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In a local business magazine publication, a story told by an anonymous person intrigued the Car
2.0 Company for they have been mentioned in the story. The senior manager read the story to his

‘I am 27 years old, experienced seller of products and services for 5 years now. However, the
company where I’ve been working has been sold to an international company. The new owner
replaced most of the employees which I have been included to. I lost my job at that very moment
and have been desperate to have a new job.
That’s when I’ve been hired as a seller of used cars in Car 2.0 Company. After I have sent them
my confirmation email, I immediately received my interview schedule which I have attended. I
am telling you, I got hired at that moment as well, thanks to my credentials and experiences.
After which, I got my orientation the next day. We were 50 people in that room, waiting for the
speaker to come. I made some acquaintances until Ms. Hess P. Care, as she have introduced
herself, came into the room and told us what we all have to do. As I have been taking down
notes, a specific phrase from Ms. Hess P. Care got my attention. She emphasized to us that we
should set to our minds that we have tons of customers to come, and that we should sell these
used cars at all cost. She also noted that we should set a battle between us and the customers
where we should guarantee our victory. Also, we’ve been given a monthly quota of cars to be
sold, if we’re not able to reach it, we’ll be jobless in an instant. I was shocked at that moment,
because it was different from what I have been doing from the past years, we were always told to
cater and satisfy our customers’ needs.
Days have passed and I am in front of our warehouse beside the SM parking lot. I have been into
different customers earlier, and this one, passing right in front of me, looking very simple while
looking for car, and I immediately approached him. I told him all the details I know about our
2nd hand cars available for sale. He doesn’t seemed interested similar from the earlier customers.
This will be a new addition to our pool of uninterested customers.
After 3 weeks have passed, I am still doing what I am told to do. I have made 6 cars sold, not
even reaching 30% of my quota for this month. 1 more week to go, I cannot make this. I will not
make this. It’s like I’m waisting my time, and not even growing my sales. Therefore, I quit my
job and now finding for a new job that builds good connections with their customers thru
satisfying and providing their needs.’

The subordinates of the senior manager then agreed and decided to at least call for a new
meeting with their senior managers, then a board meeting with the senior managers for a change.

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