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Inflation, Egypt

unrest likely to
keep FIIs away
Mumbai, 6 February
Egypt crisis may
oaring inflation and po- impact policy,
S litical unrest in Egypt will
continue to haunt Indian
shares in the near term, prompt-
says Gokarn
Events in Egypt would have
ing a further selloff from over- an impact on the monetary
seas investors, reckon experts. policy, the Reserve Bank
India’s key stock market in- of India’s deputy governor
dices – the Sensex and the Nifty said on Sunday.
– have lost more than 12 per “After making the pol-
cent so far this year, the worst icy announcement on Jan-
performance among all emerg- uary 25, a whole set of
ing markets. On Friday, the events have unfolded in
Sensex barely managed to hold West Asia, which are start-
above 18,000, while the Nifty ing to have an impact on
ended below 5,400. oil prices, which we ob-
“Rising food prices and in- viously did not anticipate
vestors’ concern regarding in- at the time we made the
flation in emerging markets have announcement,” Subir
been the main reasons why the Gokarn, deputy governor
emerging markets trade has at the central bank, said.
struggled recently,” Maarten- “So, a completely new
Jan Bakkum, global emerging environment has emerged
markets equity strategist at ING in a very short time after the
Investment Management, said announcement. It is going
in a note. “The end of the emerg- to have an impact on our
ing market (EM) monetary pol- thinking, our action in fu-
icy tightening cycle needs to be ture,” he added. REUTERS
in sight before the markets start
embracing the longer-term ‘EM
superior growth’ theme again,” index climbed 11.61 per cent
he added. in the year to January 22, data
For the week ended Feb- released on Thursday said.
ruary 2, India-focused equity To tame inflation, the Re-
funds suffered the largest week- serve Bank of India was ex-
ly outflow since early June pected to raise rates by at least
2010, according to EPFR Glob- 75 basis points in the financial
al, which tracks fund flows in- year ending March 31, 2012,
to world markets. said Indranil Sen Gupta, di-
Foreign institutional investors rector and chief India econo-
(FIIs) have net sold Indian shares mist at Bank of America (Bo-
worth $1.21 billion (`5,523.50 fA) Merrill Lynch.
crore) this year till February 3, Technically, too, the market
according to Securities and Ex- has not bottomed out yet, say
change Board of India data. experts. “We are in the mid-
According to Bakkum, re- dle of a bear market. Consid-
cent developments in Egypt have ering history, the market should
added to the nervousness about bottom out in the next one-two
emerging markets, as turmoil months,” said Deepak Mohoni,
in West Asia pushes oil prices founder of Trendwatch (India),
higher. This is a major concern which predicts market move-
for a country like India which ments based on technical analy-
imports more than two-thirds sis. “The Sensex and the Nifty
of its oil requirement. are likely to find support well
India’s food price index rose before the 16,000 and 4,800 lev-
17.05 per cent and the fuel price els, respectively,” he said.

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