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English III
 Logical and sequence linkers. Modals: Might, should, May. Adverbs and intensifiers: too much.

Activity I

Desarrollar los siguientes ejercicios y enviar a la plataforma COES

Complete. Use sequence linkers: then, in the beginning, afterwards, in the end, firstly, after that,

I want to go to Europe! _________, I would go to Spain; ___________, I would visit Italy;

and ___________, I would go to France.

We went to eat pizza. ____________ ________, we went to eat ice cream.

My mom found a recipe on the Internet. ________________, she went to the

supermarket to buy the ingredients.

I called my mother and __________ I charged my cell phone.

_______ _____ ____________, we were not sure about buying that house. _____ ________
_________, we decided it was the best decision.

Activity II
Complete the sentences using should, shouldn’t and the words in brackets
( ).

A-You have a great job; you_______ (change) it.

B-You _______ (drink) so much coffee; it's bad for your blood pressure.
C-The government________ (help) people.
D-It's an incredible film. You_______ (watch) it.
E-It's a very dangerous area. Tourists _______ (go) there.
F-Do you think __________ (I/apply)for a new job?
G-You ______ (go) to that restaurant. The food is terrible.
H-When someone does you a favor, you_______ (say) thank you.
I-He ________ (study) more if he wants to pass his exam.
J-Children_______ (drink) sugary drinks. It's not very healthy

3-Choose the correct option

A- She be at home. She's ill. ( may- might – can)

B- She go to the mall but she probably will finish late. ( may – might- can )

C- I use the telephone, please? (may – might )

D- Tom be tired when he arrives to Edinburgh. ( may – might )

E- It rain today, it's cloudless. ( mayn´t -mightn´t -can´t )

F- He to call while I was out.( may have tired- might have tired

G- I have some more water? ( may – might

4- Choose: too, too much, too many, enough to complete the
sentences below.
A-There's smoke in here; I can't breathe.
B-I don't earn to buy that car.
C-My manager says that I play to win the competition.
D-I know I talk . I should talk less.
E-I don't think the door is to get the sofa into the room.
F- money can be bad for football players who are still in their 20s.
G-I ate cakes and felt sick later.
H-I can't drink this milk. It's hot.
I-I think I've eaten . I don't feel very well.
J-There weren't to play a match, so everybody went home


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