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‘The Power of The Logos (fhe Divine Word) Basil LE-CROIX ‘Also known as Basil Crouch, ‘autor of The Dark Side of ‘The Moon: A Complete Course of Magic and Witcherai). Copyriaht 1995 [INBARW INTERNATIONAL THE POWER OF THE LOGOS Lote: Son of Gd (Oxlor Ditonary) DDownthrough te agesa try persists, Nisa strange tiny whic ell tate his ad the destiny mand write nthe st. Sul. thatreansasuology? Yet destiny dest fin seme anstoy ny tha ist git righ iber, so we ms! ook or a espe ncn. ‘Whcame fram he Sars? Every rceom can pends when race ‘of spereings came rom the tars The Christin relghon says that the ‘len of beaven, the sons of On, deez ade rm th str, Ott ‘eligi pat tin ifort way In th East we er that the Lords of Flame ean from Veous and inhabited! thi lant tn Tibet me ore tld that te can yum the ‘dance ofthe Logos, ac of sup eings fom the skies. At oe Times, in oer plas, me beat of the shining ove, the ret eres tbe angel heaven the sds of te the lnd if te acl space 2018. All this = very confung ut ae ting certain soe Deng ‘rainy vse this pe a they were sper os nan moa From the monusens they lei Deiad we eam tel that they ad many owersand used methods akon sto te preset day. Te aril Dut vast engineering fess which wecunnot ema. hey won ar imadvance of the peopl ofthe cath. Infact we canot even pow vent ‘ything new forthesenyseroosmen have seal he hig which we tuselves consider as ing aver y Funny the a es many ches which canbeused our. ‘Wenesduny seein aroandstrange places nd we wl in dtason tow to Become rich and healthy abl hw Io bea prosper ad apr. sce. Unfovtaately for may, te people whe have ase 19S nome pes in heping to heise Inthisbook wl yah gether this formation an wrt tine simp ‘vay, s0 thal wo read this may enjoy he rls Wis kuowledge To this ond pest wo you the anteivias Order f the Cube, the Four Square Gospel ofthe sero the Lago [Leusreur forarmoment nastology, ntsommuch ost ithuthecaise cane elpolto ws, was wren ovr templeo Apel Delphi ‘Man, Anew nse. The Lagos, Man, know thy enemies’. This here astoogy cant. Ifyex ptchas a bosom te zine ins you ‘wl Bi! a, gcneraly speaking, peopl hrm ur each sign do ave {ey sila churacterics, Should we Inve enc, either real or Jiaginayand we ould inthe date ofthc, hen we all fom thesign under whicbey were born which way we cam expect ube Being forewarned we ean take sep to ally he aeons Enough about tology. Weare necking nic docpr knowledge, Our ‘noe wil come rm af places and fom retote ange. from nce manmcripeand rm carvings om i mck at all ole the form of rides. Hundreds of yess resco have unraveled the scree hein thse carvings Words of Power Have youtheanof the worse poser? What are hey’ The Hoy ie ‘as ine, "In the Dinning Was the Word Ad Go sald ethene be light and there was ight” From te dan of tie, in every legend of ry mae, Hive und ht the pets se werd of power. Hee ba srange thing: wo mater where Ugo, oo ter whi Tsk, 1 receive tbe same answers to ny guesems aoa he wor F Powe. Hy Srowkl ccm that amet everyone tank “Have yi band of the words of [power replies Olyes lave lean bout them” Then Task “Can you ivemeon™” Somcimestam gens Mir, assed in Yop, ha nore ‘ten the aaer “Well did aw one, Vea sterner a th “The Take “What i ths power those was ive, how ae the words Ferme wher son Ufind ott aout hese words and who wed hen an Wy” “Belov it or no, I seldon Rind the answers to say of these «queso: Canyon mete answers NO, Never mind yoo ol io Theanaerso these petone tt when yo he thr wl atk eo he like the priests ad to exp the coe for yoursell. cant mae You ecpsscr ut Len war yuo what wil happen te yo do ‘You wil becomes eeeronan ra sapertea sd ch ou wl be hated hy all- Yow sll pescnied ad shunned, yu wil be known | | ips, our ree wil desert ya ie wil Doct eee Thats et allthase who rseabse the noms, for your ow sake, ec this now sere. ‘What will these words do er you? They will make you ch they wil ‘ashe youhappy.andtbey willmake you healthy Athen things areas ‘wen yon ime the tcrt ofthe Logo, the see of The "Four Square ‘Werld™‘They wil give you ll he wlth you can ever require. What ond is wealth toyou you ae? Myo ae slferng from any sion Ines can wealth ere you? No, money wilt give you bath. Wc, Inowever, pave the wy to the bet eda! Kowdge aval ‘You mus elise hate doce ever cared any person of ay ness. The car canon come from your ow dy. Medlee ea sist your bay to ere Hse, magic ean teip you o achieve the mental coon for ‘tng youre, bathe care isl mis eae om wit. Tiss where the words of power coe no ply, forte powe Behind dhe wor 2 ‘mena power el instep mst eae. Ye this il, tha the arr hs ben four or yom, All yen neo a flo ts Ta alway asked what the wonts ave done for thers Linen to Sally Ia denofor, data and with lst pony Lent is {his caf, got eppa, could’ ford ao fod. Isat hee, snd te tot psp i wok be ter jap the iver. Ob wa lor Thad heen el werk orem, Iefthome to ty aol getajb inthe ett fo tbat Twas Ws Iopelee i ‘Wall Psiting tere when in comessome hays wi gts, boenplaying down the od ila copper moved thn, 8 seen them Before Leow fy the ell. Wel one of the mes over to me, “Want a cuppa? he asks. kpow be ‘ans ror tha iste me, bt Ski 3018“ Fight but no funny business, Feat sian Ik” So anode tomes over saying “Leave dc i alone Hest doa, hi ther fy dp om te able fay looking objects oftapeeditweresandadasqunrebos mien pata hand oh bie grab, Dont you veroudh a be growled "You keep your Tipiag Fingers wey fro sec Well Lon tow hal ‘withhim lhe surookedal the ling things ire (Gol something “Amor ad cans over saying “What's ps started to ‘and shy say ‘Dry wp Ki ts ot hat Bad” Ba ‘ed. Tcl lp. The this a ong mew alee and «sandwich and when I wolfe i down be got me tater, ther he sai sing athe, "This gadget i oor chy chan, Allene we haveit we wil make money Get tof a pristofsame or Ifyou Want money Kis. too tom ths side a pay Tor some each, but do real rious, oo a all. ‘Well, 1c this ox to, tasome squiggles ont ‘ha had to ouch and be, the boy roe someting on 3 pte. Het me to sort hai werd asm ly Tf, thing i but be mas soe would lp me, 0 Tose “Then while was horn ke, be atts puper what he tua writer cm inthe box. Well taal Where ear his stony? Twas psaing wo ths ay, ino gest house cotaneesie ow, Toc ay nguston was theowncro ese And was the rl nthe str. Tasked er bow i ame about hat fom 2 thovnand out gitshe bese the owns ofthe hot by hese Shes Alterthe ys, So Tas in no hay ‘outside and Troe fo ewe Thad just got nts when aol low lipped and fll ken lp in up abt we went back nthe cate. He ‘Savaonein he world hoffe mea ome erthis Tose elping his. He was aTosely ol chap, be 83s. [hou yea ner he psc ay Twas with it he In his wile everything tome this hose sta rary five tessa quid ak? erferasils, Hovasaning, ove. Then i clear up ‘shor anything in his word that you would hs Tasha “Yer she sal," wonld hve tae tht box. 17 could only have th Tcl cn the wer “Thutishow tall bape jst tuchagHatboxcand berminga werd she cn infor Yer hs isnt tangs Beppe al he Hie acy falls is approached inthe comet frame of ind. What could tremor simple? Touch, hun andthe worlds your forthe asking» You want one stone hones? Yo shall have oe good ine ‘What man oer ter shouting he? Lil call in Wally G. He isa very fish oumeraasting oftace hares. "Hey Wall Teal,"You ave promised io tll me # sory, renee” “Yen! says Wall rememer™. Heres he sry of Wally the ace horse owaet Inissevenyearsago now: Thad ut tthe rmy, spat all ‘ay ce onthe gis and bad a fine od time for «whi “Then the cash ran ota! Twas robs. ould et ise « pean from anywhere. Iweat down to the docs, inking Tight pick up pound ot, be able wo ery a bit of luggage around, evenbe able seal asutease. You know how its you gt hungry encugh you wl steal nthing. "do sles soat now, Sls luck would have, 1 id’ steal anything bat might hve done i things had tamed othe other wy. Wella cp I knew in the aay ‘somes ff the sip, hme of eave, “Hey, shore terme” “Well it ent old Wally, bow ae youTellow? heashs, We pettalking about oi tines ad he sks me 0 ome home with him. He iso fr rem the doe, 0 feip with hicases. "Donny old Mother be says, ‘She's a ht of anol wie, got all sons of quer things aro the hows, nines se sath sl pong so. ‘We st around hat evening diaking beer andthe ol i asked me stay and kxeptbe company whiny aes ‘oleave,so stayed. She has ey box aber ung, tnd Tookedatit wondering what ihe heck was, She sd, I want of anti io his word a 3ou have io os ray fr tw ong his Tay loking ward which is eth ide ofthe bo at the op ‘After they baal gone o be eam dows end touche at tox and payed far some money. Then Isteaked Back. ed and forgotal about A couple of day ater Iasi the Pub having lak. Tpched up wd ticket ore Irish Dethy ond asks arband if wayone had ist one Nobody elaimod itso I put ii my pocket. Tha ket, Tamed out toe for ancrascuritein the rac, s0 Thought that Tas on a god thing. At the Back of ey mind Soong was eling me 0 =ell hacks Ladertised tndaskedforoffere was fered ive thon pound for ‘alse tn aoe bloke offers me these noun forthe eter half 0 Ld ‘Whats tistrnge power hat comes rom shox? How sitcom? ‘ows i realy micron or why Should work nhs stange manne? ‘You willbe satisfied to kno a st dacs work, We anieave the ow ane thew tomecuious Hisenough ohn da t wl give usa ‘hes and tht withthe elp gives we can ive aToug adi T Tam approaching my egies, ut Lam well veal ie an am ree from worries. itdacshisorme thea wild for yw. his asere leon Ear by the Logos Theve mentioned tie Four Square Genel Have you ever noticed tat twelve ina foursqure wold? Foursquare? The popular ecncepin Ut we reside na thee-dmesiogl werd but that sot i ight for tweet ike scuntor ime, Weexitako in ime,soitwould Bobi {o say tht we lve na fourdincasonal worl “The igre for abounds nour Hes: Four weeks ina month, our points tthe corps oar seasons the Four Elements water, cabana) fh in our rlgon the foe Gaps, the our Archangel et. To the Steno de Occ, fou repeat he most primitive mer. ‘Weiustalpremember the fouranms ofthe ess, end why we se acess to represent ss, Tecan besa that he nomber for rs the wor Wye ltars in square? "And Twa ae heaven and new cr Forhe fist Renven andthe is arth reps away: and there Was no mores. Ande thal ted with mead golden eedomeasuethe Gays an the gator trot und the wall heteot And the iy ihe Foursquare, arte Teng is a Tage 8 the Brea From the Book of Revelations Jesse mis know athe CubicCity. ws stated that he centre he “Temple contained age nla sone which wassquareinshape. Lear the ower the cobe a 9 can tap unksiwn sous of weeks rete. few wordsere soatite pyramids. We al be using pyramid spe togninallthatweare seeking, ns gtcay understood hat te prams tre lt bythe Eeypians. Tete sap evidence fr tse who eek ithe iey Hath technical Kvowledge wo builder. Sapesing as it nay sets oyu, the Egy bad the knowledge othe powers at nig, ‘Ther ae wn econ fare space spooning in Eye he ‘unr Ep msc wn fy Enoch eich he ‘cling often ofthe Covet duel lsh de Soa Somninte tec iho, haem i irene Se ivf mo mee tn ac tat aw hat the Eye ba Knute he power ld th get yen. ‘intmatcrs he ny cue they af he seg fe _iktihe nena he Eytan veered sn ep eral tose. Tohin ubnseesstu be gen Ti tty recagertosts ang ou ey owm pani Wis ‘hc stn erie nA ttt sr te ‘tm poeralchamnibowerl Yer pom npn at Yovtieldtnow afew dinsaboutie pr bflreemsng oat ‘There pramid of Gi td acme a ean eight nhs {Tuner ws una pape eer cal ae ck Poa Stecusing econ wctnow tthe rnb were fice an over eal te Laon Kings. ret of Ot per hy ina St canter ‘Benge hrc wou ome hss te peopled i iets mec ng sos pepe iT Pls we itononpeyrsun ole ea uc inthcamber: Pye er ‘uli pms wow kit orsnsgredtine, Afr echng powers th hal fe ess, as des op Tak hat avery shiny revlon, wae nay anit es then bref oetnrof win matdc heron, Aro Ung rato ‘Sct une ot pyran tine was ey Cave nt te ware wer cons beep. We wl ck at ese ‘Scrom Syne ran sie Genel He wall oan layonthepramin tp rte ele ahi compli dn ew Sse woul eae. Xnanrpre sing wea won yon te si of he rani tt ‘roigive wea knowing tat nl oe hs west wod Beve them, Supe man ceded war rsp tendo ye ‘vei land thr ys he wou yon esther ‘erandingte comme wuld, ele his eae you ‘iin wien geutav your at iota rani capes you “lime sane powers ‘Mtryoutleve inert tne: heen prod oeran over sin by many peopl the present ine may poplar experiment ‘ey wih pyran hich sty Tri tis bok Te powers be cl VRC: Wha Naty tow, bette, bay ws at leis ye lets very owe Ses sea pt am pt Te ends Egyptae rely ope cholerae ty ae Peau copies woul appr that htknwrdge bd be st the timete pyramid were tr cdmamecrs ew ow Ahetuabouttenand then ews oroce power hasbeen sith ti engel before lesving his earth et hid hee f Baer man a bi desiny Smet is the Nein se ‘Gp thatsomthng ce be Bint ah rgmen oes ta Sem nay ican eine Cale ay in he Bie, some Scary he Zar whe yo oes Hs foo he Weis eck Deep Rai Forest of vila the fan heres ofan thon acide than he oeamisolEayp. Pramas ean in te chives ome cress ween ain ete teovigmt peso te pyramid we ensce where anis SF Egor ier or ths numens bend by at a of Sper ‘Aboe onlin kl mamta he eins of ce ange teed by thse sume elgs. Your of esearch hy lene oes ve Secibere cto us ngange, Experientia oh symbols tetonEaintav en pov ete. We we using sre these bets you wl int yo hae the ey werd power ‘Tose wos of poc at only fw ach nia my wor ey vel onl Indeed x nl be completly west ers Eat penen mat an hice wort helper 1404 Fenske and inthe Caray Archipelago. They Feu air ail oople wo sd thy were he st sro fa feat flond waichdcaoydthe world. They were edly pope IE merol magic wceking orto ine ese people wee nasty the opens, bate inthe wore he ‘Shunandswho oun thom brave serie ‘Tew people fel end et on the sue sl yoni and the Symibokb ced with thm fr aining wean hapless. Thy econ swing hone aks sl pram. std thn shape sarge pomer ar il to exes evene ha eet {Sees whee ese pes ig, WH hy Bo we do now ta the univer cto hy stage powers Ths earth and the oer planets hich fom ors ste ae ep | Ucn path arn te Stn some trang ere. We kno that al feo thisplietisconled hy powers which move incyeles. Theron exer poworswhich con the seas, cter planes ray comolother ses, ae Eins ay conta ther worlds hy thissame poser. Homes rom space wha i we dont kw, Wedo bn, homer how this powercan heconrled ane ought in| tse frou ene. We know tem make eh, we ROW ean Bese tocip es in perfec! heath Ian, ad Wil, Wook forall Petco same fom large family. At the ag of 14 she ran ay fon rome, She went rem oe to toe seeking Werk, ada ew obs ere apd there ot things gs stealy worse or er. Sh ook lepine i the pars daring the smmer mn, Ul when wait came be sep in ‘pty aoe houses. As SOU igh expec. Penelope wx bese no twubic she became very Hand fst ie aby ‘Showa ie to spl afer giving fit ber wn ia bose; het reams sled the poice who look her Wo the hsp fier beng Aischarged she wandered the et sta got cat up in gang ot bors who were ralding shops and eidings. Aer shit te they were test and brought por Wal. Penelope Wan seat to «use 0 eevcton,batowing ber pevicus way of Hest lil ada intere Infeton and was sven op as inca ‘Wandering aroun then raerble and ney, wing forthe end nck rely ang abou tfc tht se was slowiy sinking sw, se went ‘Scape te ling an the oc muscu. Then very sang hing ‘cet an assistant knocked overacasc abd a cse contained ede ofa pyrami, “The sess Sod, wlte feed, looking atthe model on the oor: eaclpe went t lp ut the ws wd Please do nt toch that pyramid. have een tl ats cs has hee put upon i Whoever touches will dl Penelope si "Well tha the ease wl pick t "pans bucka thease foryou. Im gong toe soitdoesttater ‘ch about theese desi” ‘She pike i up atl placed, basse pte sel Box om topo te pram she cha shock ik lighsing bl pas though ber. Quickly “hemaleherway tothe toiktand wan viokady sick. Aerrecovrig he ‘enhand ining outros wih water sichad feelingcoming over her which sh sad like hot wave passing taper dy abd The ‘strangest hing was hs fl aly happy 0 Sohappy ay se tat she hur out aging. Then ooking ard, se toned she was sing hermit ht decided that she was sl ane ‘On leaving th st she discovered a he rand steppe ose thems, She aonty walkdaow step when shes ps8 fn the rom Picking lupe et wa al of ots. nd being ng she ook ‘nee then de tnt he pie. Theres woman PC. sa, "Tak iSveryhenct of yi at gave Pease one pan ne oa some Feat with, Aer hee mone ene il line theese) sa aS tiven wPenelpe, She vested ina parershipin a cafe. Many yet fer st’s rich wenan, hans to thal pai Thave desrined recess, cases pple who only touced pyran DoT hearyou saying, is ator hook eling wha ther pepe ave tne? Yes, isa took ling of the stoces of ees. Bu MAKE nO ‘stake hers no eter way of earing than hy the sof what er. ave done When aman win the al pools, people nme ask ow be id it-Aman finds way tomahectsy money and wat doers fa Hoe di yo find tho todo tan nfs sling fine and promly te and how be Kal ut abt those pos o-n l reveal bow things are dene then who wl bene 1 womens dying of exer al hope gone, tere sm reprieve, hen sd sho i cr Immeiaely she asked to Wet about bet apeiene si ut the way se ound the ere. How ae you 10 Kear tanks yu read te way oer endl they seck? Heal youd this do tho do the oer hen yournay do these ings andi you do you wil be paling Bu ow nh esr if ll yo how oir ave ‘howe 30 that yon cn allow the pocede the thers before you sed ‘Many nny yea so, vasa ad Wore lay wages mer: tele allies «week, pis my food. Amee pituace. To make ends Ines pal fn suggested that we tok to poaching at ght. And so Tecate «pouch. Soon we were caught Thc land om which Twas ‘aught belonged toa chery exapai ofthe ar. Tsao taking before the focal magistrate be gave ws x chance wo spologie. Twente thismanan wiser ito isd. soo wilh ny mou pons never before ha sean a rom Hike tht On the walle sere trophics emalloverthe worl. Tye upon them a wonder. He atten atm, ling in was good his ht and ether Even ‘mT emer half of whales Bursting here oka stron an thon and then decided ne dhy twoukdhavessvom Tika, Well neherchanged hse ideas, Tevet ad oo Hike at oe, Ae 1 ge oler oer re nora ‘hinge ten overbt oe thing aver changed my ese fer well ‘Acton ht on one thing appened ome Inscacway Tanase {Dsl coe hat ine ow be ie, payne be ic at tmwello.Hhave Ree he nrer fl, uses, fast cars. Now 1a ole stand wae, My wih ow st tell odes how tg wba they dei ‘One thing Decomes increasingly obvious: all mage oe al desires ane {rented hongh i pation of nd, Rene be al the power oF tbe Pumidsinsomesey ets tbe Workngoftherning, Alihe preset ie une knows fiers bat hiestange powers. We aly os ‘tat itan deacon ay sewer, some omen wl i st ‘iat this omer isan Bow vo mvoke IWeculdheune. ee yo erin wilbesene person who makes Ainodlot «pyounidandevuis ise of he aabol etong forge ote a ul epi Nowittine ssa comeoryou buyer own model Jost follow the pater sven and yo shoul ave il fie wih the consi thon ir minke a felis, a se to fashion fig. Then tine Bt flapsaC. Fig, Eshoald be flded and glued wit the op Di the pram ke ap i i fokked around a form dens box “Te pyran in the gh ofthe ala forse hae latte aden hoe sop the anc ples ad emp ul Intec he eplthey fered thir Sst, he top of he pam, a he seange powers exis and we will se tose powers tobi wal we dec ‘haying ve wish cane ped Wy this rami or dan, whlch you fr going conse, ‘Asap ghtIwl evea pa of he egnd bhi tion of tha aoc ace "Te onal pyramid mere bull fo the prose of preserving the dead bale of he Kaas und High priests of ta ace of per beinge. They knew in thc wien tat some dy in he aire we tie ace of early uma, would ve the nowledge to ag tack ite toe da Wrasse tht cathe dethof penon the diease or watever wes ‘he cae of death would he wiped len. Nodiseuse can exis in deal ‘aly for toce than +f day or Weeks of the dead oy ean be [resto for tnt years thei teas be Boag tack. 1 frou pete ‘Weave Ben fold hate pharaoh he praia toms forthe Let oF seuang Go ose fis Rece ay senate % Onww’ C. thew Gwe B® swe AOSD ave Foup seats ee foi Atouwe & % Foam Box ings a prices, who Wer iin hem With al hr Wea, Thali ‘wrong, they dk nt Bid the they cower hem ale esting in Egypt orien thnandyear nihavingdseverd tim we aco ht they wid them a tombs et bony as ever Found» boy in the vrais ‘Ther shat the pyramids were pure ong fine the Egyptians found them, afer a severe ston which uncovered them fr the se “Thelin al he yyramidehaye hen fond ans yeast soon, There which Fund and robbed them inthe stat pst ew festa fle race of bags Gum Ut sery bev cdo oc eat shout the rlgen ant super power of that ace. The bible ele to he ‘tbe Children of Heaven the race ha spoke and sea ngage that ic Umkvown on Ean. Theonybians we kao, who ed peak ith these angel ate the prophets ofthe Olt Testa ‘We, the kao als nay, ani hat we de ot have the Knowledge wld the pyramids, We spose ty wore ul saves pling these Ine bocks arose ese and lifting them up oor he superstae= re of theses! pyre only these people wo know so mach woul ty he anc mat sri and carts el hind hy races of etl agi then they wou come aware of ace of ings who could in some way invoke {powerofat-pavty. Alo they hada way of making rater oer forma ck allele Tike pty. With these two powers cores limos like chilis play to build hese per sutures Hover this of wo intrest cncept a thought for mediation solct um get ack to orem The pyran othe gle ae covered Wilh risen exepers 0, wheelie we meer ol wih ‘re funer fy find nates opsenne werd papers wall per fora cil dolls house then y all eans use Failing tat we Ppeepapcr Theopen cat ite top sold beet white. And Bw some realouble gooutandcolet9pebbiesofasize tht wll tswdbeopea ox. T how i's «bor but the more he causes yo, th moe eit yu wil civ fro yur charm “The Forse of thee wil roprescat the four compass pi od ach ea it vm pra ings an its om bee tlyph, Draw ont cat siete tated -yenl. Tis Eeatsery ancient srl which presents Air, The eas ‘eof your pyran isnt with hve ad peace of Find. Whether yo els i orn, you nee Hove and ce efre you can enjoy Heo the al By saying ve amastaecssarity implying sex. Mont pepe nes contact with ther pul ut you Jo mot wish to jp ints be wil everyene You met Evenifyowan aiost a hermit you stile lve, anit an forems| you ost love youre. Never ere hal he wry ystsce yous {be way ers may ace you Do you ike the way yo are? Ave your ‘omental the way you ae there that You ‘ot of tne wit destiny, af hatte ease the ater people are sting the bck which ispasin you by. The Tove of well Peng the love ‘peace in eur om ing hiss the power he East ie ea fing You ‘Geespit indo han. Tktow you er seeking way to gin wealth, bat ist gain peace. Wealth witout peace no you Yoyo Tune in he Eas and gain pees Before I deste te Ritual ofthe East Face 1 woul ike ote yu abt erty C. He worked ina small garage His wages were lowe but be served liven asia bein the town, ett ring the eve Sometimes to dsc Thome thing he ail waned wa a gi she Iislife with “This is Bens story in his own won Yess wand gr other kes ave hen a snmehow tend ever et ath them. Tue 10 Dye itl Mags you know the son with dein asin, 04d Tay in bed aed he books wis Ecol eta gal ke she bunny gli the book, but never had mo Tack ‘Well ver bad much offer a Fr ook, well im not ugly but agai Lat Taney an Wo ook tL cer fol eonugh as orn asta, woul ike Ironic w smart car bls said could never eed the paycas omy mney. Another ig a it shy ‘shoe comestocating up gi. Then thi ay geese Tringrinacar wha acing opandon thehacksea west book on prams Tene eon: wot nthe coming fea ay 40, sotook he ok home orca hadglanced though and ‘welliappesidiome. So bame I wentand sited tread ‘Te salon he Est Fooe shout tovete, well iscnated sue Tean tell you Well ustayaark came upper holy of gi that I wou ke hve arena me ast thnk abou iti pect gi «al tuner agi tha won iy my very wih a i at could ayy very longing. ast lay thre and cam, ob xy What woulda pve for il eta an tori eo the ip, 1assounaskep when something WeHICLICK, and leapt ct of bed wondering what the eck ha Jappeaed and then a thought came wo me from bere, MAKE A PYRAMID. (hy, indi, shad tscemed and he ed he st Face Ritual. Dit work? Tay. Nas aman, teal itook ln hana noth sil can't belive What Iappeted you ak? Wella pl came in oe day saying, Leth old chm my sster sha ile coupe You Row got bt of wouble ith can't afer to ake ei for ‘pair thinkyon could belp her ata bi cheap Hike” Is ‘ean do, abd se bough i ater the ss had gee ome well don now ut what apnea somelhing etwcen us went Spang, and in fs than @ month we mare Teo tave ever og dreamed of,ourkwe pete, my sles pled cok, be denses well she yea Irhata wile shold be, she lovee wild any thing in the Told for me"She poet companion tome and at igs, well eis perhape if env tat wah Ando ‘om well have at cu, al wha sore ate git {ogo wiht That as side power ura mae my ie have sal tat we can eam fr the sty of what ters hase ahi soletusloskat hissy of Bey Fit he reamed of what he desis inhsown wordshe dreamed pa doly of gt. The aller the dean [tod he fash pyramid. Next he practised he simple i. The ‘et pt he dest a is tory, et HK hat Pu ule the ‘est impor’ par ofthe sere. Ae the Rite contd 0 Be {he noma way, ent o wrk ad FORGOT al about thera Sono we havc Drea you dens use your praia and Fong allaboat, us sit ack an wt forthe power Fo lok at eawing A Wf 90u pot he symm have deserted wet de toot pyrann then the net ean he placed a town, Draw be pm ees underncath and thn the yb The sorb ae the op the ancient symbol Frais promanced UN. The eicle Stas for sit ad hn sald eden be un a fel po fo hee Tewings. His tnown asthe cil of Vey, Level wikis symbel dro tic hrc represents eter Ain Fgyplan langue, tithe ft ero ai, al without ai we eat ive ie torn write the “asd he it box tthe tp of pyramid de he sels which ‘Sb forthe param angel Shinn, Those syne and mares te {akon frm sry ok! manuscript to he Rd in 2 maser i Ebi “Tey ar meron copper sheets ortho a retail t oppe othe archange! Rapa. Last ofall on x O® TR O13, Having dawn yoursyzols, place the sal open-ended box on your poramidandtaks onc of yourpebbes Myo ar havig iia sling Saitale pees then the pcs of paper which mst be our inches ‘oare, Drawn hen, lack 2m eg shape oval, Inthisoval enw in ple grec te Tlhowing symbol —MeaS ate | Should you ew 1 pebble then msibe on ces the sted i Thissyonuls he inal ofthe Egyptian Goss chy On te appt sie, draw i Mach, a e28 pawl, Th Blckoval hasalwaysoen pac sthe ‘ihtevcn cit. he gatwayhetwcea thespian word ‘Yeumay wish to now why Fadeocat he ne of bbls. The wasn ‘hat th bbls ara pre source of the earth, whereas pape, though | ‘material of tear. cannothegutaniedoe poe. Thecice rai tit you, bah ave their omar IF yo ae ang paper Ie, ar ‘rowing ihe sym wbic actly ate the ltrs sping Nephi Screw op te ype in sal all ad plac Wi te sell Bo. Having peared the pyar, ita band face the East side of Ur ymin ont of Yeu place small piece hie pap abd inscribe ‘on tin Bue acl a age a the paper wl allow. Close your ees for two mines ult Yu id ean te guy say this ayer ‘Ol ths Raph, Logos of anc ys, be how gua ian thi day betwcon ne aa he reali of spi. Gale Nephtiys, grat to me trngulliy and pace of mind Reveal ome hisday whats ight ormeta now, sierime stil ino pate of emma tabi in dello sume experiene inthe past whore you were sipoac, dello his fora mites, hen iy condense at mental etre into ome word. Altos word the ters Landen tt ay feuring lect. To makeall his very elearlet us once mor he wease “nea smal snes. Fara te ie was dong quite wel the came “aslmyp. Tn droped ight of Joe ws worsing ser ra he tor tad lumped the more Joe worked. Hest hive ben hiking thout how yo reverse his ren o aa ote coal! nothin ce Icnenfthe wor nie Joe gtsolew tate became ral His ‘ocr told hi sup wrap. Far Joe dis Was Lpossibe anh ad cat reached the tl of his tr when he ete tore a oi | Power of the East side of «pyramid. Joe listened saying "have ating woe, so wily i Thisthva, show Foe setabout it Heal S pyamidasineracted heel pape in he aml oe fre hd ine {espate bang for pebbles, be dew the Biv ice of Vayu, and ste hit cla is mind. Then thot of his yeah when be woul go Feking nw iver ner bis ome He deeded ue the Woe vera is word power This sth bow he ot abot it Fint he wrote onaspure pce of papers RIVER, The he added EL “This gave him RIVEREL, He toned ou the rcuing ltr R this ae him he word RIVEEL. That wont has ow becca wend power, ot ‘ach ine Joe este his cyes on that werd es trunsporta mentally he ef banks of «ve The try ent gute complete. Jo alte pth pee oper placed ‘tinhis Wale andnever lets ioutovhispossesion, Where Soe goes there ec: bison power, He isa prosperus man these dns, ut ate ‘Mier gaining perfect race of iad, edd use te pyramid ain Welt “Lets ths point clear up few things: Why seth ters End L when focning# wordT The ancient sages al ld ie agin always old (Gor scent bowe thon freer whe reg orto poe ox rnoking Talismans But why tose two? Let ws rr to that ance Tangiage tat ca be fond on very obvarusrii. We wil findthat he Treer mens the Fist EL meats made you inthe fist power st forthesakcofcarkniy ktuskookte worangel. Tie eter A was ‘ween On, or Uncthiswil gvcus th in pati Westy An, The second Jeter, Gstand for Wi. Now athe ener Eun we get, Without Lord tn air So wow we have, Ang, mening, On with our Low and Maser Now if wend fil ttre L tha Angel Bocomes Oh fr Lanta Mase, Lage you the inn Powe. ‘Onestherhingtoclearup nln eof Egyptian deities. Thegyptin eit aston fom which we con grin uchinfornation. We ow they tok thir rls nd magic ro a much oder people has ecw id hat they eared hc religion he press Als. One Bing i su, the howe came rr ane race of beings. a the tly people on Earth who dl Rave Knee of hire were the proplce Allat concems the rage hey ef for out beefit. For thone who would pcterto te the teary ins wil give hem ey Felt the ere Egypt. The ges Nephibys relates he ate Neptune For thse whofotlow te panetsand the Zain the powers ani fons hse sigs ca be une Inked of sng the Eytan pos 0 your papers ee he planes in place of the syns, ta Team mt ‘ara hasthe powers wil werk the sane a whe ing the ay Pantheon Nowbckto Jos Heol avcusedshe won singin makings word of power. Av an example we will se this word. We ean write FSHINGEL. Now te reciting leer in hiseace |, Wenowhave te Ider FISHNGEL. Letastn-poethone eters. Shingle pebaps, Feshing, He may hiveseenafvel gi abo ishing, and he cn ave ts word orm! hi ofthat gi. Tanto coe 190 that anne lost anything tld wp wo pone, sng as tat werd Ista from pri that save You peace ‘ThomaxG, Walkoerbind boon aughy map. Headset fre wa fever’ hpi cusing sto damage He dlsobecasehehad gual wih the faces som. He ha! hoon cavght coming ay Tom the fates ‘elds ann dc outs ed eared. Having ben eed Tha: vas very weed a Tat him oe aferaoon adhe ashe eI ‘oul get hi ofa his coming iri. My aver was NO. ol in owe oul top wortying nd iony eid top would ‘beable to cme up witha teawnable excuse for set fie to al Hck Hscu hi haHwast ging opr any such ese Hoi im ‘hot pyramid powers tl gave hi the eceay intron Wo Mk i Hw ok for peace al be ce to have a go “Thedys pean in denen eras went court Seething vey Strange ws happening: he cave was ajoured fora month, AL he etl ‘lthe nvm he sur coal tt Kr ome eon whi Unever coak! Sscover Now th strangest hing of alla fr ys ae the aie Wa teste for ajo ern, adhe case ag Thoms as isd tr Thora cane un hake te for the hep Thad gen hin. He We tht Hh ed sons otf gic gt iy re, 8 ath Throat hie nothing stay nage he wasnt convince Ih ious ofalhicnomenseaboat magic lskedhin bw behaved Iie wort wer, od hs what herve te Tae pyramid ay tome, Eton rut te tie [ims int mtr ad ok my ef he ease oo Tanymosn: Hoag fhe day the ae presen Co her the wes in my ti tT Wrote Gown een pa he end the wo eer EL Well hd fon Eset ohn ent TR fe thea tho Ta tht here see two 5°80 ou Went an S. Now Th Seid and Tevet ain Fs Seed. AD ‘hat tha ll re Bt el aout ‘ove Heshokd fv said ha beast paper aroun with im, the pane vith ihe wort power. stone pon he Tees Ec Lae Ina ist und et smo ne limite he, wun ik ble sok eomeup he SUL Esl wot be ininates The ia ister woul become TAB LELE. Thiscoult bechangetio LETABLE opera DALTEEL. Thishiukd ake all char “Ter ser pyramid sab the se Forces owas foe. I ths cave your pebble shoul hve te ‘israel On the apps side dra nce ei black aneggsupedoval Iyoung parte tom seth sb ed i apricot ight pk heoraye Screw your aera sal Ball nd place ne Box on top of the Pyramid, Ya mst procse was inthe ssc of rotons ring Sour ics cise Vay, Rel for afew mines, hes tisk sou the peor man you wish torespond 1 you tally ete his prayer, | Key as sometimes ler ‘hor, Sweet Queen of Brainy. tho who pro} the ‘weak Hes shia grant ome eve of ae ‘ol the per ide herfhininthe heavenly Hah Assis tne tiny tattain he love Tere. Be thw ny support trberiiiage wold ser me, ash abe Wy power Now let your nnddvell onthe pens sane orm amen ptr torepmsent hat pcre, Wet tha wot a isk on yur pepe within the bec phe iingourpocktortandhs an gab your Duis trying fort vat you hie dene. A won ete oat he ae spent in these rus You omy nec to petfonn any sta ence a wet hse Your best ay or evening and sick 1 hatte. Do rt Be ere 0 form any stl more ha nee & Week If rests do mot nie Themslves the int ae cern ht yo allowing the nsotins| propery. Thea ty again. Remember, a could be that you ae not Fongtg what you have den atic wll cone er th plat Vers. Dave Who have knowledge of the placa faNloenes cat meaty oF the powers of Wer wet Os Rey The lwing nay be the who ar ot fai with planetary Tore: Nepuine pans wend and strange expeienes. I weeking ay secretive plans, Neplane wil ep, bit Ht soul be remerered tht Neptune mst be considered sing viraleaty maleic. oun therefore Te toed in ceser of pongo any teria ines one of the sexta lens ang to marti craving se cms aad perversions. Il {Sabu you t col ese cnt tad wil ast Bigg ese dies naira. Fortooe wh tke up paling, thissigh wil pene ting of mntin oe mysticism his te sgn which the pics of {ld ein der to work havoc on heir ners. Totradsoete these of planets Tas work sss he edge [eft by ancien priest ad hee es to doubt hatte inbence of ates warever mtb thse ages of ld. Forse who do wish to S| atetar lore I wll inlet nearest Hil planet as posse {certain fm te inllacnse of the Egyptian Pate. ‘ter you bave found peace of mid new ur Your atenon 10 swat: Wealth wt peace wooly rine Ra thats why his okt with he East We nou ohenert fae. tbe ancien cul rations he meth slays ech ened Wil he eeren of arth 1 mes ner de arson the mig ange Ure. tn te Eytan rary Anubis is the giver of weal, sts to hs God that te in appeal fe are sek wealth, The meh also te rea of Praitheaehitcof dncunivere If weseckweathand the ait fm thn ths sil can Be ose though Ph (Cos tres are sl wo us When we sce What ts have dave for (ch we gui ag of what ca be inate forthe wo Follow. 30 Tilia thecseof MabsIC. Mabel ranasivall owersop, Shelve ‘wera hatvedallherfetogetenaghmony toby berbusines, Ahan dwell hersevings depos, bualtough se worker um ping everthing into the business. id ot prosper. Despiehet ong ours ol Mabel a rake mach jot, is fgun e) meant op. her payments the bank fll in to amears She ‘hander as the an shed wed advert the hal ape, fel in wth he eal pent an the poet feline ny more adver fom st She sold seme of her possessions fay foe, fut wry aed despa ade ill and te business se Tewsankety send vnk Mabel, She ok me the omy story of her Gon. Lasher fsb aleve ard pranid power. She shook fer bead seyngs No, never. The nextday’ Ttonk my sep book oramidtcchnigueolir Aerating it she made al pranitans Frac hel for ese, for whic se stared onthe or face Toy Mabe isa welll yong wexsan. She snow the cme of fur over sno, se spe her tin visting the shops, hut never sper fren eof ie any oft. She ca he fous iting aoa foo Theis tie toa her wnt largent and most expe ote town We drank plas somyandshe hank me fr lending rk practice eel rests ‘Broun waren work, He pence inthe al bay. ei tered inthe magic of Egypshswasevonring abe cul don ths Tint: Having ead ll esc ind eased he if eof ay oh Save Hite oy esidence ati stay seme ory hocks Hewes elighiod, ot reacng abou pyramid powers he ase i a obipyramid, Sling nk him inom ler en ane gee wi Sromier on the large which Hest In ht rors Hol Hi ot Ui castand when all wy Haves you ad yu are a! peace i Sons and the wold th ey te me Tce: ‘rman flowed ny ade, Te days ter be eae ome nd said ‘wished to give me a hub ponds. "Whatever fore! Lashed. He sal That cate of cand ny pam ha wom the Pos “ave we hands he sd, “ad inal eease of you “No, Torco hm, tame of re but csv ofthe spirit nvence hose ancient ratty. Anyway [don't need eaney my so, Lean alas 2 so abald Inet Voever done Lalvayshave moe a Wish tosrea “Tite asco nowe foro onset the Non sie of your ade Jey tocopy my sathne, Bonet wor hey senoteaet pis, utd your Fest nd the gee wl orgie You. Mickace Stiga he oy dat sm th fe at lnguge, nero ano trig dra in yellow te symbol or the heaton oe igh doh Eyton mp car and ‘Beneath silent righ draw tho syolsfor English ous and onthe eft the Egy yb for knee. Fala he tee, eee “Anubis tho who ws lve mont uly thou who ama ge {othe Goi he my ghide abd piscorthragh Ube dak fray of avery, bp me wo gh a versity and Fever fear the roa offs, Though my eye soul ‘ested mata gang, tboughany earshecome ‘ea othe rico the multe, hoses thee, rng re weal Now close your eye, then gue on Your wun of power fr two mites place the paper your pocketand ey sort what you have dene Iiscaof Anus yostcanan he pe Pate iverof wisdom, ‘The yma for youre illite The pager ail give lice whee writing specialcase.Fortbemament it weal he] OP ‘ser to emin with the, Ans. The fseripton fr your ers TE LD fous Tae ee ST Mae | eran Fa SF 0] Do nt urget thatthe symbol of Ears wed fr both ancient Gass ates at this tone, ace hw Sean found security, When nyt Sinan se was inte depts of despir, She was so de in dsb hat se ws tonsidering sce. She id, Wha! the we of ying tocar on, he ‘Som mney insight and no vay of ever ding any have ned id Serkan Fam con Tomy st sili [Wold erento despair took her beme wth, Tether we entered ‘my sny an Untied Re ytd power “Nowe Us te fis thing ant you to esse hye are overooking he si at {he world filo money. sal and you you ony baveto each ott snl rsp. The pat Anis asd hat lw chal Fn Yost Ive bu else your ej ad envisage Wea ad yu ea he 50 sit acing the North side the paid cese your ees and sc youre spending mores. See yourseltsiling ata abe whi de Wik money, see yousl! giving ay ass money Nov think of a wordt bring hat rex 0 mi. dawg hat Monopoly woukt do, fr ht gate has wd wih mene. Shes Yer i the wo for me” Shee EL, a! formed he word LOMNYPEL. Reracir ht heh rave the recat te (0. Having decided uo her word of powers drew te yellow square of Earth nd wrote within it her wed Shesat quit fora nines, ten rcpeate he payerto Anubis She taved yer wnt, folded paper and placing ia ber buna, wert ‘outer moral bibs of seching work Let hes re da ter an she ld, bubbling with exeemen,Thave Been oer a ob, trveling arn sap sistant toa buyer fora strng of spermarkot ‘Tesalarywileraberne to py fale dba alow eto has fie cles. [Now isthe tim frst oor two face yor yf Abe drwings The west ace spol sd be drawn nero white {he ied represents the ns sacred Tht he Mee. Activ side | eur pyramid ste seo he lett of Wa. al tc syns soul teciawa init sce te nae ofthe ape! Gabi which shoul be rite in bck rfc to ne planar yb the Meret Ais ‘would be Plas tthe natest Pawel be Stun o rans. ish Yoo rane at Io ately Hk inking the ged of Eaypt wih Panay or rac tlrshipsAetay, the py Belong tothe Egyptian gos an sro to nak the really Hanize with planer ore onking th Cola, te ame of dhe ngs! Ure am be ced i the cin anguage ae Vor UR hing to eg ser Shiny W vas salestan, who was not very gon at his job. He came tome flo wouesand mead aske Fond wee apie Fimsll more prs ce ena ell aot anyone whe woald asst hin toda beter at hs jo, Told Johny sot pyran power. He sco a hee, so sai 1F $rknow ofa tery. thoy cere ome” Heagred bal apeiat thera sad he waesor- Would I help him?) He was vey suresed then Isai NO. He ok so cresfaen ha Tsai, “Cher up Joma. The reason vy [wills help ys suse you can belp oul mh beer by uying pyri power. Denny tl the rival o Abi twas ot fog before hada new rand been promt buadsassman fhe esmpany. He Bis {the money be could wis for, har ce house ad he tol ne hai Salt belong been he hal paid off his metguze. A this for {pending about ive minutes ech week in par ‘Naschatto my birresse about things gener), He was ‘htm tne day He sujet of Egyptian gos ame up. Yu know ‘he then Ue, esi Lied hat hey were ape sabe of nine He wand oki ast what be bad ean about the kd fos whethertey can givesoumoney and hings Hike at ali at is was trend gave Himall the ata be needed to build pyran He edhe following paver a Pla, and I wise a wot. Why? Becuse Thavclosta gol balrdese, Hels tw retied being won the otal rls vo wecksater wing Ua prayer Trish hd pt i iforation to myself not aly f couse "domiseny clas wih theo and. Me noon won th pool bat be muit young git hl! hs ge ata they ate il orig the word. the Prager oP ‘Pa divine bade othe Univers, lpm o design my le acorn to yor universal ows. Grant ato me the ‘hiltotuild ny eon fina funda tebe = vee ‘tighthat snes sohatall me ca se, tht thow oh Pa a give spititual and materi guidance that Lad into tld wath wth he wisdom ous th wel ogo pose. Thou la whose han est he skills of vention fia science, tho who holds the poser oer all ings ‘manual sant nome his ay weal ad wiser. Tm fet do bovour tes si a ese thee Alterepeatingihis prayeryou shout Fors few minsten. Then, boll the popercomanin Your word of ower ia your bunds, imegive owas holdng «vt sun of money, sorsuch money thas fling ost ‘tyr band your hands ofl ant verBowving. Mentally say, "This {Teal forth wealth aod prosperity to enter my fe” "Then fold your paperand plac i stnewbetesaleaboat yours aber ih you Sal times Jane was tach teucher, She fd fen offend beter potion i _notier own Fut ane wis scl ber bos foe lasing fo Ke uP Ihisnesepesion, Her muh waste eight of pont hertropersy. She realy needed sel quickly ee she need th exh 0 aber hou nt tow se ws ing, Filly Jane decd use paid power. She made ist of al the lings she could doo ep atracta Dyer Having doe his she ade @ pyramid und ppeated Pao elphier aber endeavours, A week ater Toe recived an livia toa diner pry. While there she wa Jntediced wou nan who was scking to pen a stat agency he wes looking for property tl Jenetoldhinabc has lovely bows whichsbe waned sel the an was Impress ld Jane ogo aead ant byte hose of ber choice inthe town abe wastmoving. "ithe bone and willarange al te details esi) Three wks later ane had prs her new bose andthe gc had sl Fane's ther bone orf moe tha se had ope get “The client wh ght Snes use ad foun lovey borne, he ete age ha ae gol prof and Jane wa estate oer the way tes Ind gon. Having nis your pyramid, now is th eto inscribe he les wo ¥237 ac 42) ach day mel nee dincoering mone ate more alles and libeave Seamed oreo wrong thinking” The mistreated ood Piseing t we ni oes ar the ents of mun corp ‘Weave ony to str hiking na pwitive manner and any ome silisppest. Tc Logos ol aight tha Wetton the win “ace ha Flow across the car, we can Tv fall happy He, fe frm Aiea and worry ‘rin rect many a thinking akong these ines vensuch erie things senor an eing sate with penal herp a nan eas these makvoeatscners ate being conquered by thought poser alone "The Egyptians kw thi They int ook the comp 1 the Meling gs, We knoe tha ty had scene surgery those ay 05 ‘ovbinaton of skills meal ad pris theese cw aap ‘arte ie Honey had eon nied nace aeint, Foroverthes year ba in fms heck in prin Heunderwent Five operations al wa aval, The ‘ists tld hi tat everyting pase had een dew reps the Clmageto bis spine. They had removed ces of bo fran oe pars thisboly nine nie apne, Hislegshad heen spiced ebned with “iver s,Insmihe wow te ale wall hu only wih rubs, a they warmed hehe wo bys Be ch ai [Astin went by Henny snk to despal- He ound ha he cou ah thy isionce with ete the pan was overpowering le spe est ff thedays na wheckbir espn much one) coming especial ‘whol him that the eis to is ly would wot get iti, baie they wool we out athe woud Be confined Wo bs ot Henry sought ther bbs, Aste could no longer ake prin the i ‘fspon he hnked aroun Tora bh which be cul etaster siting ais Sheer He tok up model raking ad hearing abo rami he ‘eco to hve a go at aang pyramis To is spi, enh ha ‘completed sitio hc eseme sarc of astange feeling whenever euch it Henry we ois local itary anus for ook on pyramids. What Te ncn change is ie. He dd ot wally believe al he rea nando barn in tying these rials out Heay i waking without Crutches wtot pin and he hana very peeps Tie baste: aking mest which ars in the Leeson Itaay surpioe yo 0 Know ha these Beli power ares srg th they arcconstntyciclng he wor locking forthe sick. Heould beat theseunknwn powers ane bgt his koje Why lad hin tha these potest sen apron hassink osha ow ie that fescemsnnger sums. sore strange manner prs ‘Straight nk comet with ae powers othe nko, Paps i eens, when a pera contemplates the wking of He Arogh ns or poverty, her though sre atubed 19 dvi. tmcososy ay, a averse power rs iid and thcrtbooghs pooveriheplnes of howpand hey aut oes the relevant nee ‘When Henry had recovered suMely bought out fellow conrad fla inlanpil snde despa ic hsto goats isk conrad ‘npn. The dhmahthceae soso hat Heys had go an vs sok acquit pital, He fur in ih eps of despa Like Henry fe had boo tnsolved i a cc aha th les oat His urs wore mass of ne splints a enh the Sirgons had cnc thir est his case was hopeless. They were coms ing the removal of oth hi ep ese sat ty sno coaforthin. sein atkibe ston pyran ‘amc up Hon ids persia histrend ny the pyramids The tu aprech forthe was noting en lL 10 1). He Would willingly be {yuines pig andy ot theta, Tonka mar front, Bat they {Hl terme hr legs Tey plead wh hn fr Bi ots to the femal be sch is esr toy py power, “Tony tht non wali rv omer mei, bs ripple! rd i legs ar ot lly cure ba thre on hc end heer ess shy atime gooey hile gs willl bceenenatiraence mare The ac thatnecan we tne to walk afer bag crushes x irc aa eres fo reson why hat ile bold ml some sompl (Gee ofthe spp of any ines i dp depos, ‘Tis eng the ‘xe, andwncnnirc thisdepession, would sky oe esc Uitte of what pyramid rer ha done forces. ia ang ese ‘ass wil if semene ut of a depession You wil be able toeae the gs ch moe quiekly whe Fou ain a reac Tapas tht ye hike ay a Re tue, Dury ay ou ‘an eaaboat misles of healing Youcan read How people wh ave ect ind Tr nary ses, sey Have dips Yu ca read about people dying tom ence, people who have hect given ly shore wocks fs hy he dco, wh sadn hese ely aga Dopottske my woe for streayour daly apes. and wes youre tbat hese esr ask yu who cue ese poeple Tet re this enka mae pyran tae tong create Lo appecata you may ik they tay nal be woe batevery day you ar rea about mitaces of bealing. Youea wea how peopl, wbo have been Blind or sany years suddenly ave ei sgh restored, You et Teal shout people dying om caer, people wo ave ben given only Shor weeks tive by the ter, saenlyheeore healthy psi Dono take my work or potadyourdaly papers and when you read shout de cases ask yl who care ese people. Thcn read his Innkendrnaheapyrami andtan inthe ealiageurensof the Logos. ancy as usta noma house yong shout ber daily sins. ATT twos sunshine into if and then calamity src: hor esha came Showy ll Paying the bepitalils took athe savings, Meunderweat Troe, made cvery and earned home. He fal mo work and no tnoney The wory ofall scsed Nay tohave a nervous reaklown, "Things wen rm tad to worse Mer hastand managed fi loadin ores the was ot realy it forth heyy work and fi sew days he ws off ork agai, bvng sald bis ack rae hay Ther came alr il for fe, flowed by bills fo ht angsty badnorneney le. Athistime Nancy wasin bed rclly A becsine ofthe worry of all, Her husband, scching light job because of his weak back, was on Toki for work wha sors broke. Secking sel, he went into the tect irry tee sat at table sessand ied Abo ot lube cought hse was a ook ask pyran building an he se tetas, He became intrest and wh stopped raining he eure te aking the ok ith hi ‘Thatcrenng he fond through the book. Wapealed 0 him an he ft Ter Nan to Inlet the ext day, he hao gout eck eas of thunng money, On is rear be wa spied id NaneyTooking tnuch hte, When he cngoied why she wim, Tre that book you Fave bore mn he itary. a pty nds ogee ine shape ‘a pram and pra o Bast the Egy ges. Tepe to ‘Slepwithinrninaes and you elo much eter, we mus rely Invst maker prope ode pyramid for wi wil save al cut prob "Tey mate their mel and used to Dat. The Forme heir Gro of power and say it with them tall ives. What happees 10 Nines atdherbasbond? Having rae thir pyramid hat evening, before Feng ford night, Neney performed the Fal of Bast, When beh Seu dow forth ight Ber bsband wed the ual of AMS. He Fellowes th al of Nephi and be prayed Kr peace of nd “Two dayslater heresies ete ering hin joa very gos wages, «joing only book werk. He accepted the fo. Te following ‘omminghchad anes he Knew hehadtogand have achat with isan ein bitsy hefne necting the tank manager e offered asient fayertoNepltiys. Heexpsin he uanager why ed with ftTis money, hi hati mow had wpb, butbdseany ils ‘ming in Cite ranagertiowbiman verde tomes these bills? sequel we rated, any recover. Working every day wih the pyramid will eae er way: she had eerd + competion Tong ago nd hd forget all shout when siden she was informed that she ad won car Fes taylor she hand ems of lavyersthaa een of this passe Sy and in is wil ead et a sal Foran ogi eh fae 0 Tove with any eare ago. To ber surprise hat gl was Naney hers ‘Theol manta never eeoten her, He hs never mated, ba Ho els ves, andthe money went a Nan. “Tics the paver That, te Lord of Medicine. Halt tce Toth, Lond of Medien, ere wo the gos, write well of mein your hook, grant uto me lyse ad Incl aii, Whatever pan i spit Tet it be tmaniletenthiscarily plas. Helpsme to ea fe esons Stout hy the gs Bring nom eres Bealhand etal Aiscise ural se toh he ake ree, a his dy tl forover gent re above all fh in ve “This is the payor ta the Gone Bat, “Ais, mont howe fall he pus, sess the happy realm tho we gives bounty Yall hoo wart tbe sin tthe, hs grant ml me he oy of song sada, ‘lth ty powers sty the ev htt the mind of man, ‘ith ty sto wit ample ose wh would we galas me, be tho a guaran agains all who would Terese crocs tants he weak slay cir hand ad [ett notac paint hn, Aa plese oh asi svthin mea deep Fesing f ar al ihe ie Forms For thot interested planctry lore, the nearest planetary auence to tras eee = ‘triangle. If you are using paper, write thes symbols. Serew up ya paper and drop it in| dé " | tte bor athe wp. Now sitgaely ora tewmo:| CLO ge fc then place pce of paper ~ shoot fu Trcessqare-onyourabiand ra pe tange. Writeinside oer problem or ines portant ht you Tomas your though ure frthisntl, Do ott tomakea word of power youaredslins fer witha igh sprualfree id words of power ae not need Now rect ths peer sis lose ier roc mean nine from all evi nating from an wdtzown sours Hep me to sek ot the kt fragments of my peace ef ind. Help me, ore tmcsnd bey solace ths ny tobe. Comore inthe i hours of the night ake fom se al ought of feat Wash avy ony tears with your cteral magic. To toe ‘esed i give my thanks nl ot ths te onvard place my isin your hands, now I lease thee and Thank te Now sitily and ty wo magine as oral fire leaving your ey Maviswsa pty young house. Hrhishand had» god aa el paid oh er wo children were well ehaved adding well cho Then omothcinedsaersinik, Maviscare tone With esting | dove her eels. She was athe pint of a nervous beskown. That fnoming soracon bade dead et on ber doors the mceing bere Sorc wren ny words er fon dor Forseveral weeks usec cai ad sven Be alost tothe point ‘uid, Hr chikien hal besmattacke onthe way ocho anh had fo take the youngest tothe hmtal to have aches placed inher ames, “They a bee ct hy the youth ho attacked Be. Mavis ha reported ‘Acs matin othe pic hat wioutsorme evidence at wo Was reepontle the pic ould do ite o be. [Ramnourshadeenstared ying thc ha red oeashddeegues. as {ile Mavis had reason oy teas sch cheques, fret husband's ask balance was quite 00d. Theo she four tha ot neighbours shunned ber and when she wet outshopping they would eros te set {av ber They whisper Phi er hack tht she us not all wie ‘Sond he “Then her stuns tons wis informe hat he was apleying man who hd been questioned by the pice fra sexual offence. This was unine Iacemiseds my feting the office whercher tan wed. The result as tht the bss, saying he was sof eau, ut he ely Fel shied alspense with herhushan. He couldnt hve histo tk pgarcondtecificeandheinginnocenddaatnahe much ference Al tht matered was hatte talking stopped Mavis kept alonsly ower garden, ba now everyting was deal. Some emo had thaws acid overt boul owers tlwhen shea gone toseport histo the poie she bd etre dal ber rot wo Stabe. He iter bin kad been emptied om be lawn. told Mais abut prams an how to ask Is for elp, She dd nou Inieveit at she wos ry apd make mel pyramid. She was gd {her word atl ee o show er model te I ave bere pebble Inserted with thesyo i aerate he comet psn te Ji fo pay cat evening eons rein “Alcofsrange things began tohappendring he neat tnee weeks Fis, ‘as hushand wen asked 0 cme sal seis he a his jb ack a gber wage than iad Yeore the miscielsaed. Then a neighbours 2 bose sen unto dhe ground. The hi fe fre brig sal dat itn ery sangs hut nothing they coaktdo would sip bate. A youth {nthe tw ada scien on totr eye afl a the Hopital they fea he cared large Haile. I as ke the ove ber daupies bad {esried tothe pie apd whem pot ofthe youth was shown 0 Ber dnoghershe ead reognise ie youth, He was convicted ofthe attack mabe and went fo ton fr wong ie. Theo a pero was caught ee garden of te botne of Mais. He was cane bythe pss but elie frie action sol shen agains i, his ear nog fre tnd eas aly bart befor be could bee ‘Mavis well unduly hapry fo, eveything gong slong sat ly (hese days: Herhshand has ne ear and he bs ken on a mortgage fn the howe ib wich they Hve. Her husband has teen offered “Grocthip wth he i, ado top ital Mavis hs won a huge sum of ‘money on th fecha poo Aad al his Because she tured tte pds Sf Egypt or help the ods pls model PYRAMID, [iscanmot aly be linked any pane force buifycamst shook ‘ay th pots Vers wou Dest. Lets now ur oon, He ake Scr got the great Avengc, beste prover of homes. When yo "appealing to Homusinserbe on you paper, which ou will remember Shout be oar inches uae the large red ange 2I3L BERS ‘Ts is the name of Hons in Egyptian. You ae wap war on anmy and yo are asking for help to in his ter You dono nod wond of power, all you need the mae of your Thong andthe symbol of wae You shlals decide wha! You lly (schon enemy. One very mportan thing once youve decide on “Soaccoun change your in either prayer or plealag mst you Be, ‘YOUR SIND MUST NOT BE CHANGED. Remember you have enlisted the aif ae ofthe most power of fone bet oto he tiled wth It ba Been said ty many hat iis fingers to moe he anclent goa of Egy. Ls dangerous i 00 are merely tying for fu, Approach ici seriously, wil dcp feling ad ‘eithrespectand marin wil Bell yo, butiswoe them forpeasurend Torfamand panes an thy artikel to dest you. Thsisthe prayer Horus Hors gsm fen, Lhescech the don thy sour of riot ight a lp mew Hight my enemy howe name Heal me of any sleknes or teow both of rind and of ay physical are. Revive Ine shit Ul Soccoue me in my hour of need. Gran tome the power of your Ua that ny atall ines be ‘ganna pyc heal Tsdy ese he toon and destoy my eves, strike hem down whet fever they Kreger, pare the, torment them, ond aly destroy tm” Al these igs Task ofthe with Thumbleness: Now basing tstenedtomy pleas, ask beet fetes fo that Heed sate above es, ‘on your ple fr Hors erage and opposite his draw the spre Jor PC which te eye of Hors ‘When eating the sdf Hor it acing te south se f your rami tnd Have in otf ou pec of pape or inches square. asribe 8 rg el tiangle, within thisrangle wee the ame of your enemy, at inscribe these sys of Sac [ROBE [T-8] Suny [ses “Thea write AMMA be dc MI. VNCHI DAZISs illows 23D F.3U3- ABZ X FP LT Sigua ryt envisage your enemy, sce him Being encone in het of od fie ose Hn sering orment see Bm pleading For rele {tom pa al when you Bnve thipctre mind, hen sy, AS Was ‘nthe binning so sal ithe nto he last ays” You (here nae Your ‘ny) have chosen so hery coe, accept yourehallenge ad sty Tring pon you the wrath ofthe pods On Your eat be ‘You shi repeat hs rit nighly heer retiring. Got sleep wit his sion in und ina ew day yur omens wl be suing fr peace I Sout invoked Hons en tbere can be no peace, youenst nt ane our min, Shovl! yo do so yeu cou Find that the Toe you hve lavoked will round on your ov heed ink the nares plnctary aac to Hons wou! be the Su This ‘Sgn would aloo belong to Gxt the ast of car Egyptian pathoon. 3s ‘Your pei or Ons shou be merited gol a shown, On the oppose sie should be dawn i lack a eg sped va Focus gral Oss th being linked hetwecn te cart an the pital fel, he sth hing the high pst te Fatheraf the people. He ea be {he oma four face of th pyramid e helo wo allan he belongs to tone, He shoul be looked upon wth restr he wiverse. He mst ‘regarded ste highs the supremo, ery cannot give him the Satusol goth shou never call upohitn Heisler the divine Saprome beings oe docs st exit in your workings He must be Tnmouredabovcall eb met be conmplaelydsteganded, There can be ala tease with Osis Unlessyonare working at group would aise hat yt eave Oss ‘ot your working: the fore of Osean Be had fom Hate and his Such fer fore to week with Iris now tne tn got down to the ral magic of Egypt, if ou have not ‘recived th things yw are wishing ore you ms gt down i Working. Is oot feu, im fact can be pleasant, adits etainy rena. The int step to wrt dow your intertins ll te things you wat ‘Write hem al down a thinko al he hags you woul! ike tonal te things you wih you could do: mke a complet His, Now check through hat stand Use which f tes things youd fit. Haveyou tga pressing problem? so peeps tht shook be your first itu. {eicxstar with wealth, for when webuves god supp ofrmney we wll be able fo approach things witha ruc lighter hear. I relse you may iveamore pressing problem. Just goibroughthefllotngls union each your peblen a apply 4 te come Tae of your pram Before we rt I eter expla what would appear to be comradition Wider writer eoncems he estan west sie of your pyri Al Ine writers have placed the syabol of air andthe Logo achangs apc! nth wes, wheres Thave placed hen inthe et ‘Thisarises becuse the data from whi have writen exe fom pees if anelent manner, rnold rock ering, ad paintings fund in ives. These vars symbols wore inserted log befor the Mod. {hctthey were probly drawmbetone he sinking of Amis Tho that {odate we haven realevidencefor Atlan, bt here se writen ecoris| tehichstate ha thet ied rea calamity ieee days There ‘Re saterent writen by some ancient pret in which be states, “That before tha neo the cally, the cath 8 Fst sto land all was ‘irknes (cfd hy Bible oy that the son soo il for 28 oars whites hate wastaking pce) aml when once more became High here ‘ere high wis an las and before that tine the ky was ch ower fa he st on inthe west aetna” Wonk appear that the arth was Knock ff course ar hen began revolve inthe oppsite diction to is previ couse Precadiy slcstareinagocment with hk act they sae that his ken Pacconscvtal occasions unl wat snore they sa athe cath se torolloverin the mt oo dst fire, In at here flea adie twohbl detected at the Nor Pele, ooit becomes cious that weave no Ino edge as tothe rg position ofthe cst ay that mater lite, thx business at where the est a we ae sing tositatcur ble looking tthe pyramid. isthe ace were ooking which srportant. The poe wil bear uno mater which wy we app tobe facing, Weare clling them by mabe andsyebolandas long seve call we sal be anwered ‘The poitisthasiangepowememanac around ay pram. Shou you ed prof o this ten iy this expeinent make pra hee ies Inger than your motel and place ander tor ina pce of met sal dent unimal ace. Nomalleriow king you ave th gg anima, itwill not pet. vil dey up aa sve ut never wll {poo Shoal you leave a ie oa safety razor Bae within your ede! wil sharpen sel. Tis wil be ‘mote effective If the lade ine with he North Poe ‘Should youhe of avery inguisive nate a loveexperineting, make ‘large sale rmdelo pyri place within ita chair ait chair forkalfanbour. You willnver be the samme agin, sake cre. Baap [beam yon thereare range powersinvoked napa stake extene ‘re, bt approach is igh YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED. ‘Oar nod dst a the momeat i for weal ces lageshect of right yellow pape om your ble. Crepe papers calor te purpose at iscsi eae al ate cheap. Spread hs ‘von over your ble and place your pyramid in the crite ofthe rape, le south ace ovands you, This ih feof Hers, Ona piece of plas white paper, aout ou inches eguare draw arangle ined. With he triangle write the name "Hors" n yellow and dua seal ele under thename, Inthe cen ofthe ele places mall do which ate dos imblck. represent the Sn, lice four yellow candle arond the pra ae one foot rom aya tbe comers of your ble From plee ofthe yellow paper ea a poe shou sf aces wide ad old ino a thn sip. Wind is round our Fonctcd lke sadbund, Fasen it with gold colored pin. Takea fe pound ote r+ one lla il an old tint riage os Fl in al tnd then ol fom comer to comer alo + diagonal Pac his ie teneath your pyramid. Light your candles and use ths prayer: “Ob Horus raion son of heaven, once more Hee the sy worl of everyday ead rat bein ht blessed ‘alimof spin. thank thc for sttber bese day oie, dno he abil ato ee, help me tommake themes Stihese fw blessed mits. Here on the labs of earth trait 0 me the wealth Isp need to make my lot easier te go fr refreshed, comforted, and with renewed fourages Ob Hore, thou a very real to me. Help me ‘verte my’ misfrtanes, pant be yur pectin in all Inti With the coming of the ew da, help me ‘Soman with bee inte sence of my bear. Be wih me ‘allies, lad me ino pats cess, let wealth ome forme, cach day et me be ricer in heaih and wealth Every day throgh thy mercy Twill come her a ‘Scher person Toph thy lp, om this I shall at Fal bt wl ceed nal Lda. Ob radiant Horus Fae tnd adore the. Atal ines wil amy on ny peso Syl which above ll ter reeset the, Amen" “eke the pise of paper fra be op of your pyramid On the the back of the paper you dra te eye Heras, Fl th pape so hat oes cao Sen you hae drawn lace about your person and never tit eave you, You must cpt tis ital every evening bee reting forthe ght And now, mot rapertan,DO NOT think bout hs ta during night hour (One mre pi alsys cary tha folded banknote wi ye nl ona spenditforat este daar youl, Dont he tempus o spend ‘place folded in your wallet andhcepitibere during the dy. Youre tse the same note each evening in Your itl, but fer hee 98 se ‘This pmyer forthe use of ether of female, buifyou ara ferake dvnot oe Hors, se the gles Your pap shuld be inser Within he ed tangle, the syabols fr isis gen ona previowspge. the prayer setuid tue is for Hors. In pace Hors ean ‘eu eave? se Ii blemed ceestal meter, wih your magic wash = aay my ears, once more eave the busy word. Ityowateinvoing te aif sb the pape afcaes on your abe wil hae tbe clea ue, ‘Your remerner th he south face iv alo the feof ie, Ha be todo destoy yourcncmis, Bfixcembaring onthe tallofestction -youshouldaskof yourself Hs hisperson, or this gop o people or hs Enttin, couse me ony acl bara?” If Un ute yea tho you Soul pray Tar el evoke an ua sso hat group or person. "Has thisgrouporperson cased menay mental puis” He answers hen {you should invoke the power ft rel tangle of i. Pay to Horas to Felens thesearewinghofTejasoryur use to dest your enemy but Inks cae became ee een ths sete ll cue enh by fit ‘snot heeled, Dono we this mtn yen at ot ne ed per tt cel hl he person opine ae easing yu Pn {Wa person ora group are merely ecking your ede then py Horustorelese hss oligh on your bball. ths wll et eso bash, bt wl lind the peron'sinsiht. He fe wll at be abe fantion gas you, they Wil ce wit eee pal ls he eplaw ofthe eye a tea when wishing you ha ‘Yournay be hiking hat ure perso group is opposing youd your sffons. Yu baw no real proof of isu al he evidence would point wo ‘his yet itis only cums evidence Here we have w ease which ‘eed enlightenment, What nce bres dvioutbon, so we mist That ‘Te colour of Thth i sive. Obtain a lf cooking fil. Cover your lable with hs il sive ide op cllside own, Plage your yeaa in the cent of ale. Von ow eed further candle. Use whe eandes ‘wrapped shout hal way up withthesilver i. Afr our yu must ‘ow othe candi hal Tere st isk Siang the wes sie feof the pyramid. Plc the pebble or Thoth inthe bot a top ofthe pyramid. Have a lec of white paper ia fot of youansn thse te symbol of water. Cot sive eset from your foil and gle io your whitepaper. Ako wie de name To on {hesame side of the paper om the reverse inser the symbol of Thoth Your prayer shoul te “Hi Thoth, lord of ine sd Siveation, What ave you seen in your hook eonceming thos ho may be coe nie? Fit Iwould kel hee menial stig. Grant unto toe the lfrenon Vente seed jcgeentfor » | would ot Mame hy enemies For wal they have not done Now writconthereverseid ofyour papell dhe namevf Use yous ‘ecto working iowa Mer hiv gity few mines then repeat three mes this ayer, ‘Lord Thou serbe of eave, uno ye trodes nin, Hwould ak of thee early engrave on mie tin! the ware of hone wo would deny tc. T wu ornmand the, See wit those persons they poner of ‘ours, thm be wri a fatigued ty thre suse the and harsher. Let thei iy won wish fon mechan on irom beds, Asa covet etme 1 Tow light thew eas. Situ for five minutes, Then reps Hail Toth, thoudg ade haben, now reemethe, go In peace what resto the gx rrr sening eo I will once again pve homage an hank thee “Tosave repetition of prayers vil ge at of latent which ean be used under the heading Toth, Dat repeat the payer a hen se your own wording, ally coaing wih the ls rer Disiaton,ieligence and chy. Pres it bute dels Sconce wonders a aes regarding al fate pas. [As eal pon Toth in cases thf ods ‘Also ask fo elp when wring, I you area emule then in place of Thoth we Bast. place of “Toh sere of eave? tse", eat eel goes prone of song td dance ‘A this pin would ket tl you aout Rom Hears. He spot an avert ina marine that promised to reveal to him met of ich Fics andthesecret of Yeh andra. He wrote lor desis in oe ‘use he me the ender ofthe group Not Kowing wha he was ting Iain in ore oie the gop, pay ag alate ee. He con fourdihathe waspayingarmichbcavcepic, a aeso muchas © bt what he was paying in ass of resp, He ed he Was being dom nated by powerless ands Me was ine vine y th pon nee of degrading ust. Then there were the afl saeifies sad ersmonics be had tke pat it, whic so were binging hi othe verge of macs Ivhegam ounce his halt ap is nerves we aps, The mag worked as promised, he was ging wealth sl ewe, Bu tt the [ower was tke fom i by thee crstonin ange part then was being asarbedto franc he groupsatvtn. He deed bate hd denough, Hetoltheleadere was tirougha was len the group ‘The high pies jot tage io his fe. You my son he sd "you are alse of Satan nd hs igh pris bliyou in my pow ori Should you ty Yo eve, you wil Find you ate cased sd il alt, very andtnoublewil alow you whersveryou gor Infact olson you fe donned youcanba eave now oa anytime, yl an eng bat vl wil be your. Ini eoese Row te group, Hesald he was throwgh with black mage fee eve, bt oon found tal was well, The op allowed hin ‘ndash. They wed black magi to undennin bi wil. He ‘lost contol of his Baily intone Tou at people tame ‘gan’ hand shunned bi. Hest te wi tive st weighty, oul not ep, ad started aking digs ore his pain and sorrow. Hisar was saotaged, the ies were lied pe an pred in his eter bon, he was phoned a all hours of the igh to Ui te receiver only ahum sto bebeard Te he wes esky youths On| thestet.Evlsrllng slime was poured trough his dor hs wins were smashed andthe he rcv ote fom th high ret sayin “Come hae to the group and al our tbls wil ease.” Ron di ot weaken bis wane. He tid wo counteract the evil by ere ‘monies e had ear tomo aval. He appli occult say bat with oes He ashes pre! io perfomnan corsa, bal tone purpose Th rest could et help is Heese he al eccne nite dee ‘oF Suan ana tbe priest had mo power over Stan, ‘This was the sino alas When Ron Was beh! w me. Whe be rec my tools ga seiting aout the ros and ‘ns seemed oor between Rowand sel. Aerating sun cae from de walls unde door of my room. Leeds payer to Horas the avenger and the ela sss and instneted Ron follows Go an made asl pyramid. Onone face inser...(bere gave Btn the inruetons forthe nr face). On your able placa vlet oloue pein the cent ofthis place your pyramid The north face mast be Facing you Aiecorer of habe place four ioe clourd cans, se a each comme. ‘Take ple of plain white puper, fou ines squne and on his paper eB 20 “This will rqressnt the poss Pub, These sya shone dw in Hole Ass dw a guar in yellow. Within the square write your own nein ioc place tipper beneath our pram, close youreyesand oy “Oh divin Pah, thou who an the power ofthe iver Taw, grant atom, 4 erlorn sun ent, who Bas srncunly sed int lgt sk toward of enemies. Pea for me withthe mighty wartor Horus, pce me Frm theo pis which surround me Siti fora few minutes, then ake a furter pec of pape and on it teri the symbols foe ah On the revere sie dra a rangle ‘Screw pais paperand placenta wp oft pram. Now ght ‘he Tr ales al pay ‘Ob divine Pua, grant unto me the poster to thow fall cl emanations, let ny fe henceforth be bulk on 8 i Foundation, Let your eee ight guide me on my patho tise about tise torment. Gra unto, pecs ite ‘Siloti night plesdonmy Dba ils ors, aan fod to pret me at al ies” ‘i qu ow nits, bn, poy. ‘Oh divine Piss, if is sometime very difcu and 1am of wat es ahead of me. Only onan heal pow {Sul gods of Egy can Hanh tha Tear foun my Bear Enable me, ob Pah 0 ast myself o most the eum ances ech day as hey arse. 1 pay 4 the, asking ambi asp for stueng to face each coming ay I Ty th yeu wiles eto oy uy 0 ale ‘Mate cont maybe, Help, atow!yhnman, bP, All {sashes carocllyof he. Ard ow toting snes, low out these igs. Amen” ‘Sivuletly elle yourmin dvellonyourenemies se them ings ‘dodhby neds fire, hearth plein forrery, earth riesand {tree dearaton. Keep this up fora long. 48 Yu ca, bu oes ‘rnin gin wr wander, ae, ave Your ale and etre to bea Do Thor thes evenings ni cvs and rept for es evenings (Carry on wi this ntl yo fel your mind sa eas. Tell nobly what Sova dng andy ot otk abot during the day, xo boot your “ir in arora way aad ae esl Duringthe dy yo sel place your pyramid and papersin a awer out fright Do mot let any person foul your pyar candles or pape. “They most be veganfed a see a al OS, ‘Thee wecks aller on sated this al a strange thing occured. One ‘Hah the gen meting ina wood, were ertoning thstita sci, ‘SEEn mddeny pie appeared, ‘They weve arested, the high priest ‘Resnea prvc emence of seven years an his second i command Renata semencet ve year: Thenteraccolytes were Beil ied ‘Sport his the temp of Hack magi was bur! the ground ‘The Master Ritual Jack Seymour was 2 yeas old wher we st met, He ws dower {hccvening he came tonite; deeponden woulbea beter word Jack tts ving no Tac tal ong seemed wo go righ fr, ut et in fel the tryin is own works ‘ours was ity pp family. Thad one rote a Goce, My tater work in 2 garage a er o me nic. He cart at wage, be id mot ik, exe a ‘letsaionsorponies where be would havea piss Wine Srbecr He smote sero and wasable to give Mote good sum for ows keeping. Yes. my da was 8 s 00d provider. Teas eicaedata modern coun schon, ws onside shove noma inelizence and was endo edn tthe ge of sateen [lef scoot ad was very Formate 0 be ‘ers join the al ator). Aerayear Idee hat ‘hore be betray tomake money tan working ve Alayna weekat «work bach, Asti Iwas foot reading andone ening inthe fal library came ares a Book "Think you oe rch and you will brie. read this bok over and aver again. Hee at Tas thought, asthe answer my prayer. ied bt cult make work, Frm then on have ought al the ook on geting rick that Tenallay my handsow, Btthey stoner wee form. Igctwwhereand mat the age, all Thae lo shoe forover five years of work tack bookselling me howto el fei yl theres Fhe sent. Why *Notexacly anew son’ ol bin, “bu lets analyze te books fs he books are of Ameren origin thy vsti ae revealing inetd ‘fssesmanship. The Americans ar peat fellows frsellinginsrsiceot| teal estate. Now ifthe books are hy Gea sts thc the emis ‘Should you books be Bish then they wil he abou paychology, super pychoogy, or mind over mater All hos books no mate where ty ‘were plat avec writen people whobave ead away get ich uikly anc easily They ave voten these books to sare tei Sowledge with you, Nowe les tie withthe books, a we Ive wo sme that the hooks are come then the aul mst he within yon [Leven ook your port, You el me that you have ead hese hooks snd have cared out henson full othe est of your ably ‘Yet, youve aed got the things In feta you so much desire, The simple rat, my So, fs Ua you tave # pryeboogial bchage. No tir what you do, you will alvays fal achieve your dele, “That statement sat exactly tre Ths blockage cn be eliminated by pchoanalsis but that ents round 40D hours hey tl yo wl Feesive lite change from £2,000. You are sckig money, a0 spending i Danna dsp there aher way ways al te Jazy man's way to gta! be wants of he good things in ie.” 5,00 year gn the pissin he ep of Meni were extolling thse ‘word of wish "Asko the ge and you wll recive = The Egyptians were grea elivers inthe gods they were devout tei warps the kings,Pharaot, nd press wer theichestan not power ele neath, ‘Thesceretof mining your hear’sdesie hea is fyou cannot secs 4 thing ca your wn to ask of somece who an elp yo. A whos nore powerful han hose aie godsof te land gy? However it ‘So good jatsiting backand saying want this, tat andthe To receive yotrmustash ia the comet manner and the secret way 9 C6 by the Master Risa You are going tbe pul trough ite wouble before comming this sia ut afterall, surely ite Worth, ning hat your very way 0 ie Wil be changed forthe hetlr. Once you hve the noes oulpment you need only spend about en sintes a eck. Ton inte «eck 0 Bait the lp ofthe mot perl fre inthe wl “These the hig Yo wl ee Sic white candles, ‘A plese of goss paper aboot to fet se, Froma oy shop obuina psi dagger or enc om cade, (Ca Tom eardhoant five ses abou wo inchs cro ‘Youshould wear «new bah robe at sine ‘You have ben given nsructions ou bling rani, Now make one without cating office, hspyrarise soup, Now hanks Fortof ll: btn a pict of the ges Bast. The ey ay of geting {hiss oak ener to go the is to daa ikeese o this ps Til gveyou rough dewing of Bron ign of hs pokes coed Fro Figure in the Bish Mscun Your desing must be about twelve inches high, rater the paper on which sei drawn shouldbe tht ize By the se ofthe pode mst ‘writen these sym Nw IS Sl ae Te aoe Pt % ‘Teme hs woe ‘May ae pl and power al beh ase joy of hear” Thi te copy of the prayer be oul on te toot ofthis ges. 4s ‘nthe sight hand side you must write these symbols SIDS sm Bos the Lady of Lie Jr) fad od 0400 a Having obtained hex things we wil proce tothe Mater Rin sl Fit should lly that ise te enlation oth simple ceremony (Onur able, which now Becomes your aa, lace the colo pape, ‘Standup yo ite, ether eaing it sgn serio york ‘nymakingssupprtathehackl he pete. In rentol he pte place your pyramid and pace a candle on este of ts. Light te cen. Before you proses sit down and think. You mist decide ona colt ‘which inure willbe your lucky eoour,oracolourwhichsppealto yeu Aso, a this point you mist deck upon a symbol eps yournae: Having dooe iis, blow ot your ean, color your dsc inthe chose

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