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1Collaborative work - 2 delivery

Comparative analysis of road infrastructure Colombia vs Germany

Ana Maria Hernandez - 2012030091

Genny Rodríguez Nieto - 1911026945
Paola Andrea Arias Vélez -1311890226
Daniel Felipe González Nieto - 1310013066

September 2020.
Politécnico Grancolombiano
Bogota DC
Globalization and Competitiveness



Finding a developed country, in which we can compare different aspects, political,

economic and social with Colombia and also be able to analyze how it came to such

Carry out a comparative analysis between the road infrastructure of Germany and
Colombia, starting from the concept of the 12 pillars of competitiveness, using the
Infrastructure pillar.


 Identify the differences between the road infrastructure of both countries

 Compare the good practices carried out in Germany and analyze the opportunities
for improvement in Colombia for the development of this pillar.
 Propose possible solutions to road problems in Colombia based on the development
of Germany


Within this work, the comparison between Germany and Colombia will be made, taking
into account that the first is a developed country and the second a third world, based on the
infrastructure pillar.
The provision of efficient infrastructures is another fundamental pillar for the
competitiveness of a country, transport infrastructures such as highways, airports, seaports,
railway network, among others, will improve and reduce the time invested in transporting
both goods and people, improving productivity overall country. On the other hand,
infrastructures related to energy supply are necessary for the proper functioning of
companies, likewise a good infrastructure associated with telecommunications will allow a
fast and secure flow of the huge amount of information that companies, institutions and
people handle daily. .
It is necessary to start from the context of road infrastructure of each of the countries to be
analyzed in order to know their strengths and opportunities for improvement, identifying
the social context through which both countries have passed in order to reach the position
in the current development table and Likewise, compare the advantages that Colombia has
that using the evolution of Germany can take advantage of to be competitive against the
infrastructure pillar.
Although it is true that Germany has had to go through the process of two world wars and
the reconstruction of its nation due to the damage caused by it in Colombia, civil wars have
been present in the historical context, this project will also analyze how to transform the
different conflicts at the national level into aspects that help them to be competitive at the
world level.


Focusing within the framework of globalization and competitiveness we can observe that
each country within its economic and social policies, seek to take advantage of its
competitive advantages and its productivity by promoting through agreements and treaties
that allow a country to be consolidated within a changing market and increasingly
demanding. When talking about competitiveness, it refers to a group of goods or services
valued better than others in a particular market, in the understanding that the market
demands certain characteristics, so that a good or service is competitive such as quality,
price and Disponibility. Expanding this concept, health, access to education, its
infrastructure or economic freedom constitute the level of development of a country based
not only on its GDP, but in government economic and social policies that support
innovation and technology. (Quemba, 2013), (Rafael, 2018). Colombia, being a developing
country, has made considerable progress in competitiveness issues, supported by the World
Economic Forum or the IMD (Institute for Management Development).
Knowing that Colombia intends to build a varied and sustained economy, compare the
progress, strength and robustness that a highly diversified and competitive economy of a
developed country such as Germany can become in terms of infrastructure, based on the
role played by the government in the proper execution of the policies given and in the
search for the common welfare of its citizens. Analyzing how each country acts with
respect to these indices will be a great challenge; knowing that Germany within the
competitiveness indexes is positioned within the top ten places. (Restrepo, 2020)
In terms of infrastructure, Germany has great advances compared to Colombia, Germany
has fast communication routes that cover around 12,000 km covering most of the territory
and with more than 40,000 km of roads, which makes Germany the country with the
highest density of lanes for vehicles, in addition the lanes are free for private vehicles, only
freight vehicles have had to pay a toll since 2005 which is automatically discounted via
satellite, clearly the one presented in this country is a great advance, compared to Colombia
One of the items most affected in the Colombian territory is the road infrastructure, in our
country the road network that we handle both nationally and district is lamentable, while in
Germany there are fully automated highways that have the luxury of not having limits of
speed like the autobahn, in addition to not paying tolls and being 4G highways,
unfortunately in our country we have not yet been able to overcome the scourge of
corruption, in our concept it is the biggest plague that affects the sustainable development
of the country and does not let it become a first world country.
In order not to go so far, we have a clear example of the magnificent railway network that
handles not only the Teuton country but all of Europe in general, without neglecting the

economic benefits that this kind of transport brings to the economy of a country since it is
more economical fast and with less risk.


 Los doce pilares de la competitividad (SF),,

Recovered from,

 Alemania: calidad de las carreteras (2006 – 2019),,

Recovered from,

 Restrepo, J. (2019), What are the country's advances in competitiveness, Recovered


 Rafael, F. (2018). Competitividad. (1ª Ed.). Alfaomega, Recovered


 Quemba, J.E. (2013). “Factores que Limitan la Competitividad Internacional de

Colombia,” Bogotá D.C., Recovered

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