Take A Picture: 7th Grade

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7th Grade

Lesson 6 handout : Healthy habits. “A recipe”

To design a recipe and describe a dish.

 You must read the instructions to answer the task.
 You have to submit the answers on Moodle up to July, 31 st
 Take a picture from your handout or change Word format to PDF to send it

Following the examples given in the video, prepare a poster, a padlet, or a power
point presentation about your favorite dish. In the poster, the students are expected
to describe a dish and write about the name, the description of it, serves, ingredients,
instructions to prepare it, how it can be served.

Criteria Descriptions Score

Content It contains information about the name, the description of it, serves, ingredients, 30%
instructions to prepare it, how can be served.
Use of language Correct use of sequencers, adjectives and cooking verbs (instructions) 20%
Vocabulary Accurate and appropriate use of words related food and cooking 20%
Spelling Writes clearly and there are no spelling mistakes. 15%
Visual resources/ It presents images 15%

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