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Gavin Johnston career interview

1. Denny Shannon, (814)-360-3215, physician in a practice of internal medicine, Mount

Mippany Physicians group,

2. Outpatient medicine (outside the hospital) nursing home and office-based practice.

seeing between 10-20 patients and around 12 hours long. It used to be patient care now

half the day is patient care and the other have of the day is computer work

3. Without a doubt interacting with people every day is different, and most people are pretty

nice. Hates the computer work he’s not very good at it so its tales him twice as long as

others because it takes away his time. Would change the computer work where you hire

someone to help with all the computer work allowing for a much faster process.

4. First thing is someone willing to work hard because if the aren’t willing to work then they

won’t last long, good work ethic, willingness to work with others not against them,

people who join the group and want to do it their way and not work with others don’t last

long and it’s about getting everything done together.

5. Didn’t think he would be a doctor was very interested in sports and hunting and fishing

wasn’t till college till he tool school seriously, as a kid he never thought about what he

was going to do because he grew up in a small town where everyone worked in the


6. Undergraduate was in biology and a specialist physiology. Doctorate in medicine and did

an internship and a residency in internal medicine. Very well prepared for his job. Yes,

the information he learned he still uses to this day.

7. First full-time job was an intern and he averaged 80-100 week and was his first full time

Gavin Johnston career interview

8. General standpoint the physicians in his residency where his biggest mentors and

influencers teaching him how to act and be a doctor.

9. Went into massive debt took him till the age of 47 to pay off his school debt, time lost not

being able to be home with his family with his crazy hours. Nothing he is content with

where he is and he doesn’t look back with regret. Most valuable thing to him ow is his


10. One time he failed was freshman semester he failed his entire semester had a 1.5 GPA

and he learned he wasn’t going to get very far if he wasn’t going to put in the work, so he

buckled down and worked very hard to get where he is today.

11. Make sure you want to be a physician because it is a lot of sacrifice and it is a very big

decision about your life because it will take a lot of time from you. Everyday is a blessing

and you should live like it never take a day for granted

12. What is your proudest moment in your career and life? The day he graduated medical

school because everyone he talked to thought he had no chance of doing it. The day he

became a dad to his first child Makenzie

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