XL = 1 c)  XL = 2Π√fL d)  XL = 1

2πL 2πLC
8. Which speaker works efficiently in the low frequency audio range?
a) Tweeter b) Woofer c) Squawker d) Horn type speaker

9. The ratio of winding in isolating transformer is

a) 1:2 b) 1:1 c) 2:1 d) 2:2

10. Which among these is the least expensive protection for over-current in low-voltage system

a)  Rewirable fuse b)  Isolator c)  Circuit Breaker d)  Air Breaker switch

58 Electronics Equipment

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II Answer in Few Sentences 3 Marks
  1. What is meant by a cell?
  2. What is meant by secondary cell? Give the examples.
  3. What is meant by ampere hour capacity in a battery?
  4. Define Electromagnetic force.
  5. What is ‘Q factor’ of the inductor?
  6. What is meant by an inductive reactance?
  7. What is a transformer?
  8. What is meant by turns ratio in the transformer?
  9. How transformers are classified depending upon the core?
10. Write down the faults occurred in transformers?
11. What is meant by transducers?
12. What is the function of microphone?
13. Write down the function of loudspeaker?
14. What is a switch?
15. What is the function of circuit breaker?

III Explain the following questions 5 Marks

1. A 100 ohms bulb is connected with 6 volts battery. Find out the current flows in the bulb?
2. How the inductors are classified? Explain.
3. Explain the working of coils in AC and DC circuits?
4. How speakers are classified as per the frequencies handled by them?
5. Explain about horn type speaker and column type speaker.
6. Explain the cross over network.
7. Explain two-way and three-way speaker system?
8. Explain about the losses occurred in the transformer.

IV Briefly explains the following questions 10 Marks

1. Explain the series and parallel connection of cells with necessary diagram.
2. Explain the working of a transformer with neat diagram.
3. Explain any five types of transformer with neat diagram.
4. Explain the working principle of MCB.
5. Explain the working principle of ELCB.
6. Explain the working of a dynamic microphone.
7. Explain the working of a loudspeaker with diagram.
8. What are the precautions to be followed while on servicing?


1) b 2) c 3) d 4) d 5) b

6) b 7) a 8) b 9) b 10) a

Chapter 2  Electrical Devices 59

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“அணுவைத் துளைத்து ஏழ்கடலைப் புகட்டி

குறுகத் தரித்த குறள்”. - ஔவையார்
Well before 2000 years, one of our women tamil poet and scholar “Avvaiyar” used
the word ‘அணு’ i.e.atom, in her appreciation towards the universal religious
book “Thirukkural”. She used the word ‘அணு’ even before a single literal sci-
ence or scientific word was derived. This proves the language Tamil and Tamil-
ians were forerunners in deriving science, from basic to astronomy.


 3.1 Atomic Structure  3.6 Semi-conductor

 3.2 Structure of Elements  3.7 Intrinsic Semiconductor
 3.3 Electron Emission  3.8 N-type Semiconductor
 3.4 Vacuum Tubes  3.9 P-type Semiconductor
 3.5 Bohr’s Atomic Model 3.10 PN Junction


From this chapter the students would learn about the following:

1. Knowledge about basic electronic principles

2. Atomic structure of elements

3. Classification of Elements
4. Detailed knowledge of Semiconductors and its working
5. Working of PN-junction

INTRODUCTION replacing human in areas where criticality

and safety of human become risk.
In this fast developing world, “Electronic”
The fast growth of this electronic
is the most important branch of engineer-
technology offers a great challenge to
ing. Electronic devices are used in day
the beginner, who likes to learn about
to day common man life to big indus-
­electronics. This fundamental knowledge
trial activities. At its peak now robot are


ELEC_EQUIP_Chapter03.indd 60 21-04-2018 17:11:02

about electronics can make easy and sim- positively charged particle, where neu-
ple learning process. The purpose of this tron does not have any charge. There
chapter is to give basic elementary knowl- is yet another particle called electrons
edge in order to understand the following which is negative in charge and it is not
chapters. reside inside the nucleus rather revolv-
ing around the nucleus. This is termed as
What is meant by extra nucleus.
The branch of engineering which deals
with current conduction through a vac- Electron
uum or gas or semiconductor is known as

Few important activities of elec-

tronic devices are
1. Rectification
2. Amplification Neutron

3. Control
4. Oscillations
5. Conversion of light into electricity
and Figure 3.1  Atomic structure

6. Conversion of electricity into light The character of any atoms can be

etc. defined by three factors.
The first step to understand the 1. Atomic number
principles of electronics starts from 2. Atomic weight
knowing about an atom, since everything
3. Electrical charge
is made up of atom.

3.1.1 Nucleus
3.1.  ATOMIC STRUCTURE It is a central part of an atom, which con-
tains protons and neutrons. A proton is a
According to modern theory, matter is positively charged particle, while the neu-
electrical in nature. All the materials are tron has the same ‘mass’ as the proton ,
composed of very tiny particles called but has no charge. Therefore the nucleus
atoms. The atoms are the root cause for of an atom is positively charged. The sum
all the matter or material existing in this of protons and neutrons decides the entire
world. weight of an atom. Because, the particle
The atom consists of a central in the extra nucleus (i.e., electrons) have
nucleus, contains protons and neutrons negligible weight as compared to protons
as shown in Figure 3.1. A proton is a and neutrons.
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Extra Nucleus conduction (say electricity, heat etc).The
It is the outer part of an atom which c­ ontains electrons in an atom revolve around the
electrons only. An electron is a negatively nucleus in different orbit or paths. The
charged particle having negligible mass. number and arrangement of electrons in
The charge of an electron is equal but oppo- any orbit is determined by the following
site to that of a proton. Also the number of rules.
electrons are equal to the number of pro- 1. The number of electron in any orbit is
tons in an atom under ordinary conditions. given by 2n2 where n is the number of
Therefore an atom is neutral as a ‘whole’. orbit.
The number of electrons or protons in an
For Example:
atom is called atomic number.
First orbit contains 2x12 = 2 electrons
Second orbit contains 2x22 = 8 electrons
3.1.2 Atomic Number Third orbit contains 2x32 = 18 electrons and so on
Normally at ordinary conditions the num- 2. The last orbit cannot have more than
ber of electrons in the extra nucleus (i.e, 8 electrons.
orbits) are equal to number of protons
3. The last but one orbit cannot have
present in the nucleus.
more than 18 electrons.
Therefore, an atom is neutral as a
whole. The number of electrons or pro-
tons in an atom is called atomic number. 3.2.  STRUCTURE OF ELEMENTS

We have seen all atoms are made up of

protons, neutrons and electrons. The dif-
∴ Atomic Number = No. of Protons (or) ference between types of elements is due
No. of Electrons in an atom. to the different number and arrangement
of these particles within their atoms. The
structure of copper atom is different from
3.1.3 Atomic Weight carbon atom and hence the two elements
have different properties.
The sum of the protons and neutrons
decides the entire weight of an atom and The atomic structure can be easily
is called atomic weight. The electrons are drawn if we know the atomic weight and
not taken for consideration because it is atomic number of an element.
having negligible mass as compared to
protons or neutrons. For example:
We take copper atom,
Atomic Weight =  No. of Protons + Atomic weight = 64
No. of Neutrons Atomic number = 29
No. of Protons = No of Electrons =
The electrons present in the atom 29 and
is root cause for the action of any type of No of Neutrons = 64-29=35.
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The total energy of the electron is
the sum of these two energies. The total
energy of the electron increases as its dis-
tance from the nucleus increases. Hence,
the electron in the last orbit possesses
P = 29
N = 35
high energy than the electrons in the pre-
vious orbits. The last orbit electron plays
important role in determining the physi-
cal, chemical and electrical properties of
a material.

Figure 3.2  Atomic structure of copper

Valence Electron
The Figure 3.2 shows the structure of
copper atom. It has 29 electrons which are The electrons in the outermost orbit
arranged in different orbits as follows. The of an atom are known as valence
first orbit will have 2 electrons, the second 8 electrons.
electrons, the third 18 electrons and fourth
orbit will have 1 electron. The atomic struc- The outermost orbit can have max-
ture of all known elements can be shown in imum of 8 electrons. i.e., the maximum
this way and we can refer few elements. number of valence electrons can be 8. The
valence electron determines the physi-
3.2.1 Electron
cal, chemical and electrical properties of
Since electronics deals with tiny parti- material.
cles called electrons, these small particles
require detailed study. An electron is a
3.2.3  tomic Structure of
negatively charged particle having negligi-
ble mass. Some of the important proper-
On the basis of electrical conductivity,
ties of an electron are:
materials are generally classified into con-
1. Charge of an electron, ductors, insulators and semi-conductors.
e= 1.602x10-19 coulomb In general one can determine the electri-
2. Mass of an electron, cal behaviour of a material from the num-
n=9.0x10-31 kg ber of valence electron as under.
3. Radius of an electron,
r = 1.9x10-15 meter i. Conductor:

3.2.2 Energy of an Electron When the number of valence electron of

An electron moving around nucleus pos- an atom is less than 4 (i.e., half of the max-
sesses two types of energies, viz. imum of 8 electron) the material is usu-
ally a metal and a conductor. Examples
Kinetic Energy -due to its motion
(relativity) are sodium, magnesium and aluminium
Potential Energy - due to the charge in the which have 1,2 and 3 valence electrons
nucleus respectively. Is shown in Figure 3.3.
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+11 +12 +13


Figure 3.3  Atomic structure of sodium, magnesium and aluminium

ii. Insulator:
When number of valence electron of an Examples are nitrogen, sulphur and neon
atom is more than 4, the material is usu- which have 5, 6 and 8 valence electrons
ally a non-metal and an insulator. respectively as shown in Figure3.4.

+7 +16 +10


Figure 3.4  Atomic structure of nitrogen, sulphur and neon

iii. Semiconductor: both metal and non-metal properties and

When the number of valence electrons of is usually a semiconductor. Examples are
an atoms is 4 (i.e., exactly one-half of the carbon, silicon and germanium as shown
maximum of 8 electron), the material has in below Figure3.5.

+6 +14 +32


Figure 3.5  Atomic structure of carbon, silicon and germanium

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3.2.4 Free Electrons 3.3  ELECTRON EMISSION
The valence electron of different material
possesses different energies. The greater The liberation of electron from the surface of
the energy of a valence electron, the lesser a substance is known as electron emission.
it is bound to the nucleus. In certain sub-
stance, particularly metals, the valence
For electron emission metals are
electron possess so much energy that they
used because they have many free elec-
are very loosely attached to nucleus. These
trons as shown in Figure 3.6. When suffi-
loosely attached valence electron move at
cient energy is given to the free electron,
random within the material and are called
its kinetic energy is increased and thus
free electrons.
electron will cross over the surface barrier
to leave the metal.
The valence electrons which are very
loosely attached to the nucleus are Free
known as free electron. electron Surface

The free electrons can be easily

removed or detached by applying a small
amount of external energy. As a matter of
fact, these free electrons which determine
the electrical conductivity of the material.
On the basis of free electron concept, the
conductors, insulators and semiconduc-
Figure 3.6  Free electron on the surface of the atom
tors can be defined as under:
1. A conductor is a substance which Types of Electron Emission
has a large number of free electrons. There are four principle methods of
When potential difference is applied obtaining electron emission from the sur-
across a conductor, the free electron face of a metal.
move towards positive terminal of
supply constituting electric current. a) Thermal Energy b) Light Energy

2. An insulator is a substance which c) Secondary Electron d) Electric Field

has practically no free electrons at
1. Thermionic Emission: In this method,
ordinary temperature. Therefore
the metal is heated to sufficient tem-
an insulator does not conduct cur-
perature (about 2500°C) to enable the
rent under the influence of potential
electron to leave the metal surface. The
number of electrons emitted depends
3. A semiconductor is a substance which upon the temperature. The higher the
has very few free electrons at room temperature, the greater is the emis-
temperature. Under the influence of sion of electron. This type of the emis-
potential difference, a semi-conductor sion is employed in vacuum tubes and
practically conducts no current. CRTS as shown in Figure 3.7.
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Primary electrons
Cathode Electron source

Cathode A
Glass envelope

Indirectly Symbol
heated cathode

– B +
Figure 3.7  Thermionic emission

Figure 3.9  Secondary emission

2. Photo electric emission: In this
method, energy of light is falling
upon the metal surface is transferred 4. Field Emission: In this method, a
to the free electrons within the metal strong electric field (i.e., high posi-
to enable them to leave the surface tive voltage)is applied at the metal
as shown in Figure 3.8. The greater surface which pulls the electrons
the intensity (i.e., brightness) of light out of metal surface because of the
beam falling on the metal surface, the attraction of positive field. The
greater is the photoelectric emission. stronger the electric field, the greater
is the electron emission as shown in
Electron path Figure 3.10.
E A Light source

Free +

– B + +
Figure 3.8  Photo electric emission surface +

3. Secondary Emission: In this method,
a high velocity beam of electrons strike
the metal surface and causes the elec- of intense
electric field
tron emission out of the surface as
shown in Figure 3.9. Figure 3.10  Field emission

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Early days of electronics made successful The study of atomic structure is very
strides by the introduction and working important for electronics engineering. The
efficiency of the vacuum tubes. During 20th size of an atom is so small that it is virtually
century, a new branch of engineering called impossible to see it even through the most
“electronics” originated from the electrical powerful microscope. Therefore, we have to
engineering, due to the arrival of the vac- employ indirect method for the study of its
uum tubes. These tubes have been finding structure. Though many scientists derived
wide applications in radio, television, long atomic theories, Bohr’s atomic model is ade-
distance telephones, sound motion pictures, quate to understand the electronics.
radar and electronic computers. A typical
vacuum tube having three electrodes called 3.5.1. Bohr’s Atomic Model
triode is shown in Figure 3.11 In 1913, Neil Bohr, Danish Physicist gave
clear explanation of
atomic structure. Bohr
Cathode postulated the following
Control (–)
points about the struc-
Anode ture of the atom:
Glass (+)
1. An atom consists of Neil Bohr
tube (1885 – 1962)
positively charged
nucleus around which negatively
charged electrons revolve in differ-
ent circular orbits.
2. The electrons can revolve around
the nucleus only in certain permit-
ted orbits i.e., orbits of certain radii
Figure 3.11  Parts of the vacuum tube are allowed.
3. The electrons in each permitted orbit
Due to its size, slowness in work-
have a certain fixed amount of energy.
ing-speed, cost of production, and above
The larger the orbit (i.e., larger radius),
all the emission of heat while on work-
the greater is the energy of electrons.
ing reduced the life of many electronic
instruments. 4. If an electron is given additional
energy (e.g., heat, light, etc.), it is lifted
Continuous research was going
to the higher orbit. The atom is said
on, which paves the way for arrival of
to be in a state of excitation. This state
does not lost long, because the elec-
Before studying about semiconduc- tron soon falls back to the original
tor, it would be better to know about the lower orbit. As it falls, it gives back the
structure of atom and characteristics of acquired energy in the form of heat,
electrons. light or other radiations.
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3rd Orbit r2
2nd Orbit r1

+14 1st Orbit


Figure3.12  Structure of silicon atom

Figure 3.12 shows the structure of silicon 3.5.2 Energy Level

atom. It has 14 electrons, 2 in the first, 8 in It has already been discussed that each
the second and remaining 4 electrons in orbit has fixed amount of energy associ-
third orbit. The first, second, third orbits ated with it. The electrons moving in a
are also known as K, L and M orbits, particular orbit possess the energy of that
respectively. orbit. The larger the orbit, greater is its
These electron can revolve only in energy. It becomes clear that outer orbit
permitted orbits (i.e., orbits of radii r1, r2 electrons possess more energy than the
and r3) and not in any orbit. Thus, all radii inner orbit electrons.
between r1 and r2 or between r2 and r3 are Figure 3.13 shows the energy of different
forbidden. Each orbit has fixed amount of orbits. This is one way of the representing
energy associated with it. If an electron the energy in orbits and is known as energy
in the first orbit is to be lifted to the sec- band diagram. The first orbit represents first
ond orbit, just the right amount of energy energy level; the second orbit indicates the
should be supplied to it. When this elec- second energy level and so on. The larger
tron jumps from second orbit to first, it the orbit of the electron, the greater is its
gives back the acquired energy in the form energy and higher is the energy level.
of electromagnetic radiations.

r3 3rd energy level

2nd energy level


r3 r1 1st energy level


Edge of nucleus


Figure 3.13  Energy level diagram

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You might have heard about many current conduction is not possible.
types of energies used in our day-today life. Generally, insulators have empty con-
For all those, electron energy is the base. duction band. On the other hand, it is
partially filled for conductors.
3.5.3 I mportant Energy Bands in 3. Forbidden Energy Gap
The energy gap between conduction band
Though there are number of energy bands
and the valence band on the energy level
in the solids, the following are of the diagram is known as forbidden energy
important ones. gap.
1. Valence Band
No electron of a solid can stay in a
The range of energies (i.e., bands) pos- forbidden energy gap as there is no allowed
sessed by valence electron is known as energy state in this region. The width of
valence band. the forbidden energy gap is a measure of
bondage of valence electrons to the atom.
The electron in the outermost orbit of The greater the energy gap, more tightly
an atom is known as valence electron. the valence electron are bound to the
In a normal atom, valence band has the nucleus. In order to push an electron from
electron of highest energy. This band the valence band to conduction band (i.e.,
may be completely or partially filled. For to make the valence electron free), exter-
instance, in case of inert gas, the valence nal energy must be supplied equal to the
band is full, whereas for other material, it forbidden energy gap.
is only partially filled. The partially filled a) Conductors: Metals (e.g. Copper,
band can accommodate more electrons. Aluminium) or conductors allow the
2. Conduction Band passage of electric current through
In certain material (e.g. metals) the them, because of large number of free
electrons are loosely attached to the electrons available in a conductor.
nucleus. Even at ordinary temperature, In terms of energy band, the valence
some of the valence electron may get and conduction bands overlap each
detached to become free electrons. In other as shown in Figure3.14.
fact, these free electrons are responsi-
ble for conduction of current in a con-
Conduction band
ductor. For this reason, they are called
conduction electrons.
Band energy

The range of energy (i.e., band) possessed

by the conduction electron is known as
conduction band. Valence band

All electrons in the conduction band

are free electrons. If a substance has
empty conduction band, it means Figure3.14  Energy band of conductors

Chapter 3  Basic Principles of Electronics 69

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Band energy Conduction band

15 eV band

Valence band

Figure3.15  Insulator and its energy band

(b) Insulators: Figure3.15 shows the At low temperature, the valence band
forbidden energy gap of the insula- is completely full and conduction band is
tors which is very large (15eV), e.g. completely empty. Therefore at low tem-
wood, glass, etc. perature semiconductor behaves like an
c) Semiconductors: Semiconductors insulator. However, even at room tempera-
(e.g. Germanium, Silicon, Graphene, ture some of electrons cross-over to conduc-
etc.)are those substance whose elec- tion band giving little conductivity to the
trical property lies in between con- semiconductor. As temperature increases,
ductors and insulators. In terms of more number of electrons cross-over to
energy band, the valence band is the conduction band and the conductivity
almost full but the conduction band increases. Because of this, the entire charac-
is empty. Further, the energy gap teristics of semiconductors get changed.
between valence band and conduc-
tion band is very small ( , 1eV) as 3.6 SEMI-CONDUCTOR
shown in Figure 3.16. Hence, smaller
electric field is required to push the In lower standards you might have studied
electron from the valence band to about the characteristics and principle of
conduction band. conductors, insulators. But you may not
studied about semiconductors. Based on
its character, it has been defined as semi-
conductor. But now, this semiconductor
Conduction band
is the Back Bone of modern electronics.
Band energy

1 eV
The character of semiconductor lies in
between conductor and insulator.
Valence band
The earlier period of (1950) elec-
tronics (communication equipments like
Radio, Television and Amplifiers) which
was dominated by vacuum tubes, gas filled
Figure3.16  Energy band of semiconductor tubes were replaced by this semiconductors.
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Thus reducing the size of equipment consid- When metallic-impurity (e.g.
erably. Let we see in detail about this much Arsenic, Gallium, etc.) material is added
important semiconductors. to the semiconductor material then the
It is not easy to define a semicon- current conduction property of the mate-
ductor, if we want to take into account all rial changes, appreciably. This property is
its physical characteristics. However, gen- most important and is discussed later in
erally a semiconductor is defined on the detail.
basis of electrical conductivity as under.
A semiconductor is a substance which has 3.6.2 Bonds in Semiconductors
resistivity (10-4 Ωto 0.5Ω) between con- In semiconductors, bonds are formed by
ductors and insulators, e.g. Germanium, sharing of valence electrons. Such bonds
Silicon, Selenium, Carbon, Graphene, etc. are called covalent bond. In the formation
Table 3.1 shows the resistivity of various of a covalent bond, each atom contributes
semiconducting materials. equal number of valence electrons and
the contributed electrons are shared by
Table 3.1 Resistivity of the atoms engaged in the formation of the
Semiconductor Materials bond. The covalent bond of Germanium
SI. is shown in Figure 3.17.
No. Substance Nature Resistivity

good 1.7 × 10−8

1. Copper
conductor Ωm
2. Germanium 0.6 Ωm

3. Glass insulator 9 × 1011 Ωm +


4. Nichrome 10-4 Ωm

3.6.1 Properties of (a). Covalent Bonds Among Ge Atoms

The resistivity of a semiconductor is
less than an insulator but more than a
Semiconductors have negative tem- Ge Ge Ge

perature co-efficient of resistance, i.e., the

resistance of the semiconductor decreases
with the increase in temperature and
vice-versa. For example, germanium is Ge

usually an insulator at low temperature (b). Bonding Diagram

but it becomes good conductor at high
temperature. Figure 3.17  Formation of covalent bond

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The following points may be noted 1886. It is recovered from the ash of
regarding the covalent bonds: certain coals. The atomic number of
1. Covalent bonds are formed by shar- germanium is 32, i.e., it has 32 pro-
ing of valence electrons. tons and 32 electrons. It is clear that
germanium atom has 4 valence elec-
2. In the formation of covalent bond, trons i.e., tetravalent element.
each valence electrons of an atom
forms direct bond with the valence 2. Silicon: Silicon is an element avail-
electrons of an adjacent atom. For able in most of the common rocks.
this reason, valence electrons in a Actually sand is silicon dioxide. The
semiconductor are not free. silicon compounds are chemically
reduced to silicon which is 100%
3.6.3 Crystals pure for use as semiconductors.
The atomic number of silicon is 14
A substance in which the atoms or mol-
and hence it has 14 protons and 14
ecules are arranged in orderly pattern is
electrons. It is very clear that silicon
known as a crystal.
atom has four valence electrons i.e.
All semiconductors have crystal- tetravalent element.
line structure. From the Figure 3.17, it
With references to the nature and
is clear that each atom is surrounded by
characteristics of semiconductors, there
neighbouring atoms in a repetitive man-
are two types of current flow. As we know,
ner; therefore, a piece of Germanium is
at low temperature the conduction-band
generally called crystalline structure.
in semiconductors will be empty (no free
electrons), but increase in temperature
3.6.4 C ommonly Used causes changes in conduction-band i.e.
Semiconductor few valence electron would come to con-
There are many semiconductors avail- duction-band thus constituting electric
able, but very few of them have practical current. Here, we have to note one thing,
application in Electronics. The two most each time a valence electron enters into the
frequently used materials are Germanium conduction band a hole is created in the
(Ge) and Silicon (Si). These two are valence band. These holes also contribute
widely used because the energy required to current and this current is called as hole
to break their covalent bond is very small current. In fact, hole current is the most
(i.e., energy required to release an elec- significant concept in semiconductors.
tron from their valence bonds) being
about 0.7eV for Germanium and 1.1eV 3.6.5  nergy Band Description of
for Silicon. Let us see about these two. Semiconductors
1. Germanium: Germanium is the It has been already discussed that a semi-
model substance among the semi- conductor is substance whose resistivity
conductors. The main reason being lies between conductors and insulators.
that it can be purified well and crys- The resistivity is of the order of 10 to 0.5
tallized easily. It is discovered in ohm metre. However, semiconductor can
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be defined much more comprehensively The energy band description is
on the basis of energy bands as under: extremely helpful in understanding the
A semiconductor is substance current flow through a semiconductor.
which has almost filled valence band and Therefore, we shall frequently use this
nearly empty conduction band with a very concept in our further discussion.
small energy gap (=1 eV) separating the
two. Fig 3.18 shows the energy band dia- 3.6.6 Hole Current
grams of germanium and silicon respec- At room temperature some of the covalent
tively. It may be seen that forbidden energy bond in pure semiconductors breaks, set-
gap is very small, being 1.1 eV for silicon ting up free electrons. Under the influence
and 0.7 eV for germanium. Therefore, of electric field, these free electrons con-
relatively small energy is needed by their stitute electric current. At the same time,
valence electrons to cross over to the another current, the hole current also
conduction band and thus become free flows in the semiconductors. When the
electrons. However, at this temperature, covalent bond is broken due to thermal
number of free electrons available is very energy, the removal of one electron leaves
small. Therefore, at room temperature, a a vacancy, i.e., a missing element in cova-
piece of germanium or silicon is neither lent bond. This missing electron is called
a good conductor nor an insulator. For a hole, which acts as a positive charge.
this reason, such substances are called For one electron set free, one hole is cre-
semiconductors. ated. Therefore, thermal energy creates
hole-electron pairs. Hence, as many holes
Conduction band
as free electrons are generated. The cur-
rent conduction by holes can be explained
Band energy (eV)

0.7 eV
Valence band as follows.
The hole shows a missing elec-
3rd band
tron. Suppose the valence electron at L
(Figure  3.19) has free electrons due to
2nd band
thermal energy.

A Germanium
This creates a hole in the covalent bond
L. Now the hole becomes strong centre of
Conduction band attraction for the electron. So a valence
Band energy (eV)

1.1 eV electron (say at M) from nearby covalent

Valence band bond comes to fill in the hole at L. This
results in creation of hole at M. Another
2nd band
valence electron (say at N) in turn may
leave its bond to fill the hole at M, thus
1st band
creating a hole at N. Thus, the hole hav-
ing positive charge has moved from L to
B Silicon N i.e., towards the negative terminal of
Figure3.18  Energy band description ­supply. This constitutes the hole current.
Chapter 3  Basic Principles of Electronics 73

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+ –
+ –
+ –
Ge Ge Ge
+ –
+ –
+ –

Figure 3.19  Electron and hole current formation in Ge

Though the hole current is happen- This leaves a vacancy at L. Now,

ing due to the movement of electrons from the valence electron at M comes to fill the
one covalent bond to another bond, it is hole at L. The result is that hole disappears
quite understandable why to call it as hole at L and appears at M. Next, the valence
current. The basic reason for current flow electron at N moves to hole at M, conse-
is the presence of holes in the covalent quently a hole is created at N. It is clear
bonds. Therefore, it is more appropriate that valence electrons move along the
to consider the current as the movement path PNML whereas holes move in oppo-
of holes. site direction i.e., along the path LMNP as
shown in Figure 3.20.
3.6.7  nergy Band description of
Hole Current 3.7  INTRINSIC
The hole current can be beautifully SEMICONDUCTOR
explained in terms of energy bands.
Suppose due to thermal energy, an elec- A semiconductor in an extremely pure
tron leaves the valence band and enter form is known as an intrinsic semicon-
into the conduction band as shown in ductor. In an intrinsic semiconductor,
Figure 3.20. even at room temperature, hole-electron
pairs are created. When electric field is
applied across the semiconductor, the
current conduction takes place by two
Conduction band processes such as (i) by free electrons and
(ii) by holes as shown in the Figure 3.21.
The free electrons are produced due to the
breaking up of some covalent bonds by
Valence band thermal energy.
P N M L At the same time, holes are created
in the covalent bonds, under the influence
of electric field. Thus, the conduction in
Figure 3.20  Hole movement across the band semiconductors is by both electrons and
74 Electronics Equipment

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Free electrons



Figure 3.21  Electron-hole current

holes. Therefore, the total current inside Generally, for 108 atoms of semi-
the semiconductors is the sum of currents conductor, one impurity atom is added.
due to free electrons and holes. The purpose of adding impurity is
It may be noted that current in the to increase either the number of free elec-
external wires is fully electronic i.e., by elec- trons or holes in the semiconductor crys-
trons. Then what about holes? Referring tal. If the pentavalent impurity (having 5
to the Figure 3.21, holes being positively valence electrons) is added to the semi-
charged and move towards the negative conductor, a large number of electrons are
potential of supply. As the holes reach the produced in the semiconductor. On the
negative terminal B, electrons enter the other hand, addition of trivalent impurity
semiconductor crystal near the terminal (Having 3 valence electron) to semicon-
and combine with holes, thus cancelling ductor generates large number of holes.
each other. At the same time, the loosely Depending upon the type of impu-
held electrons near by the positive terminal rity added extrinsic semiconductors are
A are attracted away from their atoms into classified into:
the positive terminal. This creates new holes
near the positive terminal which again drift 1. N-type Semiconductor
towards the negative terminal. 2. P-type Semiconductor

3.7.1 Extrinsic Semiconductors 3.8  N-TYPE SEMICONDUCTOR

The pure semiconductor must be altered
so as to significantly increase its conduc- When a small amount of pentavalent ele-
tive properties. This is achieved by add- ment is added to pure semiconductor, it is
ing a small amount of suitable impurity to known as N-type semiconductors.
semiconductors. It is then called impurity
or extrinsic semiconductors. The addition of pentavalent impu-
The process of adding impurities to rity provides a large number of free elec-
a semiconductor is known as doping. trons in the semiconductor crystal. Typical
Chapter 3  Basic Principles of Electronics 75

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examples of pentavalent impurities are Figure 3.22 shows the energy band
Arsenic (Atomic No. 33) and Antimony description of n-type semiconductor.
(Atomic No.51). Such impurities that pro- The addition of pentavalent impurity has
duce n-type semiconductor are known as produced a number of conduction band
donor impurities, because they donate or electrons, i.e., free electrons. Therefore,
provide free electrons to the semiconduc- valence electrons of pentavalent atom
tor crystals. form covalent bonds with four neighbour-
To explain the formation of n-type ing Germanium atoms. The fifth left-over
semiconductor, consider a pure germa- valence electron of the pentavalent atom
nium crystal. We know that germanium cannot be accommodated in the valence
atom has four valence electrons. When band; hence travels to the conduction
small amount of pentavalent impurity, band. The current flow in n-type semi-
like Arsenic is added to Germanium crys- conductor is shown in Figure 3.23. The
tal, large number of free electrons avail- following points may be noted carefully:
able in the crystal. Arsenic is pentavalent
i.e., its atom has five valence electrons. Positively Free
An Arsenic atom fits in the Germanium impurity atom

crystal in such a way that its four valence

electron form covalent bonds with four n-type

Germanium atoms. The fifth valence

electron of Arsenic atom finds no place
in covalent bond and is thus become
free electron as shown in Figure3.22. Figure 3.23  Current flow in n-type semiconductor
Therefore, for each Arsenic atom added, i. Many new free electrons are pro-
one free electron will be available in the duced by the addition of pentavalent
Germanium crystal. Hence, an extremely impurity.
small amount of Arsenic impurity pro-
vides enough atoms to supply millions of ii. Thermal energy at room temperature
free electrons. still generates few hole-electron pairs.

Ge Ge Ge

Band energy

Ge As Ge

Ge Ge Ge

Figure 3.22  Doping of Ge with pentavalent impurity Atom As

76 Electronics Equipment

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However, the number of free elec- electron. The missing electron is called
trons provided by the pentavalent impu- a hole. Therefore, for each Gallium atom
rity far exceeds the number of holes. It added, one hole is created. A small amount
is due to this predominance of electrons of Gallium provides millions of holes.
over holes, hence it is called n-type semi-
conductors (n-stands for negative).
Ge Ge Ge


When a small amount of trivalent impu- atom
Ge Ga Ge
rity is added to a pure semiconductor, it is
called p-type semiconductor.
The addition of trivalent impurity
Ge Ge Ge
provides a large number of holes in the
semiconductor. Typical examples of triva-
lent impurities are Gallium (Atomic No: 31) Figure 3.24  P-type semiconductor
and Indium (Atomic No: 49). Such impu- Hence, in p-type semiconductor,
rities produce p-type semiconductors are holes are the majority carriers. When
known as acceptor impurities, because the potential difference is applied to the p-type
holes created can accept the electron. semiconductor the holes are shifted from
In Figure 3.24, Gallium is added with one covalent bond to another. As the holes
Germanium crystal to form p-type semi- are positively charged, they are directed
conductor. Each atom of gallium fits into towards the negative terminal, constitut-
the germanium crystal. But, only three ing what is known as “hole current”. The
covalent bonds can be formed. The fourth p-type semiconductor and its band struc-
bond is incomplete, being short of one ture are shown in Figure 3.25.

Band energy


Figure 3.25  Energy band and current flow of P-type semiconductor

Chapter 3  Basic Principles of Electronics 77

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3.10 PN JUNCTION holes and electrons create a new region
between the two layers. This region is
“When a p-type semiconductor is suit- called “depletion layer”. Only inside this,
ably joined to n-type semiconductor, the there is positive charge on ‘n’ side and
contact surface is called pn junction” negative charge on ‘p’ side. Because of this
a potential is produced in this layer which
Figure 3.26 shows the formation of pn is called “barrier potential”. The barrier
junction. To explain the properties of a pn potential in directly related to depletion
junction, p-type and n-type semiconduc- layer.
tor are suitably joined. Keep in mind that The barrier potential opposes the
n-type material has a high concentration flow of majority carriers through the junc-
of free electrons while p-type material has tion and it aids the flow of minority car-
a high concentration of holes. Therefore, riers. For both of these opposite effects,
at the junction, there is a tendency for the no charge carriers will flow through the
free electrons to diffuse over to the p-side junction at normal condition. The poten-
and holes to the n-side. tial difference across a pn junction can be
applied in two ways namely, forward bias-
Junction ing and reverse biasing.

P – + N 3.10.1 Forward Biasing

– + To apply forward bias, connect positive
– +
– + terminal of the battery to p-type and nega-
tive terminal to n-type as shown in Figure
Depletion region
3.28. Due to this, barrier potential is very
Electrostatic field
Free electron
much reduced. Positive terminal of the
– Negative ion battery repels holes in p-side and negative
+ Positive ion terminal of the battery repels electrons in
n-side. Because of this, current flows in
Figure 3.26  PN Junction
the circuit. This is called “forward cur-
This process is called diffusion as shown rent”. The magnitude of current depends
in Figure 3.27. The combination of these upon the applied forward voltage.

Indium Liquid button


n-type Ge n-type Ge n-type Ge


Figure 3.27  Diffusion process

78 Electronics Equipment

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P n
“When external voltage applied to the junc-
tion is in such a direction that it cancels the
potential barrier, thus permitting the cur-
rent flow, is called as ­forward biasing”

– +

P n External field

No External field

+ –
Figure 3.29  Reverse bias

No External field From this, the students can understand

External field the following:
1. When pn junction is in forward biased
condition, current flow occurs.
2. When pn junction is in reverse biased
conditiona, no current flow occurs.
Figure 3.28  Forward bias

3.10.2 Reverse Biasing The important

terms often used with pn
“When the external voltage applied to junction are breakdown
the junction is in such a direction that voltage and knee volt-
potential barriers is increased, it is called age and are explained as
reverse biasing” follows:

Breakdown voltage
To apply reverse bias, connect neg-
ative terminal of the battery to p-type and “It is the minimum reverse voltage at
positive terminal to n-type as shown in which pn junction breakdown with sud-
Figure3.29. Because of increase in barrier den rise in reverse current”
potential the width of the depletion layer
is also increased. As a result, the increased Knee voltage
potential barrier prevents the flow of
charge carriers (majority carriers) across “It is the forward voltage at which the
the junction and hence the current does current through the junction starts to
not flow. increase rapidly”

Chapter 3  Basic Principles of Electronics 79

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At the end of this chapter the students came to know about the
1. Knowledge about basic electronic principles
2. Atomic structure of elements.
3. Classification of Elements
4. Detailed knowledge of Semiconductors and its working
5. Working of PN-junction


S. No Terms Explanation
1 Acceptor atoms Trivalent atoms that accept free electrons from pentava-
lent atoms
2 Atomic number The number of positive charges or protons in the nucleus
of an atom
3 Covalent bond The way some electrons complete their valence shells by
sharing valence electrons with neighbouring atoms
4 Electron Smallest sub atomic particle of negative charge that orbits
the nucleus of an atom
5 Free electron Electrons that are not in any orbit around the nucleus
6 Hole A gap left in the covalent band when a valence electron
gains sufficient energy to jump to the conduction band
7 Junction The area where the P- type material and N-type material
meet in the semiconductor
8 Semiconductor An element which is neither a good conductor or a good
insulator, but rather lies somewhere between the two
9 Proton Sub atomic particle within the nucleus of an atom. Has a
positive charge
10 Valence shell The outermost electron shell for a given atom. The num-
ber of electrons in this shell determines the conductivity
of the atom

80 Electronics Equipment

ELEC_EQUIP_Chapter03.indd 80 21-04-2018 17:11:05


I. Choose the right answer from the following questions (1 mark)

1. The atomic weight of an atom is determined by
(a) No of protons (b) No of neutrons
(c) No of Protons and No of neutrons (d) No of Protons or No of electrons

2. The number of protons present in an atom is called as

(a) isotope number (b) atomic number (c) atomic weight (d) none of the above

3. Valence electrons are

(a) Loosely packed electrons (b) mobile electrons
(c) electrons present in the outermost orbit (d) electrons that do not carry any charge

4. The electrons in the third orbit of an atom have …………… energy than the electrons in the
second orbit.
(a) more (b) less (c) the same (d) none of the above

5. When an electron jumps from higher orbit to a lower orbit, it ……… energy.
(a) absorbs (b) emits
(c) sometimes emits, sometimes absorbs (d) none of the above

6. A semiconductor has ……… band

(a) almost empty valence (b) almost empty conduction
(c) almost full conduction (d) none of the above

7. The electrons in the conduction bands are known as…….

(a) bound electrons (b) valence electrons (c) free electrons (d) none of the above

8. In an insulator the energy gap between valence and conduction band is …….
(a) very large (b) very small
(c) zero (d) none of the above

9. Which of the following element does not have three valence electrons?
(a) Boron (b) Aluminium (c) Germanium (d) Phosphorous

10. Which of the following element does not have five valence electrons?
(a) Phosphorous (b) Arsenic (c) Antimony (d) Indium

11. A semiconductor in its pure form is called

(a) Intrinsic semiconductor (b) Extrinsic semiconductor
(c) P-type semiconductor (d) N-type semiconductor

Continued on next page

Chapter 3  Basic Principles of Electronics 81

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12. Which of the following is donor impurity element?
(a) Aluminium (b) Boron (c) Phosphorous (d) Indium

13. Which of the following is acceptor impurity element?

(a) Antimony (b) Gallium (c) Arsenic (d) Phosphorous

14. In N-type semiconductor free electrons are the ……. Carriers

(a) Minority (b) Majority (c) Magnetic (d) Neutral

15. A doped semiconductor is called

(a) impure semiconductor (b) intrinsic semiconductor
(c) Pure semiconductor (d) Extrinsic semiconductor

II. Answer in one or few Sentences

1. What is an atomic number?
2. What is atomic weight?
3. What is valence electron?
4. Draw the atomic structure of germanium atom.
5. What is called energy band?
6. What is meant by electron emission?
7. Write active components with examples.
8. What is meant by doping?

III Explain the following questions in one or two paragraph. (3 marks)

1. Write short notes on free electrons.
2. Explain energy bands.
3. Explain conductor, semiconductor and insulator.
4. Explain formation of n-type semiconductor with diagram.
5. Explain formation of p-type semiconductor with diagram.
6. Explain the mechanism of current flow in a forward biased pn junction.

IV Describe the following questions in a page. (10 marks)

1. Explain the Bohr’s atomic model with neat diagram.
2. Explain the energy bands in semiconductor with neat diagram.
3. Explain the different types of electron emission with neat diagrams.
4. Write formation of pn junction with neat diagram.
5. Explain the forward biasing of pn junction with necessary diagram.
6. Explain the reverse biasing of pn junction with necessary diagram.

1) c 2) b 3) c 4) a 5) b

6) b 7) c 8) a 9) c 10) d
11) a 12) c 13) b 14) b 15) d

82 Electronics Equipment

ELEC_EQUIP_Chapter03.indd 82 21-04-2018 17:11:05



திறனறிந்து ச�ொல்லுக ச�ொல்லை அறனும்

ப�ொருளும் அதனினூஉங்கு இல். குறள் -644
ச�ொல்லின் திறத்தை அறிந்து ச�ொல்லை வழங்க வேண்டும்,
அத்தகைய ச�ொல்வன்மையை விடச் சிறந்த அறமும் ப�ொருளும் இல்லை.
English Couplet 644:
Speak words adapted well to various hearers’ state;
No higher virtue lives, no gain more surely great.
Couplet Explanation:
Understand the qualities (of your hearers) and (then) make your speech; for
superior to it, there is neither virtue nor wealth.


4.1  Introduction  4.6  Bridge rectifier

4.2  Basics of power supply  4.7  Filter circuits
4.3  Rectifier  4.8  Voltage regulator
4.4  Half wave rectifier  4.9  Voltage doubler
4.5  Full wave rectifier 4.10 Adapter


After the completion of this Chapter, the students can

1. Identify the various sections of a power supply

2. State the purpose of each section of a power supply
3. Describe the purpose of various types of rectifier circuits used in
power supply.
4. Describe the purpose of the various types of filter circuits used in
power supply
5. Describe the function of voltage doubler.
6. Calculate the peak value of the output voltage of half-wave and full-
wave rectifier given in the R.M.S input voltage.


ELEC_EQUIP_Chapter04.indd 83 21-04-2018 17:11:13

4.1. INTRODUCTION Application
It is used in cellular phones and laptop
Generally every piece of electronics equip-
ment in the world today is powered from
a DC Source. This source may be either 4.1.3 DC to AC inverter
a battery or a power supply. Most elec- It is a device that converts a source of
tronics equipment requires not only a DC direct current into alternative current. It
power source, but one that is well filtered is also called inverter.
and well regulated as well.
Three types of electronic power con-
version devices are in common use today: An uninterruptible power supply uses an
the AC to DC Supply, the DC to DC inverter to supply AC power when the
Converter, and the DC to AC inverter. main power is not available.

What is the other name for Each has its own specific areas of
Power supply application. Of the three, AC to DC power
supply is the most commonly used power
Power supply is also called as “Power Source”
supply. The objective of this lesson is how
to rectify AC into DC power supply.
4.1.1 AC to DC Power Supply
It is a device that converts alternative cur-
rent into direct current. Now a days almost all electronics equip-
ment consist a circuit that converts AC
Applications supply into DC supply is called DC
1. Radio and television receiver use Power Supply unit. A DC power supply
this type of power supply. unit (Commonly called as PSU) deriving
power from the AC mains (Line). It per-
2. It is also used in DVD player.
forms a number of tasks.
3. AC to DC power supply is used in all
The basic function of power supply
type of amplifiers.
is illustrated in Figure 4.1.
4.1.2 DC to DC Converter Transformer: Transformer is used to step
It is a device that converts a source of down the AC supply voltage (220 V AC,
direct current (DC) from one voltage level 50 Hz) as per the requirement of the solid
to another. state electronic devices.

Transformer Rectifier Filter

ac input Regulated dc o/p

Figure 4.1  Basic power supply

84 Electronics Equipment

ELEC_EQUIP_Chapter04.indd 84 21-04-2018 17:11:13

Rectifier 4.3.1 Semiconductor Diode
A PN junction is known as a semi-con-
Rectifier is a device which converts the
ductor or crystal diode.
sinusoidal AC voltage into either positive
or negative pulsating DC. Anode Cathode

Rectifier output contains unwanted AC

Figure 4.3  Symbol of diode
components called as ­ripples. Diodes rec-
tify the signal. The character of a crystal diode
is to conduct current in one direction
Filter only, permits it to be used as a rectifier.
A crystal diode is usually represented by
Filter is a device which passes DC com-
the schematic symbol shown in figure 4.3.
ponents and blocks AC components of the
The arrow in the symbol indicates the
rectifier output.
direction of conventional current flow.
The crystal diode has two terminals.
Resistor, capacitor and inductor (passive
When it is connected in a circuit, one thing
components) are used for this purpose.
to decide is whether the diode is forward or
reverse biased. There is an easy rule to ascer-
Regulator tain it. If the external circuit is trying to push
the conventional current in the direction of
Regulator or stabilizer is a device that is arrow, the diode is forward biased. On the
used to maintain a constant DC output other hand, if the conventional current is try-
voltage. ing to flow opposite to arrow head the diode
is reverse biased. Putting in simple words:
1. If arrow head (i.e., Anode) of diode
Zener diode is used as regulator.
symbol is positive with respect to
bar (i.e., Cathode) of the symbol the
diode is forward biased.
Figure 4.2 shows the schematic diagram of 2. If the arrow head (Anode) of diode
a Rectifier symbol is negative with respect to
bar(Cathode), the diode is reverse
Rectifier biased.

Figure 4.2  Rectifier

4.3.2 I dentifying the Terminals of
Semiconductor diode (mostly sili- The Anode or Cathode of the diode is
con diode) is used as a rectifier element. clearly marked on the body or envelop.
It converts alternating current into direct The cathode of the diode which is in the
current. Hence let we see the working of glass envelop is marked by a bar on the
semiconductor diode. body. This is shown in figure 4.4.
Chapter 4  Power Supply 85

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terminal to n-type as shown in Figure  4.5.
Due to this, barrier potential is very much
Band reduced. Positive terminal of the battery
Marked repels holes in p-side and negative termi-
nal of the battery repels electrons in n-side.
Because of this, current flows in the circuit.
Color spot
Cathodes This is called “forward current”. The magni-
Glass tude of current depends upon the applied
forward voltage.

Color bands
Glass “When external voltage applied to the
junction is in such a direction that it can-
cels the potential barrier, thus permit-
ting the current flow is called as f­orward
Figure 4.4  Identification of diodes biasing”
SMD Diode
An SMD diode is a type of diode that is The importent term often used with pn
directly soldered on the cooper soldered junction is knee voltage.
points in the surface of printed circuit board.
4.3.4 Knee Voltage
Uses of Diodes “It is the forward voltage at which the
Diodes are used as rectifiers and detectors. current through the junction starts to
increase rapidly”
4.3.3 Forward Biasing
To apply forward bias, connect positive ter- The figure 4.6 shows the character-
minal of the battery to p-type and negative istics of PN junction diode (forward bias).

P-type N-type
Holes Electrons

Forward bias

+ –

+ –

Figure 4.5  Forward Bias

86 Electronics Equipment

ELEC_EQUIP_Chapter04.indd 86 21-04-2018 17:11:13

IF (mA)
Wide depletion region
Holes Free electrons
P-type N-type
– – – +++
– – – +++
– – – +++
– – – +++
Negative ion Positive ion
Knee voltage
– +

VF Reverse bias
0 0.7 1.4 2.1
A Silicon
+ –
IF (mA)

– +

Reverse bias

Figure 4.7  Reverse bias

Knee voltage

0 0.3 0.6 0.9 1.2
B Germanium

Figure 4.6 Characteristics of PN junction diode From this, the students can understand
(Forward bias)
the following:
When pn junction is in forward
4.3.5 Reverse Biasing biased condition, current flow occurs.
2. When pn junction is in reverse biased
“When the external voltage applied to condition, no current flow occurs.
the junction is in such a direction that
potential barriers is increased, it is called
reverse biasing”
The important term often used with
pn junction is breakdown voltage which is
To apply reverse bias, connect neg-
explained as follows:
ative terminal of the battery to p-type and
positive terminal to n-type as shown in 4.3.6 Breakdown voltage
Figure 4.7. Because of increase in barrier
potential the width of the depletion layer
is also increased. As a result, the increased “It is the minimum reverse voltage at
potential barrier prevents the flow of which pn junction breakdown with sud-
charge carriers (majority carriers) across den rise in reverse current”.
the junction and hence the current does
not flow.
Chapter 4  Power Supply 87

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Breakdown half cycle of the applied voltage. The cir-
voltage cuit diagram of the half wave rectifier is
VR (V) shown in Figure 4.10(a).

Reverse saturation D
A +


IR (mA)
B –
(a) Half wave rectifier
Figure 4.8 Characteristics of PN junction diode
(Reverse bias)
I/P t
The figure 4.8 shows the Characteristics
of PN junction diode (Reverse bias)


There are few type of rectifiers given in (b)Wave forms

Figure 4.9.
Figure 4.10  Half-wave Rectifier

During the positive half cycle, when

Rectifier the secondary winding of the upper end
(A) is positive with respects to the lower
end (B), the diode ‘D’ is under forward
bias condition and conducts current.

Half Wave Full Wave During the positive half cycles, the
Rectifier Rectifier input voltage is applied directly to the
load resistance RL, when the forward resis-
tance of the diode is assumed to be zero.
The waveforms of the output voltage and
output current are same as that of the AC
input voltage as shown in Figure 4.10(a).
Center Tap Full Full Wave
During the negative half cycle when
Wave Rectifier Bridge Rectifier
the lower-end (B) winding of the secondary
is positive with respect of the upper-end (A),
Figure 4.9  Type of Rectifiers the diode D is under reverse-bias condition
and it does not conduct current. Thus, the
load and current across the load resistance
4.4.1 Half-wave Rectifier is zero and so no power is delivered during
This rectifier converts an AC input volt- the negative half-cycle. The input and out-
age into pulsating DC voltage for only one put waveforms are shown in Figure 4.10(b).
88 Electronics Equipment

ELEC_EQUIP_Chapter04.indd 88 21-04-2018 17:11:13

The output voltage of a half-wave transformer is applied with the A.C
rectifier is calculated using the relation- Voltage. The two diodes D1 and D2 are
ship E max connected to the secondary winding of
the transformer. These diodes D1 and D2
Where Emax is the maximum voltage of the conduct both the positive and negative
input and π is the phase angle (180o) half cycle of the input waveform.
Ripple factor = f For the positive half cycle of the
Where f is the frequency. input, diode D1 is connected with upper
end (A) positive terminal and diode D2
4.5  FULL-WAVE RECTIFIER is connected with lower end (B) negative
terminal. Thus, the diode D1 is in forward
Full-wave rectifier rectifies the full cycle bias and the diode D2 is in reverse bias.
of the input AC waveform, i.e., it ­rectifies As the diode D2 is in reverse bias, it does
both the positive and negative cycles of not conduct. Only the diode D1 starts con-
the input waveform. ducting and thus current flows from diode
D1 and it appear across the load RL. As a
If a transformer with a centre-tapped
result, the positive half cycle of the input
secondary winding is used, the cen-
is appeared at the load RL.
tre-tapped secondary produces two anti-
phase outputs as shown in Figure 4.11. During the negative half cycle of the
input, diode D2 is connected with lower end
In the centre-tapped full wave rec-
(B) and diode D1 is connected with upper
tifier, two diodes are used. These are con-
end (A). The diode D1 is in reverse bias and
nected to the centre-tapped secondary
does not conduct, only diode D2 starts con-
winding of the transformer. Centre-tapped
ducting and thus current flows from diode
winding divides the total secondary volt-
D2 and appears across the load RL.
age into equal parts.
By comparing the current through
The circuit diagram of full-wave
the load RL in the positive and negative
rectifier is shown in Figure 4.11(a). The
half cycles, it can be concluded that the
primary winding of the centre-tapped

A Vin

Centre tap w†
RL π 2π 3π 4π 5π 6π
DC output
Secondary w†
π 2π 3π 4π 5π 6π
B D2
Primary Centre tapped
winding transformer
(a) Full-wave rectifier (b) Input and output waveforms

Figure 4.11  Full-wave Rectifier

Chapter 4  Power Supply 89

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direction of the current is same. Thus, the
frequency of rectified output voltage is
two times that of the input frequency.
The input and output waveforms +

are shown in Figure 4.11(b). Load VL

2Emax D3 D2

Output of the full wave rectifier =
∴ The Average DC Voltage = 0.637 E max
Ripple Factors = 2 × f
Figure 4.12  Full-wave bridge rectifier circuit

RECTIFIER The four diodes labeled D1, D2,
D3 and D4 are arranged in series pairs
As the centre-tapped transformer is with only two diodes conducting cur-
expensive and is difficult to implement, rent during each half-cycle. During the
bridge rectifier was developed. In this, positive half cycle of the supply, diodes
four diodes are arranged in the form of D1 and D3 conduct in series while D2
a bridge-configuration to produce the and D4 are reverse-biased. The cur-
desired output. Figure 4.12 shows the full rent flows through the load is shown in
wave bridge rectifier circuit. Figure 4.13.



Figure 4.13  Current

flows through the load



Figure 4.14 
Current flows Q
through the load

90 Electronics Equipment

ELEC_EQUIP_Chapter04.indd 90 21-04-2018 17:11:14

During the negative half cycle of resistors and their combinations. Some of
the supply, diodes D2 and D4 conduct the important filters are given below.
in series while D1 and D3 are reverse-bi- 1. Inductor or Choke filter
ased. The current flows through the load
2. Capacitor filter
as shown in Figure 4.14.
3. RC filter
The bridge rectifier is also called 4. Inductor-Capacitor filter (LC filter)
the full wave rectifier as it produces an
5. π or pie filter or CLC filter
output pulse for each half-cycle of the
input sine wave. The input and output 4.7.1 I nductors Filter or Choke
waveforms are shown in figure 4.15. Filter
t L

From VO
rectifier RL
0 t
Output of D1 & D3

a) Inductor filter –

0 t Figure 4.16  Inductor filter circuit

Output of D2 & D4
Figure 4.16 shows the inductor fil-
ter circuit. This type of filter consists of
0 t an inductor L inserted between the recti-
Total output
fier and the load resistance RL. The rec-
Figure 4.15  Input and output waveforms of bridge
tifier output contains AC components as
well as DC components. When the out-
put passes through the inductor it offers
Output of the full wave rectifier = 2Emax a high resistance to the AC components
∴ The Average DC Voltage = 0.637 E max and no resistance to the DC components.
Therefore, an AC component of the rec-
Ripple Factors = 2 × f tifier is blocked and only DC component
reaches at the load.
4.7.2 Capacitor Filter
To remove the AC components or filter-out
Figure 4.17 shows the capacitor filter cir-
them in a rectifier circuit, a filter circuit is
cuit. In this filter, an electrolytic capacitor
used. A filter circuit is a device to remove
is used as a reservoir capacitor, because it
the AC components of the rectifier output
acts as a temporary storage for the power
(pulsating DC – it is also called ripples), but
supply output current. During the rise
allows the DC components to reach the load.
of voltage cycle, it gets charged and this
A filter circuit consists of pas- charge is supply to the load during the fall
sive elements, i.e., inductors, capacitors, in the voltage cycle.
Chapter 4  Power Supply 91

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varying inversely proportional to the
load resistance. Hence, if we combine the
inductor with the capacitor filter, the rip-
C +
Full wave
rectified RL
ple factor will become almost indepen-
dent of the load resistor.

Figure 4.17  Capacitor Filter

Input RL Output
This process is repeated for each
cycle and thus the ripple is reduced across
the load. It is popular, because of its low
cost, small size, less weight and good Figure 4.19  LC Filter
4.7.5  LC Filter or Pie Filter
4.7.3 RC Filter (π filter)
RC low pass filters can be used to remove L
the ripple remaining after the reservoir
capacitor. Figure 4.18 shows the RC filter Rectifier
circuit. In RC designs, the resistance of R Ouput
C1 C2
must be a fairly low value, as the entire Load

load current (may be several amperes)

must pass through it generating huge
amount of heat. The disadvantage of RC Figure 4.20  CLC (or) Pi Filter
filter is the loss of DC voltage across each Figure 4.20 shows the CLC filter
R. Hence, the RC filter is suitable only for circuit. It consists of one inductor and two
very small loads. capacitor connected across its each end. The
three components are arranged in shape of
Resistor. R I
Greek letter pie (π). The input capacitor C1
is selected to offer very low reactance to the
respective frequency, hence major parts of
Vin Capacitor. C Vout
filtering is done by C1. Most of the remain-
ing ripples are removed by the combining
action of L and C2. This filter is used for the
low current equipment.
Figure 4.18  RC Filter

4.7.4 LC Filter 4.8  VOLTAGE REGULATOR

Figure 4.19 shows the LC filter circuit. In
inductor filter, the ripple factor is directly Voltage Regulator is used to maintain a
proportional to the load resistance. On constant DC output voltage
the other hand in a capacitor filter, it is Zener diode is used as voltage regulator.
92 Electronics Equipment

ELEC_EQUIP_Chapter04.indd 92 21-04-2018 17:11:15

concerning the break-
“A properly doped crystal diode which down of electrical insu-
has a sharp breakdown voltage is known lators. These findings
as a zener diode.” were later exploited by
Bell Labs in the develop-
It may be seen that it is just like ment of the Zener diode,
an ordinary diode except that the bar is which was duly named
Clarence Melvin Zener.
turned into z-shape. after him.
The following points may be noted
about the zener diode:
1. A zener diode is like
an ordinary diode
(a) the Symbol of zener diode
except that it is prop-
erly doped so as to
have a sharp breakdown voltage
2. A zener diode is always reverse con-
VR VF nected i.e. it is always reverse biased.
Knee 3. A zener diode has sharp breakdown
voltage, called zener voltage Vz.
Reverse 4. When forward biased, its characteristics
characteristic IR
are just those of ordinary diode.
(b) Characteristics of Zener diode 5. The zener diode is not immediately
burnt just because it has entered the
Figure 4.21 Symbol and characteristics of zener
breakdown region. As long as the
external circuit connected to the diode
The figure 4.21(a) shows the symbol of current to less than burn out value, the
Zener diode. Figure 4.21(b) shows the diode will not burn out.
characteristics of Zener diode. The break-
down or zener voltage depends upon the 4.9.  VOLTAGE DOUBLER
amount of doping. If the diode is heavily
doped, depletion layer will be thin and Voltage doubler is the circuit where we get
consequently the breakdown of the junc- twice the input voltage, like if we supply 10
tion will occur at a lower reverse voltage. V, we will get 20 V at the output. Generally,
On the other hand, a lightly doped diode transformers are there to step-up or step-
has a higher breakdown voltage. down the voltage but sometimes transform-
ers are not feasible of their size and cost.
Who discovered zener diode? The quick, easy and practical solution is to
Clarence Melvin Zener. double the voltage using a voltage doubler.
A full-wave voltage doubler is a voltage mul-
Clarence Melvin Zener (December 1, tiplier with a multiplication factor of two. A
1905 – July 2, 1993) was the American phys- full-wave voltage doubler is shown in the
icist who first (1934) described the property Figure 4.22.
Chapter 4  Power Supply 93

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T1 D1
L +





Figure 4.22  Voltage Doubler

When the secondary voltage is pos- AC adapters typically have a single

itive, the first diode D1 is forward biased AC or DC output that is conveyed over
and the primary capacitor (C1) charges a hard-wired cable to a connector, but
to approximately Vp. During the negative some adapters have multiple outputs that
half cycle, the second diode D2 is forward may be conveyed over one more cables.
biased and the secondary capacitor (C2) “Universal” AC adapters have inter-
charges to approximately Vp. Therefore, changeable input connectors to accom-
the output voltage 2Vp is taken across the modate different AC mains voltages.
two capacitors in series.
Thus the output voltage is double as
that of the input AC voltage. It is important
to note that the voltage rating of the capac-
itor should be higher than the AC voltage.


Figure 4.23 shows an AC adapter. An AC

adapter (AC/DC adapter) or (AC/DC
converter) is a power supply built into an
AC main power plug. AC adapters are also Figure 4.23  AC Adapter
known by various other names such as
Adapters with AC outputs may
plug-pack or plug-in-adapter or wall-wart.
consist of a passive transformer (plus a
What type of charger is used few diodes in DC output adapters) or they
in mobile phone? may employ switched-mode circuitry. AC
The method of power supply employed in adapters consume power and produce
mobile phone charger is Switched Mode electric and magnetic fields even when
Power Supply (SMPS) not connected to a load.

94 Electronics Equipment

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Student will capable of

1. Need of power supply

2. Types of AC to DC supply
3. Efficiency of power conversion
4. Power supply applications
5. Conversion of AC to DC, DC to DC AND DC to AC.


S. No Terms Explanation
Step down Transformer in which the output AC voltage is less than the
transformer input AC voltage
2 Rectification Process that converts alternating current to direct current
Device or circuit that maintains a desired output under
3 Regulator
changing conditions
Abbreviation of Regulated Power Supply. It maintains a
constant output voltage under changing load conditions
The small variation in DC voltage that remains after filter-
5 Ripple voltage
ing in a Power supply
Network consisting of capacitors, resistors and inductors
6 Filter
used to pass certain frequencies and block others
Center tapped Circuit that make use of a center tapped transformer and
transformer two diodes to provide fullwave rectification
Full wave Rectifier that makes use of the full AC wave in both the
Rectifier positive and negative half cycles
When a repeating wave rises from zero to a positive maxi-
9 Cycle mum then back to zero and on to a negative maximum and
back to zero it is said to have completed one cycle
Difference between the maximum positive and maximum
10 Peak to peak
negative values of an AC waveform

Chapter 4  Power Supply 95

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I. Choose the Best Answer
1. The output of a rectifier is
a)  Pulsating DC b)  Pure DC c)  Pure AC d)  None of the above

2. Which of the following rectifier needs four diodes

a)  Half-wave rectifier b)  Full-wave rectifier c)  Bridge rectifier d)  None of the above

3. The maximum efficiency of a half-wave rectifier is

a) 20.3% b) 80.6% c) 50% d) 40.6%

4. Center tapped transformer is used in a rectifier.

a)  Bridge type b)  Half-wave c)  Full-wave d)  None of the above

5. In a full wave rectifier, if AC supply is 50 Hz then AC ripple in the output is

a)  50 Hz b)  100 Hz c)  25 Hz d)  200 Hz

6. A bridge type rectifier uses ……………….. diodes.

a) Four b) Two c) Three d) One

7. For high voltage applications, we use

a)  Center tap rectifier b)  Bridge rectifier
c)  Half-wave rectifier d)  None of the above

8. In filter circuits, we generally use ………………. capacitors.

a) Mica b) Paper c) Air d) Electrolytic

9. In a half-wave rectifier, if AC supply is 50 Hz, then AC supply is 50 Hz, then AC ripple in the
output is
a)  100 Hz b)  25 Hz c)  50 Hz d)  12.5 Hz

10. The maximum rectification efficiency in full wave rectifier is

a) 100% b) 81.2% c) 66.6% d) 40.6%

II. Answer in few sentences
1. What are the types of power conversion?
2. What is meant by PSU?
3. What is rectification?
4. Give the use of voltage regulator.
5. What is half-wave rectifier?
6. Give the uses of filter circuits.
7. Write short notes on an AC adapter.
8. Write important points of zener diode

96 Electronics Equipment

ELEC_EQUIP_Chapter04.indd 96 21-04-2018 17:11:15


III. Answer the following Questions.

1. Draw the block diagram of power supply unit and explain each block.

2. Explain half-wave rectifier with circuit diagram.

3. Explain the different types of power conversion.
4. Draw and explain CLC or pie filter.


IV. Answer the following Questions.

1. Draw the circuit diagram of full wave rectifier and explain its working function.
2. Draw the circuit diagram of bridge rectifier and explain its working function.
3. Explain the function of voltage doubler.

Answer Key
1. (a) 2. (c) 3. (d) 4. (c) 5. (b)
6. (a) 7. (b) 8. (d) 9. (c) 10. (b)

Chapter 4  Power Supply 97

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வாரி பெருக்கி வளம்படுத்து உற்றவை

ஆராய்வான் செய்க வினை. - குறள் 512

ப�ொருள் வரும் வழிகளைப் பெருக்கச் செய்து, அவற்றால் வளத்தை
உண்டாக்கி, வரும் இடையூறுகளை ஆராய்ந்து நீக்க வல்லவனே செயல் செய்ய வேண்டும்.

English Couplet 512:

Who swells the revenues, spreads plenty o’er the land,
Seeks out what hinders progress, his the workman’s hand.
Couplet Explanation:
Let him do (the king’s) work who can enlarge the sources (of revenue), increase wealth and
considerately prevent the accidents (which would destroy it).


 5.1. Introduction  5.9. Transistor configurations (CB, CE, CC)

 5.2. Transistor 5.10. Multistage transistor amplifier.
 5.3. Bipolar junction transistor 5.11. V
 oltage amplifier and power
 5.4. Some facts about the transistor. amplifier.

 5.5. Transistor - Testing. 5.12. Classification of power amplifiers.

 5.6. Transistor – Biasing. 5.13. Feedback in amplifiers.

 5.7. Working of NPN - PNP transistor. 5.14. Distortion in amplifiers.

 5.8. Operating modes of transistor. 5.15. Transistor applications.


After the completion of this Chapter, the student will

1. Understand the basic structure of the bipolar junction transistor
2. Working principles of PNP and NPN transistor
3. Know the transistor configuration as an amplifier (or) a switch
4. Difference between voltage amplifier and power amplifier.
5. Construction and configurations of transistors (common base,
common emitter, common collector)
6. Application of transistors

Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value.
– Albert Einstein
98 Electronics Equipment 98

ELEC_EQUIP_Chapter05.indd 98 21-04-2018 17:11:24

5.1. INTRODUCTION Initially, transistors were made from
semiconductor material called Germanium.
Transistors are the fundamental building Further, silicon has been used as a semicon-
block of modern electronic devices basi- ductor material, since silicon has superior
cally used for controlling, amplifying and performance at higher operating tempera-
generating electrical signals. When a third ture. It is now widely used.
doped element is added to a crystal diode
in such a way that two PN junctions are 5.2. TRANSISTOR
formed, the resulting device is known as
transistor. The transistor is an entirely It is made up of semiconductor material
new type of electronic device, capable of such as Si and Ge. Usually, it comprises
achieving amplification of weak signals. of three terminals namely, base, emitter
and collector for providing connection to
Who invented the transistor? the external circuit. Today, some transis-
tors are packaged individually and many
The transistor was invented by William transistors are fabricated according to the
Schockley, John Bardeen, Walter Brattain. design of an embedded integrated circuits.

History of Transistor A transistor is a semiconductor device

The transistor was first developed by John used to amplify or switch electronic
Bardeen, Walter Brattain and William signals and electrical power.
Shockley at Bell Labs in December 1947.
This new device has characteristics that
could overcome many of the fundamental
limitations of vacuum tubes. Transistors
have very long life, small in size, light
weight and mechanically rugged and
required no filament.

Types of Transistors
Types of transistors
1. Bipolar Junction Transistor (BJT)
2. Field Effect Transistor (FET)
3. SMD Transistor
William Shockley 4. DIAC, TRIAC and IGBT.
Chapter 5  Transistors and Amplifiers 99

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5.3 BIPOLAR JUNCTION layer of P type is sandwiched between two
TRANSISTOR N type layers.

n p n


p n p

n-p-n Transistor p-n-p Transistor


Figure 5.1  NPN and PNP Transistors Figure 5.2  PNP and NPN Transistor

It is nothing but an ordinary transistor.

These transistors are amongst the most 5.3.1 SMD Transistor
widely used devices for amplification of A SMD transistor is a type of transistor that
all types of electrical signals and interme- is directly soldered on the copper points in
diate devices in discrete circuits, i.e., cir- the surface of printed circuit board.
cuits made from individual components
rather than integrated circuits. Transistors Advantage of SMD Transistor
are also used in circuits together with 1. There is no need to make holes in
integrated circuits, since it is often more printed circuit board.
practical to use discrete transistors where 2. Smaller in size.
higher power output is needed, which is
higher than the integrated circuit output.
There are two types of transistor 5.4. SOME FACTS ABOUT THE
1. PNP Transistor
2. NPN Transistor 1. The transistor has three regions,
namely emitter, base and collector.
Remembering Tips: 2. The base is much thinner than the
P-Points N-Never emitter while collector is wider than
N-iN P-Points
3. The emitter is heavily doped, so that, it
P-Permanently N-iN
can inject large number of charge car-
riers (electrons or holes) into the base.
Figures 5.1 and 5.2 show the symbol and 4. Usually the emitter is heavily doped,
structure of PNP and NPN transistors, the base is lightly doped and very thin
respectively. In PNP transistors, a thin and the collector is moderately doped
layer of N type is sandwiched between two to collect majority carriers from the
P type layers. In NPN transistors, a thin emitter.
100 Electronics Equipment

ELEC_EQUIP_Chapter05.indd 100 21-04-2018 17:11:24

5. The transistor has two PN junctions i) When the leads of a transistor are in the
termed as the base-emitter junction same plane and unevenly spaced [see
and the base-collector junction. figure 5.3 (i)], they are identified by the
6. In order to operate the transistor prop- position and spacing of leads. The centre
erly the two junctions must have the lead is the base lead. The collector lead
correct DC bias voltages. is identified by the large spacing exist-
7. Base-emitter junction is forward ing between it and the base lead. The
biased whereas base-collector junction remaining lead is the emitter.
is reverse biased. ii) When the leads of a transistor are in the
8. The resistance of first junction is very same plane but evenly spaced [see figure
small compared with the second junc- 5.3 (ii)], the centre lead is the base, the
tion. So, forward bias voltage applied lead identified by dot is the collector and
to the first junction is very small com- the remaining lead is emitter.
pared to the second junction. iii) 
When the leads of a transistor are
spaced around the circumference of
5.4.1 Transistor Lead
a circle [see figure 5.3 (iii)], the three
leads are generally in emitter, base,
There are three leads in collector order clockwise from a gap.
a transistor viz. collec-
tor, emitter and base.
When a transistor is to 5.5.  TRANSISTOR TESTING
be connected in a circuit, To test a transistor, we measure one diode
it is necessary to know which terminal junction with the multimeter leads posi-
is which. The identification of the leads tioned in one way and then we flip the
of transistor varies with manufacture. leads of the multimeter to the reverse the
However, there are three systems in gen- polarities. One side of the diode junc-
eral use as shown in the figure 5.3. tion should read a very high resistance
of above 1MΩ of resistance (the anode to
cathode side) and the other side should
Transistor Transistor
read a much lower resistance, may be of a
few hundred thousand ohms (the cathode
to anode side). This test has to be done
for each junction. Figure 5.4 shows how to
(i) (ii) test a transistor.
For a single transistor there are six
E Transistor
combination of testing the junctions as
given below:
1. Emitter to Base
(iii) Gap 2. Base to Emitter
Figure 5.3    Transistor lead identification 3. Emitter to Collector
Chapter 5  Transistors and Amplifiers 101

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Transistor biasing is the process of
C setting a transistor DC operating voltage
or current condition to the required
level. So that, any AC input signal can
High be amplified correctly by the transistor.
– +

E 5.6.1 Fixed Bias

Fixed biasing circuit is very simple, bias-
ing conditions can be easily set, calcu-
lations are very simple but there is no
loading of source by the biasing circuit.
Hence, this method is rarely used, due to
poor stabilization. Figure 5.5 shows fixed
Reading biased method of a transistor.
– +


Figure 5.4  PNP and NPN transistor testing

Ib Rb Rc Ic
4. Collector to Emitter
5. Collector to Base
6. Base to Collector
Each pair should have one side with C
very high resistance (> 1 MΩ) and the other
side with a much lower resistance of a few
hundred thousand ohms. If this is the case
for all the transistor leads, the transistor is
good. If not, transistor is defective.


Various Methods of Transistor Biasing Figure 5.5  Fixed bias

1. Base resister method or fixed bias

method 5.6.2 Feedback Bias
2. Collector to base bias method or This method is simple and provides better
feedback bias method biasing stability but the circuit provides
3. Self-bias or emitter or voltage divider a negative feedback resulting in reduced
bias amplifier gain and fairly high stability factor.
102 Electronics Equipment

ELEC_EQUIP_Chapter05.indd 102 21-04-2018 17:11:24

Figure 5.6 shows feedback bias of a large capacitance is connected across RE
transistor. to bypass the unwanted AC fluctuations.
Figure 5.7 shows voltage divider method
of a transistor.






I2 R2

VB –

Figure 5.7  Voltage divider bias

Figure 5.6  Feedback Bias

5.6.3 Voltage Divider Bias
This is the most commonly used bias- 5.7.1 Working of NPN transistor
ing arrangement, as it provides good Figure 5.8 shows the NPN transistor with
bias stability. The emitter resistance RE forward bias to the emitter-base junction
provides stabilization. The resistance RE and reverse bias to collector-base junc-
causes a voltage drop in a direction so as tion. The forward bias causes the electrons
to reverse bias the emitter junction. Since in the n- type emitter to flow towards the
the emitter base junction has to be for- base. This constitute the emitter current
ward biased, the base voltage is obtained IE. As these electrons flow through the
from the supply through R1-R2 network. p-type base, they tend to combine with
The net forward bias across the emitter holes. As the base is lightly doped and
base junction is equal to VB–DC volt- very thin, only a few electrons (less than
age drop across RE. The DC bias circuit 5%) combine with holes to constitute base
is independent of transistors β to avoid current IB. The reminder electrons (more
the loss of AC signal. A capacitor having than 95%) cross-over into the collector
Chapter 5  Transistors and Amplifiers 103

ELEC_EQUIP_Chapter05.indd 103 21-04-2018 17:11:25

region to constitute collector current IC. current conduction within PNP transistor
In this way, almost the entire emitter cur- is by holes. However, in the external con-
rent flows to the collector circuit. It is clear necting wires, the current is still denoted by
that emitter current is the sum of collector electrons.
and base current, i.e. IE = IB + IC.
n p n

Depending on the biasing conditions like

forward or reverse, transistors have three
IB major modes of operation namely, cut-
off, active and saturation regions.

Active Mode: In this mode, transis-
Figure 5.8  Working of NPN transistor
tor is generally used as a current amplifier.
In active mode, two junctions are differ-
5.7.2 Working of PNP Transistor
ently biased, that means, emitter-base
Figure 5.9 shows the basic connection of a junction is forward biased and collec-
PNP transistor. The forward bias causes the tor-base junction is reverse biased. In this
holes in the p type emitter to flow towards mode, current flows between emitter and
the base. This constitutes the emitter cur- collector and amount of current flow is
rent IE. As these holes cross into n-type base, proportional to base current.
they tend to combine with electrons. As the
base is lightly doped and very thin, only a Cut-Off Mode: In this mode, both
few holes (less than 5%) combine with the collector-base junction and emitter-base
electrons. The remainder holes (more than junction are reverse biased. This in turn
95%) cross into the collector region to con- not allows the current to flow from col-
stitute the collector current IC. In this way, lector to emitter, when the base-emitter
almost the entire emitter current flows into voltage is low. In this mode, device is com-
the collector region. It may be noted that pletely switched-off; as a result, the cur-
rent flowing through the device is zero.

p n p Saturation Mode: In this mode of

operation, both the emitter-base and col-
lector-base junctions are forward biased.
Current flows freely from collector to
emitter, when the base-emitter voltage is
IB high. In this mode, device is fully in the
switched ON condition.

VEB VCB Transistor acts as a switch.

Figure 5.9  Working of PNP transistor

104 Electronics Equipment

ELEC_EQUIP_Chapter05.indd 104 21-04-2018 17:11:25

5.8.1 Transistor as a Switch VCC Vcc

Transistor as a switch is a very important

and useful application.

Transistor as a Switch – ON Vo = Vcc

Vo = Vcc


Vo = Ov
Vo = Ov

Vin = v

ib Figure 5.11  Transistor as a switch – OFF Position

signal. With the help of circuit diagram,

we explain how a transistor acts as an
Figure 5.10  Transistor as a switch – ON Position
Figure 5.10 shows transistor as Figure 5.12 shows the basic circuit
a switch (ON position). Transistor will of a transistor amplifier. The weak signal
become ON (saturation), when a sufficient to be amplified is applied as the input sig-
voltage V is given to the input. During this nal between the emitter-base junction and
condition, the collector-emitter voltage the output is taken across the load RL. For
VCE will be approximately equal to zero, faithful amplification, the input circuit is
i.e., the transistor acts as a short-circuit. forward biased and the output circuit is
For a silicon transistor, it is equal to 0.3 V. reverse biased. For this purpose, we apply
dc voltage.
Thus, the collector current
IC = VCC/RE will flow through the circuit.

Transistors as a Switch – OFF

Vin RL Vout
Figure 5.11 shows transistor as a switch IB
– + – +
OFF position. Transistors will be in OFF
(cut off), when the input (Vin) is equal to
zero. During this state, the transistor acts Figure 5.12  Basic Circuit of a transistor amplifier
as an open- circuit and thus the entire volt-
As we know, the input circuit has
age VCC will be available at the collector.
low resistance; consequently, a small
change in the signal voltage occurs at the
5.8.2 Transistor as an Amplifier
input circuit lead to an appreciable change
We can use a transistor as an amplifier in the emitter current. Due to the tran-
for increasing the strength of the weak sistor action, change in emitter current
Chapter 5  Transistors and Amplifiers 105

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causes a similar change in the collector 5.9.1. C ommon Base
current. Now, the collector current flows Configuration
through a high load resistance RL, which Common base configuration circuit
produces a large voltage across RL. is shown in figure 5.13. Here base is
Thus, the weak signal applied in grounded and it is used as the common
the input circuit appears in the amplified terminal for both input and output.
form in the collector circuit. In this way,
transistor acts as an amplifier. For power
amplification, heat sinks are used to fix
the transistor in order to dissipate the heat
generated from the power transistor.
Input RC Output
5.8.3 Heat Sink signal

A metal plate specially designed to con- – + – +

duct and radiate heat from an electronic VEB VCB

component. A layer of material place
within the outer skin of high-speed air-
craft to absorb heat. Figure 5.13  Common base configuration

It is also called as grounded base

5.9 TRANSISTOR configuration. Emitter is used as an input
CONFIGURATIONS terminal whereas collector is the output
A transistor is a three terminal device, (i.e.,
base, emitter, collector). But it require four Input characteristics:
terminals for connecting it in circuits. It is defined as the characteristic curve
(i.e.) Two terminals for input, two drawn between input voltage to input cur-
terminals for output. rent whereas output voltage is constant.

Hence one of the terminal is made com- To determine input characteris-

mon to the input and output circuits. tics, the collector base voltage VCB is kept
Common terminal is grounded. constant at zero and emitter current IE is
increased from zero by increasing VEB.
Types of Configuration This is repeated for higher fixed values of
Three types of configuration is available VCB.
A curve is drawn between emitter
current IE and emitter base voltage (VEB)
1.  Common Base configuration (CB) at constant collector base voltage (VCB) is
2.  Common Emitter configuration(CE) shown in figure 5.14 .When VCB  is zero
emitter base junction is forward biased.
3.  Common Collector configuration(CC)
So it behaves as a diode so that emitter
current increases rapidly.

106 Electronics Equipment

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Current Amplification Factor (α).
vCB=0V It is the ratio of output current to input
3.5 current. In common base connection, the
3 input current is the emitter current IE and
output current is the collector current IC.

The ratio of change in collector
current (ΔIC ) to the change in emitter cur-
rent (ΔIE)at constant collector base volt-
1 age VCB is known as current amplification
0.5 factor i.e.
n ∝ = ∆ IC at constant V
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 ∆ IE CB
vEB (V)

5.9.2. C
 ommon Emitter
Figure 5.14  Input characteristics
Output Characteristics Common emitter configuration is shown
It is defined as the characteristic curve in the figure 5.16. Here emitter is grounded
drawn between output voltage to output and it is used as the common terminal for
current whereas input current is constant. both input and output. It is also called as
grounded emitter configuration. Base is
To determine output characteristics, used as an input terminal whereas collec-
the emitter current IE is kept constant at zero tor is the output terminal.
and collector current Ic is increased from
zero by increasing VCB. This is repeated for
higher fixed values of IE.
A curve is drawn between the out-
put voltage (VCB) to output current (IC) at
constant input current (IE) as shown in the IB
figure 5.15. RC Output

IC Input
(mA) IE=5 mA IE

4 mA
3 mA
2 mA Figure 5.16  Common Emitter configuration

1 mA Input Characteristics

0 mA
It is defined as the characteristic curve
0 1 2 3 4 5 vCB (V) drawn between input voltage to input cur-
rent whereas output voltage is constant.
Figure 5.15  Output characteristics

Chapter 5  Transistors and Amplifiers 107

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To determine input characteris-
tics, the collector base voltage VCE is kept Saturation
constant at zero and base current IB is
increased from zero by increasing VBE.
This is repeated for higher fixed values of
Active region IB
A curve is drawn between base cur-
rent and base emitter voltage at constant
collector base voltage is shown in figure
5.17. Here the base width decreases. So
curve moves right as VCE increases. –1 0 Cutoff VCE

vCE=0V Figure 5.18  Output characteristics
Base current amplification factor (β).
200 It is the ratio of output current to input
current. In common emitter connection,
the input current is the base current IB and
output current is the collector current IC.
The ratio of change in collector
50 current to the change in base current at
n constant collector emitter voltage VCE is
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
known as current amplification factor i.e.
β = ∆ IC at constant V
Figure 5.17  Input characteristics ∆ IB CE

Output Characteristics
5.9.3 C ommon Collector
It is defined as the characteristic curve Configuration
drawn between output voltage to output
In common collector configuration cir-
current whereas input current is constant.
cuit is shown in figure 5.19. Here collector
To determine output characteris- is grounded and it is used as the common
tics, the base current IB is kept constant at terminal for both input and output. It is
zero and collector current Ic is increased also called as grounded collector config-
from zero by increasing VCE. This is uration. Base is used as an input terminal
repeated for higher fixed values of IB. whereas emitter is the output terminal.
From the characteristic it is seen
that for a constant value of IB, Ic is inde- Input Characteristics
pendent of VCB  and the curves are par- It is defined as the characteristic curve
allel to the axis of VCE as shown in the drawn between input voltage to input cur-
figure 5.18. rent whereas output voltage is constant.

108 Electronics Equipment

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To determine output characteris-
tics, the base current  IB  is kept constant
RC at zero and emitter current IE is increased
Output from zero by increasing VEC. This is
repeated for higher fixed values of IB.
From the characteristic it is seen that
for a constant value of IB, IE is independent
of VEC and the curves are parallel to the axis
of VEC as shown in the figure 5.21
6 (mA)
IB=100 mA

Figure 5.19  Common collector configuration 80 mA
To determine the input character- 4
60 mA
istics, the emitter collector voltage VEC is 3
kept constant at zero and base current IB is 40 mA

increased from zero by increasing VBC. This 2

20 mA
is repeated for higher fixed values of VEC. A
0 mA
curve is drawn between base current and
base emitter voltage at constant collector 0 1 2 3 4 5 vEC (V)

base voltage is shown in figure 5.20.

Figure 5.21  Output characteristics

Current Amplification Factor(γ).
It is the ratio of output current to input
current. In common collector connection, the
100 input current is the base current IB and output
current is the emitter current IE.
80 VEC = 4V
The ratio of change in emitter current to
60 VEC = 2V the change in base current at constant emitter
collector voltage VEC is known as current
amplification factor i.e.
20 γ = ∆ IE at constant V

0 1 2 3 4 5 VBC
CC input characteristics
Figure 5.20  Input characteristics
A transistor circuit containing more than
Output Characteristics one stage of amplification is known as
multistage transistor amplifier.
It is defined as the characteristic curve
drawn between output voltage to output In a multistage amplifier, a number
current whereas input current is constant. of single amplifiers are connected in cascade
Chapter 5  Transistors and Amplifiers 109

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Input 1st stage 2nd stage Output
Amplifier Coupling device Amplifier
Vi Vo

Figure 5.22  Multistage transistor amplifiers

arrangement, i.e., output of the first-stage is Figure 5.23 shows two stages of an
connected to the input of the second-stage RC coupled amplifier. A coupling capac-
through a suitable coupling device, and so itor CC is used to connect the output of
on. Figure 5.22 shows the block diagram of first-stage to the base (i.e. input) of the
the multistage transistor amplifier. second-stage and so on. As the coupling
from one stage to next is achieved by a
Coupling of Amplifiers
coupling capacitor followed by a connec-
Name of Name of Multistage tion to a shunt resistor, therefore, such
Coupling Amplifier
amplifiers are called resistance-capaci-
RC coupling RC coupled amplifier
tance coupled amplifiers.
Transformer Transformer coupled
Operation: When AC signal is
coupling amplifier
applied to the base of the first transistors,
Direct coupling Direct coupled amplifier
it appears in the amplified form across
its collector load RC. Then, the amplified
5.10.1 R
 C Coupled Transistor signal is given to the base of next stage
Amplifier through coupling capacitor C C. The sec-
This is the most popular type of coupling ond stage does further amplification of
because it is cheap and provides excellent the signal. In this way, the cascaded (one
audio fidelity over a wide range of fre- after another) stages amplify the sig-
quency. It is usually employed for voltage nal and the overall gain is considerably
amplification. increased.


R1 R1

R2 R2 Output

Figure 5.23  Stages of an RC coupled amplifier

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Advantages extremely low frequencies. Under such sit-
1. It has excellent frequency response. uations, the output of one stage is directly
The gain is constant over the audio fre- connected to the next stage without any
quency range, which is the region of coupling device. This type of coupling is
most importance for speech, music etc., known as direct coupling.
2. Low Cost Circuit details: Figure 5.24 shows the
3. The circuit is very compact circuit of three stage direct coupled ampli-
fier. It uses complementary transistors.
Thus, the first stage uses npn transistor, the
1. The RC coupled amplifiers have low
second stage uses pnp transistors and so on.
voltage and power gain
This arrangement makes the design very
2. They have the tendency to become
simple. The output from the collector of first
noisy with age, particularly in moist
transistor T1 is fed to the input of the second
transistor T2 and so on.
3. Impedance matching is poor
Operation: The weak signal is
Application applied to the input of first transistor T1.
They are widely used as voltage amplifier, Due to transistor action, an amplified out-
(e.g.) in the initial stages of public address put is obtained across the collector load RC
system. of the transistor T1.This voltage drives the
base of the second transistor T2 and ampli-
5.10.2 Direct-Coupled Amplifier fied output is obtained across its collector
There are many applications in which load. In this way, direct coupled amplifier
extremely low frequency (less than 4 Hz) raises the strength of weak signal.
signals have to be amplified, (e.g.,) ampli-
fying photoelectric current, thermo cou- Advantages
ple current, etc. The coupling devices 1. The circuit arrangement is simple.
such as capacitor and transformers can- 2. Low cost because of the absence of
not be used because the electrical sizes of expensive coupling devices.
these components become very large at




T1 T3


Figure 5.24  Stages of Direct Coupled Amplifier

Chapter 5  Transistors and Amplifiers 111

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Disadvantages A power amplifier is required to deliver a
1. It cannot be used for amplifying large amount of power and as such it has
high frequencies. to handle large current. In order to achieve
2. The operating point is shifted due to high power amplification, the following fea-
temperature variations. tures are incorporated in such amplifiers.
1. The size of power transistor is made
considerably larger
Direct coupled amplifiers are used in tele-
2. The base is made thicker to handle
vision receivers, computers, regulator cir-
large currents
cuits and other electronics equipment.
3. Transformer coupling is used for
5.11 VOLTAGE AMPLIFIER AND impedance matching
Voltage Gain: The voltage gain of an ampli-
5.11.1 Voltage Amplifier. fier is given by
Voltage of the output AC signal
A transistor amplifier which raises the AV =
voltage level (amplitude) of the signals is Voltage of the input AC signal
known as voltage amplifier In common emitter circuits, voltage gain
is calculated using
The first few stages in the multistage ampli- AV = β × RL
fier have the function of only voltage ampli-
fication. However, the last stage is designed Where β is current amplification fac-
to provide maximum power is known as tor, RL is the collector load resistance and Rin
power stage. Figure 5.25 shows the voltage is the resistance of base-­emitter junction
amplifier and its use in audio circuits. Current Gain: Current gain of an ampli-
The first-stage voltage amplifier fier is given by
is called pre-amplifier. The next stage
AI = Output current ,
­voltage amplifier is called driver amplifier. Input current

5.11.2 Power Amplifier Power Gain: Power gain of an amplifier is

calculated by the formula
A transistor amplifier which raises the
AP = AI × AV
power level of the signals is known as
Where Ap is the power gain, AI is the cur-
power amplifier.
rent gain and AV is the voltage gain.

Voltage Voltage
amplifier amplifier Power
(Pre amplifier) (Driver amplifier) amplifier

Figure 5.25  Voltage Amplifier

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Comparison between voltage and power amplifier is given in the Table 5.1.

Table 5.1 Comparison of Voltage and Power Amplifier

No. Parameters Voltage amplifier Power amplifier
1. β High ( > 100) Low (5 to 20)

2. RC High (4 – 10kΩ) Low

Invariably transformer
3. Coupling Usually RC coupling
4. Input voltage Low (a few mV) High ( 2- 4V)
5. Collector current Low(1 mA) High( >100mA)
6. Power output Low High
7. Output impedance High (12kΩ) Low(200Ω)

5.12 CLASSIFICATION OF If the conduction angle is 360º,

POWER AMPLIFIERS which means all of the input cycle is
reproduced, the amplifier is called Class
Transistor power amplifiers handle large A power amplifier. Figure 5.26 shows the
signals. Many of them are driven so hard Class A power amplifier. The efficiency of
by the large input signal that the collector Class A power amplifier is very low (less
current is either cut-off or is in the satu- than 30%).
ration region, during the majority portion
of the input cycle. Therefore, such ampli- 5.12.2. Class B Power Amplifier
fiers are generally classified according to
If the collector current flows only during
the conduction angle produced.
the positive half cycle of the input signal,
it is called as Class B power amplifier.
1.  Class A Power Amplifier
If the conduction angle is 180º,
2.  Class B Power Amplifier
which means that during the positive half
3.  Class C Power Amplifier cycle of the input signal the input circuit
is forward biased and hence collector cur-
rent flows. However, during the negative
5.12.1 Class A power Amplifier half cycle of the input signal the input
If the collector current flows at all times circuit is reverse biased and no collector
during the full cycle of the input signal, current flows. Such amplifiers are mostly
then the power amplifier is known as used for power amplification in push-pull
Class A power amplifier. arrangement. In such an arrangement,
Chapter 5  Transistors and Amplifiers 113

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Np Zout
R1 = LS
Ns Zin



Input +
R2 0V
R3 C2


Figure 5.26  Class A Power Amplifier

two transistors are used in Class B opera- beyond cut- off. Figure 5.28 shows a Class
tion as shown in Figure 5.27. One transis- C power amplifier with the associated
tor amplifies the positive half cycle of the input-output waveforms. The efficiency
signal while the other amplifies the neg- of Class C power amplifier is around 90%.
ative half cycle. The efficiency of Class B
power amplifier is around 75%.

+V +V


0 0 T
T Output signal RB
–V Input signal –V

(a) Basic Circuit

Figure 5.27  Class B Power Amplifier

5.12.3. Class C Power Amplifier
– – – –
If the collector current flows for less than
half cycle of the input signal, it is called Vout

as class C power amplifier. Class C power

amplifiers are used as tuned amplifiers. (b) Output waveforms

Class C amplifier has a conduct-

ing angle of class than 90º and is biased Figure: 5.28  Class C Power Amplifier

114 Electronics Equipment

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5.12.4 C omplementary Symmetry Advantages
Amplifier 1. This circuit does not require transformer.
Complementary Symmetry is based on It reduces both weight and cost.
the principle of assembling a push-pull 2. Equal and opposite input signal volt-
class B amplifier without requiring cen- ages are not required.
tre-tapped transformers, at the input and
output stages.
1. It is difficult to get a pair of transis-
tors (NPN and PNP) having similar
+VDD characteristics.
2. It requires both positive and negative
supply voltages.

Q2 +
+ This type of amplifier is used in stereo
VS VO amplifiers.

5.12.5 Differential Amplifier
–VEE A differential amplifier amplifies the volt-
Figure 5.29 Simplified complementary symmetry
age difference between the two inputs. An
amplifier example of a configuration of the amplifier
is connecting the emitters of two transistors
Figure 5.29 shows the transistor with equal characteristics as shown in Figure
push-pull amplifier using complemen- 5.30(a). The voltage difference applied to
tary symmetry. It employs one NPN and the base of these transistors is amplified.
one PNP transistor and requires no cen- Figure 5.30(b) shows the waveforms at each
tre-tapped transformers. The circuit node of the differential amplifier.
action is follows. During the positive half The output of differential amplifier
cycle of the input signal, transistor Q1(the circuitry shown in Figure 5.30(a) is fur-
NPN transistor) conducts current while ther amplified and applied utilizing nega-
Q2(the PNP transistor) is cut-off. During tive feedback. Presently, high performance
the negative half cycle of the input signal, and inexpensive differential amplifiers,
transistor Q2 (the PNP transistor) con- so-called operational amplifiers (inte-
ducts current while Q1 (the NPN transis- grated circuit), are available in the market.
tor) is cut-off.
If two input signals of the differ-
In this way, NPN transistor ampli- ential amplifier are the same, the (differ-
fies the positive half cycles of the signal ential) output will be nearly zero. That
while the PNP transistor amplifies the is, common mode noise of the input is
negative half cycles of the signal. Note greatly attenuated, and only the signal is
that we generally use an output trans- amplified. A function of the amplifier to
former (not centre tapped) for impedance reduce the common-mode noise is CMRR
matching. (common- mode rejection ratio).
Chapter 5  Transistors and Amplifiers 115

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R1 R2

eout1 eout2 ein1

ein2 eout1– eout2

ein1 ein2 eout2

Input Output Differential Output

(a) Differential Amplifier Circuitry (b) Output waveforms

Figure: 5.30  Differential Amplifier

5.13 FEED BACK IN 5.13.2 Negative Feedback

AMPLIFIERS When the feedback energy (voltage or
current) is out-off phase with the input
The process of injecting a fraction of signal and thus oppose the input signal,
output energy back to the input is the feedback is called negative feedback or
known as feedback degenerative feedback. This is illustrated
in Figure 5.32.
There are two basics types of feedback in
Amplifier Output
amplifiers Source Input

1. Positive Feedback
2. Negative Feedback
Feedback Feedback
5.13.1 Positive Feedback network

When the feedback energy (voltage or cur- Figure 5.32  Negative Feedback
rent) is in phase with the input signal and
thus enhances the input signal, the feedback
is called positive feedback or regenerative
feedback. This is illustrated in Figure 5.31. The change in output wave-shape from
the input wave-shape of an amplifier is
Source Input Amplifier Output known as distortion.
The distortion can be classified as
Feedback Feedback 1. Amplitude distortion
2. Phase distortion
Figure 5.31  Positive Feedback 3. Frequency distortion
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Positive cycle
+VCC clipped-off

Distorted output
ωt 0v

–VCC Negative cycle


Figure 5.33  Amplitude Distortion

5.14.1 Amplitude Distortion amplifier. This may happen due to inter-

The amplitude distortion occurs, when nal and external disturbances. Outside
the characteristic change of the amplifier noises can be created through electrical
is non-linear. This is shown in Figure 5.33 devices such as motors, fluorescent bulbs.
Internal noise can occur due to the induc-
Figure 5.33 shows that the negative
tor or coil used in the amplifier and this is
peak is flattened. This flattened portion is
termed as random noise.
called as amplitude distortion. Low power
supply and improper bias are the other rea- The signal to noise ratio is one of
sons for this type of distortion. Since power the important factors to decide the qual-
amplifiers handles large signals and there- ity of the amplifier. In order to eliminate
fore, the problem of distortion immediately the distortion and to increase the ratio
arises. For the comparison of two power between the signal and noise, negative
amplifiers, the one which has the less distor- feedback method is the best option.
tion, is the better than the other.
5.14.2 P
 hase Distortion (or) Delay TRANSISTOR
1. When a transistor used for amplifica-
Phase distortion is a type of amplifier dis-
tion purpose, it is called an Amplifier.
tortion which occurs in a non-linear tran-
sistor amplifier when there is a time delay 2. When a transistor acts as a switch, it
between the input signal and its appear- is called a switch.
ance at the output. 3. Transistor in active mode, (Analog
5.14.3 Frequency Distortion 4. Transistors in cut off saturation
Frequency distortion is another type of mode, (Digital Electronics).
amplifier distortion which occurs in a 5. Transistor can be used for an oscil-
transistor amplifier when the level of lation purpose, it is called as an
amplification varies with frequency. Oscillator.
6. Transistors can be used from tran-
Noise: A noise is nothing but an
sistor radio to computer in all elec-
unwanted voltage enters in the input of the
tronic circuits.
Chapter 5  Transistors and Amplifiers 117

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Student will capable of

1. Remembering the difference between NPN and PNP transistor

2. Identifying and testing BJT.
3. Understanding transistor configurations.
4. Designing simple electronics circuits using transistor.
5. Analysing the transistor applications.


S. No Terms Explanation
The region of BJT operation between saturation and cutoff
1 Active region
used for linear amplification
A circuit that increases the voltage, current or a power of a
2 Amplifier
Cascaded An amplifier with two or more stages arranged in a series
amplifier configuration
Emitter A common collector amplifier. Has a high current gain,
follower high input impedance and low output impedance
Feedback An amplifier with an external signal path from its output
amplifier back to its input
Increase in voltage, current and/or power. Gain is expressed
6 Gain as a ratio of amplifier output value to the corresponding
amplifier input value
Sound reproduction equipment that reproduces sound as
7 High fidelity
near to the original sound as possible
Unwanted electromagnetic radiation within an electrical or
8 Noise
mechanical system
A bipolar junction transistor with an N-type base and
9 PNP transistor
P-type emitter and collector
An amplifier designed to deliver maximum power output to
10 a load. Example : in an audio system, it is the power ampli-
fier that drives the loudspeaker

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I Choose the best answer. 1 Mark
1. A transistor has ……..
a)  One pn junction b)  Two pn junction c)  Three pn junction d)  Four pn junction
2. The number of depletion layers in a transistor is …………….
a) Four b) Three c) One d) Two
3. The base of a transistor is ……… doped.
a) Heavily b) Moderately c) Lightly d) None of the above
4. In a PNP transistor, the current carriers are ………
a) Acceptor ions b) Donor ions c) Free electrons d) Holes

5. A transistor is a ……….. operated device.

a)  Current b)  Voltage c)  Both voltage and current d)  None of the above

6. In an NPN transistor, the current carriers are …………….

a) Acceptor ions b) Donor ions c) Free electrons d) Holes

7. The emitter of a transistor is ……….. doped.

a) Lightly b) Heavily c) Moderately d) None of the above

8. In a transistor, the base current is about …….. of emitter current.

a) 25% b) 20% c) 35% d) 5%

9. Most of the majority carriers from the emitter ……………….

a)  Recombine in the base b)  Recombine in the emitter
c)  Pass through the base region to the collector d)  None of the above.

10. In a transistor, ……………

a) IC = IE + IB b) IB = IC + IE c) IE = IC - IB d) IE = IC + IB

11. A heat sink is generally used with a transistor to ………….

a)  Increase the forward current b)  Decrease the forward current
c)  Compensate for excessive doping d)  Prevent excess temperature

12. Which of the following amplifier have lowest efficiency

a)  Class A b)  Class B c)  Class C d)  Class AB
13. A complementary symmetry amplifier has
a)  1 PNP & 1 NPN transistor b)  2 PNP transistor
c)  2 NPN transistor d)  2 P channel FETS

Chapter 5  Transistors and Amplifiers 119

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14. The most commonly used transistor arrangement is …………..
a)  Common emitter b)  Common base
c)  Common collector d)  None of the above

15. Transistor biasing represent ……. conditions.

a)  AC b)  DC c)  both AC and DC d)  none of the above.

II. Answer in few sentences 3 Marks
  1. What is meant by a transistor?
  2. Give the symbol of PNP and NPN transistor.
  3. Write short notes on SMD transistor.
  4. What is the bias needed to make the transistor work?
  5. What are the various methods of transistor biasing?
  6. Write about the different modes of transistor.
  7. What are basic amplifier configurations?
  8. Define an amplifier
  9. What is the reason of employing more than one stage in amplifier?
10. If the output signal current is 5A peak to peak and input signal current is 200 mA peak to peak,
calculate the current gain.
11. If the output signal voltage 2 V peak to peak and input signal voltage is 20 mV peak to peak,
calculate the voltage gain.
12. What is meant by voltage amplifier?
13. What is meant by power amplifier?
14. What are the classification of power amplifiers?
15. What is meant by feedback?
16. What are the types of feedback?
17. Define negative feedback.
18. Write down the types of distortion occurs in amplifier.
19. What is meant by “Noise”.

III Explain the following questions 5 Marks
  1. How will you identify the leads of transistor?
  2. Write short notes about transistor testing.
  3. Explain the biasing principles in transistor.
  4. Explain the working principles of NPN transistor
  5. How transistor works as a switch? Explain.

120 Electronics Equipment

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  6. Define Class A power amplifier. Explain.
  7. Define Class B power amplifier. Explain.
  8. Draw and explain CE amplifier.
  9. Compare voltage amplifiers and power amplifiers.
10. What are the applications of transistor?

IV Explain briefly the following questions. 10 Marks
1. Explain how transistor works as an amplifier.
2. Write some factors about transistor
3. Briefly explain about operating modes of transistor.
4. Explain the working principle of RC coupled amplifier.
5. With neat diagram explain the working of complementary symmetry amplifier.
6. Explain the distortions occur in amplifier.

(b) 2. 
1.  (b) 3. 
(c) 4. 
(d) 5. 
(c) 7. 
6.  (b) 8. 
(d) 9. 
(c) 10. 
(d) 12. 
11.  (a) 13. 
(a) 14. 
(a) 15. 

Chapter 5  Transistors and Amplifiers 121

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Thiruvalluvar reitrated the importance of light in the following couplets

ஒளிஒருவற்கு உள்ள வெறுக்கை இளிஒருவற்கு
அஃதிறந்து வாழ்தும் எனல். # குறள் 971

ஒருவனுக்கு ஒளி ஊக்கமிகுதியே ஆகும், ஒருவனுக்கு இழிவு அந்த ஊக்கம்
இல்லாமலேயே உயிர்வாழலாம் என்று எண்ணுதலாம்.

English Couplet 971:

The light of life is mental energy; disgrace is his
Who says, 'I 'ill lead a happy life devoid of this.'

Couplet Explanation:
One's light is the abundance of one's courage; one's darkness is the desire to live destitute of such
(a state of mind).


 6.1  Light Emitting Diode (LED)  6.9. Field Effect Transistor (FET)

6.2.  Seven Segment LED 6.10. M

 etal Oxide Semiconductor Field
Effect Transistor (MOSFET)
6.3.  Light Dependent Resistor (LDR)
6.11. Silicon Controlled Rectifier (SCR)
6.4.  Liquid Crystal Display (LCD)
6.12. DIAC
6.5.  Photo Diode
6.13. TRIAC
6.6.  Photo Transistor
6.14. I
 nsulated Gate Bipolar Transistor
6.7.  Solar Cell (IGBT)
6.8.  Unipolar Junction Transistor (UJT) 6.15  Integrated Circuit (IC)


While learning this Chapter, the student can

1. Understand
  the basic concepts of special type of semiconductor
2. Describe
  the working principles of special semiconductor devices.
3. Understand
  the switching action of Thyristor devices.
4. Know about various applications of the semiconductor devices.

122 Electronics Equipment


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We are experiencing many hoardings,

advertising displays, high definition tele-
vision in our daily routine life. Of course,
these devices have very good features with
long life and attractive characteristics. Do
you have any idea about these devices and Nick Holonyak
their origin? Most of these devices are
built around a special type of semicon- Edward E. Hammer from General Electric
ductor devices called LED, LDR, LCD, Company invented the spiral compact flu-
photodiode and photo transistor. They are orescent lamp invented in the year 1976.
opto-electronic devices. The first practical LED was created by Nick
With these devices we study about Holonyak in 1962. It emitted light in the vis-
the working of FET, MOSFET, SCR, DIAC, ible part of the frequency range. It was red
TRIAC, IGBT and their application. LED. In 1972, M-George Craford invented
the first yellow LED and a brighter red LED.
History of Electric bulb
The first electric bulb 6.1 LIGHT EMITTING DIODE (LED)
was made in 1800 by
LED is a PN junction
Humphrey Davy. When
device, which emits light
he connected wires to
when forward biased,
the battery and a piece
Humphrey Davy by a phenomenon called
of carbon, the carbon
electroluminescence. In
gets glowed and pro-
all semiconductor PN
ducing light. It was known as electric arc
junctions, some energy will be radiated as
lamp, but failed to glow for a long time.
heat and some in the form of photons.
The inventor Thomas
LEDs are widely used in indicators,
Alva Edison (USA) dis-
smart phones, digital watches, solid state
covered a carbon fila-
video displays, calculators, digital com-
ment in an oxygen free
puters, electronic panels and optical com-
bulb glowed for over
munication system.
1500 hours. Before this,
Alva Edison he met hundreds of fail- Construction
ures in his experiments.
Figure 6.1 shows the construction of LED
He discovered incandescent light bulb on
and its symbol. Here, an N type layer is grown
on a substrate over which a P type layer is
Edison and Tesla experimented with flo- deposited by the process called diffusion.
rescent lamps in 1890s, but Peter Cooper The metal anode connection is made at the
Hewitt successfully made fluorescent outer edges of the ‘P’ layer. It provides more
lamp in the early 1900s. central surface area for the light to escape.
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Emitted light
Anode Cathode
Charge carrier

N-type –
Flat side
Anode (+) Cathode (–)
Gold film cathode
a) connection b) Short lead

Figure 6.1  Construction and Symbol of LED

LEDs radiate different colours like radiated in the form of the light energy. The
red, green, yellow, orange, blue and white brightness of the emitted light is directly
depend on material used. Some LEDs emit proportional to the forward bias current.
infrared (invisible) light also. The colour
of the emitted light depends on the type of
material used as given below. ●● LED can be switched ON and OFF at
very fast speed (1 ns).
●● Gallium arsenide (GaAs) –Infrared
●● Its operating voltage is from 1.5 V to
Radiation (Invisible)
3.3 V with low current (some mA).
●● Gallium phosphide (GaP) –Red or Green
●● It has a life time of 1,00,000 hours.
●● Gallium arsenide phosphide (GaAsP)-
●● LEDs are small in size and light in weight.
Red or Yellow
●● They require no heating and warm up
Working Principle time.
When an LED is forward biased, the elec-
trons and holes move towards the junc- 6.2  SEVEN SEGMENT LED
tion and recombination takes place. This
LEDs are often grouped to form seven
makes the electrons lying in the conduc-
segment displays. They are generally used
tion band of N region fall into the holes
as numerical indicators and consist of a
lying in the valence band of P region.
number of LEDs arranged as seven seg-
The difference of energy between the ments as shown in the Figure 6.2.
conduction band and the valance band is

Pin 1 3,8


DP 7 6 4 2 1 9 10 5


Figure 6.2  Seven Segment LED

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The seven LEDs are labelled A Construction: The Figure 6.3(a, b)
through G. By forward biasing different shows the basic structure and symbol of
LEDs, we can display the digits 0 to 9. For LDR. It consists of a thin layer of cadmium
example, if LEDs A,B,C, D and G are lit sulphide (CdS), which is used as photo
(by forward biasing them), then the dis- cell. It also contains Antimony or Indium
play will show the number 3. which could be deposited on an insulating
There are two types of seven seg- substrate. Ohmic contacts are made at the
ment LED arrangement, they are opposite ends of the CdS layer. The value of
resistance is about 2 MΩ, at absolute dark-
●● Common Anode Type ness. But, strong incident light focussing on
●● Common Cathode Type it reduces the resistance value fall below the
100 Ω.
RESISTOR (LDR) Working Principle
When radiation is incident on a semicon-
A light dependent resistor is a semi-con- ductor, amount of light is absorbed by the
ductor device, whose resistance value material and its conductivity increases.
changes when illuminated (exposed) with This effect is called photo-conductive
light. It is also called as effect.
photo-resistor or pho-
The radiation falls on the semi-
to-conductive cell.
conductor produces charge carriers. This
History: LDR is a pho- charge carrier produces electron-hole
toconductive device pairs. If the intensity of the light falling
made from Selenium. on the surface increases, it will generates
Smith It was discovered by large number of electron hole pairs. This
Smith in 1873. In 1952, will lower the value of resistance of the
Rollin and Simmons developed their photo- photo-conductor.
conductors using Silicon and Germanium.


Metal contact Metal contact

n+ n+


Semi-insulating substrate

(a) Structure of LDR (b) Symbol of LDR

Figure 6.3  Light Dependent Resistor

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470 Ohms
Construct Automatic Street
light using LED and LDR 8



6 3

Battery 9V
50 K ohms

4Pcs LED

IC 555

When an external voltage source The liquid is normally transparent,

(V) is connected to the photo-conductor, but if subjected to a strong electric field,
current I flows in the external circuit. If disruption of the well-ordered crystal
strong radiation incident on the LDR, the structure takes place causing the liquid
photo current may be as high as 10 mA, to polarise and turn opaque. The removal
otherwise the LDR photo current may be of the disruption of the crystal structure
negligibly small. regains its original form and the materials
become transparent.
History: Liquid crys-
1. Used to measure intensity of light.
tal was first observed
2. Used in counting system.
by an Austrian
3. Used in burglar alarm. Botanist, Friedrich
4. Widely used in cameras to control Reintzer in the year
shutter opening for flash light. 1888. The material
5. Used in automatic street light. discovered by him was George Heilmeier
Cholesteryl Benzoate.
6.4. LIQUID CRYSTAL DISPLAY In 1968, George Heilmeier and his team of
(LCD) scientists revealed the LCD to the public.
Based on the construction, LCDs are classi-
Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) are used for
fied into two types. They are,
displaying of numeric and alphanumeric
character in dot matrix and segmental dis- 1. Dynamic scattering type
plays. There are two types of liquid crys- 2. Field effect type
tal materials used, they are nematic and
cholesteric. In the Nematic Liquid Crystal 6.4.1. Dynamic Scattering LCD
(NLC), all the molecules align themselves Construction: Figure 6.4(a) shows the
approximately parallel to a unique axis, construction of dynamic scattering LCD.
while retaining the complete translational The display consists of two glass plates,
freedom. each coated with tin oxide (SnO2) on the
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Light falls Indium Oxide coating

Gap and v=0

Portion Liquid


Figure 6.4(a)  LCD Construction

inside with transparent electrodes sepa- coatings, the arrangement of molecular pat-
rated by a liquid crystal layer of 5 to 50 µm tern gets disturbed. As a result, refractive
thick. The oxide coating on the front sheet index of the medium of the crystal changes.
is etched to produce a single or multi-seg- Therefore, the incident light is reflected in
ment pattern of characters with each seg- different directions. Now, the liquid appears
ment properly insulated from each other. dark in the white background. The area not
Working Principle: Figure 6.4(b) enclosed by conducting surfaces remains
shows the LCD working principle. When translucent.
AC voltage is not applied to the plates of Advantages of LCD
the molecules of liquid crystal, which align
1. The operating voltage required is
themselves in perpendicular (or parallel)
small (3 to 20 V/AC).
direction and appear transparent. When
2. They are economical.
a voltage is applied across the conductive
3. They have low power consumption.

Clear Portion Light falls

Glass Freezer part
AC Supply

Gap and

Conductive coating

Figure 6.4(b)  LCD Working

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Consumes more power (10-250 mW per digit) Consumes less power (10-200 mW per digit)
Good brightness level Moderate brightness level
Lifetime is limited to 50,000 hours due to chemical
Lifetime is around 1,00,000 hours
Operating voltage range is from 1.5 V to 3.3 V DC Operating voltage range is from 3 to 20 V AC
Emits light in red, green, orange, yellow, blue Invisible in darkness and requires external
and white illumination

Disadvantages of LCD 4. It is used in instrument displays and

1. LCD requires an external or inter- digital watches.
nal light source. (poor visibility in 5. It can be used as numerical counter
darkness) for counting items.
2. Its life time is limited due to chemi-
Comparison of LED and LCD
cal degeneration.
Table 6.1 is the comparison between LED
3. It operates slowly. Turn-On time is
and LCD.
few ms.
When used on DC, the life-span is quite
small and therefore, they are used with 6.5.  PHOTO DIODE
AC supplies having a frequency less than
50 Hz. Silicon photo diode is a light sensitive
device, also called photo detector, which
Application of LCD converts light signal into electrical signal.
1. It is used in solid state video displays. Construction: Figure 6.5 shows the
2. It is used in laptop computers. construction and symbol of photo diode.
3. It is used in pocket calculators. The diode is made of a semiconductor PN

Incident photons

– +

– +

– +

– +
P-type N-type
Depletion or intrinsic
region Anode Cathode

– +
(a) PIN Configuration of Photodiode (b) Photodiode Symbol

Figure 6.5  Construction and Symbol of Photo Diode

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junction kept in a sealed plastic or glass History: Phototransistor was made by
casing. The cover is so designed that the John N. Shive and his team members
light rays are allowed to fall on one sur- from Bell Laboratory during the years
face across the junction. The remaining 1948-1950.
sides of the casing are painted to restrict
the penetration of the light rays. A lens
permits light to fall on the junction.
Working Principle: When light
falls on the reverse-biased PN photo
diode junction, electron-hole pairs are
created. The movement of these elec-
tron-hole pairs in a properly connected
circuit results in current flow. On illumi-
nation on the diode, the magnitude of the
photo current depends on the number of Figure 6.6 shows the NPN pho-
charge carries generated. This current is totransistor. It is usually connected in
also affected by the frequency of the light common emitter (CE) configuration with
falling on the junction of the photo diode. base open. A lens focuses the light on
the base-collector junction. The modern
Applications photo transistor uses efficient light effec-
1. Photo diodes are used as light-de- tive materials instead of making a hole
tectors, demodulators and encoders. and fixing a lens on it. Photo transistor has
three terminals, but only two terminals
2. They are also used in optical com-
are generally used. Here the base current
munication system.
is supplied by the current created by the
3. They are used in high speed count- light falling on the base-collector junction.
ing and switching circuits.

Photo transistor is a much more sensi- Optional

tive semiconductor photo device than the Emitter
a) Symbol
PN photodiode. The current produced by
B E Light
a photodiode is very low which cannot
be directly used in control applications.
Therefore, this current should be ampli- N

fied before applying to the control circuits.

b) Structure C
The photo transistor is a light detector
which combines a photodiode and a tran- Figure 6.6  NPN Photo Transistor

sistor amplifier. When the photo transis- The voltage (VCE) applied to the tran-
tor is illuminated, it permits the flow of sistor makes emitter-base junction forward
current. biased and collector-base junction reverse
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biased. When the transistor is kept in dark- History: In the year 1839,
ness, there will be a very few minority photovoltaic effect was
charge carrier flow. This makes negligible discovered by Edmond
collector current. When the light is turned Becquerel. This process
‘ON’, and focused at the collector-base junc- occurs and creates elec-
tion, the transistor starts conducting and tric voltage, when light
the amplified current starts flowing through is absorbed by the mate- Charles Fritts
the reverse-biased junction. The amount of rial. In 1883, Charles
current flow depends upon the intensity of Fritts created the first solar cell by coating
focused light. selenium with a thin layer of gold. Silicon
solar cells were produced by Bell laboratory
Application during 1953-1956. In 1958, solar cells were
1. They are used in light detection system. used in space.
2. They are widely used in high speed Construction: Figure 6.7 shows the
reading of computer punching cards. basic construction of PN junction solar
cell. It consists of single semiconductor
3. They also used in light operating
crystals, which has been doped with both
P and N type impurities, thereby forming
a PN junction. A glass window is provided
at the top of the P type layer. The thick-
It is widely used in satellites to provide ness of the P layer is small, so that the inci-
electrical power, when sunlight is incident dent light can easily reach the junction of
on a photovoltaic cell. It is converted into the diode. A nickel plated ring is provided
electric energy and the energy converter is around the P layer, which acts as a posi-
called solar cell or solar battery. Basically, tive terminal. A metal contact provided at
solar cell is large PN junction diode. It is the bottom of the N-layer, acts as negative
made up of Silicon and Selenium. terminal.

Sun light

Metal ring +
Junction N
– – +

Metal contact
(a) PN Junction Solar Cell (b) Symbol of Solar Cell

Figure 6.7  Basic Construction of PN Junction Solar Cell

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Working Principle: The sunlight 3. It is also used in home for electrical
incident on the glass plate passes through requirements.
and reaches the junction. An incident light
photon at the junction may collide with 6.8. UNIPOLAR JUNCTION
a valence electron and impart sufficient TRANSISTOR (UJT)
energy to make a transition to the conduc-
tion band. As a result, an electron-hole pair UJT is a three terminal semiconductor
is formed. The newly formed electrons are switching device. As the name indicates,
minority carriers in the P region. They move it has only one PN junction (i.e. unijunc-
freely across the junction. Similarly, holes tion). UJT can be used to control a large
formed in the N-region cross the junction AC power with small gain, and not to
in the opposite direction. The flow of these be used as amplifier. It exhibits negative
electrons and holes across the junction is resistance characteristics and can be used
in a direction opposite to the conventional as an oscillator.
forward current in a PN junction. Further, it History: The UJT was invented as
leads to the accumulation of majority carri- a by-product of research on germanium
ers on both sides of the junction. tetrode transistors at General Electrical
In bright sunlight, 0.6 V is developed Company. It was patented in 1953.
by a single solar cell. The amount of power Construction: Figure 6.8 shows the
the cell can deliver depends on the extent of basic structure of UJT and its symbol. It
its active surface. An average cell will pro- consists of lightly doped N-type silicon bar
duce about 30 mW per square inch of sur- with ohmic contacts at the two ends, called
face, operating in a load of 4 Ω. To increase base1 (B1) and base2 (B2). A P-type emitter
the power output, large banks of cells are is diffused nearer to the base2 of the bar,
used in series and parallel combinations. and this forms a PN junction diode with the
base as shown in Figure 6.8(a). The P-type
Application region is called emitter (E), since the device
1. It is used to provide electrical power contains two base terminals with one PN
to satellites and space vehicles junction and hence it is also called as double
2. It is used to energize these storage cells base diode. The resistance (RBB) between the

Base 2
n-Type bar


Emitter p
n-type (Emitter)

(Base1) B1
Base 1
Structure of UJT Symbol of UJT

Figure 6.8(a)  Basic Structure of Unijunction Transistor and its Symbol

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bases (B1 and B2) is called inter-base resis- which reduces the amount of reverse bias
tance and is very high (5 to 10 kΩ), when of the PN junction. When the applied volt-
emitter is in open condition. age is increased and greater than V1, the
PN junction will be forward biased. Now,
the holes are injected from P-region into
N-region. The holes are repelled by the
terminal B2 and are attracted by the ter-
minal B1. Now, the accumulation of holes
in E to B1region reduces the resistance in
this section. Hence, if the emitter current
IE and the voltage VE increases, the UJT
V1 becomes in the ON state.
When a Negative Voltage is
VEE - Applied at the Emitter: If a negative volt-
age is applied to the emitter (E), the PN
junction is reverse biased, and the emitter
current is very low. The device is now in
Figure 6.8(b)  UJT Biasing
the OFF state.

Working Principle: Figure 6.8(b) Application

shows the biasing arrangement of UJT. The
1. UJT is used as relaxation oscillator.
base B2 is kept at positive potential with
2. It is widely used as triggering device
respect to B1 using the battery terminal VBB.
for SCR and TRIAC.
The PN junction is always forward biased by
making emitter (E) positive with respect to 3. It is used in phase control circuits.
base B1 using the battery ­terminal VEE. 4. UJTs can also be used to measure
magnetic flux.
When No Voltage is Applied at
5. It is used in switching circuits
the Emitter: The emitter is open (switch
S is open). When a voltage VBB is applied 6. It is used as sawtooth generator.
between the two bases, a voltage gradient 7. It is used in tuning circuits (TV).
is established along the N-type silicon bar.
The voltage drop (V1) between emitter and 6.9. FIELD EFFECT
base B1, reverse bias the PN junction and TRANSISTOR (FET)
hence no emitter current flows (i.e. UJT
is in OFF state). However, a small leakage In the previous Chapters, we have discussed
current flows from base B2 to emitter E. about the Bipolar Junction Transistor (BJT).
They are controlled by both electrons and
When a Positive Voltage is Applied
holes and called current operated devices.
at the Emitter: When a positive voltage is
BJT has two main disadvantages; first, it has
applied to the emitter. (Switch S is closed).
low input impedance because of forward
The PN junction is also reverse biased. If
biased emitter junction. Secondly, it has
the emitter voltage is linearly increased,
considerable noise level.
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To overcome the above problems, There are two types of JFET. They are
FET can be developed and become import- 1. N-Channel JFET
ant electronic device in the integrated cir- 2. P-Channel JFET
cuit (IC) technology. The FET is a device
in which the flow of current through the  N-Channel JFET
conducting region is controlled by an Construction: Figure 6.9 shows the con-
electric field (voltage). struction of n-channel JFET and its sym-
There are two types of field effect bol. It consists of a uniformly doped
transistor, N-type semiconductor bar made of sili-
con. On both sides of this N-type semi-
1. Junction Field Effect Transistor (JFET)
conductor bar, two heavily doped P-type
2. Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field
regions are formed by diffusion. The two
Effect Transistor(MOSFET)
P-regions are internally connected and a
6.9.1 J unction Field Effect single lead is taken out, which is called
Transistor (JFET) Gate (G). Ohmic contacts are made at
JFET is a three terminal semiconductor the two N-type semi-conductor bar. One
device in which current conduction is by lead is called as Source(S) and the other
one type of carrier (i.e.) electrons or holes. as Drain (D). These two terminals may be
It is a unipolar device. It has high input interchanged. The source(S) is a terminal
impedance and low noise level. through which the majority carriers (elec-
trons in the N type bar) enter the bar. The
History: The FET was drain (D) is a terminal through which the
first patented by Julius majority carriers leave the bar.
Edgar Lilienfeld in
1926 and by Oscar Heil Since the two P-regions are heav-
in 1934. The first type ily doped and N-type bar is lightly doped,
Jun-ichi Nishizava
of JFET was the static two depletion layers are formed in the
induction transistor (SIT), invented by N-type bar as shown in Figure 6.9. The
Japanese engineer Jun-ichi Nishizava and region between the two layers is called
Y. Watanabe in the year 1950. channel. The majority carriers move from

Ohmic Drain (D)

contacts n-Channel

Gate (G)
p n-type p

Depletion G
Source (S) S

(a) JFET Construction (b) Symbol of JFET

Figure 6.9  Construction of N-Channel JFET and its Symbol

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source to drain through this channel. The the width of the conducting channel
gate terminal controls the flow of majority thereby decreasing the flow of electrons
carriers from source to drain. through it (ID decreases). So the depletion
layer will be thicker near the drain and the
Working Principle of N-Channel JFET channel becomes wedge shaped as shown
Figure 6.10 shows the circuit of n-channel in Figure 6.10(b). Thus, the current flow-
JFET with normal polarities. Here, the gate ing through the channel is controlled by
is kept negative potential with respect to the width of the channel as well as reverse-po-
source called VGS. The drain is kept positive tential applied to the gate. That is why the
potential with respect to the source known device is field effect transistor.
as VDS. Let a voltage VDS is applied across the
drain and source terminals and no voltage is
applied between gate to source (VGS=0), now 1. The JFET has higher input impedance.
the two PN junctions establish a very thin 2. It is a low power consumption device.
and uniform depletion layer as shown in 3. It can be fabricated in small size area.
Figure 6.10(a). Thus, a large amount of elec- 4. It has negative temperature coeffi-
trons will flow from source to drain through cient of resistance, so they possess
a normally wide channel formed between higher temperature stability.
the two depletion layers. This constitutes 5. It has less noise.
drain current ID.
Let a reverse voltage VGS is applied
across the gate and source terminals (by 1. The JFET is relatively low gain band-
closing the switch S) as shown in Figure width product.
6.10(b). Now, the width of the depletion 2. Its voltage gain is low.
layer is increased due to the reverse bias- 3. It requires special handling during
ing of the two PN junctions. This reduces installation.



+ +

– –


– –
+ S

(a) JFET without Gate Voltage (b) JFET with Gate Voltage

Figure 6.10  Working of N-Channel JFET with Normal Polarities

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Table 6.2  Comparison of BJT and JFET
1. Bipolar device (current conduction by Unipolar device (current conduction
both type of carriers i.e. majority and is only due to one type of majority
minority -electrons and holes) carrier either electron or hole)
2. Current driven device Voltage driven device
3. Low Input impedance High Input impedance
4. High noise level Low noise level
5. Low Power gain High Power gain
6. Low switching speed High switching speed
7. Less thermal stability Better thermal stability
8. Emitter and collector terminals are Source and drain terminals are
not interchangeable interchangeable

Application invented by Dawankahng and Martin

1. The JFET is used as a constant cur- Atalla in 1959. There are two types of
rent source. MOSFET. They are
2. It is used as buffer amplifier. 1. Enhancement MOSFET (E-MOSFET).
3. It is used as electronic switch. 2. Depletion MOSFET (DE-MOSFET).
4. It is used as phase shift oscillator.
5. JFET is used as a voltage variable 6.10.1 Enhancement MOSFET
resistor (VVR). (E-MOSFET)
6. It is used as high impedance wide The enhancement MOSFET works only in
band amplifier. enhancement mode. It does not conduct
when gate to source voltage (VGS) is equal
to zero, therefore it is called as 'normally
6.10. MOSFET
OFF MOSFET'. It is widely used in digital
The MOSFET is an abbreviation of Metal circuits. There are two types of enhance-
Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor. ment MOSFET. They are
In MOSFET, the gate is insulated from 1. N-channel E-MOSFET
the channel by using SiO2 layer. The input
2. P-channel E-MOSFET
impedance of MOSFET is high, because
the gate current is extremely small. It is also  N-Channel E-MOSFET
called as Insulated Gate FET (IGFET). Figure 6.11 shows the construction and
History: MOSFET, largely superseded symbol of n-channel E-MOSFET. It con-
the JFET and has profound effect on dig- sists of lightly doped P type substrate into
ital electronic development, which was which two highly doped N-type regions are
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Source Gate Drain

N+ N+

Gate (G)
P-type substrate


(a) N–Channel E-MOSFET Structure (b) Symbol of E-MOSFET

Figure 6.11  Construction of N-Channel E-MOSFET and Its Symbol

diffused. These two N regions act as Source When gate is given a positive volt-
(S) and Drain (D). A thin layer of SiO2 is age (due to capacitor action), induced
grown over its surface then a metal contact negative charges will be setup in the
is provided at the top of the SiO2layer, which P-type substrate just adjacent to the SiO2
acts as a Gate (G). The oxide layer provides layer. These negative charges, which are
high input impedance (1010 Ω to 1015 Ω) to minority carriers in the P-type substrate
the MOSFET. form an inversion layer (N-type layer)
Working Principle: Figure 6.12 between source and drain. This layer
shows the normal biasing of n-channel formed only if VGS exceeds a certain value
E-MOSFET. It is always operated with called threshold voltage (VGS(th)). When the
positive gate to source voltage (VGS). The gate to source voltage is greater than VGS(th),
drain is kept at positive potential (VDS) drain current (ID) will flow from drain to
with respect to the source. When VGS is source through the induced N-channel
equal to zero, the PN junction between the (Inversion layer). Thus, the drain current
drain and the substrate is reverse biased. is ‘enhanced’ by the positive gate voltage
Hence, only very small leakage current and hence this device is called enhance-
(ID) flows through the device. ment type MOSFET.

6.10.2 Depletion MOSFET

VGS Metallization
– +
S G D layer The depletion MOSFET can be operated
in either depletion mode or enhance-
– – – – – –
– – – – – –
ment mode. Therefore, it is called as
–– –– –– –– –– –– ––
DE-MOSFET. There are two types of
Induced Dielectric depletion MOSFET. They are
N-Channel layer
P-type substrate
1. N channel depletion MOSFET

Figure 6.12  Operation of N-Channel E-MOSFET 2. P-channel depletion MOSFET

136 Electronics Equipment

ELEC_EQUIP_Chapter06.indd 136 21-04-2018 17:11:42 N-Channel Depletion maintained at negative potential and
MOSFET drain is at positive potential with respect
Figure 6.13 shows the construction and to source. The negative voltage on the
symbol of N-channel depletion MOSFET. gate attracts the holes in the P-type sub-
It consists of a lightly doped p-type semi- strate. Thus, the holes are moved towards
conductor substrate. In the substrate, two the gate terminal. Because of the SiO2
highly doped N+ regions are diffused. One (insulator) layer, the holes are induced in
region is source (S) and other is drain (D). A the N-channel, which reduces the charge
lightly doped N-channel is formed between carriers (electrons) in the N-channel. So,
source and drain by diffusion. A thin layer the conductivity decreases, the value of
of SiO2 is grown over its surface. Then, an drain current also decreases.
aluminium layer is formed over SiO2, which
acts as gate (G). SiO2 acts as insulator. These – +
setup acts as a parallel plate capacitor. + –
Metallization layer
– – – – – –
layer +++++++++
Source Gate Drain ++++++
S G D SiO2 N+ N+
N-Channel Dielectric

P-type substrate
N+ N N+

Diffused channel Figure 6.14  Operation of N-Channel DE-MOSFET

P-type substrate
Enhancement Mode: In this mode,
(a) N–Channel DE-MOSFET Structure both the gate and drain are maintained at
Drain Drain positive potential with respect to source.
(D) (D)
The positive gate voltage induces the charges
in the N-channel. These induced negative
charges make N-channel between source
(G) and drain more conductive. As the positive
Source Source gate to source voltage increases, the drain
(S) (S)
current also increases. Hence, the mode of
N-channel P-channel
operation is called ‘enhancement mode’.
(b) Symbol of DE-MOSFET

Figure 6.13  Construction and symbol of N-Channel Application

and p-Channel Depletion MOSFET
1. MOSFET is widely used for switch-
Working Principle: The depletion ing and amplifying the signals.
MOSFET can be operated in two different 2. It is used in FM radio and TV receiv-
modes as given below ers (for mixer operation).
Depletion Mode: Figure 6.14 3. It is used in computer memories.
shows the n-channel depletion mode 4. It is used as auto intensity control of
operation. In this mode, the gate is street lights.
Chapter 7  Special Type Semiconductor Devices 137

ELEC_EQUIP_Chapter06.indd 137 21-04-2018 17:11:43

Table 6.3  Comparison of JFET and MOSFET


1. JFET stands for Junction Field MOSFET stands for Metal Oxide
Effect Transistor Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor
2. It can be operated only in the It can be operated either depletion or in
depletion mode enhancement mode
3. It has high input impedance It has very high input impedance
(108 Ω) (from 1010 Ω to 1015 Ω)
4. It is difficult to fabricate It is easier to fabricate
5. Gate current (Ig) is high Gate current (Ig) is low
6. It is mainly used in low noise It is widely used in VLSI circuits

6.11. SILICON CONTROLLED have three leads, they are anode (A), cath-
RECTIFIER (SCR) ode (K) and gate (G). The end P-layer acts as
anode, the end N-layer acts as cathode and
SCR is a three terminal and three junction the P-layer nearer to cathode acts as gate.
semiconductor device acts as true elec-
tronic switch. It is a unidirectional device. A
It converts AC to DC and controls the
amount of power fed to the load. It con- Anode
tains the features of a rectifier and tran-
sistor. SCR is widely used device in the 3
Thyristor family, so it is commonly called N

G 2
as Thyristor. 1
History: The SCR Gate 1
was proposed by Gate

William Shockley in Cathode

1950 and championed Cathode
a) Structure b) Symbol
by Moll and others at K

Bell Lab. It was devel- Figure 6.15:  SCR Structure and Symbol
oped by Gordon Hall
and his team engineers at General Electric Working Principle: In the normal
Company in the year 1956. operating conditions of SCR, the anode
Construction: SCR consists of four (A) is always kept at high positive poten-
semiconductor layers forming a PNPN- tial with respect to cathode (K), and gate
structure as shown in the Figure 6.15. There (G) is at small positive potential with
are three junctions namely J1, J2, J3. SCR respect to cathode. A load resistor (RL) is

138 Electronics Equipment

ELEC_EQUIP_Chapter06.indd 138 21-04-2018 17:11:43

connected in series with Anode (A). The Figure 6.17 shows the small positive
working of SCR can be studied under the voltage applied to the gate. Now the junction
following two conditions. J3 is forward biased and junction J2 is reverse
1. When Gate is Open biased. The electrons from N-layer (cath-
ode) start moving across junction J3 towards
Figure 6.16 shows, the forward bias- left, whereas holes from P-layer (Gate) move
ing of SCR (Anode kept positive with towards, right, consequently, the electrons
respect to cathode). Here no gate volt- from junction J3 are attracted across junction
age (VG = 0) is applied. The supply J2 and gate current starts flowing. This makes
voltage V forward biases the junction the anode current to increase. This increased
J1 and J3 and reverse biases the junction anode current in turn makes more electrons
J2.So no current flows through SCR. available at junction J2. This process contin-
Therefore the SCR is in ‘OFF’ state. It ues and in short time the junction J2 breaks
offers very high resistance. down and SCR starts conducting heavily.
No Once the SCR starts conducting the gate loses
its control. Even if gate voltage is removed,
the anode current does not decrease at all.
J1 J2 J3
The only way to stop conducting is to reduce
p n p n the supply voltage (V) to zero.

Application of SCR
1. The SCR is used in the circuit of AC
Figure 6.16  Forward Biasing of SCR voltage stabilizer.

When supply voltage is gradually 2. It can be used as switch.

increased to a particular voltage called 3. It is used in inverters.
forward break over voltage, the reverse 4. It is used with AC power control
biased junction J2 breaks down. The SCR with solid relay.
now conducts heavily and is said to be in
‘ON’ state. 5. It is used to control motor speed.

2. When Gate is applied positive voltage 6. It is used in light dimmer control

with respect to cathode circuits.

+ -
6.12. DIAC
J1 J2 J3
The DIAC is a bidirectional semiconductor

p n p

K switching device. It can be switched ‘ON’

using both polarities. DIAC is a short ver-

sion of DIODE Alternating Current. It is
widely used as a triggering device of a Triac,
RL V especially, for AC switches, dimmer applica-
Figure 6.17  SCR with Gate Voltage tion and starter circuits in fluorescent lamps.
Chapter 7  Special Type Semiconductor Devices 139

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Construction: Figure 6.18 shows the MT2
structure and symbol of DIAC. The DIAC is
a two terminal device, namely MT1, MT2. It MT2 N3 P1
J4 J1
is a combination of parallel semiconductor RL P1 N1
layers (P1N1P2N2 , P2N1P1N3) connected in J1 J2
+ N1 P2 I
anti-parallel. The DIAC can be configured V
J2 J3

to conduct in both the directions. The struc- P2 N2

ture of DIAC is similar to transistor, but no

MT1 (-) MT1
terminal attached to the base layer.
(a) Basic Structure (b) Symbol of Schematic

Figure 6.19  Structure and Symbol Schematic when

MT2 MT2 is positive w.r.t. MT1

N1 When MT2 is negative with respect

to MT1 the junction J2 and J4 are forward
biased, whereas junctions J1 and J3 are
reverse biased. Therefore, no current
flows through the diode P1N1P2N2. Since
MT1 the junction J1 is under reverse biased
condition, initially a small leakage current
flows through the diode P2N1P1N3. When
(a) Basic Structure (b) Symbol of Schematic
the applied voltage exceeds the break over
Figure 6.18  Basic Structure and Symbol of DIAC
voltage, the reverse biased junction J1
breaks due to avalanche effect.
Working Principle: The DIAC can
conduct in either direction depending Therefore, the diode passes current
upon the polarity of the voltage applied (I) through the diode P2N1P1N3 from MT1
across MT2 and MT1. It can be switched to MT2 as shown in Figure 6.20.
ON only, when the applied voltage reaches
(–) MT2
the break-over voltage (VBO). MT2

N3 P1
When MT2 is positive with respect RL
J4 J1
to MT1, the junction J1 and J3 are for- –
P1 N1
I J1 J2
ward biased, whereas junction J2 andJ4 V
N1 P2 I
are reverse biased. Therefore, no current P2
J2 J3
flows through the diode P2N1P1N3. Since
the junction J2 is under reverse biased (+) MT1
(a) Basic Structure (b) Symbol of Schematic
condition, initially a small leakage current
flows through the diode P1N1P2N2. When Figure 6.20  Structure and Symbol Schematic when
MT2 is negative w.r.t. MT1
the applied voltage exceeds the break over
voltage, the reverse biased junction J2
Application of DIAC
breaks due to avalanche effect. Therefore,
the current flows from MT2 to MT1 1. Used as Triggering device in TRIAC
through P1N1P2N2 as shown in Figure 6.19. Power Control System.
140 Electronics Equipment

ELEC_EQUIP_Chapter06.indd 140 21-04-2018 17:11:43

2. Used in Lamp Dimmer Circuit. Figure  6.21. It comprises of two SCRs
3. Used in Heater Control Circuit. connected in the anti-parallel direction.
It acts as a switch for both the directions.
4. Used in Motor Speed Control. From the diagram we can understand that
the MT1 and gate terminals are close to
6.13. TRIAC each other. The gate provides control over
TRIAC is a three terminal semiconduc- conduction in either direction.
tor switching device. They are MT1, MT2 Working Principle: Figure 6.22
and gate. Here, the gate terminal is used shows the TRIAC circuit; here the A.C
to control the AC in a load. TRIAC is a supply is connected across the main ter-
short version of TRIODE AC switch. minals (MT1&MT2) of TRIAC through a
The flow of current in TRIAC is bi-di- load resistor RL. The gate circuit consists
rectional that means current can flow in of battery, a variable resistor and switch.
both directions. The TRIAC operation depends upon the
Construction: The structure polarity of voltage across its main termi-
and symbol of TRIAC is shown in the nals and gate terminal.

Main terminal 2
Main terminal 2 MT2



P2 Main
Gate G
terminal 2
N3 N2

Main terminal 1
Gate G MT1 Main terminal 1
terminal 1

(a) Basic Structure Electrical equivalent circuit (b) Symbol

Figure 6.21  TRIAC



S + S + S S
G G G – G

+ V – V + V V

VG – VG – VG + +
– + – + VG


Figure 6.22  TRIAC Biasing Circuit

Chapter 7  Special Type Semiconductor Devices 141

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When switch ‘S’ is open, there will 5. It is used for phase control.
be no gate current and the TRIAC is cut-off.
Even with no gate current, the TRIAC can be
turned ‘ON’ by providing the supply voltage 6.14. INSULATED GATE
equal to break over voltage (VBO). However, BIPOLAR TRANSISTOR
the normal way to turn ’ON’ TRIAC is by
applying proper gate current. IGBT is a three terminal semiconductor
When switch ‘S’ is closed, the gate device with huge bipolar current carry-
current starts flowing in the circuit. The ing capability. So, this device is designed
break over voltage of TRIAC can be var- to make use of the benefits of both BJT
ied by making proper gate current to flow and MOSFET devices in the form of
by applying few mA at the gate. Now, the monolithic.
TRIAC will start conducting whether ter- IGBT has several applications in
minal MT2 is positive or negative with power electronics, particularly, PWM,
respect to MT1. UPS, SMPS and other power circuits. It
If the MT2 is positive with respect to MT1, the increases the efficiency, dynamic perfor-
TRIAC turns ON and the conventional cur- mance and reduces the level of the audi-
rent will flow from MT2 to MT1. If the MT2 ble noise. IGBT are also named as bipolar
is negative with respect to MT1, the TRIAC MOS transistor and conductivity modu-
is again turned ON but this time the conven- lated field effect transistor (COMFET).
tional current flows from MT1 to MT2. History: The IGBT was proposed
by Yamagami in 1968, but experimentally
Application of TRIAC reported by B.W.Scharf and J.D.Plummer
1. It can be used as a static switch to in 1978.
turn AC power ON and OFF.
Construction: Figure 6.23 shows
2. It is used for motor speed control. the structure, equivalent circuit and sym-
3. It is used for illumination control. bol of an IGBT. It is similar to the struc-
ture of MOSFET and the main difference
4. It is used for heater control.

Gate Collector (C) Collector (C)

SiO2 Emitter (Drain)

n+ n+
J3 p Body region
J2 N-channel Gate (G)
n– Drift region MOSFET
n+ Buffer layer (PT IGBT) structure
p+ Substrate (injecting layer) Gate (G)

Emitter (E)
(Source) Emitter (E)
Collector (Drain)
(a) Structure (b) Equivalent Circuit (c) Symbol

Figure 6.23  Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor

142 Electronics Equipment

ELEC_EQUIP_Chapter06.indd 142 21-04-2018 17:11:43

is the presence of p+ layer that is added to An integrated circuit consists of
the drain side. This p+ layer is also called number of circuit components (e.g., tran-
injecting layer. The next layer is n+ layer sistors, diodes, resistors, capacitors etc.,)
also called as buffer layer. There is a p-n and their inter connections in a single small
junction J1 between the injecting layer and package to perform a complete electron
the buffer layer. There are two more p-n function. Those components are formed
junctions J2 and J3 as shown in Figure 6.23. and connected within a small chip of semi-
The junction J1 blocks reverse voltage. The conductor material. The following points
junction J2 blocks forward voltage when are worth noting about Integrated Circuits.
IGBT is off. i. In an IC, the various components are
Working Principle: When a posi- automatically part of a small semicon-
tive voltage is applied between the gate and ductor chip and the individual compo-
source, the power MOSFET turns ‘ON’ and nents cannot be removed or replaced.
acts as a low resistance between the base and This is in contrast to discrete assembly
collector of the PNP transistor, thereby the in which individual components can
IGBT is turned ‘ON’. When there is no gate be removed or replaced if necessary.
to source voltage the MOSFET is turned ii. The size of an IC is extremely small.
off and hence the PNP transistor is also off In fact, ICs are so small that it nor-
because no longer base current is supplied. mally need a microscope to see the
Thus, the IGBT acts as a switch. connections between the compo-
nents. Figure 6.24 shows a typical
Application of IGBT
semiconductor chip.
1. The IGBT is used in medium to high
power application like SMPS, trac-
tion motor control etc.
2. Large IGBT modules consist of many
devices in parallel have the capabil-
ity to control current in hundreds
of amperes with blocking voltage of
6500 V.

6.15  INTEGRATED CIRCUIT (IC) Figure 6.24  Integrated Circuit (IC)

An Integrated Circuit is one in which cir- iii. No components of an IC are seen to

cuit components such as transistors, diodes, project above the surface of the chip.
resistors, capacitors etc., are automatically This is because all the components
part of a small semiconductor chip. are formed within the chip.

Chapter 7  Special Type Semiconductor Devices 143

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After learning this Chapter, the student will

1. Apply the concept of special type semiconductor devices to design

various circuits.
2. Acquire the basic knowledge in opto-electronic devices and
Thyristor devices.
3. Understand how to control the power using Thyristor type devices.
4. Design, fabricate and test small electronic circuit.

S. No Terms Explanation
1 Diffusion The intermingling of substances by the natural move-
ment of their particles
2 Electroluminescence Luminescence produced electrically by the application
of a voltage
3 Gate The controlling terminal of a FET. A voltage on the gate
control the current flow between the source and drain
4 Indicators A thing that indicates the state or level of something
5 Intensity The measurable amount of a property such as force,
brightness or a magnetic field
6 Monolithic Solid state circuit composed of active and passive com-
ponents formed in a single chip
7 Nematic Relating to or denoting a state of liquid crystal in which
the molecules are oriented in parallel but not arranged
in well-defined planes
8 Optoelectronics Technology concerned with the combined use of elec-
tronics and light
9 Q Factor A measure of the quality of a resonant circuit
10 Radiation The emission of energy as electromagnetic waves or as
moving subatomic particles especially high energy par-
ticles which causes ionization
11 Selenium It is a grey crystalline non-metal with semiconductor
12 Substrate An underlying substance or layer
13 Terminal A point of connection for closing an electric circuit
14 Threshold The magnitude or intensity that must be exceeded for a
certain reaction to occur
15 Thyristor A four layered semiconductor rectifier in which the
flow of current between two electrodes is triggered by a
signal at a third electrode
144 Electronics Equipment

ELEC_EQUIP_Chapter06.indd 144 21-04-2018 17:11:44

I Choose the best answer 1 Mark
1) Which of the following material finds application in yellow LED?
a)  Gallium arsenide b)  Gallium phosphide

c)  Gallium arsenide phosphide d)  Phosphorous

2) A strong incident light focusing on LDR, the resistance will be

a)  2 MΩ b)  1 MΩ c)  100 Ω d)  500 KΩ

3) A liquid crystal display can

a)  Emit light b)  Generate light

c)  Alter the externally available illumination d)  None of the above

4) The power consumption of LCD is

a) Very low b) Low c) High d) Very high

5) A UJT is not used as a

a)  Phase control circuit b)  Timing device

c)  Switching device d)  Transistor amplifier

6) Which material widely used in solar cell production?

a) Carbon b) Lead c) Copper d) Selenium

7) For satellites the source of energy is

a)  Fuel cells b)  Edison cells c)  Cryogenic storage d)  Solar cell

8) A JFET is also called .................. transistor

a)  Unipolar b)  Bipolar c)  Unijunction d)  None of the above

9) The enhancement type basically termed as normally-off MOSFET works only with large
a)  Positive gate voltage b)  Negative gate voltage
c)  Positive drain voltage d)  Negative drain voltage

10) Gate of MOSFET is insulated with layer of .......................

a) SiO2 b) Si c) O2 d) H2O

11) The control element of an SCR is ................

a) Cathode b) Anode c) Anode supply d) Gate

12) SCR is turned off by ........................

a)  Reducing anode voltage to zero b)  Reducing gate voltage to zero
c)  Reverse biasing the gate d)  None of the above.

Chapter 7  Special Type Semiconductor Devices 145

ELEC_EQUIP_Chapter06.indd 145 21-04-2018 17:11:44

13) The device that does not have gate terminal is …………
a) TRIAC b) FET c) SCR d) DIAC

14) The normal way to turn ‘ON’ a diac is by .....................

a)  Gate current b)  Gate voltage
c)  Break over voltage d)  None of the above

15) An IGBT is also known as

a) MOIGT b) COMFET c) GOMFET d) All the above.

II Answer in few sentences 3 Marks
1. What are the advantages of LED?
2. How will you display number 9 in seven segment display?
3. Draw the symbol of LDR. Also mention its other names.
4. Differentiate photodiode and phototransistor.
5. What are the disadvantages of LCD?
6. How can we get electricity from the sun?
7. How will you use UJT as an oscillator? Explain.
8. What is called inter-base resistance in UJT?
9. Why FET is called as ‘voltage operated device’?
10. What is called forward conduction region on SCR? Explain.
11. State any three applications of MOSFET.
12. What is DIAC?
13. Draw the symbol of TRIAC. Mention its terminals.
14. Write any three application of TRIAC.
15. What is the function of IGBT?

III Explain the following questions 5 Marks
1. Explain the construction and working of LED.
2. Write short notes on seven segment display.
3. Compare LED and LCD.
4. Explain the working principle of solar cell.
5. Compare JFET and MOSFET.
6. Why SCR operating only in forward biased condition? Explain.
7. Explain the working functions of DIAC.
8. Write short notes on IGBT.

146 Electronics Equipment

ELEC_EQUIP_Chapter06.indd 146 21-04-2018 17:11:44

IV Answer the following questions in detail. 10 Marks
1. Explain the construction and working principle of LCD with neat diagram.
2. Explain the working principle of UJT with neat diagram.
3. Describe the construction and working of JFET.
4. Write in detail the working of SCR with biasing diagram.
5. Describe the working of TRIAC with neat diagram.

1. (c) 2. (c) 3. (c) 4. (a) 5.(d)
6. (d) 7.(d) 8. (a) 9. (a) 10.(a)
11.(d) 12. (a) 13. (d) 14. (c) 15. (b)

Chapter 7  Special Type Semiconductor Devices 147

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ஆக்கம் அதர்வினாய்ச் செல்லும் அசைவிலா

ஊக்க முடையா னுழை. - குறள் 594

ச�ோர்வு இல்லாத ஊக்கம் உடையவனிடத்தில் ஆக்கமானது தானே அவன் உள்ள
இடத்திற்கு வழிக் கேட்டுக்கொண்டு ப�ோய்ச் சேரும்.

English Couplet 594

The man of energy of soul inflexible,
Good fortune seeks him out and comes a friend to dwell.

Couplet Explanation:
Wealth will find its own way to the man of unfailing energy.


7.1. Classification of Oscillators

7.2. Types of Sinusoidal Oscillation

7.3. Essential Parts of an Oscillator

7.4. Feedback in Oscillator

7.5. Types of Oscillator

7.6. Multivibrators


While learning this Chapter, the student will

1. Understand fundamental principles of oscillator circuits using

positive feedback.
2. Working principles of LC, RC and crystal oscillators.
3. Understand the multivibrator functions and their types.
4. Study the applications of oscillator in various fields.

148 Electronics Equipment


ELEC_EQUIP_Chapter07.indd 148 21-04-2018 17:12:03

Have you heard the sound from FM radio
receiver or a beeper or a horn? How the sound Oscillators are classified based on differ-
is generated? What is the source of the sound? ent methods and are summarized in the
All these questions have only one answer, i. e. following sub-sections.
the sound is generated by an oscillator.
Any circuit, which is used to gen- 7.1.1. A
 ccording to the Waveforms
erate an ac voltage without an ac input Generated
is called an oscillator. The oscillator cir- Sinusoidal oscillator: If the output volt-
cuit needs energy from a DC source. It age is a sine wave function of time the
is widely used in electronic equipment. oscillator is called as “sinusoidal” or
For example, in Radio and Television Harmonic oscillator. Positive feedback
receivers, oscillators are used to generate and negative resistance oscillators belong
high frequency wave called carrier wave. to this category. The waveform generated
Oscillator generates both sinusoidal (sine) by the sinusoidal oscillator is shown in
and non-sinusoidal (square, rectangle, tri- Figure 7.1(a)
angular, sawtooth, etc.) waveforms. Non sinusoidal (or) Relaxation
Oscillator: This type of oscillators has
History of Oscillator non-sinusoidal output such as a square,
In 1912, E. H. Armstrong triangular and sawtooth waveforms. The
and Lee Deforests devel- waveform generated by Non sinusoidal
oped a new device audion oscillator shown in Figure 7.1(b)
(triode vacuum tube), by
coupling one terminal e
of the device to another. A
E. H. Armstrong
Armstrong achieved the

first electronic amplifier with large gain. 0

π 2π 3π 4π
He called the process “regeneration” (pos- Time

itive feedback). Further, he had made the

first electronic oscillator. These two made (a) Sine Wave
a revolution in radio broadcasting.
Armstrong had created compo- 1.5

nents necessary to make continuous wave 1.0

Amplitude (volts)

(CW) radio practicable. Primarily, at that .5

time radio was similar to wireless telegra- 0

phy (i.e., dots and dashes) and hence CW -.5

radio was used to transmit audio infor- -1.0

mation. With Armstrong oscillator, CW -1.5
time (ms)
15 20

signals at high frequencies in the range of (b) square wave

kHz to MHz could be easily generated.

Figure 7.1  (a)  Sine Wave, (b)  square wave

Chapter 7  Oscillators 149

ELEC_EQUIP_Chapter07.indd 149 21-04-2018 17:12:03

7.1.2. A
 ccording to the to electrical losses (I2R).The amplitude of
Fundamental Mechanism the oscillation reduced to zero, when no
Used compensating arrangement for the elec-
1. Negative Resistance Oscillators trical losses is provided.

2. Feedback Oscillators
7.2.2. Undamped Oscillation
Negative resistance oscillator has Figure 7.2(b) shows the undamped oscil-
the negative resistance amplifying device lations. In these types, the amplitude of
to neutralize the positive resistance of the each oscillation remains constant with
oscillator. Feedback oscillator uses posi- time. Although the electrical system in
tive feedback in the feedback amplifiers to which these oscillations are being gen-
satisfy the Barkhausen criterion erated has losses, but now right amount
of energy is being supplied to overcome
7.1.3. A
 ccording to the Frequency these losses. Therefore, the generated
Generated wave remains constant. It is also called as
1. Audio frequency (AF) oscillator: sustained oscillations. These continuous
20Hz to 20 kHz waves are produced by electronic oscil-
lator circuits for utilizing in various elec-
2. Radio frequency (RF) oscillator tronic equipment.
20 kHz-30 MHz
3. Very high frequency (VHF) oscillator:
30 MHz-300 MHz e

4. Ultra high frequency (UHF) oscillator:

300 MHz-3 GHz
5. Microwave frequency oscillator: t
above 3GHz

7.2. TYPES OF SINUSOIDAL (a) Damped Oscillations

Sinusoidal electrical oscillation can be of
two types
1. Damped oscillation
2. Undamped oscillation

7.2.1. Damped Oscillation

(b) Undamped Oscillations
Figure 7.2(a) shows the damped oscil-
lation. In this type of oscillators, during
each oscillation, some energy is lost due Figure 7.2  Damped and Undamped Oscillations

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7.3. ESSENTIAL PARTS OF AN Commonly an oscillator is con-
OSCILLATOR structed from an amplifier that has part of
its output signal feedback to the input. This
Figure 7.3 shows the block diagram of an is done in such a way to keep the ampli-
oscillator. Its essential components are: fier producing signal without the need for
any external signal input as shown in the
Figure 7.4. Here, the DC supply is con-
Oscillatory OUTPUT
Amplifier verted into AC signal.
(Tank Circuit)

180˚ Phase shift


Feedback network
(Frequency control)
e.g. x 1/30
Figure 7.3  Block Diagram of an Oscillator
Positive feedback Out

Tank Circuit: It consists of induc- with closed loop gain = 1

tor or coil (L) and capacitor (C). The fre-

quency of oscillation depends upon the Amplifier
e.g. x 30
values of inductance of the coil and capac-
itance of the capacitor.
180˚ Phase shift
Transistor Amplifier: The transis-
tor amplifier receives DC power from the Figure 7.4  Positive Feedback
battery and changes it into AC power for
supplying to the tank circuit. The main
function of the amplifier is to amplify
7.4.1. Positive Feedback
the generated oscillation from the tank The feedback in the amplifier section of
circuit. an oscillator must be positive feedback.
Here a fraction of the amplifier output
Feedback Circuit: This circuit pro-
signal is feedback as input. Note that the
vides positive feedback to the oscillator. It
feedback signal is in phase with the input
gives a part of amplifier output to the tank
signal. As a result, the amplitude of the
circuit in correct phase to make oscilla-
signal is increased.
tion as undamped (constant amplitude).
For example, common emitter
amplifier creates a phase shift of 180°
7.4. FEEDBACK IN between its input and output. Similarly,
OSCILLATOR the positive feedback loop also produce
In feedback, a part of the output signal is a 180° phase shift in the signal feedback
fedback to the amplifier input in such a from output to input in order to provide
way that the feedback signal re-generates, positive feedback.
re-amplifies and sustain the feedback to The result of small amount of pos-
maintain a constant output Signal. itive feedback in amplifiers results in
Chapter 7  Oscillators 151

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higher gain, at the cost of increased noise This is achieved by Barkhausen cri-
and distortion. If the amount of posi- teria given by Aβ = 1 .
tive feedback is large enough, the result where A is the amplifier gain and β
is oscillation where the amplifier circuit is the transfer function of feedback.
produces its own signal.
7.4.3. T
 he Condition for
7.4.2. Using Positive Feedback Oscillation
When an amplifier is operating without Positive feedback must occur at a frequency
feedback is called as “open-loop” mode where the voltage gain of the amplifier is
and with feedback (either +ve or -ve), is equal to the losses (attenuation) occurring
known as “closed-loop” mode. In ordi- in the feedback path. For example, 1/30 of
nary amplifiers, negative feedback is the output signal feedback to be in phase
used to provide advantages in bandwidth, with the input at a particular frequency,
distortion and noise generation, and in and the gain of the amplifier (with feed-
these circuits the closed-loop gain of the back) is 30 times or more, thus oscilla-
amplifier is much less than the open-loop tion should take place. The conditions for
gain. However, when positive feedback is oscillation are, (i) the oscillations should
used in an amplifier system, the closed- take place at one particular frequency and
loop gain (with feedback) will be greater (ii) the amplified output of the oscillation
than the open-loop gain; the amplifier should be constant.
gain is now increased by the feedback.
Additional effect of positive feedback There are many different oscilla-
are reduced bandwidth, (but this does tor designs in use, each design achiev-
not a matter in an oscillator producing ing the above criteria in different ways;
a sine wave having a single frequency), some designers are particularly suited to
and increased distortion. However, producing certain wave shapes or work
even severe distortion in the amplifier best within certain band of frequen-
is allowed in some sine wave oscilla- cies. Whatever design is used, the way of
tor designs, where it does not affect the achieving a signal of constant frequency
shape of the output waveform. and constant amplitude, by using one or
more of the following three basic methods.
In oscillators using positive feed-
back, it is important that amplitude of Method 1: Make sure that positive
the oscillator output remains stable. feedback occurs only at one frequency
Therefore, the closed loop gain must be 1 of oscillation. This may be achieved by
(unity). In other words, the gain within the ensuring that only signal of the required
loop (provided by the amplifier) should frequency are feedback or by ensuring
exactly match the losses (caused by the feedback signal is the correct in-phase at
feedback circuit) within the loop. In this only one frequency.
way, there will be no increase or decrease Method 2: Make sure that suffi-
in the amplitude of the output signal as cient amplification for oscillation can take
shown in the waveform 7.5. place only the required frequency by using

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an amplifier that has an extremely narrow (damped oscillation) or rapidly increased
bandwidth extending to the frequency of in amplitude until the amplifier produces
oscillation only. severe distortions due to the transistors
Method 3: Use amplifiers in “Switch within the amplifier becoming “satu-
mode” to switch the output between two rated” as shown in Figure 7.5. To produce
set voltage levels together with some form constant amplitude output the gain of
of time delay to control the time at which the amplifier is automatically controlled
the amplifiers switch-on or off, thus con- during oscillation.
trolling the period of the signal produced.
Methods 1 and 2 are used exten-
sively in sine wave oscillators. There are several types of transistor oscil-
Method 3 is used in square wave lators commonly used in electronic cir-
generators (multivibrator). cuits. Let us study the few important types.

7.5.1. Hartley Oscillator

7.4.4. Constant Amplitude
This type of LC oscillator is used to pro-
As shown in Figure 7.4, oscillators must
duce RF waves in the
have an amplifier, a positive feedback
range of 30 kHz - 30 MHz
loop and some method of controlling the
The frequency of oscil-
frequency of oscillation. In RF sine wave
lation is decided by its
oscillator, the frequency may be con-
tank circuit, which has a
trolled by an LC tuned circuit, but as well
capacitor (C) connected Ralph Hartley
as controlling the frequency of oscillation,
in parallel with inductors
there must be some means, such as nega-
(L1 and L2).
tive feedback for stabilizing the amplitude
of signal produced. History: The Hartley oscillator
circuit was invented in 1915, by Ralph
Hartley. The distinguishing feature of the
Closed loop gain <1
circuit is that the tuned circuit consists
damped oscillations of a single capacitor in parallel with two
inductors in series, and the feedback sig-
nal needed for oscillation is taken from
Closed loop gain =1 the center connection of two inductors.
constant amplitude
Construction: Figure 7.6 shows
the Hartley oscillator. The circuit consists
of CE configuration, in which Resistor
Closed loop gain >1
distortion due to R1 and R2 form the voltage divider bias
network. Next, the capacitor CC2 and CC1
are input and output decoupling capaci-
Figure 7.5  Constant Amplitude
tor, while the emitter capacitor CE is the
Without this stabilization, the oscil- bypass capacitor used to bypass the ampli-
lations would either die away and stop fied AC signals.
Chapter 7  Oscillators 153

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Amplifier produces 180°
phase shift
R2 RE Tank circuit adds
CE L2 further 180° phase

Figure 7.6  Hartley Oscillator

Working Principle: When the 7.5.2. RC Phase Shift Oscillator

circuit is turned ‘ON’, the capacitor ‘C’ An oscillator which have resistive and
is charged. It is fully charged, starts dis- capacitive element with a phase shift cir-
charging through the coils L1 and L2, cuit is called RC phase shift oscillator.
which starts the oscillations. The output Previously, we have studied about LC cir-
voltage of the amplifier appears across L1 cuits. They have two general drawbacks.
and the feedback voltage appears across Firstly, they suffer from frequency insta-
L2. The voltage across L2 is 1800 out-off bility and poor waveform. Secondly, they
phase with the output voltage. It is a feed- cannot be used for low frequencies because
back signal and thus the total phase shift they become too bulky and expensive.
is 1800 + 1800 = 3600, since the output
History: Transistor phase shift
waveform provides 1800 phase shift and
oscillator was first patented by Robert W.
the feedback provides another 1800 phase
Blanchard in the year 1958.
shift. In this way, feedback is properly
phased to produce continuous Undamped Construction: Figure 7.7 shows
oscillation. the circuit of phase shift oscillator. It con-
sists of transistor amplifier and ‘RC’ phase
The oscillator frequency is calcu-
shift network. The phase shift network
lated by the values of L1, L2 and C and is
has three sections R1C1, R2C2 and R3C3. At
given by,
some particular frequency f0, the phase
F =  , where L=L1+L2 shift in each ’RC’ section is 600 so that the
2π LC
total phase-shift produced by the three
Advantages RC network is 1800.
1. The frequency adjusted by single The oscillator frequency
variable capacitor. 1
fo =
2. The output amplitude remains con- 2RC 6 ,
stant over the frequency range. where R1=R2=R3=R and C1=C2=C3=C.
154 Electronics Equipment

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C1 C2 C3
R1 R2


Figure 7.7  RC Phase Shift Oscillator Using BJT

Working Principle: When the cir- 7.5.3. Crystal Oscillator

cuit is switched ‘ON’, random variation in The transistor crystal oscillator resem-
the DC power supply or noise variation in bles Colpitts oscillator modified to act as
the transistor oscillator occurs. This can crystal oscillator. The only change is the
be amplified by the transistor. The output addition of the crystal (Y) in the feed-
‘EO’ of the amplifier is feedback through back network. It replaces the LC resonant
the RC network. This network produces circuit.
a phase shift of 1800 and a voltage Ei
History: Piezoelectricity
appears at its output is applied to the tran-
was discovered by
sistor amplifier. Obviously, the feedback
Jacques and Pierre Curie
fraction m=Ei/E0, if the feedback phase is
in 1880. Paul Langevin
correct, a phase shift of 1800 is produced
first investigated quartz
by the RC network. As a result, the phase
resonators for use in
shift around the entire loop is 3600. W. G. Cady
sonar during World War
Advantages I. The first crystal controlled oscillator
1. Does not require transformer or using a crystal of Rochelle salt was built in
inductor 1917 and patented in 1918 by Alexander
M. Nicholson at Bell Lab, although his
2. It can produce very low frequency
priority was disputed by Walter Guyton
Cady. Cady built first quartz crystal oscil-
3. The circuit provides good frequency lator in 1921.
stability The crystal is a thin slice of piezo-
Disadvantages electric material, such as quartz, tour-
maline and Rochelle salt, which exhibits
1. It gives low power output
a property called piezoelectric effect. It
2. It is difficult to start oscillation as means the crystal reacts to any mechani-
the feedback signal is small cal stress by producing electric charge, in
Chapter 7  Oscillators 155

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R1 R.F. choke

Ci C1



Figure 7.8  Crystal Oscillator

the converse effect, an electric field results crystal resonant frequency, the circuit pro-
in mechanical strain. The advantage of the duces more stable oscillations. The crystal
crystal is its very high Q as a resonant cir- frequency is dependent on temperature.
cuit, which results in good frequency sta-
bility for the oscillator.
1. High ‘Q’ factor
Circuit Description: In the circuit
shown in Figure 7.8, the resistors R1 and 2. Excellent frequency stability
R2 form the voltage divider network, while 3. Simple circuit
the emitter resistor RE stabilizes the circuit.
Further, CE acts as an AC by pass capacitor, Disadvantages
while the coupling capacitor Ci is used to 1. Not to be used as tuned oscillators
block DC signal propagation between col- 2. Crystal is fragile type, hence it is
lector and base terminals. The RF coil in used only in low power circuits
the circuit which offers dual advantages,
as it provides even the DC bias and frees 7.5.4. A
 pplication of crystal
the circuit output from being affected by oscillator
the AC signal on the power lines. Crystal oscillators are used in the micro-
Working Principle: When the processor and microcontroller for provid-
supply is switched ‘ON’, the capacitor C1 ing the clock signals. It generates clock
is charged. It fully charged, then starts pulses required for the synchronization
discharging through the crystal and pro- of all the internal operations. The use of
duces oscillation. The frequency of the crystal oscillator in military and aero-
oscillation depends upon the values of C1, space is to establish an efficient commu-
C2 and the RLC values of the crystal. If the nication system for navigation purpose in
frequency of the oscillation is equal to its the guidance systems.
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The oscillator is used in research and Multivibrators are of three types namely
measurement of celestrial navigation, space 1. Astable multivibrator
tracking purpose, and the timing signal in
the measuring instruments and medical 2. Monostable multivibrator
devices. There is variety of industrial applica- 3. Bistable multivibrator
tions of crystal oscillator such as computers,
digital systems, marine, modems, sensors, 7.6.1. Astable Multivibrator
telecommunications and disk drives. It is The astable or free running multivibra-
used in automotive field by engine con- tor generates square wave without any
trolling, stereo and in GPS system. It is also external triggering pulse. It has no stable
used in consumer applications like TV sys- states, i.e. it has two quasi-stable states.
tems, PCs, video games, toys, radio systems It switches back and forth from one state
and cellular phones. to the other, remaining in each state for a
time depending upon the discharging of a
Which oscillator circuit used capacitive circuit.
for medical treatment?

Multi wave oscillator is applied for the treat-

7.6.2. Monostable Multivibrator
ment of cancer. Monostable multivibrator has one stable
and one quasi-stable. It is also known as
one- shot multivibrator. In this, the out-
7.6. MULTIVIBRATORS put pulse duration is determined by the
RC time constant and is given as 1.11 *
Multivibrators are two stage switching R * C. This multivibrator cannot gener-
circuits in which the output of the first ate square waves of its own like an astable
stage is fed to the input of the second multivibrator. One external triggering
stage and vice versa. The outputs of the pulse will cause it to generate the rectan-
two stages are complementary (high or gular waves.
low). A specific characteristic of multivi-
brator is that it uses passive elements like 7.6.3. Bistable Multivibrator
resistor and capacitor to determine the The bistable multivi-
output state. brator has two stable
History: The first states. A triggering pulse
multivibrator circuit, is applied to the cir-
the astable multivi- cuit causes it to switch
brator oscillator was from one state to other.
invented by Henri Another trigger pulse is then required to
Abraham and Eugene switch the circuit back to its original state.
Henri Abraham
Bloch in 1920. They Construction: Figure 7.9 shows the
called their circuit ‘a’ circuit of a bistable multivibrator using two
multivibrator because its output wave- NPN transistors. In this circuit, the output
form was rich in harmonics. of a transistor Q2 is coupled to the base of
Chapter 7  Oscillators 157

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C1 C2
R1 R2
Q1 Q2
VC1 R3 R4

Input 1 Input 2
C3 C4

Figure 7.9  Bistable Multivibrator

transistor Q1 through a resistor R2. Similarly, then in its second stable state until a positive
the output of Q1 is coupled to the base of trigger pulse is applied to the base of Q1.
Q2 through resistor R1. The main purpose A similar action can be achieved by
of capacitors C1 and C2 is to improve the applying a negative pulse at the set input
switching characteristic of the circuit by for transition from the first stable state to
passing the high frequency components of the second stable state and by applying a
the square wave pulses. This allows fast rise negative pulse at the reset input, reverse
and fall times, so that these square waves will transition can be obtained.
not be distorted. C1 and C2 are called com-
mutating capacitors or speed up capacitors. Applications
Working Principle: When the circuit 1. It is used in computer memory circuits.
is switched-ON, one of the transistors will 2. It is used as memory element in shift
start conduct slightly higher than the other. registers, counters and so on.
This transistor is thus driven into saturation 3. It can also be used as a frequency divider.
(i.e. ON). Then, because of the regenerative
feedback action, the other transistor is taken
into cut-off (i.e. OFF) state. Let us consider Uses of multivibrator
transistor Q1 is ON and Q2 is OFF. It is a sta-
●● They are used as a frequency divider
ble state of the circuit and will remain in this ●● Used as sawtooth generators
state till a trigger pulse is applied from out- ●● They are used as wave and pulse
side. A positive triggering pulse applied to the generator.
reset input (base of Q2) increases its forward ●● They are used as standard fre-
bias, thereby turning transistor Q2 ON, and quency source.
there is an increase in collector current and ●● They are used in Radar and TV
decrease in collector voltage occur. The fall in
●● They are also used as memory ele-
the collector voltage is coupled to the base of ments in computer.
Q1, which in turn turned OFF. The circuit is
158 Electronics Equipment

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Through this Chapter, the student will

1. Acquire basic knowledge in sinusoidal and non sinusoidal waves.

2. Understand how the oscillator circuit is essential for communi-
cation equipment.
3. Understand the use of positive feedback in an oscillator.
4. Understand bistable multivibrator as the foundation of digital

S. No Terms Explanation
1 Amplitude Magnitude or size of a signal or voltage
It is a range of frequencies or information, that a circuit can
2 Bandwidth
3 Crystal A crystalline piece of semiconductor used as an oscillator
To cause a decrease in amplitude of successive oscillations or
4 Damped
A part of output signal from an amplifier is given to the
5 Feedback
input of the same device
6 Frequency The number of cycles occur at a particular period of time
A device consisting of two amplifying transistors, each with
7 Multivibrator its output connected to the input of the other, which pro-
duces an oscillator signal
Non Other than sine wave (square, triangular, rectangular and
sinusoidal sawtooth wave)
Regular variation in magnitude or position about a central
9 Oscillation
point, especially of an electric current or voltage
10 Phase shift A change in phase of a waveform
11 Regeneration Positive feedback
Resonant A resonant, or tuned circuit combines an inductor and
circuit capacitor to make a circuit that is responsive to a frequency
13 Sinusoidal Having a form of sine curve, a sinusoidal waveform
The operation or activity of two or more things at the same
14 Synchronization
time or rate
15 Undamped Oscillations having constant amplitude

Chapter 7  Oscillators 159

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I Choose the correct answer 1Mark
1. An oscillator converts ………………..
a)  AC power into DC power b)  DC power into AC power

c)  Mechanical power into AC power d)  None of the above

2. In an LC transistor oscillator, the active device is ………….

a)  LC tank circuit b)  Biasing circuit

c) Transistor d) RC circuit

3. An oscillator produces …………. oscillations

a) Damped b) Undamped c) Modulated d) None of the above

4. Hartley oscillator is commonly used in ……………..

a)  Radio receivers b)  Radio transmitters

c)  TV receivers d)  TV transmitters

5. In a phase shift oscillator, we use …….. RC sections.

a) Two b) Three c) Four d) One

6. In a phase shift oscillator, the frequency determining elements are …………..

a)  L and C b)  R,L and C c)  R and C d)  R and L

7. In a crystal, the piezoelectric effect causes …………..

a)  A voltage is developed because of mechanical stress
b)  A change in resistance occurs because of temperature
c)  change in frequency occurs because of temperature
d)  None of the above

8. The crystal oscillator frequency is very stable due to ……….. of the crystal.
a) Rigidity b) Vibrations c) Low Q d) High Q

9. Astable multivibrator is ……….. in any state.

a) Stable b) Unstable c) Saturated d) Both (a) and (c)

10. Bistable multivibrator is ………… in any state.

a) Stable b) Unstable c) Saturated d) Independent

11. A monostable multivibrator has ………..

a)  No stable state b)  One stable state
c)  Two stable state d)  None of the above

12. Circuit which consists of a quasi-stable state is called ……………….

a)  Bistable circuit b)  Monostable circuit c)  Tristable circuit d)  Tristate circuit

160 Electronics Equipment

ELEC_EQUIP_Chapter07.indd 160 21-04-2018 17:12:04

II Answer in few sentences 3 Marks
1. What is an oscillator? How is it classified?
2. How will you produce constant amplitude in the oscillator output?
3. What is meant by piezoelectric effect?
4. How will you produce square wave?
5. What are the types of transistor oscillator?
6. What is positive feedback in an oscillator?
7. What is multivibrator? Give its types.
8. Give merits and demerits of crystal oscillator.

III Explain the following questions 5 Marks
1. Explain damped and undamped oscillation with waveform diagram.
2. Draw and explain the essentials parts of an oscillator.
3. Explain the conditions for oscillation.
4. Write short notes on Astable and Monostable multivibrators.
5. Why positive feedback is much needed in an oscillator function? Justify it.

IV Answer the following questions in detail 10 marks
1. Describe the construction and working principle of Hartley oscillator circuit.
2. Explain the working principle of RC phase shift oscillator with circuit diagram.
3. Draw and explain the working functions of crystal oscillator.
4. Explain the construction and working principle of bistable multivibrator with circuit diagram.

1. (b) 2. (c) 3. (b) 4.(a)
5. (b) 6. (c) 7. (a) 8. (d)
9. (b) 10. (a) 11. (b) 12. (b)

Chapter 7  Oscillators 161

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Thiruvalluvar pointed out the concept of digital electronic in kural 392.

“The twain that lore of numbers and of letters give are eyes, the wise
declare, to all on earth that live”. # kural 392
Meaning - Letters and numbers are the two eyes of man.
எண்ணென்ப ஏனை யெழுத்தென்ப இவ்விரண்டும்
கண்ணென்ப வாழும் உயிர்க்கு.. குறள்#392

எண் என்று ச�ொல்லப்படுவன, எழுத்து என்று ச�ொல்லப்படுவன ஆகிய

இரண்ைட யும் வாழும் மக்களுக்குக் கண்கள் என்று கூறுவர்.


8.1. Analog and Digital signals 8.6. Binary Codes

8.2. Digital Circuits 8.7. Boolean Algebra

8.3. Number System 8.8. Logic Gates

8.4. Conversions 8.9. A

 dvantages and Disadvantages of
Digital Electronics
8.5. Binary Addition and Subtraction


After the completion of this Chapter, the student will

1. Understand the basic concepts of analog and digital signals

2. Understand the functions of digital circuit
3. Know about the number system
4. Understand the conversion of number system and basic of arith-
metic operations
5. Develop the skill of converting one code format into other code
6. Realize the function of basic logic gates

162 Electronics Equipment


ELEC_EQUIP_Chapter08.indd 162 21-04-2018 17:12:28

INTRODUCTION A sample of analog signal that varies with
time is shown in Figure 8.1.
The branch of electronics, which deals with
digital circuits, is called digital electronics. Volts (v)

Over the past several decades, digital elec-

tronics have been utilized in the design and Time (t)

manufacturing of various industrial, com-

mercial and household electronic gadgets.
Due to the proliferation of digital electron-
Figure8.1  Representation of an Analog signal
ics, it is very important to inculcate the basic
knowledge of digital electronics to develop ii) Digital Signal
conceptual knowledge and practical experi-
A signal (voltage or current) that can have
ence among the stakeholders.
only two discrete values is called a digital
Electronic systems can be classified signal. Example: Square wave. The digital
into two types of systems in which the waveform is shown in Figure 8.2.
mode of electron transfer from one end to
another end differs. They are, Square wave

1. Analog system

2. Digital system
This Chapter covers the basic con- Time

cepts in digital electronics. Figure 8.2  Representation of Digital Signal

Who is the inventor of logic Digital operations have two states (i.e.
gates? ON or OFF) and hence it is more sim-
ple and reliable than many valued analog
Walther Bothe, inventor of the coincidence
circuit, got part of the 1954 Nobel Prize operations.
in Physics, for the first modern electronic
AND gate in 1924. Konrad Zuse designed
and built electromechanical logic gates for 8.2  DIGITAL CIRCUIT
his computer Z1 (1935-38)
An electronic circuit that handles only a
digital signal is called a digital circuit.
Example: Digital calculator, Digital
8.1. ANALOG AND DIGITAL computer
The digital operation is a two
state operation (i.e. ON or OFF, 1 or 0)
i)  Analog Signals
and therefore a digital circuit uses only
A continuously varying signal(voltage or two digits 1 and 0 in the binary number
current) is called as an analog signal. system. In order to understand the con-
Example: Sinusoidal waves. cepts in digital circuits, first we discuss

Chapter 8  Digital Electronics 163

ELEC_EQUIP_Chapter08.indd 163 21-04-2018 17:12:28

about the number system in the following 8.3.3 Hexadecimal Number
Chapter. Hexadecimal number contains only sixteen
numbers of 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,A,B,C,D,E,
8.3 NUMBER SYSTEM and F. It has a radix or base of 16.
Example: 508D16
Number system is commonly used to
count any activity or articles. In prac- 8.3.4  CD (Binary Coded
tical life, we are using decimal number Decimal) Number
system. In decimal number system, 10
A nibble is a string of 4 bits. BCD num-
digits(0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) are used. But in
bers express each decimal digit as nib-
digital electronics, we use ‘1’ and ‘0’.
ble. It is a decimal number represented
Computers, microprocessor and in binary form with 0 and 1. The lowest
digital electronic devices do not process number is 0000 (0) and the highest num-
decimal numbers. Instead, they work with ber is 1001(9)
binary number, which use only the two
Example: 1000 0111BCD
digits‘0’ and’1’.
People do not like working with Place Value
binary numbers, owing to their very The binary, octal, decimal, and hexadec-
lengthy combinations of digits, while rep- imal numbers are weighted numbers.
resenting larger decimal values. Hence, every number system can be con-
As a result, octal and hexadecimal verted into any other number system
numbers are widely used to compress long through a process called conversion. After
strings of binary numbers. Some number conversion, the weight of the number
systems are given below. should not be varied. The weight of each
number is represented as follows.
8.3.1 Binary Number
Binary number contains only two num- Decimal Number System
bers of ‘0’ and ‘1’. It has radix or base of ‘2’. Number 2 8 5 7 . 4 5
Example: 10102 Weight of
103 102101 100 .10-1 10-2
each digit
Almost all digital systems are based
on binary number. A switch is one exam- Binary Number System
ple of a natural binary device, because it
exists only two states, namely ON or OFF, Number 1 0 1 1 . 0 1
1 or 0. Weight of
23 22 21 20 . 2-1 2-2
each digit
8.3.2 Octal Number
Octal number contains only eight num- Octal Number System
bers of 0,1,2,3,4,5,6 and 7. It has a radix Number 7 3 5 6. 3 2
or base of 8. Weight of
83 82 81 80.8-1 8-2
Example: 76128 each digit
164 Electronics Equipment

ELEC_EQUIP_Chapter08.indd 164 21-04-2018 17:12:28 Hexadecimal Number System Example: Conversion of 11012 to its
Number 8 A B 5 . C 9 equivalent decimal number.
Weight of 163 162 161 160 . 16-1 16-2 1 0 1 1
each digit 23 22 21 20
Equivalent decimal number
Which electronic component
can work as a binary switch? = (1 × 23) + (0 × 22) + (1 × 21) + (1 × 20)

The transistor can work as a binary switch. = (1 × 8) + (0 × 4) + (1 × 2) + (1 × 1)

= 8 + 0 + 2 + 1 = 11
Hence, 10112 = 1110
8.4.3 Decimal to Octal Conversion
Conversion of binary number from one
In the case of decimal to octal conversion,
number format to another number format
the decimal number is divided by 8, and
can be performed by adapting some rules
writes down the remainder after each divi-
and regulations. Some of the important
sion. The remainders are taken in reverse
conversion processes are explained below.
order to form the octal number.
For the conversion of integer and frac-
tional number, separate conversion meth- Example: Conversion of the dec-
ods are used. imal number 408 to its equivalent octal
8.4.1  ecimal to Binary
D 8 408
Conversion 8 51 − 0
In this case, the decimal number is divided 8 6 −3
by 2, and writing down the remainder after
each division. The remainders are taken in Hence, 40810= 6308
reverse order to form the binary number.
8.4.4 Octal to Decimal Conversion
Example: Conversion of 2610 to its equiv-
To convert an octal number to its equiva-
alent binary number
lent decimal number, multiply each octal
digit by its weight and then add the result-
ing products.
Example: Conversion of an octal number
375 into its equivalent decimal number.
Hence, 110102 =2610 The weight of 5 is 80, 7 is 81 and 3 is 82.
Hence, the equivalent decimal number is
8.4.2 Binary to Decimal Conversion
= (3x82)+(7x81)+(5x80)
To convert binary number to its equiva-
lent decimal number, multiply each binary = (3x64)+(7x8)+(5x1)
digit by its weight and then add the result- = 192+56+5= 253
ing products. Hence, 3758 = 25310
Chapter 8  Digital Electronics 165

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8.4.5  ecimal to Hexadecimal
D Table 8.1: C
 onversion of Octal into
Conversion Equivalent Binary Number
In decimal to hexadecimal conversion, Equivalent Binary
Octal number
divide the decimal number by 16 and number
write down the remainder after each divi- 0 000
sion. The remainders are taken in reverse 1 001
order to form the hexadecimal number. 2 010
3 011
Example: Conversion of a decimal
4 100
number 4538 to its equivalent hexadeci-
5 101
mal number.
6 110
16 4538
7 111
16 283 − 10
16 17 − 11 Example: Conversion of an octal
1 −1 number 43 to its equivalent binary number.
4 3
Hence, 453810= 11BA16
100 011
8.4.6  exadecimal to Decimal
H 438 = 1000112
8.4.8 Binary to Octal Conversion
To convert the hexadecimal to its equiva-
lent decimal number, multiply each hexa- The binary numbers are grouped as 3-bit
decimal digit by its weight and then add from left to right. If there is any binary
the resulting products. digit left with one or two bits then suf-
ficient numbers of zero are added to the
Example: Conversion of a hexa- left most side of the binary number. Then,
decimal number of B35 to its equivalent grouped 3-bit number is converted into
decimal number. an equivalent octal number.
The weight of B is 162, 3 is 161 and 5 is 160 Example: Conversion of a binary
Hence its equivalent Decimal number is number of 010111011 to its equivalent
octal number.
= (Bx162)+(3x161)+(5x160)
010 111 011
= (11x256)+(3x16)+(5x1)
2 7 3
= 2816+48+5
Hence, 0101110112 = 2738
Hence, B3516 = 286910 8.4.9  exadecimal to Binary
8.4.7 Octal to Binary Conversion In this, each hexadecimal digit is converted
In this, each octal digit is converted into its into its equivalent four digit binary form.
equivalent three digit binary form. The octal The hexadecimal number and its
number and its equivalent three digit binary equivalent 4 digit binary numbers are
numbers are shown in the Table 8.1. shown in the Table 8.2.
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Table 8.2: Conversion of Hexadecimal into 8.4.11 Decimal to BCD Conversion
Equivalent Binary Number In this method, each decimal digit is con-
Hexadecimal Number Equivalent Binary verted into its equivalent 4 digits binary
form (BCD).
0 0000
1 0001 Example: Conversion of a deci-
2 0010 mal number 892 to its equivalent BCD
3 0011 number.
4 0100 8 9 2
5 0101 1000 1001 0010
6 0110
7 0111 Hence, 89210 = 100010010010BCD
8 1000
9 1001 8.4.12 BCD to Decimal Conversion
A 1010 In this method, each BCD number
B 1011 grouped in the form of 4 digit binary pat-
C 1100 tern is converted into its equivalent deci-
D 1101 mal number.
E 1110
F 1111 Example: Convert a BCD num-
ber100100111000 to its equivalent deci-
Example: Conversion of a hexa-
mal number.
decimal number 7B3 into its equivalent
1001 0011 1000
binary number.
9 3 8
7 B 3
0111 1011 0011 Hence, 100100111000BCD = 93810
Hence, 7B316 = 0111101100112
Note: Delete the left most zeros. 8.5 BINARY ADDITION AND
8.4.10 B
 inary to Hexadecimal
Conversion A logic circuit can be used to perform
In this conversion, the binary number is arithmetic functions like addition, sub-
arranged in group of 4 bits. Suppose the binary traction, multiplication, division etc. For
number grouping is not completed with the 4 performing these operations, compliment
digits, sufficient numbers of zero are added to method of number patterns are used. First,
the left most side of the binary number. we will see the complement methods in
order to understand the basic arithmetic
Example: Conversion of a binary operations.
number 110110101011100 into its equiv-
alent hexadecimal number.
8.5.1 One’s Complement Method
0110 1101 0101 1100
In one’s complement method, each binary
6 D 5 C
bit of the number is changed from 0 to 1 or
Hence, 1101101010111002 = 6D5C16 1 to 0 depending on the existing bit value.
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For instance, the binary number is 2. Add the binary number 11101 with
A3 A2 A1 A0 = 0010, its corresponding one’s 11011001.
complement number is A3 A2 A1 A0 = 1101 The first number = 00011101+
The same principle will apply for The second number = 11011001
number having any bit length and its cor- Result = 11110110
responding one’s complement number can
be obtained by complement each bit. 8.5.4 Binary Subtraction
8.5.2 Two’s Complement Method The general rules for carrying out the
binary subtraction are given below.
The two’s complement of a binary number
is the number that results when we add 1. 0-0=0
‘1’ to the one’s complement number. The 2. 1-0=1
formula for two’s complement of a binary 3. 1-1=0
number is given below. 4. 0-1=1,with a borrow of 1 from the
next higher bit.
Two’s complement number = one’s
5. 10-1=1
complement +1
Example: Subtract 0111 from 1011
For instance, to find the two’s com-
1011 => 1110
plement number of 0101, the following
0111 => 710
procedure is employed.
0101 ⇒ 1010 (1’s complement ) 0100 => 410
1010 + 1⇒ 1011 ( 2’s complement )
First column => 1-1 =0
8.5.3 Binary Addition Second column =>1-1 = 0
For binary addition, the arithmetic rules Third column =>0-1 = 10-1 = 1
used are given below. Forth column => After borrowing, the
fourth column becomes 0
1. 0+0=0
Hence, 0-0=0
2 0+1=1, No carry is formed
3. 1+0=1, i.e. carry=0 10112 – 01112=01002
4. 1+1=0,with a carry of 1, and sum = 0
i.e. 1+1 =102. 8.6  BINARY CODES
This is a binary number10 and not
All digital circuits operate with only two
the decimal number ten. Here, the first
states namely, High and Low or ON and
digit 0 is called sum and next digit 1 is
OFF or 1 and 0. In binary number sys-
called carry.
tem, the number of bits required goes on
Examples: increasing as the numbers become larger
1. Add the binary numbers 1011 and 1100 and larger. So, some special binary codes
1011 +
are required to represent alphabets and
special characters. Based on these points,
different types of binary code have been
Sum=0111, and Carry=1 developed.
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They are, Table 8.4: Gray code conversion
1. BCD codes Decimal numbers Binary code Gray code
2. Gray codes  0 0000 0000
3. Excess 3 code  1 0001 0001
 2 0010 0011
4. ASCII code
 3 0011 0010
 4 0100 0110
8.6.1 BCD - 8421 Code Conversion  5 0101 0111
A group of bits (usually four) which are  6 0110 0101
used to represent decimal numbers 0 to 9  7 0111 0100
are called BCD(Binary Coded Decimal)  8 1000 1100
codes. The most popular BCD code is  9 1001 1101
10 1010 1111
8421 code. The 8421 indicates the binary
11 1011 1110
weights of the four bits (23, 22, 21, 20). Using 12 1100 1010
the four bits with weights 8,4,2,1, we can 13 1101 1011
easily represent the decimal numbers 0 to 14 1110 1001
9 as given in the Table 8.3. 15 1111 1000
The gray code is a minimum change
Table 8.3: C
 onversion of Decimal
code in which only one bit in the code group
Number into BCD Code
changes when moving from one step to the
Decimal Numbers BCD Code
next. The gray code is also called as reflected
0 0000
binary code, which has a special property of
1 0001 containing two adjacent code numbers that
2 0010 differ by only one bit. The gray code repre-
3 0011 sentation for the decimal numbers 0 to 15,
4 0100 together with the binary code is given in the
5 0101 Table 8.4.
6 0110
7 0111 8.6.3 Excess-3 Code
8 1000 The excess-3 code is another BCD code
9 1001 used in earlier computers. The excess-3
10 0001 0000 code is not a weighted code. It is a self-com-
56 0101 0110 plementing code and helps in performing
963 1001 0110 0011 subtraction operations in digital computers.
The excess–3 code is also a reflection code.
8.6.2 Gray Code An excess–3 code is obtained by add-
The gray code is not a weighted code. ing 3 to each digit of a decimal number. For
Therefore it is not suitable for arithme- example, to encode the decimal number 6
tic operations, but finds applications in into an excess–3 code, we must first add 3,
input/output devices and in some types of in order to obtain 9. The 9 is then encoded
analog to digital converters. into its equivalent 4 bit binary code 1001.
Chapter 8  Digital Electronics 169

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Example: Conversion of the decimal Step1: T
 he MSB in gray code is same as
number 548 to its equivalent excess-3 code. the MSB of the binary
Decimal number 5 4 8 1 0 1 1 Binary
Add 3 to each bit +3 + 3 + 3
Sum = 8 7 11 1 1 Gray

Hence, the equivalent excess-3code Step2: Add the left most bit to the ­adjacent
1000 0111 1011 one.

The representation of Excess-3 1 + 0 1 1 Binary

code for the decimal numbers is given in   
the Table 8.5. 1 1 Gray
Step3: Add the next adjacent pair.
Table 8.5: E
 xcess-3 Code of Decimal
1 0+ 1 1 Binary

Decimal Number Excess-3 Code 1 1 1 1 Gray
Add the next adjacent pair and
0 0011
omit the carry.
1 0100
1 0 1+ 1 Binary
2 0101
3 0110 1 1 1  0 Gray
4 0111 Hence, (1011)2 = (1110)G
5 1000 Suffix ‘G’ is used to represent the Gray code.
6 1001
8.6.5 Gray to Binary Conversion
7 1010 To convert a given Gray code number into
8 1011 equivalent binary, the following rules are
9 1100 applied.
1. The MSB of the binary is same as the
8.6.4 Binary to Gray Conversion MSB of the Gray.
To convert a given binary number to its 2. Coding from left to right, add the
equivalent gray code, the following rules binary digit generated to the adja-
are applied. cent gray bit to get the next bit of the
1. The MSB of the gray code is same as binary. Omit the carry if occurs.
the MSB of the binary. Example: convert the gray code
2. Coding starts from left to right, add 1110 to its equivalent binary.
each adjacent pair of bits to get the Step1: The MSB in binary is same as the
next bit of the gray code. Omit the MSB of the gray
carry, if occurs.
1 1 1 0 Gray
Example: Conversion of the binary
number 1011 to gray code. 1 Binary
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Step2: Add the binary digit generated to 1. Equals Sign (=): The equals sign
the adjacent bit of the Gray code. in Boolean algebra refers to the
1 1 1 0 Gray standard mathematical equality. In
other words, the logical value on
1 0 Binary one side of the sign is identical to
the logical value on the other side
Step 3: Add the binary digit generated to of the sign. Suppose, we are given
the adjacent bit of Gray codes. two logical variables such that A=B,
1 1 1 0 Gray if A=1, then B=1 and if A=0, then
1 0 1 Binary 2. Plus Sign (+): The plus sign in
Boolean algebra refers to the logical
Step 4: Add the binary digit generated to
OR operation. Thus, when the state-
the adjacent bit of gray code.
ment A+B=1 appears in Boolean
1 1 1 0 algebra, it means A ORed with B
equals1.Consequently, either A=1 or
1 0 1 1 B=1 or both equals1.
Hence, (1110)G = (1011)2 3. Multiply Sign (.): The multiply sign
in Boolean algebra refers to AND
8.7  BOOLEAN ALGEBRA operation .Thus, when the state-
ment A.B=1 appears in Boolean
Digital circuits perform the binary arith- algebra, it means A ANDed with B
metic operations with binary digits 1 and equals 1. Consequently, A=1 and
0. These operations are called logic func- B=1. The function A.B is often
tions or logic operations. The algebra used written as AB, omitting the dot for
to symbolically describe logic function is convenience.
called Boolean algebra.
4. Bar sign (-): The bar sign in Boolean
Boolean algebra is a set of rules and algebra refers to NOT operation.
theorems by which logical operations can The NOT has the effect of inverting
be expressed symbolically in equation form (complementing) the logical value.
and be manipulated mathematically. As with Thus, if A=1, then A = 0 .
the ordinary algebra, the letters of alphabet
(e.g. A, B, C, etc.) can be used to represent 8.7.1 Boolean Theorems
the variables. Boolean algebra differs from
We now discuss the basic Boolean theo-
ordinary algebra, since the Boolean con-
rems that are useful in manipulating and
stant and variables can have only two values
simplifying Boolean expression. For con-
0 and 1. There are four connecting symbols
venience, we divide the theorems into two
used in Boolean algebra viz.
i) equals sign(=) ii) plus sign(+)
1. Single variable theorem
iii) Multiply sign (.) iv) bar (-)
2. Multi variable theorem
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Single Variable Theorems: These Theorem 2(A.1=A): This theorem
theorems refer to the condition when only can be verified by ANDing a variable A
one input of the logic gate is variable. Table with a 1 and is illustrated in Figure 8.4.
8.6 gives single variable Boolean theorems. Here, one input to AND gate is always 1
and other can be value 1 or 0. If A is 1,
Table 8.6: S
 ingle Variable Boolean Theorems
the output of the AND gate is 1 because
Name of the Mathematical both the inputs are now 1. If A is 0, the
Theorem Function output of the AND gate is 0.Therefore, a
Theorem 1 A+0=A variable ANDed with a 1 is equal to the
Theorem 2 A•1=A value of the variable (A.1=A).This is easy
Theorem 3 A+A=1 to remember because AND operation is
Theorem 4 A•A=0 just like ordinary multiplication.
Theorem 5 A+A=A
Theorem 6 A • A= A A=1 Output
Theorem 7 A+1=1
Theorem 8 A•0=0
Theorem 9 A=A A=0 Output
Theorem 1 (A+0=A): This theorem
Figure 8.4  Logic gate representation of Theorem 2
can be verified by ORing a variable A with a
0 and is illustrated in Figure 8.3. Here, one Theorem 3(A+A=0): This theorem
input to OR gate is always 0 and the other can be easily explained. If a variable A and
input A can be a value 1 or 0. When A is at 1, its complement (A) are ORed, the result is
the output is 1 which is equal to A. When A always 1. If A is 0,then 0+0 = 0+1 = 1. If A
is at 0, the output is 0 which is also equal to is 1, then 1+1 = 1+0 = 1.
A(=0). Therefore, a variable ORed with 0 is
equal to the value of the variable. This is easy A=1 Output
to remember, since 0 added to anything does Y=1
not affect the value of the variable, either in
regular addition or OR addition.
A=0 Output
A=1 Output
Figure 8.5  Logic gate representation of Theorem 3

Theorem 4 (A • A=0): This theorem

states that if a variable A is ANDed with its
A=0 Output
Y=0 complement, the result is zero. This is readily
0 apparent because either A or A will always
be 0. Therefore, when one of the inputs to an
Figure 8.3  Logic gate representation of Theorem 1 AND gate is 0, the output is always 0.
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Theorem 7(A+1=1): This theo-
A=1 Output rem states that when a variable A is ORed
A=0 with 1, the output is always equal to1. One
input to an OR gate is always 1 and the
other input A can be either 1 or 0. Now, 1
A=1 Output on one of the inputs to the OR gate pro-
A=0 duces 1 on the output regardless of the
value of the variable on the other input.
Figure 8.6  Logic gate representation of Theorem 4

Theorem 5(A+A=A): This theo- A=1 Output

rem states that when a variable A is ORed Y=1
with itself, the output is equal to the vari-
able. Thus, if A is 0, then 0+0=0, and if A
is 1, then 1+1=1.
A=0 Output
A=0 Output
A=0 Figure 8.9  Logic gate representation of Theorem 7

Theorem 8(A.0=0): This theo-

A=1 Output
rem states that variable A ANDed with 0
Y=1 always produces 0. Recall that any time
one input to an AND gate is 0, the out-
Figure 8.7  Logic gate representation of Theorem 5
put is 0 regardless of the variable A on the
other input.
Theorem 6(A.A=A): This theorem
states that when a variable A is ANDed
with itself, the result is equal to the vari- A=1 Output
able. For example, if A=0, then 0.0=0 and 0
if A=1,then 1.1=1. For either case, the out-
put of an AND gate is equal to the value of
the input variable A. A=0 Output

A=0 Output
Y=0 Figure 8.10  Logic gate representation of Theorem 8
Theorem 9(A=A): This theorem
states that if a variable A is complemented
A=1 Output twice, the result is the variable itself.
A=1 Starting with A and inverting (comple-
menting) it once gives A. Inverting it once
Figure 8.8  Logic gate representation of Theorem 6 more, gives A the original value.
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output and binary ‘1’ as HIGH input
A=0 or output.
A=1 A=1
2. A logic gate has only one output and
the output will depend upon the input
signals and the type of gates.
3. The operation of a logic gate may
Figure 8.11  Logic gate representation of Theorem 9 be described either by truth table or
Boolean algebra.

Logic gates are digital circuits. Digital circuits 8.8.2 OR Gate

operate in binary modes, each input and An OR gate has two or
output signal is either ‘1’ or ‘0’. The ‘1’ and more input signals and
‘0’ designation represents predefined voltage only one output signal.
ranges. These electronic switching circuits An OR gate performs
are called as logic gates. Each logic gate can logical addition.
have one or more inputs and only one output.
In OR gate, the inputs A,B, C, etc.,
All logic gates can be analysed by produce the output as A+B+C+ etc. The
constructing a truth table. A truth table symbol and the truth table of two input
represents all possible input and the cor- OR gate are shown in the Figure 8.12.
responding output combinations.

The term “logic” is usually used to A

refer to a decision making process. A logic B
gate makes logical decisions regarding the
existence of output depending upon the
nature of the input. Hence, such circuits A B Y=A+B

are called logic circuits. 0 0 0

0 1 1
8.8.1 Basic Logic Gates 1 0 1
1 1 1
The three basic logic gates that makeup all
digital circuits are Figure 8.12  Symbol and Truth Table of OR Gate
i) OR gate
A two input OR gate contains two
ii) AND gate
input signals and only one output signal.
iii) NOT gate.
The two input signal makes 4(22) combi-
The following points may be noted nation of outputs.
about logic gates. In OR gates, the output is high
1. A binary ‘0’ represents 0V and binary when any one of the input is in high level.
‘1’ represents +5V. It is common to Conversely, the output is low when all the
refer to binary ‘0’ as LOW input or inputs are in low level.

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8.8.3 AND Gate
Y = A . The output can be read as comple-
An AND gate has two or more inputs and ment of A or inverse of A or simply A bar.
one output. An AND gate performs logical
multiplication. In an AND gates, the inputs
A, B, C, etc., produce the output as A.B.C.etc.
The symbol and the truth table of two input
AND gate are shown in Figure 8.13.
It contains two input signals and only A Y=A
0 1
one output signal. In AND gates, the output
1 0
is only high when all inputs are in high level.
Conversely, the output is low only when any Figure 8.14  Symbol and Truth Table of NOT Gate
one of the input is in low level.

8.9.1 Advantage
1. Very simple logic the lead to identify
0 0 0
the faults very easily
0 1 0
1 0 0
2. Immune to noise
1 1 1 3. Flexibility of programming
4. Design and testing is very simple
Figure 8.13  Symbol and Truth Table of AND Gate compared to analog electronics
5. Achieve very high speed switching
8.8.4 NOT Gate
A NOT gate has only one input and one Disadvantage
output. For the NOT gate, when the input 1. High energy consumption than ana-
is ‘0’ (LOW), the output is ‘1’ (HIGH)and log electronic circuits
when the input is ‘1’ (HIGH), the output
2. Higher cost of design
is ‘0’ (LOW). That is, the output is com-
plement or inverse of the input. 3. Portability is difficult
4. Real world signals need conversion
Figure 8.14 shows the symbol and
truth table for the NOT gate. The input is 5. Less accurate than the analog
marked as A and the output is marked as electronics

“One of the very important characteristics of a student is to question. Let the students
ask questions.”

-A.P.J. Abdul Kalam

Chapter 8  Digital Electronics 175

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Student will capable of

1. Remembering of the difference between analog and digital

2. Identification of basic gates using the symbols and truth table.
3. Conversion of one number system into another number system.
4. Understanding of basic digital circuits.
5. Constructing and testing of simple digital circuits.
6. Designing and testing of small digital application circuits.


S. No Terms Explanation
Binary Coded Decimal. Four bit code used to portray each
digit of a display numbers by its 4 binary equivalent
A number system having only two symbols, 0 and 1. A base
2 Binary
of 2 number system
3 DAC Abbreviation for digital to analog converter
Relating to devices or circuits that have outputs of only two
4 Digital discrete levels. Example: 0 or 1, high or low, on or off, true or
false etc
Least Significant Bit. Right most bit (smallest weight) of a
binary expressed quantity
In digital electronics, the decision making capacity of gate
6 Logic circuits, in that HIGH represents a true condition and a
LOW represents a false condition
7 Low Logic level 0 or false state
8 High Logic level 1 or true state
Most Significant Bit. Left most binary bit (largest weight) of
a binary expressed quantity
Method describing how a logic circuit output is dependent
10 Truth table
upon the logic levels present at the circuit input

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I. Choose the best answer
1. The number of levels in a digital signals
a) One b) Two c) Eight d) Ten

2. A sinewave is a
a)  digital signal a)  analog signal

c)  both digital and analog signal d)  neither digital nor analog.

3. Decimal number 16 in binary system can be written as

a) 11111 b) 10000 c) 11100 d) 11000

4. Binary 10101 in decimal system is equivalent to

a) 13 b) 19 c) 21 d) 23

5. Decimal 19 in octal system is represented by

a) 21 b) 23 c) 25 d) 22

6. Octal 16 is equal to decimal

a) 15 b) 16 c) 13 d) 14

7. Which logic gate is called inverter

a) AND b) OR c) NOT d) All of the above

8. How many digits in octal system

a) 10 b) 2 c) 8 d) 16

9. Which of the following relation is valid according to Boolean algebra

a) 0+A=1 b) A+A=A c) A+A=0 d) 1+A=0

10. The input to NOT gate is ‘1’, then the output will be
a)  0 b)  1 c)  0 or 1 d)  None of the above

II. Answer in few sentence
1. What is a digital signal?
2. What are the three basic logic gates?
3. What is a binary number system?
4. What is a digital circuit?
5. What is a logic gate?
6. Describe NOT function
7. What is the single variable theorem?
8. Convert the decimal number 18 into binary number?

Chapter 8  Digital Electronics 177

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9. What is meant by + in Boolean algebra?
10. Convert the decimal number 96 into octal number.
11. Convert the decimal number 228 into hexadecimal number.
12. Why digital system is reliable?
13. Define gray code?
14. List the binary code.
15. Convert the binary number 1100 into decimal number.

III Answer the following questions with suitable examples.
1. Write a short note on analog and digital signals?
2. Explain Binary number system.
3. Write a short note on Boolean algebra.
4. Write the tabular column of single variable Boolean theorem.
5. What are the advantages and disadvantages of digital electronics?
6. Convert the gray code 1011 into its equivalent binary.
7. Explain the excess-3 code with an example.

IV Answer the following questions with neat sketches.
1. Explain the three logic gates.
2. Discuss in detail the concept of binary codes.
3. With neat diagram explain any five of the single variable theorem.
4. Explain the connecting symbols used in Boolean algebra.

(b) 2. 
1.  (b) 3. 
(b) 4. 
(c) 5. 
(d) 7. 
6.  (c) 8. 
(c) 9. 
(b) 10. 

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9.1 History of Computer 9.5 Major Parts of Computer

9.2 Generation of computer 9.6 Major Divisions of CPU
9.3 Generation of Language 9.7 Compilers & Interpreters
9.4 Hardware and Software 9.8 Operating System


While learning this Chapter, the student would come...

1. To know about the evolution of a Computer.

2. To understand the development of digital computer.
3. To understand the purpose of computer languages.
4. To know about the computer jargon words Hardware & Software
5. To understand the basic principle and working of CPU (ALU, Memory
& Control Unit)
6. To learn about Translators
7. To Understand about Operating System (OS)


In this modern world, none other word is Many centuries ago humans try to develop
more popular than the word ‘computer’. machine to perform some calculations.
Through the computer we can bring the The speed of this development increased
entire world in our hand, we feel. Because after the arrival of numerals.
with the help of computer we able to watch ‘ABACUS’ was the first calcu-
all incidents happening in any part of the lating tool developed by human. The
world like enjoying the music, movies etc. credit belongs to Chinese, some says it is
Above all there is a slave to do my routines. Babylonians and Egyptians, but it is not


ELEC_EQUIP_Chapter09.indd 179 21-04-2018 17:12:40

In simple terms we can say calcu-
lator is a small calculating machine and
computer is a big calculating machine.

Because of calculator is small in
Abacus -  Computer is big in size?

actually known. Many calculating tools

were derived or developed after the arrival Before entering into the computer
of ABACUS, like Slide rule, Pascal calcu- field we have to keep two important basic
lating machine, Nappier Bones, etc. things in our mind.

Among these the most important 1. Basically computer is a fool. It is an

one is ‘Analytical Engine’ a mechanical idiot. It cannot do anything on its
device which was developed by the British own.
mathematician Mr. Charles Babbage 2. Computer never do mistakes. (Unless
(1791-1871).The above was developed by or otherwise we do mistake….)
using gear wheels. Moving of each teeth
Clearly to say computer cannot
rotate the numeral form 0-9. This way the
think on its own.
counter was set.
For example: If you want to add 2,
The simple example to under-
3, etc., by switching on the computer if
stand this concept is ‘speedometer’ used
you give 2 + 3 = ? . You can’t get the answer
in vehicles. By keeping this as the base
as ‘5’. Because the computer unable to
the first electronic calculating machine
understand what is ‘2’ or ‘3’. So, we have to
i.e. ‘calculator’ was developed. From this
instruct the computer as like a first or sec-
computer was developed. So to say a ‘com-
ond standard child to perform the above
puter’ is nothing but a developed-stage of
addition, in the following format.

Nappier Bones Pascal Calculating Machine

180 Electronics Equipment

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Keep the value of ‘2’ in your mem-
ory. Leave three fingers and start to count
three, four, five, etc.
Just like the same we have to instruct
the computer. For your easy understand-
ing there is an example.

END John Napier (1550–1617)
Born February 1, 1550, Merchiston
Tower, Edinburgh, Scotland
1. The first line A = 2 means we are ask- Died 4 April 1617  (Aged  66–67)
ing the computer to keep the value of Edinburgh, Scotland
‘2’ in the memory location called ‘A’. Nationality Scottish
2. Then B = 3 means we are asking the Alma mater University of St Andrews
computer to keep the value of ‘3’ in Known for Logarithms Napier’s bones,
the memory location called ‘B’. Decimal notation
Scientific Career
3. C = A + B means asking the com-
Fields Mathematician
puter to keep the sum of A, B in the
Influenced Henry Briggs
third memory location called ‘C’.
(Performing this addition process is done
by exclusive part in computer. That we see

4. Since the result is in ‘C’, we are ask-

ing the computer to show the result
of ‘C’ i.e., PRINT C the result will be
displayed on the screen.
5. Then the last one is END.
Here, the last two words ‘PRINT &
END’ are new to us. All other are just like
mathematical terms.
Blaise Pascal (1623-1662), the French
In mathematical A = 2 means, the philosopher and scientist, was one
value of ‘A’ is 2, whereas in computer ter- of the greatest and most influential
minology A = 2 means, we are asking the mathematicians of all time. He was
computer to keep the value of ‘2’ in the also an expert in hydrostatics, an
memory location called ‘A’. B = 3 means, inventor, and a well-versed religious
keep the value of 3 in the memory loca- philosopher.
tion called ‘B’.
Chapter 7  Fundamentals of Digital Computers 181

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Likewise, we have to define each
and everything to its memory. The mem-
ory location can be defined as follows,
2 3 5

Analytfical Engine
A thought may arise in your mind.
Just to add two numbers, we have to
write five lines. If so, to add the num-
bers from 1 to 1000, how many lines we
have to write?

Because till now our understanding

of computer is, it is a machine which will
do all my work easily.
Yes, your expectation is quite rea-
sonable. You may be disappointed of
Charles Babbage writing 1000 more lines to perform the
Born 26 December 1791 addition of 1-1000 in the computer. Don’t
London (likely Southwark) worry students. We can make computer to
Died 18 October 1871 (aged 79) perform this addition process just by writ-
Marylebone, London, UK
ing five lines as like the above.
Alma mater Peterhouse, Cambridge
To understand this., for eg.,
Mathematics, engineering,
Known for
early computing Teacher : Priyan., keep 1 – 1000 in your
Scientific Career memory.
Mathematics, engineering, I will ask you to give the num-
Fields political economy, computer ber one by one. You have to
science give on sequence.
Institutions Trinity College, Cambridge If I ask you first number what
Robert Woodhouse, you will give..?
GaspadMonge, John Herschel
Priyan :  1 Sir.
Karl Marx, John Stuart
Influenced Tr :  Good.
Mill, Ada Lovelace
 Now I am adding this num-
Signature ber with my memory.

182 Electronics Equipment

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Tr : 
What was in my memory Now I am going to add with my memory..
before adding this 1..? What will happen in my memory.
Stud :  0 sir., 1+2 = 3
Tr :  Yes, exactly..
Again the above said steps will be contin-
On receiving 1 from Priyan, I am adding ued, till Priyan gives the last number i.e.,
that with my memory. Now my memory is 1000..
incremented to ‘1’ from ‘0’.
After receiving the last
0+1 = 1 number what will be in my
Now I am checking, whether I received all
the numbers from Priyan. Since it is not., Stud :  The sum of 1 to 1000 sir.,
I am asking the next number. Tr :  Very Good., exactly..
Tr :  What the number Priyan will We are going to make the computer to
give? perform this task.
Stud : 2 Table 9.1 summarizes the way of
Tr : Yes, correct., thinking of computers and humans.

Table 9.1: Comparison of Human and Computer way of performing Addition

Human way Computer way
Keep 1-1000 in your memory FOR I =1 TO 1000
Give the first number
Sum it with your memory, i.e. (S=S+I) S =S + I
Check whether you received all the numbers..
If not ask for the next value. NEXT I
Repeat the above process till you receive the last value, i.e. 1000 PRINT S
Now the sum of 1-1000 is in ‘S’, PRINT S will display the total END

Now you may have a thought that

how much time the computer takes to
This is the first major difference
perform this task. It can do this within a
between Calculator and Computer.
fraction of a second (Micro Second).

Since the computer be able to perform Yet another big difference is there.
such a big task, without committing Let we see it later.
any error, that too with high speed, is
Now let us see the evolution of
termed as big calculating machine.
computer (i.e., generation of computer).

Chapter 7  Fundamentals of Digital Computers 183

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Figure 9.1  First Generation Computer

9.2. GENERATION OF computer. Obviously, the size became very

COMPUTER big. Its length was 30’ and width was 20’
(30’ x 20’). It dissipated much heat while
First Generation computer (1940-56) on working. In order to reduce the heat,
Actually the construction of computer many ACs were used. Therefore, the cost
was started well before 19th century. In of the computer became very high.
1940s the development got momentum in
In 1950’s the semiconductor e­ lements
University of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
such as silicon and germanium brought into
state, U.S.A, where the world first com-
use which replaced the valves. By using
puter called ENIAC (Electronic Numerical
these semiconductor devices, the second
Integral and Computer) was developed
generation computer was developed.
and is shown in Figure 9.1.
This computer was developed Second Generation Computer
using the same device which were used to (1956 – 1963)
develop a Radio receiver i.e., Valves (vac- This was developed by using transistor
uum tubes) as shown in Figure 9.2. 18000 (semiconductor device). These transistors
valves were used to construct this first performed the functions of valves. Hence,

Figure 9.2  Vacuum tube Figure 9.3  Analytical Engine

184 Electronics Equipment

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18000 values have been replaced by 18000
transistors. Now the size of the computer
was reduced to 5’ (feet). The first transis-
tor based computer is shown in Figure 9.3.

Third Generation Computer

(1964 – 1971) Figure 9.5  Fourth Generation Computer

This third generation computer was devel-

oped using Integrated Circuits(ICs). An Fifth Generation Computer
IC is nothing but group of transistors. For Further, the development was going-on
example, instead of 100 transistors, if we but yet to complete. In this, computer sci-
are using 1 IC, then for 18000 transistors it entists want to prove that the computer
is enough to use 180 ICs. We know IC is a having some Artificial Intelligence (AI),
small device, occupying minimum space. which is under development stage. The
Hence, the size of the computer becomes fifth generation computer and its proces-
considerably small. On arrival of third sors as shown in Figure 9.6
generation, the computer was able to place
it on a table. A third generation computer
made up of ICs is shown in Figure 9.4.

Figure 9.6  Fifth Generation Computer


Apart from human, the term

­language is used or needed is only
in computer field.
Figure 9.4  Third Generation Computer

Fourth Generation Computer

Why the computer need a language?
(1971 of above)
This was developed by using a big IC If a human want to converse with
called Very Large Scale Integrated Circuit other, certainly he/she is in need of a
(VLSI).The VLSI is nothing but group language. Likewise, if we want to inter-
of ICs. For example, 100 numbers of ICs act with the computer, we are in need
have been put together and made a sin- of a language.
gle big IC, i.e., VLSI. And this big IC is
termed as Microprocessor (μp).The com-
puter what we are using now are belongs Generation of Language
to this fourth generation, which is shown Hence, during the development of first
in Figure 9.5 generation computer, there was a language
Chapter 7  Fundamentals of Digital Computers 185

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and along with generations of com- So, in electrical language, there are
puter the language were also developed, only two (1, 0) digits, which are the direct
concurrently. electrical notations and thus machine lan-
guage is nothing but 1s and 0s. Hence,
First Generation Language during the period of first generation com-
The name of the first generation language puter, they were able to interact with the
is called as ‘Machine language’. computer only by using 1s and 0s. During
What is meant by machine lan- the first generation computer, this machine
guage? Here, the word machine denotes language was used as shown in Figure 9.8.
the computer. Basically, this machine is
an electrical machine. So, the ‘Machine Decimal No Machine Lang
Language’ can also be called as ‘Electrical 0 0000
language’. How about this Electrical 1 0001
language? 2 0010
To understand this, let we take a 3 0011
SWITCH as shown in Figure 9.7. In how 4 0100
many modes we can operate a switch? 5 0101
Normally a switch can be operated in two Figure 9.8  Machine Language
Since the computer doesn’t know
1. ON – state
anything other than this 1s and 0s, any other
2. OFF - state alphabets or letters should be converted into
this 1s and 0s. This becomes much laborious
and tough for the people to understand and
follow. Hence, along with second generation
On State Off State computer the second generation language
was also developed.
Second Generation Language
1 0 The name of the second generation lan-
guage is ‘Assembly Language’ as shown in
Figure 9.9. In this, we can use both alpha-
Figure 9.7  Switch bets and also numbers but only in the
form of abbreviations.
NOTE: Switch cannot be operated in Instead of
any other modes.
When there is supply (ON-state),
it is denoted by the letter (numeral) ‘1’
and if there is no supply (OFF-state), it is DIVISION→DIV………etc.,
denoted by the letter ‘0’. Figure 9.9  Assembly Language

186 Electronics Equipment

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Likewise, we can give only three
or four letter words. Because, those days
computer was just like three year old
If we ask the meaning for the above
Eg: As we use to teach a small child sentence, any one can say.
with CAT, RAT, BAT & BALL. No one can believe, if the above
sentence is written in computer language.
The words which are more than But, this is a typical COBOL language
3 or 4 letters should be abbreviated and statement. Like this, in all the High Level
used. Keeping so many abbreviations in Languages, we can write any instruction
memory is very tough and more to say in simple English like sentences.
abbreviations don’t have any meaning
Now tell me, which generation
also. Hence, this was also very tough for
­language is easy?
the people to understand and lead to the
next generation language. Certainly the third generation is
quite easier than previous two. After the
Third Generation Language arrival of third generation language many
The name of the third generation language start to learn, interact and extract work
is called as High Level Language (HLL). from the computer. Further, the develop-
In this, we are having: ment was going on and fourth generation
was developed.

BASIC, FORTRAN, PASCAL, ‘C’, Fourth Generation Language

PROLOG, ALGOL, PL-I, C++…. The name of the fourth generation lan-
Likewise, thousand and odd guage is Application language or pack-
languages are there. ages. In this, there are so many numbers
of languages as given below.
We have seen, the previous two We have seen that the III genera-
generation languages were so tough tion language itself becomes more
to understand and follow. easy to use.
What is the development and Then, what is the added develop­ment
advantage in third generation? in fourth generation language?

A question may arise in your mind,

In this, we can write any type of why the computer cannot be operated as
instruction to the computer just in the like a calculator? like addition, subtraction,
form of English like sentence. multiplication and division directly.

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As we have seen earlier in third gen- If we want to understand the
eration language even a small procedure advantage of fourth generation language,
can be executed only by writing four or five it is better to understand the difference
lines (instruction).But in fourth generation between the both.
language we can execute few things directly
(even without writing few lines). Difference between III & IV
Generation Language
For Example, in FoxPro language after
In third generation language anything (even
giving a question mark ?10 + 20 and press
a small task) can be done only by w­ riting a
enter. You will get the answer as 30. Whereas
program. But, in fourth generation language,
in COBOL(III- generation language), if you
we can do few things (small task) even with-
give as like above, it won’t give you the answer.
out writing a program. Since, we can directly
Because here in III-generation if we give10 +
use the fourth generation language, it is
20, the computer cannot understand what is
termed as Application Language or Packages.
meant by this 10 and 20 (since the computer
doesn’t know anything on its own).
Then, how it becomes possible in COMPUTER
fourth generation language like FoxPro?
Even, there the computer doesn’t know
System Unit
anything, then how the answer 30 comes.

Please remember whatever we are

giving to the computer it should be
referred to its memory. Mouse

So in FoxPro, if we give any value after

giving a question mark(?), it will be referred Keyboard

to a memory as shown in Figure 9.10.

Figure 9.11  Parts of the Computer

? 10 + 20 But to be precise only one particular part

is said to be computer. To understand this
let us see the working of each part illus-
Location trated in Figure 9.11.

Figure 9.10  Addition in FoxPro Teacher: From the above, which is the
These referring instructions were
Student: All the parts, Sir.
given inside the FoxPro language itself.
Hence, it is enough to give remaining Teacher: Hmm... ofcourse...
instructions. But in third generation lan-
guage, no such referring instructions were 1. KEYBOARD: It is a device which is
written inside the language. So we have to used to give any data or instruction
instruct the computer from minimum level. to the computer.
188 Electronics Equipment

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2. MOUSE: Mouse is used to select the Do you know two frequently
instruction to the computer by click- used computer jargon words?
ing the icons. (i)  Hardware
3. MONITOR (OR) VDU: This will (ii) Software
show what we are giving and what
the computer is doing. 9.5. HARDWARE PARTS OF
4. CPU (Central Processing Unit):This COMPUTER
is the part which is going to execute
With reference to the computer, the parts
all the instructions given by us. So to
which we able to see through our eyes are
say, this is the heart and brain of the
called as Hardware parts of computer as
computer. (The other parts keyboard,
shown in Figure 9.12.
mouse, VDU are peripherals as like
human hands and legs) Example: Keyboard, Mouse, VDU,
CPU and even the parts inside these, right
from IC to small screw.
Teacher: Now tell me, from the above
which part is the computer? 9.5.1 Software Parts of Computer
Student: CPU, Sir. With reference to the computer the parts
Teacher: Good which we unable to see through our eyes
are termed as software parts of computer.

Power supply DVD ROM Drive Mother Board



Keyboard RAM


Keyboard Mouse VGA Card

Reader all-in one internal

Harddisk Sound Card

Figure 9.12  Parts of the Hardware

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Example: All languages, program, Till this, we have seen the peripher-
even a single instruction that we are giv- als of computer. Now let us see the work-
ing to the computer. ing of computer i.e., CPU.

●● CD, Memory card, Pen 9.6. MAJOR DIVISION OF CPU

drive - these are hardware.
The CPU consists of three major divisions
●● What are the things (song, as shown in Figure 9.13. They are,
cinema, video game or any-
thing) stored inside the hard- 1. ALU
ware are termed as software. 2. MEMORY UNIT
9.5.2  lassification of Computer
The computer parts are classified into
three categories based on its functions ALU
1. Input Devices (I/P) Logical Unit

2. Output Devices (O/P)

Input Memory Unit Output
3. Both (I/P) and (O/P)

Control Unit Input Device
1. Key Board
2. Mouse
Figure 9.13  Major Division of Central Processing
3. Light Pen Unit Output Device 9.6.1 ALU → A

 rithmetic Logical
1. VDU (or) Monitor Unit
What is meant by Arithmetic?
2. Printer
In general, Arithmetic means operations
3. Plotter using numbers like Addition, Subtraction,
Multiplication, division, etc. In com- Both (I/P) & (O/P) Device puter, any type of calculation is known as
1. Touch Screen Arithmetic operations.
2. Compact Disk
LOGIC →What is meant by this?
3. Hard Disc
To say, the speciality of computer lies in
4. Memory Card this word. Let us see regarding this in a
5. Pen Drive different way.

190 Electronics Equipment

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Let us think. In general, while we
What do you means by this word
logic? are taking decision, in how many ways we
can able to take decision?
For example: Assume that there is a
long-standing issue in your area where
For example:
you are residing. You and your friends
decided to find a solution for it. What Assume that your friend is inviting you
will be your first step? You start to dis- to come for a movie.
cuss among with your friends regarding What you will say?
that issue. By the time, everyone will
If you intent, you say yes, otherwise,
say their idea to find a solution.Among
Sorry no.
these you can select only one, which is
going to be the decision.The following Is there any other option?
illustration shown in Figure  9.14 sim- Usually we say, let us see,which is not
ply explains the concept “logic”. at all an answer. Because any answer
should give finite result.

Logic Idea Solution Hence, for any action there are only two
possible answers. i.e., Yes or No


Figure 9.14  Illustration of Logic YES NO

With reference to the above exam-
ple and illustration, Logic is nothing but TRUE FALSE
an idea, idea is nothing but a solution and
solution is nothing but taking decision. ON OFF
Hence, logic is nothing but taking
decision. 1 0

If so! Whether the computer has

decision taking capacity?

If not, there is no use of thinking At last where we came? We come to the

about all these things. 1,0, i.e., the machine language.

Logical Capability → Decision taking

capacity Till date the computer directly knows
How foolish computer be able to take only one thing, i.e., the Machine
decision? How it possible? Language

Chapter 7  Fundamentals of Digital Computers 191

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That is, Because of this, while you are writ-
1. When the given condition is true, ing program you will be instructed
the computer will get the electrical to write, ‘what to be done if the con-
notation ‘1’ pulse. dition is true’, immediately following
the condition, and ‘what to be done
When it gets ‘1’ pulse, the computer if the condition is false ’, in the next
will read the next part after the line.
Though the decision taking capacity
2. When the given condition is false, is in the form of machine language,
the computer will get ‘0’ pulse. i.e., 1, 0 the computer can take the
On getting ‘0’ pulse, the computer decision directly. Otherwise it can't.
will terminate that line and start to Because of this logical capability the
read the next line. computer is said to be superior than
Go through the following statement the calculator.
Example: This is the second major difference
between calculator and computer.
IF Age > 18 ALLOW THE PERSON TO VOTE. The action of ALU can also be
THE PERSON TO VOTE. explained through yet another
Example: IF BASICPAY > 2000
NOTE: whenever we are coming BASICPAY/100.
across a condition, we have to take a
decision From the above example,

While the computer is reading the BASICPAY > 2000


above particular statement, it has to take

1. When the given condition is true,
(i.e., the person age is more than 18) it
So, whenever the computer reads
receives ‘1’ pulse. When it receives ‘1’
this line, this will be carried out by the
pulse, the computer continuously reads
arithmetic logical unit.
the remaining part of the statement
after the conditions and do accordingly.
9.6.2 Memory Unit
2. When the given condition is false (i.e.,
This is yet another important division of
the person age is below 18), it receives
CPU. Normally this is classified into two
a ‘0’ pulse. On receiving the ‘0’ pulse
broad categories.
the computer terminates that partic-
ular time (it won’t continue that line) 1. Internal Memory
and starts to read the next line. 2. External Memory
192 Electronics Equipment

ELEC_EQUIP_Chapter09.indd 192 21-04-2018 17:12:42 Internal Memory memory, read the content and do accord-
The memories which are kept inside the ingly.Initially, it will do a self-test, which
CPU (or) on mother board are known as is called as POST(Power On Self-Test).
Internal Memory. There are five types, After performing POST, it will hand over
such as ROM, RAM, PROM, EPROM and the charge to us. Then only, we can give
EEPROM. All are nothing but IC's. Let us anything to the computer.
see the purpose and usage of each mem-
ory device in following sections. POST - Who written and stored
these necessary testing com-
ROM →Read Only Memory mands inside the ROM?
From the above expansion itself, we could
- It is written and stored by the
understand that the content of this IC can
be read only. The function and working
of this IC can be easily explained through
After storing the necessary instruc-
the following example.
tion, the IC will be sealed. Then, the
content cannot be altered, deleted and
Let we take a calculator: changed. But, can only be read. Because of
Switch on the calculator. this it is called as Read Only Memory or
permanent memory. Without this ROM,
What you will get on the screen?
no calculator or computer can get ready.
RAM →Random Access Memory
But you didn’t press zero. Then, how the
zero comes? Random means without any proper order.
Let we see the purpose of this memory.
Whether it came automatically? Let we again take calculator for example.
No, someone is making it to display.  Assume that you want to perform
the addition of 5, 10 in the calculator.
What we will do?
Just like the same, whenever we
are switching on the computer, the com- Step1 : Switch ON the calculator.
puter has to do something on its own to :You can get ‘0’ on the screen.
get ready.
Step2 :Now press’5’.
We know basically the computer :5 will be displayed on the screen.
cannot do anything on its own.
Step3 : Next press ‘+’.
Then, it is doing something means,
the necessary command is delivered from Step4 : For ‘10’ you have to press’1’.
a particular memory. That particular Now what will happen to that ‘5’ it
memory is called as ROM. is not on the screen, then where it would
This is an IC (Integrated Circuit), be. Certainly, these numbers have gone to
whenever we are switching ON the a memory and that particular memory is
­computer, the pointer will enter into this RAM. Since we cannot find the location
Chapter 7  Fundamentals of Digital Computers 193

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where it is going is called as Random EEPROM→Electrically Erasable
Access Memory. Programmable Read Only Memory
As like the calculator, the computer This is also same like EPROM. Here the
is also having RAM. After the computer content of this IC can be erased by passing
got ready whatever be the thing that we external electrical pulse through a par-
are giving, it should go to a memory and ticular pin of the IC. And again it can be
that particular memory is RAM. But, it re-programmed. From the above, ROM,
will lose or the content of this memory will PROM, EPROM and EEPROM are doing
get erased when the computer is switched the same work and hence any one can be
OFF or due to power failure. Hence, it is used in the computer. In majority of recent
called as temporary memory or volatile computers, EPROM is used as Booting IC
memory. But it is live memory. and RAM is the live memory.
So far, we have seen the purpose
Without the concern of the RAM
and working of internal memory. For your
nothing can be done in the computer
notice, we cannot store anything perma-
nent in this.
If we are seeing something on the
monitor, it is understand that, it is present External Memory
from the RAM. Hence, the capacity of RAM If we want to store anything permanent it
is much important. Even the configuration can be stored only under external memory.
of the computer is decided by the capacity of There are few types of external memory.
the RAM. So, without this ROM and RAM, 1. Floppy Disc
no calculator or computer can work.
2. Hard Disc
PROM→Programmable Read Only 3. Magnetic Tape
Memory 4. Compact Disc
This is like a ROM. The purpose of this IC 5. Pen Drive
is also the same as ROM. The difference 6. Memory Card
between ROM and PROM is, in PROM we From the above, floppy disc is totally out-
can (a software engineer) store the nec- dated. CD, Hard disc, pen-drive and mem-
essary booting(POST) instruction. But it ory-card are widely used. Let us see about
can be done only once. After that the con- the capacity of these. When we talk about
tent cannot be altered, deleted or changed. any capacity, it should have its own unit.
Normally the unit of memory is ‘Byte’. It is
EPROM→Erasable Programmable Read
Only Memory better to know about hierarchical structure
of it.The memory capacity is mentioned by
The purpose and use of this memory is
the following units summarized in Table 9.2.
similar to ROM and PROM. The differ-
ence is, the content of this memory can be
As like 10 mm = 1 cm.
erased by passing ultra violet rays through
a small hole provided on the top surface Approximately 10 Bits = 1 Byte
of the IC. Again it can be re-programmed.
194 Electronics Equipment

ELEC_EQUIP_Chapter09.indd 194 21-04-2018 17:12:42

Table 9.2:  Memory Capacity Example:
0 Bit ●● Assume a class room

1 Bit ●● Evening closing bell rang.

●● There is only one door in the class

8Bits 1 Byte
1024 Bytes 1 kilo Byte
●● What the students will do?
1024 KB 1 Mega Byte ●● Everyone will tend to go-out of the
1024 MB 1 Giga Byte class through the single door.
1024 GB 1 Terra Byte By that time if a master is there, he
will control them and regulate to go
9.6.3 CONTROL UNIT one by one.
In general the computer is doing various
activities besides handling many periph- Just like students, here all the pages
erals. In order to monitor and control all will tend to go to the printer, which is not
these, a system is used, which is called as possible. There the control unit is taking
control unit. charge, regulate and send little by little to Controls Input Device the printer. Thus, the control unit controls
Assume that you are typing a matter consist the output device.
of many pages. While you are typing speedy, Controls both I/P and O/P
we press one or more keys at a time. That Devices
moment, the respective letters altogether try
to enter into the RAM, which is not possible. E.g.: Assume that there is a movie in a
pen-drive and you want to view it.
By that time the control unit will take charge
and block it and give a beep sound. On hear-
After inserting the pen-drive into the
ing beep sound, we can able to identify that
respective slot, you will click the partic-
we are doing something wrongly. Thus, the
ular icon. Now the entire movie will try
control unit is controlling the input device,
to go to the RAM (Live Memory). Once
i.e., keyboard.
again the pen-drive(External Memory) and Controls Output Device the RAM(Internal Memory) is connected
Assume that you typed around 50 pages through set of wires, which cannot transfer
of a matter. Now the matter is in RAM entire data at a time. Now the control unit
and you want to take a print-out. On giv- will take charge, regulate and send little by
ing print command, all the 50 page con- little to RAM. Now, the control unit controls
tent will try to go to the printer, which both input and output devices.
is not possible. Here too, the printer and Thus, the control unit controls the
CPU are interfaced through a set of wires. entire system. Without the concern of the con-
It is possible to travel or send data with trol unit nothing can be done in the system.
reference to the capacity of the wire, but
all the pages tend to go at a time. This is
Control unit – Is as like a father in a family.
explained by the following example.
Chapter 7  Fundamentals of Digital Computers 195

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9.7 COMPILERS AND To understand this let we see the
INTERPRETERS working method of complier and interpreter.

We studied, till date the computer knows Compiler: Compiler means taking
only one language,i.e., machine language. together. This will take entire program
But we know only High Level Languages (whatever be the number of lines) and con-
and Application Languages, which the com- vert it into machine language. Wherever
puter does not know. But, we both want to the mistake, just it will mark it and go to
interact. How this become possible? next line. After completing the entire pro-
gram, it will list out the errors at the last.
Interpreter: The interpreter will read
●● Assume that our prime minister line by line. If there is a mistake in the first
is going to RUSSIA to meet the line, it will stop there and the error will be
Russians president. displayed. It can go to the next line, only
●● Our PM knows Hindi and English. after the particular line gets corrected.
And the Russian president knows This is the difference between
only RUSSIAN language. Compiler and Interpreter.
●● But, both want to converse.
NOTE: Along with each High Level
●● How?
Language and Application language
●● You can see a man (translator) who either Compiler or Interpreter will be
knows both Russian and English attached. Widely compilers are used.

will sit near to them. He will trans-

late English to Russian and vice

The word system denotes computer.

Just as like the above, we need a translator Hence Operating System means operat-
to translate our High Level Languages and ing computer. In this, we are going to see
Application Languages into correspond- actually how the computer gets operated.
ing machine language.The compilers and
interpreters are here used as translator. Before going further, recollect the

Oh….fine… ●● Basically computer never do anything

on its own.
●● Whether it is software or
hardware? ●● ROM, RAM (Internal Memory).
●● Hard disc (External Memory)…etc.
Absolutely, it is a software written Operating System helps us to do
in one particular high level language. some important and vital operations (like
copy, delete, etc.) before entering into any
Then, why we should need both, com- particular language and after coming-out.
piler and interpreters? It forms a bridge in between the user and
the computer.
196 Electronics Equipment

ELEC_EQUIP_Chapter09.indd 196 21-04-2018 17:12:42

●● Whether the computer can rat says, let we tie a bell on the cat neck. So
work without the Operating that on getting the bell sound we could run
System(O.S) away. Yes good idea, all the other rats appre-
ciate that particular rat. It brought a rope
●● No.(modern computer)
and a bell and asks other rats., come-on go
and tie the bell. Each rat is asking other rat
Let us see why? to perform the task. Now the rats realised
Whenever we are switching on the that they cannot able to execute the task on
computer what it will do? their own.

It will read the content of ROM and A Rat can tie the bell to the CAT, when only
do accordingly. After finishing the POST a third person helps them.
it will hand over the charge to the RAM.
Now we can start to give instruction to the
computer. Now our situation is also the same.
In order to bring any one of the language
If we want to interact with the from the external memory, someone has
computer, we are in need of a to help us. Here, that particular helping
language. Without a language we hand is this Operating System.
cannot give even single instruc-
tion or interact with the computer.
If it so …whether it is a hardware or a
i.e., the speciality of computer. software?
●● Absolutely it is software.
If so, I need a language. Where are
If it is software, it should be stored
●● They all in external memory. To select
in a particular memory permanently.
a particular language, we have to give
Permanent in the sense, it should be stored
a command to the computer. But, even
only in external memory. So, whenever
that particular command should also
we are switching on the computer, this
be in one particular language. Now, I
operating system which is normally in the
don’t have any language on my hand.
hard disk should be loaded to the RAM, to
●● Everything is get locked in the external serve the user instruction.
memory, then, what can we do?
Whether it can be loaded automat-
●● In order to understand this, let me try ically to the RAM? Certainly, Not. If so
to explain you through an old story. where would be the command? It should
be in ROM. After performing the POST
A family of rats are living in a house and
the next command is to seek the hard disk
there is a CAT also. The cat catches a rat per
(or any external memory) in the computer
day, as its food. Due to this the rats are so
and to search for operating system program.
worried and decided to find a solution. They
On finding that, bring it and load it in the
conversed a meeting. While on discussion a
RAM. These sequences of commands will
Chapter 7  Fundamentals of Digital Computers 197

ELEC_EQUIP_Chapter09.indd 197 21-04-2018 17:12:42

be in ROM. Now, the Operating System will difference is, in DOS, we have to type com-
be loaded to the RAM. (You can see it on mands to execute few things like COPY to
the monitor as,“Loading Windows”, because Copy files, DEL to delete files, MD to cre-
Windows is the operating system). ate directory (say folders), CD to change
Earlier there was an operating folders, etc., whereas in Windows these
system named as DOS (Disk Operating operations are performed by selecting the
System). It was developed as PC-DOS respective menus or icons.
(Personnel computer DOS) and then,
Microsoft Company entered into the Loading Operating System either from hard-
Operating System development and disk or from any other external memory to
released MS-DOS (Version 1 to 6). These the RAM is known as Booting process.
were up to the years 1993-94. Then,
Windows operating system evolved. But,
truly speaking till now the windows is Now the computer is ready to take
working on the platform of MS-DOS. The our commands or instructions.


At the end of this Chapter student could understand the following about
the Computer.

1. Know about the evolution of a Computer.

2. Understand the development of digital computer.
3. Understand the purpose of computer languages.
4. Know about the computer jargon words Hardware & Software
5. Understand the basic principle and working of CPU (ALU, Memory &
Control Unit)
6. Learn about Translators
7. Understand about the purpose of Operating System (OS) and its

S. No Terms Explanation
1 Bit Digit in the binary system
2 Byte Group of eight binary digits
The physical parts of a computer system, such as the elec-
3 Hardware tronic circuitry, chips, monitor, disks drives, keyboard,

198 Electronics Equipment

ELEC_EQUIP_Chapter09.indd 198 21-04-2018 17:12:42

Operating A program or collection of program that coordinates and
system controls the various devices making up a computer system
The act or result of printing and displaying information
5 Output
generated by a computer
The add on hardware devices used in conjunction with a
6 Peripherals
computer, printer, display screen, disk drives etc
A moving position indicator displayed on a computer mon-
7 Cursor itor that shows a computer operator where the next action
or operation will take place
8 File A set of data that is stored in the computer
9 Input Data that goes into a computer device
A complete central processing unit (CPU) contained on a
10 Microprocessor
single silicon chip


I. Choose the Best Answer
1. The first calculating tool developed by human.……….
a)  Slide Rule (b) Nappier Bones (c) Abacus (d) Analytical Engine

2. Who developed Analytical Engine?

a)  Blaise Pascal (b) Newton (c) Neil Bohr (d) Charles Babbage

3. Who is father of Computer?

a)  Blaise Pascal (b) Charles Babbage (c) Bill Gates (d) John Nappier

4. What is the name of the first computer?

a)  IBM (b) Microsoft (c) ENIAC (d) DELL

5. With reference to the computer Machine language is ………

(a) High level language (b) Low Level Language
(c) Very High level language (d) None of the above

6. With reference to the computer the parts which we cannot see through our eyes are
termed as ………..
(a)  Hardware (b) Software
(c)  Both Hardware & Software (d) None of the above

7. Write the Odd one from the following.

a)  Monitor (b) Printer (c) Mouse (d) Plotter

Chapter 7  Fundamentals of Digital Computers 199

ELEC_EQUIP_Chapter09.indd 199 21-04-2018 17:12:42

8. Which is the Live memory among the below?
a)  ROM (b) RAM (c) PROM (d) EPROM

9. Choose the odd one

a)  Bit (b) Byte (c) Kilowatt (d) Megabyte

10. Compilers & Interpreters are ………

a) Hardware parts (b) Language (c) Translators (d) Operating System

II. Answer in One or Two words
1. Write the expansion of CPU?
2. Write the expansion for ENIAC.
3. Computer can think on its own (True / False).
4. Computer can do anything on its own (True / False).
5. What is meant by Logical capability?

III. Write answers in One or Two sentences
1. Define computer.
2. Write down the names of the generation of languages.
3. Write down the major divisions of CPU.
4. What is the difference between Compiler and Interpreter?
5. Define arithmetic operations in computer.

IV. Explain in One or Two Paragraphs.
1. Write about generations of computer.
2. Define the working of ROM & RAM.
3. Whether the computer able to take decision directly? Explain.
4. Write short notes on i. Keyboard ii. Plotter iii. Hard disk iv. Pen Drive
5. Define Operating System.

V. Write answers in detail.
1. Explain in detail the generations of languages.
2. Explain the working of CPU with neat diagram.

1.  (c) 2. 
(d) 3. 
(b) 4. 
(c) 5. 
6.  (b) 7. 
(c) 8. 
(b) 9.  (c) 10. 

200 Electronics Equipment

ELEC_EQUIP_Chapter09.indd 200 21-04-2018 17:12:42




The measurement has been practiced from very long back, which is
evident from the Tamil literature.

ஆற்றில் ப�ோட்டாலும் அளந்து ப�ோடு - பழம�ொழி

If you put something on river, measure it and then drop it.

ஆற்றின், அளவு அறிந்து கற்க-அவை அஞ்சா

மாற்றம் க�ொடுத்தற்பொருட்டு. # குறள் 725
By rule, to dialectic art your mind apply,
That in the council fearless you may make an apt reply.
விளக்கம்: அவையில் (ஒன்றைக் கேட்டவர்க்கு) அஞ்சாது விடை கூறும்
ப�ொருட்டாக நூல்களைக் கற்கும் நெறியில் அளவை நூல் அறிந்து
கற்க வேண்டும்.

அற்றால், அளவு அறிந்து உண்க! அஃது உடம்பு

பெற்றான் நெடிது உய்க்கும் ஆறு.# குறள் 943
Who has a body gained may long the gift retain,
If, food digested well, in measure due he eat again.
விளக்கம்: முன் உண்ட உணவு செரித்துவிட்டால், பின் வேண்டிய அளவு
அறிந்து உண்ணவேண்டும்; அதுவே உடம்பு பெற்றவன் அதை
நெடுங்காலம் செலுத்தும் வழியாகும்.


In this Chapter, a student can learn and understand the working princi-
ples of the following instruments:

1. Multimeter (Analog & Digital) 5. Spectrum analyser

2. Cathode Ray Oscilloscope 6. Logic probe
7. IC tester
3. Signal Generator
8. Digital Energy meter
4. Function Generator


ELEC_EQUIP_Chapter10.indd 201 21-04-2018 19:05:53

INTRODUCTION will see some of the basic and important
measuring instruments and their func-
In daily life, we use several measuring tions in this Chapter.
instruments such as manual balance, litre
Some of the basic instruments to be
cans and scale to measure quantities like
discussed are,
weight (rice, wheat, etc.), volume of liq-
uid (oil, petrol, diesel, etc.), length (cloth, ●● Multimeter (Analog & Digital)
wood, etc.), respectively. Presently, digital ●● Cathode Ray Oscilloscope (C.R.O.)
instruments are used, owing to their accu-
●● Signal Generator
rate measurement of quantities with min-
imum error. Likewise to measure and test ●● Function Generator
electronic components and parameters, ●● Spectrum analyser
we are using several analog and digital
●● Logic probe
●● IC tester
●● Digital Energy meter
Testing and measuring instruments are
used to check the electronic components,
whether they are in good condition or not
and to measure electrical parameters such A multimeter is an electronic instrument
as current, voltage, resistance, frequency which can measure multiple parameters
and phase etc. Though, there are numer- such as current, voltage and resistance.
ous measuring instruments in practice, we

(i)  0–300 V A.C Voltmeter (ii) 0–10 V A.C Voltmeter

Figure 10.1  Separate range A.C voltmeters

202 Electronics Equipment

ELEC_EQUIP_Chapter10.indd 202 21-04-2018 19:05:53

10.2.1. History Using a single meter, we can mea-
Multimeter was invented by a British sure AC and DC voltages (various ranges
telecom engineer Donald Macadie. He such as 0-10 V, 0-250 V), AC and DC
had the difficulty of carrying many sep- currents (various ranges such as 0-0.25
arate instruments while troubleshooting A, 0-10 A) and resistance values (vari-
the telecommunication circuits. To avoid ous ranges x 1, x 10, x 1 kΩ etc.). So it
these difficulties, he invented an instru- is called as multimeter or multi-tester or
ment which could measure Ampere, Volt AVO meter. Using a multimeter, the mea-
and Ohm, which was named as AVO surements carried out using 20 separate
meter. Earlier, we used separate meters to meters can be measured in a single multi-
measure multi-ranges of AC and DC volt- meter as shown in Figure 10.2.
ages, AC and DC currents and resistance To understand the various func-
values. Figure 10.1 shows the separate tions available in the multimeter, you
range AC voltmeters. should keenly watch the front panel of a
multimeter. In a Multimeter, you can see
20 switching positions indicating various
ranges of AC and DC voltage, AC and DC
current and resistance values as shown in
Figure 10.3. Thus, we can conclude that a
single multimeter can be used in place of
20 separate meters.

Figure 10.2 Analog Multimeter Front Panel with

Dial and Selector Switch

For example, to measure 230 volts

AC, we used a voltmeter of 0-300 V range,
whereas for measuring 6 V AC a 0-10 V
AC voltmeter was recommended to mea-
Figure 10.3  Analog Multimeter Front Panel Selector
sure the voltage accurately. Switch (Enlarged View)

Chapter 7  Electronic Measuring Instruments 203

ELEC_EQUIP_Chapter10.indd 203 21-04-2018 19:05:53

10.2.2. Types of Multimeter passes through the coil, magnetic flux is gen-
There are two types of multimeters erated. This magnetic flux is converted into
a mechanical force to move the pointer over
1. Analog multimeter
the scale. The movement of pointer is called
2. Digital multimeter
as meter reading. After the measurement is
finished, the control spring is used to bring  Analog Multimeter
back the needle to the resting position (0 or ∞).
An analog multimeter consists of an ordinary The analog multimeter components are
pivoted type of moving coil galvanometer. shown in Figure 10.4.
To measure voltages, currents and
Galvanometer is also called as
resistances, proper circuits are connected
D’ARSONVAL meter, named
with the galvanometer. The galvanome-
after the inventor of galvanometer.
ter used in a multimeter is always of left
A galvanometer consists of a coil pivoted zero type i.e., the needle normally rests in
on a jewel bearing between the poles of a extreme left position, whereas in ordinary
permanent magnet. An indicating needle is galvanometers the needle rests in centre
fastened to the coil. When electric current zero position as shown in Figure 10.5.





(a) Analog Multimeter Showing Coil (a) Multimeter (Left - Zero)

Soft-steel ring Upper



magnets Core

Lower control spring

(b) Permanent Magnet and Control Spring (b) Galvanometer (Centre-Zero)

Figure 10.4  Internal construction of Analog Figure 10.5  Needle at Zero Position in Multimeter
Multimeter and Galvanometer

204 Electronics Equipment

ELEC_EQUIP_Chapter10.indd 204 21-04-2018 19:05:53

Basic meter

– +
Galvanometer RX Multipliers
G R1 R2 R3 R4
1000 V
Ig Range selector 250 V
50 V
10 V

Black test
V lead Red test
(i) Galvanometer as a voltmeter lead

(ii) Multimeter as a multi-range voltmeter

Figure 10.6  Multimeter as a Voltmeter - circuit  Multimeter as a Voltmeter direction with respect to zero position. As a

result, there is no movement of the needle
A meter used for measuring takes place and the needle rests near zero
voltage is called as voltmeter. position. So, a rectifier is connected in series
with the meter to measure AC voltage and
To measure accurate voltage values, var- current, separately.
ious voltage ranges are incorporated in
the meter. To measure multiple ranges  Multimeter as an Ammeter
of voltage, resistors (R1, R2, R3, & R4) are
connected in series (called as multipliers) An instrument used for measuring
with the basic meter as shown in the Figure current is called Ampere meter shortly
10.6. With the help of selector switch, we Ammeter.
can select a particular range of interest.
After selecting the range, the voltage in a When low resistance is connected
circuit can be measured. To measure var- in parallel with a galvanometer, it becomes
ious ranges of AC and DC voltage mea- an Ammeter.
surements, separate multipliers are used Figure 10.7 shows a low value resis-
in series with the meter. tance RS (generally called shunt resistance)
connected in parallel with the galvanometer
Note: In general, a galvanometer (basic coil. Since the resistance of the coil is higher
meter) does not work while measuring AC than the shunt resistance, the majority cur-
voltage or current. It works in DC source rent is passing through the coil of the meter.
only. The shunt resistance RS protects the coil
from over-current.
If AC source is applied to a galvano In practice, shunt resistances (such
meter, the needle of the meter tends to oscil- as R1, R2, R3, & R4) are connected in paral-
late either in the clockwise or anti-clockwise lel with the meter through selector switch
Chapter 7  Electronic Measuring Instruments 205

ELEC_EQUIP_Chapter10.indd 205 21-04-2018 19:05:54

G Basic meter Shunt resistances
– +

RS 2.5 mA R1
Range selector 25 mA R2
switch 0.25 A R3
Shunt resistance
10 A R4

Black test Red test

A lead lead

(i) Galvanometer as an Ammeter (ii) Multimeter as a multi-range Ammeter

Figure 10.7  Multimeter as an Ammeter - circuit

to provide a required number of current resistance RV is used for setting zero ohm of
ranges as shown in Figure 10.7. To mea- the needle before taking any range of resis-
sure AC current, a diode should be con- tance measurements. This setting is called as
nected in series with the meter. zero ohm adjustment. As a result, accurate
ohmic readings can be measured.  Multimeter as an Ohmmeter
Two probes (A and B terminals) of
An instrument which is used for the multimeter are connected across the
measuring ohms is called as Ohm meter. resistance to be measured. If the resistance
is high, lower current flows through the
circuit and the meter will indicate higher
Figure 10.8 shows the circuit of an ohms and vice versa.
Ohmmeter. A fixed resistance R and a vari- To measure multi range Ohmic readings,
able resistance RV are connected in series various resistance values such as R1, R2 &
with the meter and a battery (fixed inside the R3 should be connected in series with bat-
meter). The fixed resistance R limits the cur- tery through selector switch as shown in
rent within the desired range and the variable the Figure 10.8 (ii)

Galvanometer RV
0 Ω adj R1 R2 R3 meter
0 Ω adj
+ Resistance to
Battery R x 10 Resistance
– be measured to be
x 1K x1 Measured
S F + -

(i) Galvanometer as an Ohmmeter (ii) Multimeter as a Multi-Range Ohmmeter

Figure 10.8  Multimeter as an Ohmmeter - circuit

206 Electronics Equipment

ELEC_EQUIP_Chapter10.indd 206 21-04-2018 19:05:54  Functions of a Multimeter
It can measure the following electrical and
electronic quantities.
1. DC Voltage
2. DC Current
3. AC Voltage
4. AC Current (available in few meters only)
5. Resistance
6. Continuity Test
7. Checking the Transistor (NPN or PNP)
(available in few meters only)
8. Collector Emitter Leakage Current (ICEO)
of a transistor (when base kept open)
9. Capacitance up to 20 μF (available in
few meters only)
Figure 10.9  Sensitivity of an analog multimeter
10. Frequency up to 20 kHz (available in
few meters only) Sensitivity of an Analog But low sensitivity meters (hav-

Multimeter ing an impedance below 5 kΩ/V AC and
A good quality analog multimeter offers an DC) draw high current from the circuit
input impedance of 20 kΩ/V DC and 9 kΩ/V to be measured, which results in dam-
AC. This is known as sensitivity of an ana- age of transistors or ICs in circuit to be
log multimeter. It is printed on the bottom tested.
of the dial as shown in Figure 10.9. It means,
to measure one volt DC, the meter offers 20 Precautions to be taken
kΩ of impedance and to measure one volt while handling an Analog
AC, the meter offers 9 kΩ of impedance.
Hence, the meter draws minimum current. A multimeter has one positive probe
Because of this, sensitive components such (Red colour) and a negative probe (black
as transistors, IC etc., are not affected while colour) to measure parameters as shown
testing with multimeter. in Figure 10.10.

(i) Probes (ii) connecting probes with correct polarities

Figure 10.10  Connecting colour probes to correct polarities

Chapter 7  Electronic Measuring Instruments 207

ELEC_EQUIP_Chapter10.indd 207 21-04-2018 19:05:54

Precautions 3. In the above two measurements, if we
1. When measuring DC voltage, care wrongly connect the probes, the meter
must be taken while connecting the two needle will get reversed and subse-
probes of the meter with the DC source. quently the meter will get damaged.
It should be connected with correct 4. While measuring AC voltages, it should
polarities in parallel connection with be connected in parallel but polarity need
DC supply. That is, positive probe of the not be considered as shown in Figure
meter should be connected to positive 10.12. Because AC supply has no fixed
terminal of the DC supply and negative polarities (+ and -).
probe to negative terminal of the DC
supply as shown in Figure 10.11(a).

Figure 10.11 (a) Connecting a Multimeter while

Measuring DC Voltage
Figure 10.12 Connecting a multimeter while
2. When measuring DC current, multime-
measuring AC voltage
ter should be connected in series with
the DC supply and the load with cor- 5. While measuring AC current, as like
rect polarities. That is, positive probe the measurement of DC current, the
should be connected with positive ter- meter should be connected in series
minal of the supply and negative probe with the supply and the load as shown
to the load as shown in Figure 10.11(b). in Figure 10.13. Polarity need not be
considered as like in measuring AC
Analog Multimeter in voltage.
Ammeter mode

AC Supply


Figure 10.11 (b) Connecting a Multimeter while

Figure 10.13  AC current Measurement
Measuring DC Current
208 Electronics Equipment

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6. We should not measure voltage or cur- 10. High voltage must not be measured
rent in ohm’s range. Otherwise, the using low voltage range. Otherwise the
meter will become faulty. meter will become faulty.
7. While measuring, the angle of vision
towards the meter should be straight. Selecting the Colour of the
Otherwise, parallax error will result in
the measuring quantities. While using multimeters, we frequently ask
a question within our mind. What happens
While taking measurements in a if we connect black probe to ­positive socket
scale, the angle of vision towards the of the meter and red probe to ­negative
scale should also be straight. If we see socket during measurement?
the scale from sidewards, measurements will
Nothing will happen
be wrong.
Apart from the colours, they are just wires.
Like this, in an analog multimeter, if the angle But, meter should be connected in correct
of vision towards the meter be straight, the polarities with the circuit. The concept Black
measurement will be accurate. probe should be connected with negative
socket and red probe to positive socket of
8. We should not measure high voltage the meter is accepted all over the world. So,
or current by keeping one probe at we use this concept.
the supply and the other probe’s metal
point in contact with our hand, which
Uses of Analog Multimeter
will result in fatal electric shock.
1. It is used in trouble shooting Radio, TV
9. We should presume the voltage and cur- and all other electronics equipment.
rent to be measured at a point of circuit.
2. It is also used to check electrical
If any doubt arises, we should first select
high range and then measure it. If it is
3. It is used in assembling of ­electronics
a low voltage, then we select the lower
ranges for measuring.
4. It is used in installation of electron-
ics equipment.
We can also measure Extra High ten- 5. It is used to measure A.C and DC
sion voltage up to 30 kilo Volts using
voltages and currents and resistance.
ordinary multimeter. How? Using
EHT probes, we can measure the above said
range. EHT probes have a multiplier resistance Calibration
value above 100 MΩ. The multiplier reduces the Calibration is a process of correcting a
EHT voltage and the reduced voltage is applied faulty meter using a properly function-
to the meter. Now, we can measure the voltage ing multimeter. In this process, burnt
resistors and defective components are
Warning ! replaced and the movement of the coil is
Don’t try to measure EHT voltage using ordi- also smoothened. In companies, this pro-
nary probes. It is shock hazardous. cess is often done to maintain accuracy
and quality of their products.
Chapter 7  Electronic Measuring Instruments 209

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10.2.3. Digital Multimeter is always connected to ground or ‘-’ of a
It is a type of meter which shows measure- circuit. VΩmA is the port in which the
ment in digits, is called as digital multi- red probe (+ terminal) is conventionally
meter. Figure 10.14 shows a typical digital plugged-in. This means, using this port,
multimeter. we can measure current up to 200 mA,
voltage and resistance values.  Probe types

Liquid Crystal
There are different types of probes avail-
able for multimeters. Here are some of the
important probes in regular use.
1. Banana plugs to crocodile clips
Rotary selector
switch These cables are used for connecting
large wires or pins on a bread board
as shown in Figure 10.15. It is good for
performing longer term tests where the
user doesn’t have to hold the probes in
hands while testing the circuit.

Figure 10.14  Digital Multimeter Front Panel Components of a digital
Figure 10.14 shows a typical digital multi-
meter. A digital multimeter comprises of
three parts viz Figure 10.15  Banana Plugs to Crocodile Clips
1. Liquid Crystal Display
2. Rotary Selector switch and 2. Banana Plugs to IC Hook
3. Test probes. These probes are used to connect the
The display usually has four digits legs of ICs with the meter and can be
and has the ability to display a negative measured easily. It is shown in Fig 10.16
sign. A few meters have illuminated dis-
plays for better viewing in low-light situa-
tions. The selector switch allows the user
to set the multimeter to read different
parameters such as current, voltage and
Two probes with banana plugs are
plugged into two ports on the front of the
instrument. COM stands for common and Figure 10.16  Banana Plugs to IC Hook

210 Electronics Equipment

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Figure 10.17  Banana plugs to Tweezer Figure 10.18  Banana plugs to test leads

3. Banana plugs to Tweezer : How does a digital multimeter

These are handy to test SMD com- work?
ponents as shown in Figure 10.17.
All digital multimeters are voltmeters.
4. Banana plugs to test leads :
These are ordinary probes to mea-
sure Ampere, Voltage and Ohm as It is configured in such a way to measure
shown in Figure 10.18. current, voltage and resistance by mea-
suring the corresponding voltage values
The clips that looks like a opened produced across the internal resistor.
crocodile’s jaw, are called as crocodile
Figure  10.19 shows the block diagram of
a digital multimeter. The working of each



Calibrated Rectifier
attenuator circuit

Rotary Current to Analog to Digital

switch voltage digital counter
ACI converter converter circuit
Input 3
probes Current to
DC voltage
5 I

attenuator Digital display

Figure 10.19  Block Diagram of Digital Multimeter

Chapter 7  Electronic Measuring Instruments 211

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block to measure different types of electri- proportional voltage. Connect an unknown
cal quantities is as follows. AC current across input probes. The current
is converted into voltage proportionally with
How to measure resistance?
the help of I-V converter and then rectified.
Keep rotary switch in the position 1. Connect Now the voltage in terms of AC current is
an unknown resistor across its input probes. fed to A-D converter to show in the digital
The proportional current flows through display in Amperes.
the resistor, from constant current source
(Battery). According to Ohm’s law, a poten- How to measure DC current?
tial difference is obtained across it. This volt- Keep the switch in position-4. The DC
age is directly proportional to its resistance. current is also measured indirectly.
That is, higher the resistance value, higher Connect an unknown DC current across
the potential difference and vice versa. This input probes. The current is converted
voltage is buffered and fed to A-D converter, into voltage proportionally with the help
to show in the digital display in Ohms. of I-V converter. Now the voltage in terms
of DC current is fed to A-D converter to
How to measure AC voltage?
show in the digital display in Amperes.
Keep rotary switch in position-2. Connect
an unknown AC voltage across the input How to measure DC voltage?
probes. If the voltage is above the selected Keep the switch in position-5. Connect an
range, the voltage should be attenuated and unknown DC voltage across input probes.
then rectified to convert it into proportional If the voltage is above the selected range,
DC voltage. It is then fed to A-D converter the voltage should be attenuated and then
to show in the digital display in Volts. directly fed to A-D converter to show in
How to measure AC current? the digital display in Volts.
Keep the switch in position-3. Current is The comparison between the digital
indirectly measured by converting it into and analog multimeter is given in Table 10.1.

Table 10.1 Comparison between digital and analog multimeter

S. No. Digital Multimeter (DMM) Analog Multimeter (AMM)

1. Reading in digits. Needle shows reading but the users
have to find values.
2. More accurate Less accurate
3. If polarity is reversed in measuring If polarity is reversed, the needle gets
the DC actual reading with reversed and subsequently the meter
‘-’ sign is shown in the display. will become faulty.
4. Cost is high. Cost is lesser than DMM.
5. If fault occurs in DMM, If fault occurs, it may be rectified.
rectification is complicated.
212 Electronics Equipment

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OSCILLOSCOPE (CRO) It is the input socket, in which the wave-
Cathode Ray Oscilloscope is an electronic form to be seen, should be connected
device in which various types of waveforms through a CRO cable.
can be seen on the screen. In abbreviated
form, it is called as CRO. Vertical controls
CRO was invented by German Scientist
●● Volts/div : For selecting desired volt-
Karl Ferdinand Braun in 1897. age sensitivity of the vertical ampli-
fier to obtain the proper wave form on
Figure 10.20 shows Front panel of a the screen i.e., to bring the waveform
Cathode Ray Oscilloscope. within the viewing area of the screen.
Functions of important front panel ●● Vertical Position knob: To move the
controls of a CRO waveform up or down on the screen.
Display controls
Intensity control Horizontal controls
An intensity control is used to adjust the Sec / division : To get distinct and stable
brightness of the screen. waveform in the CRT display and correct
Focus control horizontal synchronising waveform (in
A focus control is used to adjust the sharp- phase with the input waveform), this con-
ness of the waveform. trol is used.

Horizontal controls
Display Vertical controls Trigger controls

Display controls External trigger

Power switch Horizontal input
Vertical input

Ground clip


Figure 10.20  Front panel of a Cathode Ray Oscilloscope

Chapter 7  Electronic Measuring Instruments 213

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●● Horizontal Position knob: Controls to the third grid, there are two pair of plates
horizontal position of waveform on named as X and Y. These plates are termed
the screen. as horizontal and vertical deflection plates.
By giving a voltage to these plates the elec-
Trigger controls tron ray can be deflected. This is known as
The trigger control delays the time base Electrostatic Deflection.
circuit operation. This makes the mov-
The X plates are connected with time
ing wave appears to be static (unmoved)
base circuits. This circuit generates saw
on the screen. The frequency, wave length
tooth wave. This saw tooth wave makes to
and amplitude can be measured, when it is
move the (electron ray) bright spot from left
unmoved (locked).
to right on the screen. This is termed as X
10.3.1. Working of CRO axis on the screen. The amplifier connected
with Y plates, moves the ray up and down.
Figure 10.21 shows block diagram of a CRO.
This is termed as Y axis on the screen. The
As like TV Receivers, a Vacuum cathode
signal wave to be measured is given at the
Ray tube is employed as a screen in a C.R.O.
input. The switch ac/dc must be in off state.
The cathode of the CRT is heated using the
Through the capacitor the wave is amplified
filament. Due to thermionic emission elec-
by the Y amplifier and fed to the Y plates.
tron ray emitted from cathode. This electron
ray is controlled by the first grid /anode. The power of the Y amplifier can
The second grid accelerates the speed of be controlled through the front panel con-
the electron and the third grid focusing the trol Volts/Div. Due to this, the wave form
electron ray at the centre of the screen. Next appears on the screen can be maximized

Time base waveform

Time/DIV X-POS Spot move
Y across screen

0 t Spot

Spot blanked out

during ‘flyback

Trigger Time base


a.c. / d.c.
switch Cathode Anodes X-plates
CH 1
Signal input
Y-amplifier Cathode
ray tube
Signal waveform

Electron Screen
0 t beam


Figure 10.21  Block Diagram of a CRO

214 Electronics Equipment

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or minimized. The trigger circuit delays It is of two types
the time base circuit operation. This 1. Analog Signal Generator
makes the moving wave appears to be
static (unmoved) on the screen. The fre- 2. Digital Signal Generator
quency, wave length and amplitude can be
measured, when it is unmoved (locked). 10.4.1. (a) Analog signal generator
It consists of the following sections.
10.3.2. Classifications of C.R.O
RF Oscillator: This section gener-
1. Analog C.R.O
ates fixed RF waves. This wave is known
2. Digital C.R.O
as carrier waves. Frequency of this wave
10.3.3. Types of digital CRO can be altered by adjusting the variable
capacitor (Gang).
1. Digital Storage Oscilloscope
2. Digital Phosphor Oscilloscope RF Amplifier: It amplifies the RF
3. Sampling Oscilloscope
4. PC Based Oscilloscope AF Amplifier: This stage amplifies
the AF signal. An output can be obtained
10.3.4. C.R.O Probes through the socket AF-OUT, which is used
A cable which is used to connect CRO and to find faults appeared in audio stages of
the circuit under test is known as CRO any receiver. The strength of AF can be
probe. altered by means of a potentiometer.
AF Oscillator: This will generate
10.3.5. Applications of CRO noiseless audio wave.
1. Various waveforms with reference to AM Modulator: In this section, the
time can be measured. sound wave amplitude is modulated.
2. It is used to align all the parts of TV RF Amplifier: This amplifies the
receivers. modulated signal and fed to the RF out.
3. Signal voltage can be measured.
In Radio receivers, faults can be
4. Used to rectify the faults in TV
rectified by using the modulated RF
waves, when injecting into the RF and IF
5. Frequency of the Signal can be stages of Radio receivers. The strength
measured. of the signal can be varied through
6. Faults in DVD can be rectified. potentiometer.
7. Phase shift of a signal can be measured.
10.4.1. (b) F
 ront panel and handling
methods of analog signal
This instrument generates Audio Figure 10.22 shows the front panel of an
Frequency (AF) and Radio Frequency analog signal generator. The functional
(RF) signals. Hence, it is also called as AF description of each function of the signal
and RF signal generator. generator is summarized as follows.
Chapter 7  Electronic Measuring Instruments 215

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16 17 18
14 7 8 20
13 6
2.5 22
C D E 12 2 3 EXT. C.W.
B 5 500
F 1. 800



A G 60 450






300 350 0

0 45

0 160 175 2 MOD SELECT
12 00








M.C. K.C. K.C. M.C.

4 5 6 1x10 1x100
3 7 1x1000
1 9

0 10


Figure 10.22  Front Panel of an Analog Signal generator

This is like a small A.M transmit- 4. Frequency Selector: By employing

ting circuit. a variable capacitor, different ranges
1. On/Off switch: This is used to on/ of frequencies are generated.
off the generator. 5. Gain Control: The gain (strength)
2. Mode Selector of the RF and AF signals are con-
This is a three modes switch trolled by the potentiometers.
1. Carrier Wave Mode 6. Output Socket: The signal selected
2. Modulated Wave Mode through the mode selector is obtained
3. Audio Wave Mode at this socket. The signal is taken out
through a co-axial cable. Radio receiv-
The respective wave will appear at
ers can be checked by using this signal.
the output on selecting the required
10.4.2. Applications
3. Band Selector: This is used to select
the band appears on the dial gauge. 1. It is used to check audio stages in
This is also called as Range selector. Radio and TV receivers
By using this, various frequencies of 2. RF and IF stages can be aligned
different bands in a radio receiver 3. Faults in RF and IF stages can be
can be checked. found
216 Electronics Equipment

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Figure 10.23  Front panel of a Digital Signal Generator

10.4.3. Digital RF Signal Generator 10.5.  FUNCTION GENERATOR

Now a days RF signal generator consists Function generator is a testing instrument
of LCD display (instead of needle) which that produces different types of signals
shows frequencies and bands selected by consisting of specified frequency, shape
the user in digits. This avoids manual and amplitude. Figure 10.24(a) shows the
errors when selecting frequencies and front-panel of a digital function generator.
bands. Figure 10.23 shows the front panel Figure 10.24(b) shows the various stan-
of a digital signal generator. dard waveforms generated by the function
1. Accuracy 10.5.1. S imple Working Principle of
2. Affordable cost function generator
3. We can easily select frequencies and Figure 10.25 shows block diagram of
bands using feather touch micro function generator. A function generator
switches contains the following circuits.

Figure 10.24(a)  Front panel of a Function Generator

Chapter 7  Electronic Measuring Instruments 217

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Figure 10.24(b)  Waveforms produced by Function Generator


Frequency i Votage Output

control Integrator comparator amplifier
network i multi-vibrator 1 Output

frequency Output
Constant Resistance
current diode
Frequency amplifier
supply shaping
control 2
source,2 circuit Output

Figure 10.25  Block Diagram of Function Generator

1. Voltage comparator and multivibra- Using these circuits, a function genera-

tor circuit. tor produces various signals and are listed
2. Constant current source circuits. below.
3. Resistance and diode shaping circuit. 1. Sine Waves
4. Frequency control network 2. Triangular Waves
5. Output amplifiers 3. Square Waves
4. Saw Tooth Waves
218 Electronics Equipment

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Uses Time Domain Analysis
1. Used in electronic laboratories. ●● Changes in time of a signal can be seen
2. Used to test and align electronics
equipment. Frequency Domain Analysis
3. Used to rectify faults in Radio and ●● Each frequency component of a com-
television receivers. plex signal can be separated easily
4. It can produce signals having fre- ●● Low level distortion signals can be
quencies from 0.01 Hz to 100 MHz. detected
●● Spurious signal can be found out
Modulation of signals - Analysis
An instrument, which can analyse the ●● Changes in frequency can be seen
parameters (frequency, phase etc.,) of a
signal, is known as spectrum analyser. ●● The modulation accuracy can be
analysed but changes in amplitude
Signals can be seen in the display of cannot be seen
the spectrum analyser that can be analysed
by the user. It works on the basis of super 10.6.2 Applications
heterodyning principle. Figure 10.26 shows It is used for signal analysis in:
the front panel of a spectrum analyser. 1. Mobile phone transmitters
10.6.1. Functions 2. Satellite communication
A Spectrum Analyser can analyse 3. T.V transmitters and receivers
●● Time domain signals 4. Cable TV broadcasting
●● Frequency domain signals and 5. Internet broadband transmission
●● Modulation of signals and reception

Figure 10.26  Front panel of a Spectrum Analyser

Chapter 7  Electronic Measuring Instruments 219

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A logic probe is used to analyse and

Integrated circuit (shortly IC) Tester is an
troubleshoot the logical states (0 or 1) of
instrument which tests integrated chips.
a digital circuit

Figure 10.27 shows a simple logic probe IC testers are classified into three types.
used to test the logical operations of basic 1. Logic IC Tester
gate circuits.
2. Memory IC Tester
3. Analog IC Tester
All types of ICs cannot be tested
using these IC testers. Few types of ICs
can be tested using these testers.

10.8.1 T
 esting a Logic IC Using
Logic IC Tester
Figures 10.28 (a) and (b) show an AND
Figure 10.27  Logic probe gate and Hex INVERTER ICs being tested
by an IC Tester.
Red and green LEDs are used in this
probe to indicate high (1) and low (0) states,
respectively. Yellow LED is used to indicate
narrow pulses. When the logic probe is con-
nected to either an invalid logic level (that
is a fault condition) or a tri-stated output or
not connected at all, none of the LEDs will
lit up. Some logic probes have a separate
audible tone for each of the logical states.
(a) AND gate Using IC Tester
Logic probe can test a signal at a time. When
many logic levels need to be tested at a time,
a logical analyzer is used.

1. Logic probe is used to check indi-
vidual gates of the TTL, DTL and
2. It is used to detect memory functions
in digital equipment like computer.
3. It is also used to identify narrow (b) HEX Inverter using Logic IC Tester

pulses. Figure 10.28  IC Tester

220 Electronics Equipment

ELEC_EQUIP_Chapter10.indd 220 21-04-2018 19:05:55

1. First we should insert the logic IC (to
be tested) in the base and it should
It is an instrument which measures
be locked properly.
electrical energy consumed in our homes
2. Enter the IC number using the key-
and industries and shows the reading in
pad and press Enter key. The LED
digital form is called digital energy meter.
display shows the IC number being
3. If IC is in good condition, the dis-
Digital energy meter displays the
play will show “IC IS GOOD”.
energy consumed by the user on the LCD
4. If IC is faulty, the display will show
display and transmits the readings to
“IC is BAD”.
remote places via Wi-Fi. In addition to
5. To test another IC, we should
measuring consumed energy, these meters
‘RESET’ the IC tester.
can also record other parameters of the
load and supply such as instantaneous and
10.9.  DIGITAL ENERGY METER maximum demands, voltage, power factor
and three phase availability. They can also
Electricity charge is one of the main support to record the amount of energy
expenses in every body’s home budget. used during on-peak and off-peak hours.
Every consumer has of the opinion that The front panel of a digital energy meter
the consumed electrical energy value may is shown in Figure 10.29 (a).
be lesser than the caluculated value in the
old tranditional meter. Presently , digital
Activity 10.1
energy meters are widely used in homes
and industries, which clears the doubt of Observe the Energy meter reading in
your home daily in a notebook. Using
the consumer by calculating minimum
this, you can calculate the daily usage of
power consumption and also shows the electricity consumption in your home.
readings in LCD display.

Memory Voltage

RS-485 Current


(a) Front Panel of DEM (b) Block Diagram of DEM

Figure 10.29  Digital Energy Meter (DEM)

Chapter 7  Electronic Measuring Instruments 221

ELEC_EQUIP_Chapter10.indd 221 21-04-2018 19:05:55

Explanation of block diagram of digital is calculated by multiplying voltage and cur-
energy meter rent. The time duration of consumption is
The digital meter has a power supply, multiplied with the voltage and current, in
metering circuit, a processing and com- order to calculate the power consumption
munication circuits containing a micro- in kilowatt hour (kwh) and it is commer-
controller and real time clock circuit as cially called it as ‘ Unit’. It is periodically
shown in Figure 10.29 (b). stored in memory circuit from time to time
and added with the previously stored con-
It has also current sensor and volt-
sumed values. We can see often, the latest
age sensor circuits to measure the current
number of units consumed, in the display.
and voltage consumed by the users. Power


A student will understand the working principle of the following

­instruments after reading this Chapter.
1. Multimeter (Analog & Digital) 5. Spectrum analyser
2. Cathode Ray Oscilloscope (C.R.O.) 6. Logic probe
3. Signal Generator 7. IC tester
4. Function Generator 8. Digital energy meter

S. No Terms Explanation
Function Signal generator that can produce sine, triangle and sawtooth
1 generator output waveforms
2 Ohm meter An instrument which is used for measuring ohms.
Cathode Ray It is an electronic device in which various types of waveforms can
oscilloscope be seen on the screen.
4 Digital Meter An instrument that uses counting methods
Calibration To adjust the correct value of a reading by comparison to a
6 Continuity Occurs when a complete path for current exists
Multimeter Electronic test equipment that can perform multiple tasks. Typical
one is capable of measuring voltage, current and resistance.
Spectrum Instrument used to display the frequency domain of a waveform
analyser by plotting amplitude against frequency
9 Energy meter Instrument used to measure electrical energy in units
Voltmeter Instrument used to measure difference in potential between two

222 Electronics Equipment

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I. Choose the best answer from the four options given
to each question. Each question carries One Mark
1. Sensitivity of a multimeter is determined by
a) Ω b) k Ω/V c) Watt d) none of these

2. A multimeter cannot measure ………

a) Voltage b) Current c) Ohm d) Watt

3. Another name of the multimeter is

a) Voltmeter b) Ammeter c) Ohm meter d) AVO meter

4. In a multimeter, we should not measure voltage or current in

a) Ohm’s range b) Voltage range c) Current range d) any range

5. A CRO is used to measure

a) Voltage b) Frequency c) Phase d) All of these

6. Multimeter was invented by

a) Donald Macadie b) D’ARSONVAL c) Marconi d) Nikola tesla

7. Which LED is used to indicate High level (1) in a logic probe?

a) White b) Red c) Yellow d) Green

8. Which type of multimeter is more accurate?

a) Analog multimeter b) Micro Multimeter
c) Digital Multimeter d) None of these

9. A spectrum analyser can analyse

a) Ohm b) Frequency c) watt d) coulomb

10. The commercial name for kilowatt hour is

a) Kilo b) Watt c) Hour d) Unit

II. Answer in a Few Sentences. Each Question Carries Three Marks
1. Name the three important electrical parameters measured by a multimeter.
2. Define sensitivity of an analog multimeter.
3. Explain briefly about calibrating an analog multimeter.
4. What are the three major circuits in a digital meter?
5. Name any three applications of a CRO

Chapter 7 Electronic Measuring Instruments 223

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III. Explain in a Paragraph. Each Question Carries Five Marks
1. Write the uses of analog multimeter.
2. Explain the external controls of CRO.
3. List out any five functions of a multimeter
4. Write any five applications of CRO.
5. Explain how to test a logic IC using a Logic IC tester?

IV. Explain in About a Page. Each Question Carries Ten Marks
1. What are the precautions to be taken while handling an Analog Multimeter?
2. Compare Digital and Analog multimeters
3. Draw a block diagram of a CRO and explain.
4. Draw the front panel of an analog signal generator and explain the functions of front panel
5. Explain the functions of a digital energy meter with neat block diagram.

1. (b) 2. (d) 3. (d) 4. (a) 5. (d)
6. (a) 7. (b) 8. (c) 9. (b) 10. (d)

224 Electronics Equipment

ELEC_EQUIP_Chapter10.indd 224 21-04-2018 19:05:56


I am P.ANAND proud to say that I have studied +1,+2 P.ANAND,

opting Vocational Subject Electronics Equipment as Asst. Engineer,
the course in Government Higher Secondary School, MTPS (TNEB-TANGEDCO),
Mettur Dam of Salem District, during 2002-03. This Mettur Dam-636401.
Vocational group helps me to do my engineering grad-
uation, besides giving basic knowledge about general
engineering and technology. I am ever in debt to this school and my teachers, particularly
From my point of view it will be more appreciable if these Vocational subjects are
introduced even from High School level, which can help the students and also for the par-
ents and teachers to identify their own talent and the field of interest.
Now I am working in Mettur Thermal Power Plant (TANGEDCO) as Assistant
Engineer. I am immensely happy and thankful to present myself as case study for future
Vocational students.

I am M.Prabhu., presently working in MEGAWIN

Engineer, elated to share the following few words.
I did my +1, +2 opting Vocational Subject (P) LTD.,
Electronics Equipment as the course in Government SALEM
Higher Secondary School, Mettur Dam of Salem
District, during 2001-02.
This course of study played vital role in my career development. I done my
Diploma in Engineering with very good academic record. Because of having gained basic
Electrical and Electronics Knowledge at School level, helps me to do many R&D (Research
& Development) at my work place, where I succeeded in many. In turn its changed my
life style.
Now I am having the confidence to guide others to gain knowledge in this Electronics
field. I feel very proud and thankful for including me too in this case study.


ELEC_EQUIP_Chapter10.indd 225 21-04-2018 19:05:56

My name is G.T.Kannan. I studied at Sivagangai Mannar
Old student Electronics group Higher secondary school, established by Sivagangai
Mannar Higher secondary school Rajah Shri Bodhagurusamy (II) in 1856, in Vocational
Chief Executive Officer - Omega Groups
– Engineering and technology Group – Electronics
Sivagangai – 630561 as optional subject (1989 -1991). My subject teachers
taught the Electronic theory and practical subjects
well which made electronics as my passion. After the
completion of +2, I engaged myself intensively on trou-
ble shooting of Radio, television and other electronics equipments. After few years ,
I started a shop namely Omega mobiles in which we have been selling and servicing
of mobile phones and got succeeded. With the help of my wife Mrs K.Thilagavathi
(Chairperson,Omega Groups) now we are doing the following jobs successfully.
1. On contract basis, in Government and Private departments, we installed hundreds
of Electric and Solar - High mast L.E.D. type lamp posts and R.O. – water purifier
plants at rural and urban areas.
2. Besides Sales, installation and servicing of Un-Interruptible Power Supplies.
3. Solar cells based U.P.S. – production, maintenance and servicing.
4. Running “ L.E.D. Televisions and Electronic equipments Sales and service show
Now, there are more than 40 technicians working with us. We are ready to offer
training for my school students and Old students.
I am very proud to say in this case study that, “All my endeavor in this
electronics field is just because of the course of the vocational education on basic
Electronic which I had from my school”.
Thanking you

226 Electronics Equipment

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Time: 2 1/2 hours Total marks: 90

I. Choose the correct answer from the given four options. Answer all the questions.
 15 X 1 =15
1. The unit of current is
a) Volt b) Ampere c) Ohms d) None of these
2. If two resistors 1 kΩ and 1 kΩ are connected in parallel, the total resistance is
a) 50Ω b) 100 Ω c) 500Ω d) 75 Ω
3. Which of the following is a transducer?
a) Resistor b) Condenser c) Transformer d) Microphone
4. The formula for inductive reactance is
1 1
X L = 2π fL b) XL = XL =
a) 2π fL c) X L = 2π fL d) 2π LC

5. Which of the following element does not have five valence electrons?
(a) Phosphorous (b) Arsenic (c) Antimony (d) Indium
6. Center tapped transformer is used in a ………….. rectifier.
a) Bridge type b) Half-wave c) Full-wave d) None
7. A transistor has …………PN junction
a) One b) Two c) Three d) Four
8. The emitter of a transistor is ………….. doped
a) Lightly b) Heavily c) Moderately d)None of these
9. The control element of an SCR is …………..
a) Cathode b) Anode c) Anode supply d) Gate
10. An IGBT is also known as
a) MOIGT b) COMFET c) GEMFET d) All of these
11. An oscillator produces ……… oscillations
a) Damped b) Un-damped c) Modulated d) None of these
12. The number of levels in digital signal is
a) One b) Two c) Eight d)Ten
13. How many digits in octal system
a) 10 b)2 c)8 d)16
14. Write the Odd one from the following.
a) Monitor (b) Printer (c) Mouse (d) Plotter
15. A multimeter cannot measure ………
a) Voltage b) Current c) Ohm d) Watt

Model Question Paper 227

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II. Answer any 10 questions (including Question No.17 compulsory) in few sentences.
 10 X 3 =30
16. Define Ohm’s law.
17. If 100 Ohms and 150 Ohms are connected in parallel in a circuit, calculate the total resistance
of the circuit.
18. What is a transformer?
19. What is atomic weight?
20. What is called half-wave rectifier?
21. Write short notes on SMD transistor.
22. How will you display number 3 in seven segment display?
23. What is meant by piezo electric effect?
24. What are the three basic logic gates?
25. Why digital system is reliable?
26. Define the working of ROM & RAM.
27. Define computer.
28. Write the uses of Logic Probe.

III. Explain any 5 questions (including Question No.31 compulsory) in a Paragraph

 5 X 5 =25
29. Draw and explain about electrolytic capacitors.
30. Explain Dynamic microphone with neat diagram.
31. Draw the circuit diagram of bridge rectifier and explain its working function
32. Explain the working principles of NPN transistor
33. Explain Binary number system.
34. Write short notes on (i) Keyboard (ii) Plotter (iii) Hard disk (iv) Pen Drive
35. List out any five functions of a multimeter

IV. Explain in about a page. 2 X 10 = 20

36. (a) In a series circuit, two resistors 150 Ω and 100 Ω are connected with 125 V supply. Prove that
the sum of the voltage drops across the resistors is equal to the EMF applied in the circuit.
(b) Explain the working principle of RC phase shift oscillator with circuit diagram.

37. (a) Explain the construction and working of an IGBT

(b) Explain the working of CPU with neat diagram.

228 Model Question Paper

ELEC_EQUIP_Chapter10.indd 228 21-04-2018 19:05:56


1. S. M. Sze, 1988, VLSI Fabrication Technology, 19. M.D. Singh and K.B. Khanchandani, Power
McGraw Hill. Electronics, TMH, New Delhi, 1998.
2. S. K. Gandhi, 1983, Si/GaAs Devices Fabrication 20. P.S. Bimbhra, Power Electronics, 3rd, Ed.,
Technology, John Wiley Ltd. Khanna, New Delhi, 1999.
3. S. M. Sze, “Physics of semiconductor devices” 21. R.K. Sugandhi and K.K. Sugandhi, Thyristors –
2nd edition (John Wiley& Sons, New York, Theory and Applications, 2nd Ed., Wiley Eastern,
1981) New Delhi, 1981.
4. P. Y. Yu & M. Cardona, “Fundamentals of 22. N. Mohan, T.M. Undeland, and W.P. Robbins,
Semiconductors, Physics and Materials Power Electronics – Converters, Applications,
Properties” 2nd edition (Springer, Berlin, 1999) and Design, 2nd Ed., Wiley, NY 2001.
5. Ruska, 1988, Devices Fabrication Technology, 23. B.W. Williams, Power Electronics –Devices,
McGraw Hill. Drivers, Application, and Passive Components,
2nd Ed., Macmillan, London, 1992.
6. D. K. Schroder, 1990, Semiconductor Material
and Device Characterization, Wiley, NY. 24. J.N. Ross, The Essence of Power Electronics,
Prentice-Hall, London, 1997.
7. M. S. Tyagi, Introduction to Semiconductor
Devices, Wiley. 25. S.B. Dewan and A. Stranghen, Power
Semiconductor Circuits, Wiley, NY, 1975.
8. Deboo and Burrous, 1987, Integrated Electronics
and Semiconductor Devices, Theory and 26. M.H. Rashid, Power Electronics – Circuits,
Applications, McGraw-Hill International Ed. Devices, and Application, 2nd Ed., Prentice-Hall
of India, New Delhi, 1999.
9. Malvino and Leach, Digital Principles and
Applications, 4th Ed., McGraw-Hill. 27. S. Rama Reddy, Fundamentals of Power
Electronics, Narosa, New Delhi, 2000.
10. Millman and Halkias, 1972, Integrated
Electronics, McGraw-Hill. 28. Ghosh T. K., “Computer Organization and
Architecture”, Tata McGraw-Hill, Third Edition,
11. M. M. Mano, 1995, Digital Design, Prentice-
Hall of India, New Delhi.
29. William Stallings, “Computer Organization
12. A.S. Bouwens, 2000, Digital Instrumentation,
and Architecture – Designing for Performance”,
Pearson Education, Seventh Edition, 2006.
13. T. L. Floyd, 1993, Digital Fundamentals, 5h Ed.,
30. Behrooz Parahami, “Computer Architecture”,
Oxford University Press, Eighth Impression,
14. Taub and Shilling, Digital Electronics. 2011.
15. Ahmed, Power Electronics for Technology, 31. David A. Patterson and John L. Hennessy,
Pearson Education, PHI, NJ, 1999. “Computer Architecture-A Quantitative
16. G.K. Dubey, S.R. Doradla, A. Joshi, and R.M.K. Approach”, Elsevier, a division of reed India
Sinha, Thyristorised Power Controllers, New Private Limited, Fifth edition, 2012.
Age International, New Delhi, 1986. 32. John P. Hayes, “Computer Architecture and
17. P.C. Sen, Power Electronics, Tata McGraw-Hill, Organization”, Tata McGraw Hill, Third Edition,
New Delhi, 1987. 1998.

18. M. Ramamoorthy, An Introduction to Thyristors 33. Carl Hamacher, ZvonkoVranesic, SafwatZaky,

and Their Applications, 2nd Ed., Affiliated East “Computer Organization”, McGraw-Hill, Fifth
West, New Delhi, 1991. Edition, Reprint 2012.

References 229

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34. C. S. Rangan, G. R. Sarma and V. S. V. Mani, 38. D. V. S. Moorthy, 1995, Transducer and
1999, Instrumentation Devices and Systems, Instrumentation, Prentice-Hall of India,
Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi. NewDelhi.
35. A. D. Helfrick and W. D. Copper, 1992, Modern 39. J. W. Dalley, W. F. Riley and K. G. McConnel,
Electronic Instrumentation and measurement 1993, Instrumentation for Measurements,
Techniques, Prentice-Hall of India, New Delhi. Wiley, NY.
36. A. K. Sawhney, A Course in Electrical and 40. B. C. Nakre and K. K. Chaudry, Instrumentation
Electronic Measurement and Instrumentation, Measurements and Analysis, Tata McGraw-
DhanpatRai& Sons. Hill, New Delhi.
37. E. O. Doebelin, 1983, Measurement Systems 41. D. A. Skoog, Principles of Instrumental Analysis,
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230 References

ELEC_EQUIP_Chapter10.indd 230 21-04-2018 19:05:56

Class XI – Basic Electronic Engineering
List of Authors and Reviewers

Chair Person Authors

Mr.A.IDAYASELVAN, Vocational Teacher,
Dr. D.Nedumaran, Associate Professor& Head (i/c) Govt.Hr. Sec. School,
Central Instrumentation & Service Laboratory, Mettur Dam,
University of Madras, Salem District.
Guindy Campus, Chennai.
Mrs.S.RAMA, Vocational Teacher,
Govt.Boys.Hr. Sec. School

Reviewer Mr.V.RAMANA SUNDARAM, Vocational Teacher,

General Cariappa Hr. Sec. School
DR.A. VIMALA JULIET, Professor & Head, Saligramam,

Department of Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering, Chennai.
SRM Institute of Science & Technology ,
Kattankulathur. C.VENGATAGIRI, Vocational Teacher,
Mannar. Hr.Sec. school,

Mrs.G.ANBARASI, Vocational Teacher,

Govt. Hr. Sec. School,
Cuddlore District.

Quality Control Academic Coordinators

S. Gopu – Eye Think Creations, A.Ilangovan, Lecturer,
Vadapalani, Chennai DIET, Thirur,
Thiruvallur District.
M. Karan – Infinite Animation Studio,
Nandhanam, Chennai. K.Ravichandran, PG Assistant,
Thanthai Periyar Govt. Hr. Sec. School, Puzhuthivakkam,
Kancheepuram District.
Book Design ( Typing, Pagination, Layout P.Malarvizhi, BT Assistant,
PUMS, Padiyanallur,
Designing and Illustration) Thiruvallur District.
Arockiam Felix, Chennai.

This book has been printed on 80 G.S.M.

Elegant Maplitho paper.
Ramesh Munisamy Printed by offset at:

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