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Gyulamiryan Ani, A review of selected works by j.s.

Bach, Franz Schubert, and

Alberto E. Ginastera, university of alaska fairbanks, december 1, 2014

Deborah Schwartz-Kates, Alberto Ginastera A Research and Infoormation Guide, Routledge music bibliographies, New
York 2010

Michelle Tabor. “Alberto Ginastera’s Late Instrumental Style,” Latin American Music Review 15/1
(Spring-Summer, 1994), pp. 1-4.

Gilbert Chase, “Alberto Ginastera: Argentine Composer,” The Musical Quarterly

Vol. 43, No. 4 (Oct., 1957),

Published by: Oxford University Press

Hanley, “The Solo Piano Music of Alberto Ginastera,” (June-July 1975), 19.

Rachel Hammond, Rhythmic And Metric Structure In Alberto Ginastera’s Piano Sonatas, Masters
Thesis, University of Central Florida, 2011

Alberto Basso, Dizionario enciclopedico universale della musica e dei musicisti, ed. Utet, Unione
Tipografico – Editrice Torinese 1983

Juan Orrego-Salas. Involvement with Music: Music in Latin America (New York: Harper’s College
Press, 1976), pp. 1-2.

D. Olsen e D. Sheehy. The Garland Handbook of Latin American Music, 2nd ed. (New York: Routledge, 2008

Francis Pittman. A Performer’s Analytical Guide to Indigenous Dance Rhythms in the Solo Piano

Works of Alberto Ginastera (D.M.A. Diss., The University of North Carolina at Greensboro, 2006) , pp. 29n, 28-29.
Thomas Turino. “Quechua and Aymara,” from The Garland Encyclopedia of World Music Volume 2:

South America, Mexico, Central America, and the Caribbean . edited by Dale Olsen and Daniel Sheehy (New York:

Garland Publishing, Inc., 1998), p. 216 figure 5.

Fiona Wilson. “Indians and Mestizos: Identity and Urban Popular Culture in Andean Peru,” Journal of

Southern African Studies 26/2 (June, 2000), pp. 240-243.

Gerard Béhague. Music in Latin America: An Introduction (Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall Inc.,

1979), pp. 1-5.

Gilbert chase, The Musical Quarterly, Volume XXIV, Issue 1, 1938, Published by: Oxford
University Press

Deborah Schwartz-Kates. “Alberto Ginastera, Argentine Cultural Construction, and the Gauchesco

Tradition,” The Musical Quarterly 86/2 (Summer, 2002), p. 253.

Ibid., pp. 249-250.
Schwartz-Kates definisce il gauchesco come un “movimento culturale, letterario, e ideologico…che sostiene il gaucho
come un simbolo della nazione argentina.” Deborah Schwartz-Kates. The Musical Quarterly. p. 248.

Gilbert Chase, “Creative Trends in Latin American Music-I,” Tempo, New Series 48 (Summer, 1958),

p. 29.

Nicolas Slonimsky. Music of Latin America (New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Company, 1945 ),

Carlos Vega, Apuntesp aral a historiad el movimientotr adicionalistaar gentino( Buenos Aires: Instituto Nacional de Musicologia
Carlos Vega, 1981), 31-34, 37.

VicenteGesualdo ,L a mutsicaen la Argentina( Buenos Aires: EdicionesS tella, 1988), 129-30.

Eric Salzman, “Ginastera Aids Latin-American Composers,” New York Times,

11 March 1962, sec. X, p. 11

Pola Suárez Urtubey, “Ginastera’s

Bomarzo,” 1968

Donal Henahan, “(1) ‘Why Not?’ (2) ‘One Step Forward,’” New York Times, 10
March 1968, sec. SM, pp. 30–31+

W. Stuart Pope “The

Composer–Publisher Relationship: Chronicle of a Friendship,” (1985): 100–101.

Franco, “Alberto Ginastera estrena enMadrid su segundo concierto para violinchelo, ”
El País (Madrid), 29 April 1983, p. 50.

Basso Alberto, Dizionario Enciclopedico Universale della Musica e dei Musicisti, Unione Tipografico -
Editrice Torinese, Torino 1983
57. Francis Davis Pittman, A Performer’s Analytical Guide to Indigenous Dance Rhythms In The
Solo Piano Works o f Alberto Ginastera (ProQuest, 2006).

Use of Pedal in Selected Piano Music of Alberto

Joanna Tuley Burnside
Louisiana State University and Agricultural & Mechanical College (2000)

The Harvard Dictionary of Music

Fourth Edition
Edited by Don Michael Randel 2003

Pola Suárez Urtubey," Ginastera,A lberto,"i n Diccionariod e la musicae spafiolae his-panoamericana, 8vols., ed. Emilio CasaresR
odicio (Madrid:S ociedad General de Autores y Editores, 1999)

David Wallace. Alberto Ginastera: An Analysis of his Style and Techniques of Composition (Diss.,

Northwestern University, 1964), pp. 6-10.

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