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Megan hasn’t done yet Megan has already done

Example: Megan hasn’t gotten Example: Meg
married yet. has already accepted to get
1.I hasn´t picked up my new 1.Meg has already bought dress
address have you tried it on yet for the married.

2.we haven´t a lot of planning to 2.Meg has already ate for the
do so have you Heard of and yet. married.


1. I have already listened to music.

2. I have not gone swimming yet.
3. I have already taken some photos.
4. I have already helped Jane in the kitchen.
5. I have already played my guitar.
6. I have already gone out with my friends.
7. I have not washed my shirts yet.
8. I have already made my bed.
9. I have already done the washing-up.
10. I have not spoken to my maths teacher yet.

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