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Contract HSSE Plan Template – Example Plan

1. Scope of Work

Contractor / Supplier Company  L2 Ltd.

Contractor HSSE Assessment (“Greenbanding”)  Green

Subcontractor Company (if applicable) L3 Inc., other L3s regularly utilized

Scope of Work To provide Shell with [Facility Management] [Environmental

Management] [Engineering, Procurement, Construction
Management] services per Contract #xxxxxxx, for [Region,
LOT, Market Unit, Country]

[Add special projects, special considerations (like

Demolition, Asbestos removal, etc.) that is outside of the
contractor’s typical scope]

Shell Business DS – Retail - UK

Contract HSSE Risk Level High
Contract Mode 2

2. Leadership and Commitment

Our objective is to ensure that health, safety, security and environmental considerations remain top priorities for
management and for all employees and sub-contractors during the contracted work. Prevention of accidents and
risk management is recognized as an integral part of our business.

Management is visibly and actively involved in the safety management system at a senior level. The Company HSSE
Policy statement has been written and endorsed by the CEO. It is aligned with the Shell Goal Zero priorities and is
reviewed and updated on an annual basis. It is posted at each work site under the Contract scope and each
employee, including sub-contractors, working on the contract must sign to confirm they have read and understood
the Policy statement.

The Retail account director and other members of the Contract management team are required to attend site
safety meetings and conduct in-field safety observations on a regular basis [a minimum of 1 inspection per month].

The onsite workers hold [daily / weekly] work force safety meetings which are chaired by the Site Supervisor. The
Site Supervisor also conducts safety inspections on a regular basis. See the Assurance programme for further
details on frequency and output. All sub-contractors are required to attend these [daily / weekly] workforce

Visiting workers (i.e. those called to site for more complex works) are also required to attend these [daily / weekly]
work force safety meetings.

The Account Safety Manager will also attend site once a month and chair a more formal Safety Meeting including
information on L2 Ltd news, LFIs from industry and safety focus areas.

Reward and Recognition/ Consequence Management: Positive HSSE behavior is recognised. On the Retail
contract, a token reward of a letter from the company CEO is awarded monthly, along with a gift voucher for £25.
Individuals may be recognised for demonstrating continued positive safety behaviour, identifying a safety
improvement or quality hazard reporting. A photo of the ‘winner’ of the recognition scheme is also displayed on
Contract HSSE Plan Template – Example Plan

the Site Safety Noticeboard and Company News Letter. In addition, the Company wide scheme recognises an
individual or a team who display great safety performance on a Quarterly / Annual basis.

L2 Ltd utilizes a Positive Discipline Process for consequence management which focuses on communicating an
expectation of change and improvement in a personal, non-threatening way while maintaining concern for the
seriousness of a given situation.

However, L2 Ltd employees, including sub-contractors, understand that failure to follow the Company and
Contract requirements could result in the employee(s) being asked to leave a Shell project or programme.

Action under the Company Disciplinary Policy will be considered for all employees that demonstrate unsafe
behaviors. In addition, there is an onsite 3-strike rule for employees who display unsafe behaviors or non-
compliance with safety requirements. Employees will be given 2 warnings and will be removed from site in the
event of a third breach. This system is in place for minor infringements only. If an employee demonstrates
significant unsafe behaviors (i.e. those that give rise to an immediate risk to health and safety of either himself or
his colleagues) or a breach of a Lifesaving Rule, they will be removed from site immediately.

Intervention/ Near miss reporting: Employees are empowered to intervene and stop work if unsafe conditions
occur. This is part of the Policy Statement and is also included in the L2 Ltd Induction process.

A peer to peer job observation and intervention process is in place to encourage and reinforce positive behavior
and address the causes of unsafe behavior. Output from these programmes are recorded and reported on a
quarterly basis to identify trends.

Across L2 Ltd, individuals and teams are recognized for their contributions in improving personal safety. Local
teams will be entered into the L2 Ltd Group Safety Recognition Scheme and a winner is announced on a quarterly

In addition, we encourage staff to report near miss and work site hazards. A process is in place on site for hazard
recognition and mitigation associated with job activities.

 Information on potential hazards is provided to personnel.

 Hazards are identified and mitigated as part of work planning and job execution (JHA/JSA).
 Training is provided for hazard recognition as part of the induction process.

Identify and inform employees of applicable HSSE laws, regulations and standards: The L2 Ltd Retail Account
Management Team is responsible for identifying and informing employees of all applicable health, safety and
environment laws. Subscription to several health, safety and environment publications and memberships in
various local, state and national trade organizations keeps management abreast of applicable changes to laws,
regulations and standards.

Employees are informed of relevant information in the onsite safety meetings, bespoke training sessions or email
as appropriate based on the subject matter.

In addition, HSE Alerts & Bulletins have been developed for the Contract to reach relevant people and target
groups quickly. L2 Ltd circulate HSE Alerts & Bulletins via line management and supervisors to frontline employees
at Safety meetings, tool box talks or other communication channels as required. Where deemed applicable (or on
request), L2 Ltd will share its alerts with Shell Retail.

L2 Ltd also communicate any relevant Shell Safety Information (i.e. LFI Alerts) with frontline staff and contractors
working on the Contract. These are communicated during monthly safety meetings and/or daily Toolbox or
Tailgate or Twilight meetings.
Contract HSSE Plan Template – Example Plan

3. Communication

The work force is provided with a range of communication channels at which to raise HSSE concerns.

Prior to start of work (new workers): All workers (L2/ L3) are given a Site Safety Induction which cover the site
orientation and safety rules, Shell Golden Rules, LSR and information on the risks and controls of the contracted
activities, along with emergency procedure/ evacuation and the location of emergency provisions (i.e. first aid
stations, firefighting equipment). In addition, a briefing on the contents of the Contract HSSE Plan is provided.
Induction records are held onsite by the Site Supervisors.

Prior to commencing work: Employees are provided with a daily pre-start briefing at the start of each shift/work

Lines of reporting/ dissemination of information/ frequency of meeting:

The following depicts the routine lines of reporting how information will be disseminated on the Contract.

1) Contract Holder ↔ Area Manager (telephone, email, face-to-face)

2) Area Manager↔ Site Supervisor (face-to-face, telephone, email)
3) Site Supervisor ↔ On site workers (face-to-face, telephone, email)

In addition, the following activities are completed:

 Pre-construction or Pre-Field reviews between Project Manager or Regional Operations Manager (ROM)
or Programme Manager and their Shell counterpart
 Daily Toolbox or Tailgate or Twilight meeting at the beginning or end of each shift/work day to discuss
scheduled activities.
 Safety review of each job (JHA/JSA) to identify hazards and manage them. Reviews and sign-offs as
appropriate from Shell or Technical Authority (TA) for any Hold Points.
 Weekly safety meetings with the site workers (Lead by Site Supervisors)
 Monthly Safety Representative Meetings (Lead Area Manager - not site based)
 Safety inspections looking for unsafe conditions and housekeeping.
 Peer to peer safety observations to evaluate safety behavior of employees. Talk Not Tick (TNT) forms may
be utilized here
 Quarterly HSSE meetings in which the Contract Holder is invited to attend, along with the L2 Ltd HSSE
 The Contract HSSE Plan will be discussed at the [monthly] quarterly meetings and updated as required. In
the event of any significant change or update to the Contract HSSE Plan a further team briefing will be
held to communicate the changes.
 KPIs and man hours worked are reported monthly to the Contract Holder, at a minimum

This plan will remain in place through mobilisation, execution and demobilisation.

Workers are actively encouraged to raise safety concerns via these channels. They will be discussed and a
resolution agreed and shared at the monthly onsite safety meetings.

An HSSE Noticeboard is also provided at each site on the Contract. This is used to communicate L2/ L3 Company
and Shell Safety information and is updated and maintained by the Site Supervisor.
Contract HSSE Plan Template – Example Plan

4. Subcontractor Management (L3)

L2 Ltd has an extensive pre-qualification process which is aligned with the Shell requirements outlined in the HSSE
& SP Control Framework Contractor HSSE Management Manual. Sub-contractors (L3) once on site are managed in
line with L2 / Shell expectations.

[In addition, we will ensure L3s implement GCSC “Are you Trained” campaign with all levels of workers including;
Project Managers (PM), Site Supervisors (SS) and subcontractor front line workers to ensure they know to ask what
is required of them and others, and to ensure that everyone is competent to complete the work they are

5. Organizational Structure

Account Manager
Respnsble for:
1. Ooverall accounability for HSSE management on the Contract
2. Appointing suitable and capable L3 Contractsors to deleiver rhe
workscope safely

L2 Ltd HSSE Manager Project Manager

Responsible for: Responsible for:
1. Provising performnace data to Shell on a 1. Ensuring all L2/ l3 employess are
monthlybasis compemetnet
2. Completing annual onsiste audit to 2.
confirm implementation of L2 HSSE
Management System 3.

Site Supervisor
Responsibe for:
1. Delvering inductions
2. Providing toolbox talks/ oniste safety berifings including daily pre-start
safety talks
3. Collating data on incidents/ accidntes/ near missies (reporting into
4. Supervising work to ensure that it is completed safety

Site Workers
Responsible for:
1. Working safely
2. Reporting incidents/ near misses

Line management/ Supervisors competent to identify and assess HSSE risk: Recruiting and training programs
have been implemented to ensure that all supervisory personnel are competent to meet their responsibilities. The
competence requirements of all positions are regularly assessed and updated as necessary.

All workers on the Contract also hold a [Safety Passport] which shows the training completed and additional
training required.

In addition, before starting on the Contract, Line Managers and Supervisors are given enhanced risk management/
risk assessment training. This is an online course which is refreshed on an annual basis.

Levels of Supervision: Levels of supervision are determined based on the risk level of the work activity, for
example high risk activities, i.e. completing a lifting & hoisting operation, will have continuous supervision during
the activity and assign a Person in Charge of the Lift. This is outlined in the Hazard Control Sheet and tools for the
specific activities covered in the contracted works.
Contract HSSE Plan Template – Example Plan

Inexperienced/ temporary personnel (identification, supervision and risk management): Due to the nature of the
work and work environment temporary personnel are not employed for operational roles. Inexperienced
personnel are those considered to have less than 12 months experience. They wear a different coloured overall
[hard hat / sticker] onsite and job shadow an experienced member of staff; they are also only allowed to undertake
a limited number of activities, based on their experience and training. The Shell Project / Programme Manager will
be informed before any inexperienced member of staff are brought onto the Contract. The Company Standard L3
Ltd Procedure XX – Short Service Employee Program provides guidelines to prevent work related injuries and
illnesses to new hires.

6. Competency and training

Entering site: All L2 employees and L3 contractors are required to enter all sites by a Contractors entrance. At the
Contractors entrance, they are required to sign in, show their Safety Passport and will be given an Induction or
Orientation which allows them access to the site and relevant buildings. They are required to report to the Site
Supervisor before starting work. This may be done in the form of a phone call.

Line management/ Supervisors competent to identify and assess HSSE risk: Recruiting and training programs
have been implemented to ensure that all supervisory personnel are competent to meet their responsibilities. The
competence requirements of all positions are regularly assessed and updated as necessary.

All workers on the Contract also hold a [Safety Passport] which shows the training completed and additional
training required.

In addition, before staring on the Contract Line Managers and Supervisors are given enhanced risk management/
risk assessment training. This is an online course which is refreshed on an annual basis.

Implementation of training programme: A training matrix is held in the contract for the employees engaged in the
contracted work. This will be kept live and can be reviewed at any time. In additional the [Safety Passport]is carried
by each worker.

Fit for work/ Competent/ Qualified / Experienced to perform duties: The following L2 Ltd procedure L2 Ltd 01 –
Fit for Duty is used to ensure that all personnel engaged in the performance of work are physically fit. This
procedure outlines how L2 Ltd evaluates an employees’ fitness for duty. Fitness to Work Certificates are issued by
recognized medical practitioner (validity 5 years) and it is a requirement of the Contract of employment that
Workers must advise if they have any ill health issues which may make it unsafe for them to continue active
operational work. In the event an Operative is deemed unfit, he will be removed from site and redeployed to a
suitable role. All L3 Contractors are required to have an equivalent process in place.

Fitness to Work is also established particularly for Retail, for Crane Operators and for activities where we need
respiratory protection (a tight seal) to protect the user.

Job Descriptions are also in place for all workers onsite which describe the general duties and responsibilities,
knowledge and experience requirements.

7. Risk Management

Process to ensure workers are able to identify and manage specific hazards in work environment prior to
commencing work: The L2 Ltd Job Hazard or Safety Analysis (JHA/JSA) provides a method for assessing hazards
and risk and managing those hazards prior to and during any routine work activity. All workers are expected to do
an ongoing assessment of the risk in every activity they are involved with and to resolve it via elimination of the
hazard, or stopping work and notifying supervision of the hazard. Through this behaviour based safety method,
hazards are identified and removing them lowers the workers’ exposure to at-risk conditions and makes it easier
Contract HSSE Plan Template – Example Plan

for employees to work safely. Risks identified will also consider environmental impact and security risks.
Appropriate plans will be developed to address those areas as needed. A copy of the JHA/JSA procedure and form
is included in the appendices.

Management of change (application, approval of change and communication to workforce): L2 Ltd have no
documented Company Management of Change process, but will comply with the Shell Company standard and
business procedure. See Gap Closure Plan for further details.

Any changes made to work practices will be risk assessed and communicated directly to those undertaking the
work. Employees will be required to sign to confirm they have received a briefing on the updated risk assessments.

Adherence to LSR (communication to workforce): Applicable Shell Retail requirements, including the Life-Saving
Rules are communicated to in the Induction and during onsite meetings or training sessions. Failure to comply with
these requirements may result in the employee being removed from site.

See attached excel sheet for detailed information on Contract specific HSSE Risks and associated controls. This has
been completed in consultation with the Shell Retail Engineering and SGW Contractor Safety CASE, localized by

Contract activity
HSSE Risk Assessment.xlsx

8. HSSE Incident Management

Incident notification, investigation and reporting arrangements: L2 Ltd operate an online Incident reporting tool
(REPORT) which is accessible to the site supervisors at all locations.

REPORT is the standard system for reporting all HSE events, suggestions, audits and inspection reports, meeting
reports, recognitions and exemption requests.

Employees onsite are required to report all near misses, potential incidents and first aid injuries to their supervisor.
The supervisor will report the incident into REPORT.

The Site Supervisors will also ensure that incidents are reported in the Shell Fountain Incident Management (FIM)
system and classified in line with the latest Shell Retail Contractor Incident Reporting Procedure.

Depending upon the nature of the incident, either a local investigation will be completed by the Project Manager
with remote support from the L2 Ltd. HSSE Advisor. The Company HSSE Advisor will be called to site to undertake a
more detailed review for more serious/ high potential incidents.

Events shall be investigated and preliminary action plans developed and documented in REPORT within 15 days.

Once the immediate risk has been managed more detailed remedial work plans are developed with the
expectation of all actions being closed out within 90 days.

Incident investigation reports will be shared with the Shell Retail Contract Holder within 30 days and completion of
corrective actions will be included in the Gap Closure plan and monitored through the Quarterly business
performance review. A Learning from Incident (LFI) will be issued for distribution within 6 weeks of the incident.
Contract HSSE Plan Template – Example Plan

Competencies of the HSSE investigation team: Supervisors and line managers are required to undertake the in-
house accident investigation training. For more significant incident the Company HSSE Advisor will lead the
investigation. They are qualified in incident investigation practices and hold a NEBOSH Diploma [Tripod

Responding to medical emergencies: L2 Ltd will complete a risk assessment to identify the relevant fire safety and
first aid provisions (including number of trained first aiders) required. First aid stations are also located at
appropriate points on site. A site plan showing the location of first aid/ fire safety points is displayed on the onsite
HSSE Notice Board.

Emergency evacuation, including accounting for workers: All personnel will be inducted prior to starting work on
site, which includes information on the emergency evacuation procedure and location of the assembly point. The
sign-in log used before Induction will be used in the evacuation roll-call to account for the number of workers who

9. Internal Audit and Review

All assurance activities include L2 and L3 employees; specifically, L2 Ltd conducts an annual companywide
Management Audit of the HSSE MS onsite at least annually. L2 Ltd will ensure that at least one of the Shell
locations will be included in this programme and the Shell Contract Holder (or representative) will be invited to
attend. Date of Audit to be confirmed.

L2 Ltd Procedure No.8 Site Safety Inspections describes the process for safety inspections of the worksite and is
available for review by Shell Retail. The process assures ongoing evaluation of work conditions that could lead to
accidents, injuries or illnesses. Identified unsafe conditions are documented, analyzed and prioritized for
resolution. The frequency of the inspections will be agreed upon by L2 Ltd and the Contract Holder, however
minimum frequencies are outlined below:

Activity Frequency Responsibility

Worksite inspection Weekly Site supervisors

Management site inspection Monthly Site management

Senior Management safety tour Quarterly Senior management

Annual onsite HSSE MS audit Annually Company HSSE Advisor/ Senior


Safety observation conversation Targeted conversations 1 per Employees/ Supervisors

programme (peer to peer) month

In addition, visiting Management Teams are required to undertake site safety inspection and Safety observation
conversations with the site workers (ad hoc).

Onsite verification activities:

Maintenance of work equipment: Equipment will be checked each day prior to work commencing. Records of the
equipment held onsite and the maintenance/ testing programme are held onsite and will be available for review.
Contract HSSE Plan Template – Example Plan

A secure area has been provided for the storage of equipment onsite. At the end of each day, all equipment is
collected and locked in the storage facility.

People control: L2 Ltd operate a Safety Observation Programme in which employees are encouraged to undertake
a minimum of 1 Safety observation conversation per month with a colleague/ peer. These are recorded and
reported in the REPORT system. To encourage participation and reporting, this system is anonymous; however, any
areas of non-compliance will be reviewed and shared with the workforce. Additionally, any areas of good practice
or safety improvements are recognized and information cascaded.

Safety observation conversations are recorded as a KPI.

10. Monitoring, reporting and corrective action requirements

Process for reviewing the Contract HSSE Plan: The Contract HSSE Plan is a live document and will be updated in the
event of a change, for example in working practice or risk. As a minimum, it will be reviewed with the Contract
holder on a quarterly basis as part of the Business Performance Review to identify areas for improvement or best
practice. [or HSSE KPIs are reviewed Monthly with the Shell Contract Holder and Market Unit HSSE Manager / SGW
HSSE Focal]

Opportunities for improvement will also be considered as a result of learnings from incidents, near misses and
hazard identification processes, along with more proactive activities such as the Employee Safety Suggestion

Where improvements are identified, they will be included in the Gap Closure plan (appendix 3). The Gap Closure
Plan will also be reviewed at the Quarterly BPR meetings. [or HSSE KPIs are reviewed Monthly with the Shell
Contract Holder and Market Unit HSSE Manager / SGW HSSE Focal]

Any change to the Contract HSSE Plan will be communicated via the Communication networks outlined above.
Internally, the L2 Ltd Manager responsible for the Shell Retail contract will have a quarterly review with the staff
and get input and buy-in on any improvement changes.

Gap Closure/ Improvement Plan template

Gap Gap Closure action Target date Actual closure Action Owner Action Party

Training and Develop training and 01 January Contract HSSE Manager/

competency plans training plan for workers 2018 Manager Site Manager
not in place working on the contract

Management of Implement Shell Retail 31 Jan 2018 Contract Contract

change process MoC Process Manager Manager

The action and assurance plan showing detailed monthly actions is shown below. This will be review on
a quarterly basis. Any gaps will be included in the gap closure plan and tracked to completion.
Contract HSSE Plan Template – Example Plan

Action & Assurance

plan for inclusion on the Contract HSSE Plan.xlsx

Agreed KPIs:

  Key Performance Indicator Target Frequency of Reporting

Completed Management
  Reported monthly
Safety Walks

Completed Safety Inspections  Reported monthly

Completion rate vs.

  Reported monthly
Equipment Inspection Plan

Delivered HSSE Trainings   Reported monthly

Workforce Qualifications
completed for this example Reported monthly

Leading Delivered Toolbox Talks Contract

  HSSE Plan [Agree Reported monthly
Toolbox Talks Attendance
Contract Holder and Reported monthly
Partner Management]
Near Misses Reported and
  Reported monthly

Safety Improvement
  Reported monthly
suggestions received



Lagging Days at Goal Zero   Reported monthly

Life Saving Rule Violations   Reported monthly

Fatal Accident Rate (FAR)   Reported monthly

Lost Time Injury Frequency

  Reported monthly

Total Recordable Case

  Reported monthly
Frequency (TRCF)

Loss of Primary Containment  Reported monthly

Environmental non-   Reported monthly

Contract HSSE Plan Template – Example Plan

Security Incidents   Reported monthly



Date of Contract HSSE Plan (when developed): 15th Dec 2017

Date of Contract HSSE Plan Approval by Contract Holder: 5th Jan 2018

Signed (or electronic evidence of approval) by Contract Holder: Joe Bloggs (e-mail attached)

Review dates: (to be reviewed quarterly) – add dates as reviews occur.

Date review Review by (include all review Summary of changes made/ update

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