Present Simple Tense Feedback: Name: Daniel Alejandro Sanchez Cabrera Code: 28 Grade: 10-01

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WORKSHEET Nª 1 (Grade 10th)

ENGLISH CLASS (April 20th to May 1st / 2020)

Name: Daniel Alejandro Sanchez Cabrera code: 28 Grade: 10-01

Present Simple Tense Feedback

We use the present simple to express habits, facts, thoughts and feelings. It is also used
with general statements and actions that are repeated. It is formed with the base form of the
verb, except the third person singular where you have to add an "s".

Time Expressions: often, always, never, every day, month,..., usually, sometimes,

generally, normally, rarely, seldom, whenever, on Mondays, Tuesdays,...

Present Simple Negation

I, YOU + PLURAL DON'T (do not) + VERB
They go to school. They don't go to school. They are not (aren't) at home.
The boys are not (aren't) in the
I like oranges. I don't like oranges.
We hate peppermint. We don't hate peppermint. I am not (I'm not) hungry.
We can not (cannot /
You have a cold. You don't have a cold.
can't) swim.
Monkeys (= They) eat bananas. Monkeys don't eat snakes. I must not (mustn't) go out.
Bob and I (= We) go shopping. Bob and I don't go shopping.  
Jim and Carol (=They) sing a Jim and Carol don't sing a
song. song.
HE, SHE, IT + S DOESN'T (does not) + VERB VERB + NOT
He doesn't want an ice
He wants an ice cream. She is not (isn't) at school.
She likes hot dogs. She doesn't like hot dogs. It is not (isn't) hungry.
It drinks milk. It doesn't drink milk. He can not (cannot / can't) sing.
The dog (= It) hates cats. The dog doesn't hate cats. Susan is not (isn't) angry.
Ann (= She) hates chewing Ann doesn't hate chewing
gums. gums.
Bob (= He) speaks English. Bob doesn't speak German.  
- es after - s / - ch / - sh    
Examples: passes - watches - finishes
- ies if there is a consonant before the y
Examples: study - studies / carry - carries / but play - plays
do - does / go - goes / have - has
PART 1: Afirmative Sentences
1. My sister reads (read) a book.
2. Frank likes (like) dogs.
3. My parents do (do) the shopping.
4. We sometimes meet (meet) in front of the cinema.
5. Uncle George goes (go) to the doctor's.
6. Our friends play (play) football in the park.
7. She goes (go) to the park every Friday.
8. He rides (ride) his bike every day.
9. We have (have) the best ideas.
10. Carol says (say) goodbye.
11. She is (be) the best singer in our class.
12. My sister lives (live) in a big house.
13. The children eats (eat) hamburgers.
14. Bill has (have) got two notebooks.
15. I am (be) at home.
16. My parents often watch westerns. (Watch)
17. They are hungry. (Be)
18. Mum washes all the dirty clothes. (Wash)
19.Peter has got a brother. (Have)
20. Dad buys a new plasma TV. (Buy)
21. The boys play  football. (Play)
22. In summer it is hot. (Be)
23. I am good at school. (Be)
24. On Friday, we always have our piano lesson. (Have)
25. Mary doe’s her homework. (Do)
26. Richard watches  TV. (Watch)
27. I likes big cities. (Like)
28. He studies in the library. (Study)
29. She always goes to work at 7. (Go)
30. Bill and Tom sometimes drive to London. (Drive)

PART 2: Negative Sentences : Put the sentences into the negative form. Use short
forms (doesn't, don't, isn't,...)
Example: I like reading. - I don't like reading.

1. They wash the car. They don’t wash the car.

2. I get up early. I don’t get up early.
3. They walk to school. They don’t walk to school.
4. Jim eats an orange. Jim doesn’t eat an orange.
5. My sister listens to her new CD. My sister doesn’t listen to her new CD.
6. Ann cleans her shoes. Ann doesn’t clean her shoes.
7. Henry climbs the tree. Henry doesn’t climb the tree.
8. They meet at the cinema. They don’t meet at the cinema.
9. We like pizza. We don’t like pizza.
10. Gary and Peter go to the party. Gary and Peter don’t go to the party.
11. My parents work in a restaurant. My parents don’t work in a restaurant.
12. We like our uncle. We don’t like our uncle.
13. She sings her favorite song. She doesn’t sing her favorite song.
14. Bill reads a book. Bill doesn’t read a book.
15. Mary goes to the zoo. Mary doesn’t go to the zoo.

PART 3: Change positive sentences into negative Sentences

Use the negative form of the verbs to complete the sentences. Use short forms (don't,
isn't, can't, ...).
Example: We get up early. We don't get up early.
1. He has a sister.
He doesn’t has a sister
2. They know his address.
They don’t know his address
3. She loves strawberry milkshake.
She doesn’t love strawberry milkshake
4. They live in New York.
They don’t live in New York
5. He can speak English.
He can’t speak English
6. Peter eats fruit every day.
Peter doesn’t eat fruit every day
7. We learn Spanish at school.
We don’t learn Spanish at school
8. I like reading books.
I don’t like reading books
9. Francis likes his new teacher.
Francis doesn’t like his new teacher
10. Sue is a smart girl.
Sue isn’t a smart girl
11. I can play the piano.
I can’t play the piano
12. They drink coffee.
They  don’t drink coffee
13. He meets his friends after school.
He  doesn’t meet his friends after school
14. The boys are at home.
The boys aren’t at home
15. My brother sings in a band.
My brother doesn’t sing in a band

USEFUL LINK TO KEEP IN MIND: Watching the following video to take notes about present
simple grammar tips and form.

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