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Schelomo additional notes 2

Nelsova and Bloch

1) In 1949, Nelsova met the composer, Bloch, and was asked to participate in the Bloch
festival in London. She played Schelomo with the composer conducting and also
recorded it with him. She also recorded the prayer, supplication and jewish song with
Bloch at the piano. After this, the composer would often say 'nelsova is my music' – she
has a photograph of Bloch which is dedicated "To Madame Schelomo".
Bloch's cello music dedicatees
1) From jewish life -- Hans Kindler
2) Suite no.1 – Zara Nelsova
3) Suite no.2 – Zara Nelsova
4) Suite no.3 – Originally to Nelsova to edit, but she didn’t get the score in time and Bloch
assumed she didn't like it thus the work is undedicated.
5) Méditation Hébraïque, possibly to Pablo Casals

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