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…………talking to unkel

…………………………………………………………………………………………saving seline…………………hope

 Mental cycles through trying help in learning to be better for resources and life anything is


The world theodis live in is the wave Progress and brings substance but put Ideaas are no ones but there
own and their prize to to do better .Now and then theodis thought about the tall house the Cog in their
society that brought pain in their heart a n new had to do something the inhabidiants in this cog crided
for help enjoyed in lunacy allday the tall house or the cog had x_____ thinking about their symptoms
engrossed in what they had done ! not knowing in affect their madness produced int the cog they hadt
the struturte that housed tem the people with craziness howled and hee heed all telling war stories to
themselves in theres single room nothin in it but a chair light and fruit knowing there stories hurt and
brought backs out wound they would never forget theodis thought that’s he has to do productive works
and help them himself peace is the best way to forgive, forget .Plan for anew day praise in takreing care
of the environment is the key here is to work on the problem……chest herting and week from juice
theodis had visions ,..seen people ,he thought about life .Theory ,he had to look quik looking to long at
delusions would not find a soul in it knowing this is faulty-----_______Exert knowing theirs no soul in the
power of of _

- power_______-,friends and being the best in engineer he could be a thought the tall house brought .
the intensity of the interesting people compelled him to reason for peace at the the top he aspirations
see what he new gadgets to sew aliens on his journey this was shocking to himself
_______________pain in his body----______________my emotions are out of waavey the structure of
the cog has is bldg it viserates emotions of enemies that hold their distractions (now and later) the wind
has wonder it it that they all hold peace___________and searched earth realm made them believe in
cog because they didn’t believe in themselves.…talking to unkel ,,,…….,r.,@@@@@ fashigggen Michelle
was asking Bout you /)))))///// uuggh ouuu you breath is hummin and your feet smell so bad your toes
are growing trees from the fungus well unk you’re eyes are crookeder I don’t know what looking like
woodman jack. ………who any off the highway.……………………………………………………………..there is no lost
progress remember people remember you best.…………………………………………through water is life and
your is your body let your body be your masterpeicc the actions and what you do is what you shine
on….. UUUMMMM hummmmmmm spirits and alcohol stop you
seline…………………………………………………………………………………………………………this makes hate and
x___________control its t ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..Our
society is not propelled toguess but live in Prosperisty our jobs as humans is to live and l understood
theodis tired up with jokes behind him up the prespora mountain with the devil ink tricks it didn’tmean
anything else he felt triumphant already this hike bought out the sense he needed know drugs nothin
withacention g like juice theses things took away from his reality the airsoft drugs bring a haze theodis
knew in mind he knew hit is the slave and the master he’s the the question and the answers theodis
said lol lol…….. Im im walking up the hill of prospera to the tall house theodis thought he was strong but
twenty steps into it his armer clang with sweat and l…….. He had too loose hi…….his weapons and thank
for cunning ness…… thought and perception of whats real is what heed need he had to take heed to his
elder and his self with personoofication ………a bird swung by gliding circle not not a caged bird but
definition of living life taphouse deliant ,power and intriguing.2.go,occupation .sonny ,life, triumph
prestige and obstacles.nana,fun and hate.seena bestowed riches destiny.

Bunme,truth. Dalia work and naturalization.con, allegory business. Kelia desensitized.gussy

persuient,.alie,purpose definition perseverance.
……………………. Life skills and truth IM hip.

 Climbing the mountain his body tensed to as he walked and talked to c………yet theodis
thought…the hill was rocky or Maybe advisable obstacle like his spiritual meaning no ninja could
mess with him none where his enemies he prepared letting……his body sleep knowiis will be a
great full fill ment theodis said to himself he knew who does built there personal business
himself and others…_theodis said to_talking__to himself I am because my spirit___ LOL the
came across……,,,,,,,,…………………………………………………………………………..but not his inner armor
knowing now that it would talke more than a spirits knowing heart and release ambivalence
11111111111111111thhis upper is while walking up the hill lol GET IN TI INTP INTOng good rest
love Ing himself with knowing what his body could he Made his pace style adapt to there was
know wing 5o the weather responded in knowing theodis spiritual self could change the
weather.…with the ascension theodis tired up with jokes behind him up prespora mountain with
the devil tricks it didn’t mean back biters are usual his triumphant …….himself and focusing his
body the bird because began bloop scaw aww swweaa like telling theodis he would succeed
with destination , the joullrney would amount to him overcoming the tall house cog and the
shining light that perseverance in hope became regular to him knowing anything is possible .
about……Then theodis came across the …it loomed with blazing feeling th e energy wanting to
see what theodis spirit btougnt bought brought not bot, an mystical asian person appeared
with help and personification of thought and peace tired his teas dribbled on his chis his day of
that sat didn’t know what to think but on the day……theory a problem with earth realm call dun
dddindnnd dunn enterxxxxx…… Call meChang LU eli iv been a spirit watching hoping to achieve
higher learning from the most peaceful NO HUM did You bring the usaeal know NO Brother
neck bones oxtail Catfish NO Lamb ARE you catching what in trowing uuuggjgjjgjhhhhhhhhhh
ughhhhghgh huh …No Im vegitarian…my favorite is vegetarian Tacos but I I didn’t bring these I
got I came to tall house and help to Cogians chang lu eil______………………………………………
______What is your favortire………____animal ,,,,,,,,,<<<<the TURLE ah YES!!!!!!!
……………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Amile to a
………………………………………………………….. He looked back thinking about his uncle and knew
something in heart said peace is the best way des…………………………….destro,,,,,,,
………………..relinkinquising hies weapons………………____exclaimed theodis the tall house
structure:THE Climbed knowing these efforts might be absent in______ he thought about seline
the people of earth realm and new change had to come up on the bldg he scaled with a
rope::_____ the_________ abstract but the true with heart and love in there was something
someone should see an effort of love for sotheodis let reading and writing understand what real
DETERMINATION THAT WANTED NOTHING but the fact something had to be done. NOTHING
BAD CRAVED EVEN CRAVENLY THEODIS HOPED ON.knew steady is sure to cross theodis arched
his back he could fill it in his back and arms a his solar wings the rope was tight and stretched
from the first window to the top th THE TOWER… eight parables that make true seven obstacles
_____buying a--------a spirit not for sale broter 822 july 30 –[-[------------decietful
conversations…… I want to lord for one of my presents a martin Luther king picture I wish I
could buy him a slurpee. . animal

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