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Eric Alston Jr.

November 20, 2020



Coming into college I did not want to be there, I did not give my all and I failed

tremendously but after having my back to the wall, I had to fix my mindset and my personal

issues. I fixed them and now I am 2 months away from graduating from college but first I must

finish my internship. I been completing my internship at Will Bradley Sports Performance. First,

I must start from the beginning.

I came into Winston Salem State University as a freshman in 2016, my first semester I

did not care about school. I failed some classes and close to failing some more classes and I was

closed to being kicked out. I decided to make college work so I got into the Sports Management

program and since then its been a long, hard road but I am close to the finish line. I have gained a

lot from the Sports Management program, the day I met Dr. Felder changed my perspective on

my life and school. The day I went to meet him I had earrings and a durag on, he got on me

about it, and he made me fix it. From that day forth, I learned that every detail tie into your

presentation. You must always be presentable or professional. Most of my growth within college

came from Dr Felder and I appreciate him for all of it. He not only taught me professionalism,

but he also taught me confidence along with Dr Stowe.

For me, Dr Stowe was hard to get along with. That is all my fault, my laziness takes over

and she does not agree with that. It was hard for me to get along with Dr Stowe because she set

high expectation for me that I was too lazy to reach for. Over the years, I gained much more
respect for her because she pushes me to my limit and forces me to make succeeding the

expectations, normal. I love her for it because without her and Dr Felder, I would have given up

on my degree, on my development as a student, and on myself. I believe with the tools and

lessons that Dr Felder and Dr Stowe gave me, will help me compete in the sports industry. Not

only the sports industry, but also in my career in Youth Development.

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