Gambar Cuci Tangan (Writting)

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Hand washing is generally done when before eating, before preparing food, after

handling raw meat, before and after touching the sick, after using the bathroom,
after coughing or sneezing or blowing your nose, after changing diapers or pads,
before and after treating the wound, after cleaning or taking out the trash, after
touching animals or animal waste.

Can you wash your hands? You must answer "Yes, I Can!", But if you are not sure
how to wash your hands is good and right? I'm sure not everyone wash their hands
well and impressed carelessly important wet. Yes, that's the reality. Most people
consider trivial and in fact most are not able to demonstrate how to wash hands
properly, maybe even people who work in the health world itself does not know.

You should also teach good hand washing habits to your child is still small. A child
excited to learn about and touch everything without knowing whether the object is
dirty or not. Then put his hand into the mouth or eating food without washing
hands. As a result the child can suffer from the disease. According to the study, the
number one killer disease of children in Indonesia are due to diarrhea, although this
can be prevented by teaching children to wash their hands.

When washing hands should use soap to kill germs that cause disease. In addition to
the use of soap, wash your hands the right way is also very important for
cleanliness. Washing hands, not only washed the palms in a short time. Many
adults and children consider only the palm of the hand. In fact, the hand is
composed of palms, backs, wrists, fingers, and between the fingers.

There are steps how to wash hands correctly bellow :

1. The first step is rub both palms
2. Then right palm over left dorsum and left palm over right dorsum
3. The third is rub the palms of the hands and between the fingers
4. After that rub the sides of the fingers in both hands interlocked position
5. Rubbing thumb rotate in the right hand grip and the opposite
6. The last is rotate the fingertips right in the palm of his left hand and the opposite

Hand washing is recommended in general is perfomed under running water, because the
water is at rest and is used to wash dirty hands could be agerm soup because the gathering
dirt that may contain germ in one place and stick again when the hand is raised from the
container wash the hand.
Washing hands does not take long or difficult effort , but hand washing is one of the most
effective ways in disease prevention . Make it a habit to play a major role in protecting
your health
Keeping health is not enogh just to sort intake into the stomach, but also to get used to
maintain hand hygiene to prevent the entry of germ.hygiene and health, both are mutually
influential role and complements each other. By applying clean behavior, then health
becomes positive effects generated.

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