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World History

In China, confucios came in the declining reign of zhao empire. Legalist is one of

them. Zhao replaced by QIN, origin of china. King Huangadi said Shi Huangdi acted

decisively to crush political opposition at home. To destroy the power of rival

warlords, he introduced a policy called “strengthening the trunk and weakening the

branches.” He commanded all the noble families to live in the capital city under his

suspicious gaze. This policy, according to tradition, uprooted 120,000 noble families.

Seizing their land, the emperor carved China into 36 administrative districts. He sent

Qin officials to control them.

To prevent criticism, Shi Huangdi and his prime minister, the Legalist philosopher Li

Su, murdered hundreds of Confucian scholars. They also ordered “useless” books

burned. These books were the works of Confucian thinkers and poets who disagreed

with the Legalists. Practical books about medicine and farming, however, were

spared. Great wall china started in his reign. Completed in Ming dyansty. Shi

Huangdi’s sweeping program of centralization included the building of a highway

network of more than 4,000 miles. Also, he set the same standards throughout

China for writing, law, currency, and weights and measures—even down to the

length of cart axles.

Impact of geography on Greece:

Rugged mountains covered about three-fourths of ancient Greece. The mountain

chains ran mainly from northwest to southeast along the Balkan Peninsula.

Mountains divided the land into a number of different regions. This significantly

influenced Greek political life. Instead of a single government, the Greeks developed
small, independent communities within each little valley and its surrounding

mountains. Most Greeks gave their loyalty to these local communities. In ancient

times, the uneven terrain also made land transportation difficult. Of the few roads

that existed, most were little more than dirt paths. It often took travelers several

days to complete a journey that might take a few hours today. Much of the land

itself was stony, and only a small part of it was arable, or suitable for farming.

Troy war:

Indo aryan branch in greek is called Myceneon. They fought with troy, an city in

Antolia. Trojan Prince kidnapped helen, Myceneon prince. After the war, Dorians

conquered the Myceneon cities. Dorians were backward and hence, trade and

writing stooped. People started telling history. One of the famous is Homer. Illiad is

written by him. It is also the base of greek mythology.

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