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Phys 221L

The Digital Oscilloscope and the Function Generator

Date: _____________________

Name: Nour Chami

Partner’s name: Karim Mohsen, Khadijah Moussawi

Part I: Amplitude and Frequency Measurements

*Function generator Ch1 output set to 500Hz sine wave.

Amplitude Measurement using the Graticule

Amplitude Ch 1 volts/div # of divisions Peak-to-peak
setting on fn. vertically voltage
20 V 5V 4 (0.1) 20 (0.5) V
11 V 2V 5.5 (0.1) 11 (0.2) V
300 mV 50 mV 6 (0.1) 300 (5) mV
Amplitude Measurement using Cursors
Amplitude Position of Position of Peak-to-peak
setting on fn. Cursor y 1 Cursor y 2 voltage ∆ y
20 V -10 +10.20 20.2 (0.6) V
11 V -5.52 5.60 11.12 (0.33) V
300 mV -150 152 302 (9) mV
Amplitude Measurement using Automated Measurement Function
Amplitude Peak-to-peak
setting on fn. voltage read on
generator the oscillsocope
20V 20 V
11 V 10.96 V
300 mV 300 mV

 The peak to peak voltage =(Ch 1 volts/div) x (# of divisions vertically) = 5 x 4 = 20 V
 The uncertainty on the number of divisions is estimated to be 0.1 since we have 0.2
between each division and 0.2/1 = 0.1
 The uncertainty on the peak to peak voltage would be equal to
(Ch 1 volts/div) x 0.1 = 0.5 V for the first one. (using partial derivatives)

The same calculations are done for the rest of the 3 measurements.

 From the manual the DC accuracy is ± 3%

Therefore for 20 V:
The error is 20.20 x 3 =60.6 and 60.6/100 = 0.6

 There is no error regarding the automated measure function uncertainty in the report
however it can estimated to be almost equal to the errors in part 2 (cursors).

Our results are accurate since in all the three parts the interval overlaps.
Using Graticule: [20- 2(0.5), 20 + 2(0.5)]
[ 19,21]
Using cursors: [19,21.4]

The measure function value = 20 which falls in both intervals.

Similarly, for the other two measurements.
*Function generator Ch1 output set to 20V sine wave.

Frequency Measurement using the Graticule

Frequency Time/div # of divisions Frequency
setting on fn. horizontally
40 kHz 5 micro s 5 (0.1) 40000(800) Hz
2 kHz 100 micro s 5 (0.1) 2000 (40) Hz
100 Hz 2ms 5 (0.1) 100 (2) Hz
Frequency Measurement using Cursors
Frequency Position of Position of ∆ x reading Frequency
setting on fn. Cursor x 1 Cursor x 2 1/delta x
40 kHz -0.121 -0.121 25 (0.25) Micro 40000(1000)
s kHz
2 kHz -0.120 -0.121 0.5 (0.05) ms 2000 (100) Hz
100 Hz -0.123 -0.113 10(0.01) ms 100 (1)Hz
Frequency Measurement using Automated Measurement Function
Frequency Frequency read
setting on fn. on the
generator oscillsocope
40 kHz 40 kHz
2 kHz 2 kHz
100 Hz 100 Hz

 The frequency = 1/ (Time/div) x (# of divisions horizontally) = 1/ 5 x10-6s x 5= 40
 The uncertainty on the number of divisions is estimated to be 0.1 since we have 0.2
between each division and 0.2/1 = 0.1
 The uncertainty on the peak to peak voltage would be equal to
√ ¿ ¿ = 1/(5 x10-6 s x 25) x0.1 = 800 Hz
Same calculations are done for all the measurements.
 From the manual:
Interval(△T) accuracy is ± (1 interval time+100 ppm×reading+0.6 ns)

Then for the first one the uncertainty is ( 25 x 10-6 + 100 ppm x 25 x10-6 + 0.6 x 10-9 )
= 2.5 x 10-5 s = 0.25 micro s
Then the uncertainty on the frequency is √ ¿ ¿ = 1000 Hz

The same is done for all the 3 measurements.

 The intervals of error are:

Graticule: [ 38400 , 41600]
Cursors: [38000 ,42000]
The result obtained using the measure function is 40000 Hz which falls in the
intervals and the intervals overlap so it is accurate and we have no systematic errors.

Describe what happens when you use the trigger. What is the function of the trigger on the

The trigger control allows the display to be synchronized with the signal to be investigated
and it ensures that the sweep begins at the same point of a repeating signal which results in a
clearer picture.

Part II: Phase Measurements

*CH 1 output signal of function generator set to 2kHz and 1V amplitude sine wave.

A. Phase Measurement using Lissajous Figures

Phase 2A 2D Phase
shift unit Angle φ
A 3.9 3.3 58 (3)
B 7.5 3.6 29(3)
B. Phase Measurement using time shift
Phase Position of Position of ∆ x Phase Angle φ (degrees)
shift unit Cursor x 1 Cursor x 2
A -0.121 s -0.121 s 80 micro s 57.6
B The 0.121 40 micro s 28.8
was too
small so I
was told to
leave it

Note: For the position of cursors x1 and x2, the difference is in more than 3
significant figures which was not physically displayed on the oscilloscope making it
hard to record the accurate and correct value of them. However, delta x was
automatically calculated and displayed by the oscilloscope and not manual
calculation was done in part B regarding delta x.

Calculations for the angle:

In part A:
 sin() = D/A then we have sin(∅ ) = 3.3/3.9 = 0.85   = 1.0087 radians = 57.8 ≈ 58
 sin(∅ ) = 3.6/7.5 = 0.48   = 0.5 radians = 28.7 ≈ 29
For calculation of error:
According to the manual the uncertainty on the Lissajous figures phase difference is 3.

In part B:
φ=∆ x ×2 π × f where f = 1/T = 2KHz in this case
 φ = 80 x 10-6 s x 2 π x 2 x 103 = 1.00531 radians = 57.6 
 φ = 40 x 10-6 s x 2 π x 2 x 103 = 0.502 radians = 28.8 
The error on
∆ x =1 interval time+100 ppm×reading+0.6 ns =80 x 10-6 s +100ppm x80 x 10-6 s +0.6 x 10-9 s
= 6 x 10-10 s = 0.6 ns
The error on the angle is 2pi*f* 0.6 ns = 7.5 x 10-6

The error is very small and can be neglected. However our values in the second part
are similar to the ones in the first part thus minimizing any systematic error that
might’ve occurred.Work out the derivation steps between eq(1) and eq (2). What
happens when φ=0 and when φ=90

Compare between the phase shifts calculated in parts A and B

Phase Shift Unit % Difference

A 58-57.6 / 58 x 100 = 0.7 %
B 29- 28.8/ 29 x100 =0.7 %

The percentage difference is very small between the two values.

Part III: Signal Averaging

*CH 1 output signal of function generator set to 1kHz and 500mV amplitude sine
*CH 2 output signal of function generator set to noise and 500mV amplitude.

Signal Averaging
# of sweeps rms reading Noise rms Signal-to-
of CH1 readingof noise ratio
4 172.6(0.2) 47 (2) mV 3.7 (0.2)
16 172.6(0.2) 22 (1) mV 7.9(0.4)
64 172.6(0.2) 10.4 (0.5) 16.7(0.8)
mV mV
128 172.6(0.2) 7.5 (0.4) 23.0(1.2)
mV mV

The signal to noise ratio = (rms reading of CH1)/ Noise rms reading of CH2
For 4 sweeps: 172.6 mV/ 46.69 mV= 3.7

In order to calculate the error, propagation of error method was used:

α ratio=√ ¿ ¿ = √ ¿ ¿ = √ ¿ ¿ = 0.2

Same method of calculation is done for the other 3 measurements.

Make a conclusion. What is the importance of signal averaging?

Signal averaging results in a cleaner signal by reducing the noise and increasing the
signal to noise ratio.

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