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Mary’s College of Catbalogan

Catbalogan City, Samar


Subject: 21st Century Literature from the Philippines and the World Grade: 11
Section: ABM – Faith, Perseverance, STEM – Charity, Courage, Prudence Date: ______________________
Transfer Goal/s: Refine mind and sharpen sense of life as reflected by better understanding and judgment of Philippine
literary texts to take pride in their roots and identity inspired by the stories of their race, culture and
tradition as manifested in their behavior which reflect their love for country and God’s creations**

Essential understanding: Literary works are relevant in rousing the cultural and historical consciousness among Filipino

Essential questions: How will you encourage your fellowmen to read the Bible, the greatest nonfiction literature ever
Focus: Day 1: Literature: An Introduction
Review: What first comes into your mind when you hear the word literature?
Motivation: Guess the Author
Activating prior knowledge: What is your favorite book/novel? Who is your favorite author?
II. LESSON DEVELOPMENT B. Broadening of Concept (Meaning)
A. Presentation of Concepts Connecting: What literary genres are commonly read by
The students/pupils will know… readers nowadays?
the nature of literature Exploring: What if all literary works have the same
The students/pupils will be able to… genre?
distinguish various genres and elements in literature Leading: What literary works written in the past helped
shape the present society?
Essential: How will you encourage your fellowmen to
read the Bible, the greatest nonfiction literature ever
C. Integration (Meaning and Transfer)
Strategies / Activities: c.1.Ignacian Core / Related values:
 Introduce the unit Core value: Faith
 Present essential questions Related value: Nationalism
 Discuss the performance task Practices critical analysis and reflection to see
 Lecture/discussion on the different classifications and interrelationships of significant historical events.
elements of literature through graphic organizer c.2. Social Orientation: irresponsible journalism
 Answer worksheet related to classifying literary genres c.3. Lesson Across Discipline:
Filipino: What events in Jose Rizal’s novels Noli Me
Tangere and El Filibusterismo reflect the realities during
the Spanish era?
c.4. Faith/Biblical Reflection: “For whatever was
written in earlier times was written for our instruction,
so that through perseverance and the encouragement of
the Scriptures we might have hope.” Romans 15:4


Matching Type. Directions: Match the literary works in column A to its respective form/genre in column B.


____ 1. Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain A. adventure

____ 2. Mariang Alimango B. sonnet
____ 3. Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?
C. drama
by William Shakespeare
____ 4. Star Wars by George Lucas D. textbook
E. epic
F. folktale
G. science fiction
____ 5. Iliad by Homer


Summary: What have you learned today?
Action: As a Marian, how can you share the word of God in school and in community through writing?


Read the short story Servant Girl by Estrella D. Alfon. Identify the various elements of literature in the story. Write your
answers on a one (1) whole sheet of yellow paper.
Prepared by: Checked by: Approved by:
Ma. Lourdes M. Aclado Mrs. Vilma T. Cabueñas S. Ma. Jesusita L. Bernate, RVM
Teacher Academic Coordinator Principal
Status of Implementation Modification:
_______ Implemented
_______ partially Implemented
_______ Not Implemented

Date Observed: Remarks:

Observed By:
St. Mary’s College of Catbalogan
Catbalogan City, Samar


Subject: 21st Century Literature from the Philippines and the World Grade: 11
Section: ABM – Faith, Perseverance, STEM – Charity, Courage, Prudence Date: ______________________
Transfer Goal/s: Refine mind and sharpen sense of life as reflected by better understanding and judgment of Philippine
literary texts to take pride in their roots and identity inspired by the stories of their race, culture and
tradition as manifested in their behavior which reflect their love for country and God’s creations**

Essential understanding: Literary works are relevant in rousing the cultural and historical consciousness among Filipino

Essential question: How can your knowledge on critical approaches help you and the community understand the social and
cultural implications enclosed in the literary texts?
Focus: Day 2: Literary approaches
Review: What have we discussed last meeting?
Motivation: Lie, Sit, Stand
Activating prior knowledge: What is your definition of beauty?
II. LESSON DEVELOPMENT B. Broadening of Concept (Meaning)
A. Presentation of Concepts Connecting: What critical approach can be best applied in
The students/pupils will know… most of the literary texts written by Filipino authors?
the critical approaches in understanding literary texts Exploring: What if every reader applied only one literary
The students/pupils will be able to… criticism when analyzing literary texts?
distinguish various genres and elements in literature Leading: What instances can critical approaches be applied
while reading a literary text?
Essential: How can your knowledge on critical approaches
help you and the community understand the social and
cultural implications enclosed in the literary texts?
C. Integration (Meaning and Transfer)
Strategies / Activities: c.1.Ignacian Core / Related values:
 Lecture/discussion Core value: Faith
 Group activity: Generate questions for a selected Related value: Justice
literary work based on an assigned literary criticism. Upholds the rights and privileges of every human person
regardless of creed, race, gender, or social status
c.2. Social Orientation: Nepotism
c.3. Lesson Across Discipline:
History: What critical approach can be applied in your
discussions about the Spanish colonization?
c.4. Faith/Biblical Reflection: “The Lord reigns forever; He
has established His throne for judgment. He rules the world
in righteousness and judges the peoples with equity.”
Psalm 9:7-8
Matching Type. Direction: Match column A to column B by identifying the literary criticism that would best fit the


____ 1. The events in Victor Hugo’s novel Les Miserables can be likened to the A. HISTORICAL
events that transpired during EDSA People Power I.
____ 2. Geraldine Roman’s win as the first transsexual congresswoman of the
Philippines says a lot about the status of the LGBTQs in the present



____ 3. Most of students find it easy to understand Robert Frost’s poem The Road Not Taken because they are able to
relate to the message of the poem.

____ 4. Leonardo published a book telling the story of a boy whose intense love for dancing made him one of the
shiniest stars of his age. It was later found out that the author deliberately wrote the book as it was his biggest
dream - to become the best dancer in the world.

____ 5. While reading The Diary of Anne Frank, Michael Angelo got to realize how cruel and merciless Adolf Hitler
and the rest of the Nazis were in the genocide of the Jews, also known as the holocaust.


Summary: What have you learned today?
Action: As a Marian, how will your knowledge on critical approaches help you understand the diversity of beliefs of people
in your surroundings?
Read and understand the poem Vanity written by Trinidad Tarrosa-Subido. Do a close read/annotation through your assigned
lens. Complete a response of no less than 10 sentences in which identify and support your claim using textual evidence.
Prepared by: Checked by: Approved by:
Ma. Lourdes M. Aclado Mrs. Vilma T. Cabueñas S. Ma. Jesusita L. Bernate, RVM
Teacher Academic Coordinator Principal
Status of Implementation Modification:
_______ Implemented
_______ partially Implemented
_______ Not Implemented

Date Observed: Remarks:

Observed By:

St. Mary’s College of Catbalogan

Catbalogan City, Samar


Subject: 21st Century Literature from the Philippines and the World Grade: 11
Section: ABM – Faith, Perseverance, STEM – Charity, Courage, Prudence Date: ______________________
Transfer Goal/s: Refine mind and sharpen sense of life as reflected by better understanding and judgment of Philippine
literary texts to take pride in their roots and identity inspired by the stories of their race, culture and
tradition as manifested in their behavior which reflect their love for country and God’s creations**

Essential understanding: Literary works are relevant in rousing the cultural and historical consciousness among Filipino

Essential question: How can tracing your roots from the pre-colonial times help you and your community countrymen
establish your true Filipino identity?
Focus: Day 3: Oral lore from during pre-colonial times (—1564)
Review: What have we discussed last meeting?
Motivation: Baybayin Translation
Activating prior knowledge: What are the things that you know about our ancestors?
II. LESSON DEVELOPMENT B. Broadening of Concept (Meaning)
A. Presentation of Concepts Connecting: What modern Filipino traits, values,
The students/pupils will know… language, and culture were actually obtained from our
the history and development of Philippine literature in precolonial precolonial ancestors?
times Exploring: What would our society be like if pre-colonial
The students/pupils will be able to… Filipinos did not write about their experiences from the
explain the literary, biographical, linguistic, and sociocultural contexts past?
and discuss how they enhance the text’s meanings and enrich the Leading: Based on the literatures produced, what were
reader’s understanding
the accomplishments and struggles of the precolonial
Essential: How will tracing your roots from the pre-
Strategies / Activities: colonial times help you and your community establish
 Lecture/discussion of the literary works from your true Filipino identity?
precolonial times C. Integration (Meaning and Transfer)
 Small group activity (dyadic): Create a riddle or c.1.Ignacian Core / Related values:
proverbs with a partner Core value: Faith
Related value: Nationalism
Shows appreciation and supports publicly of the rich and
unique Filipino natural resources, customs, and traditions
c.2. Social Orientation: Identity confusion
c.3. Lesson Across Discipline:
Social Studies: What modern Filipino traits were
acquired from other countries and culture?
c.4. Faith/Biblical Reflection: “So you are no longer a
slave, but a son, and if a son, then an heir through God.”
Galatians 4:7


Guess the object being described in the precolonial riddles below.
1. Dalawang balon, hindi malingon.
2. Sa araw ay bunbong, sa gabi ay dahon.
3. Sang dalagang marikit, nakaupo sa tinik.
4. Kung bayaa’y nabubuhay, kung himasi’y namamatay.
5. Ate mo, ate ko, ate lahat ng tao.
Summary: What have you learned today?
Action: As a Marian, how will you ensure that the history and culture of your precolonial ancestors will never be forgotten
by your generation and the future generations?
Write a poem that follows the style and format used during the precolonial period.
Prepared by: Checked by: Approved by:
Ma. Lourdes M. Aclado Mrs. Vilma T. Cabueñas S. Ma. Jesusita L. Bernate, RVM
Teacher Academic Coordinator Principal
Status of Implementation Modification:
_______ Implemented
_______ partially Implemented
_______ Not Implemented

Date Observed: Remarks:

Observed By:
St. Mary’s College of Catbalogan
Catbalogan City, Samar


Subject: 21st Century Literature from the Philippines and the World Grade: 11
Section: ABM – Faith, Perseverance, STEM – Charity, Courage, Prudence Date: ______________________
Transfer Goal/s: Refine mind and sharpen sense of life as reflected by better understanding and judgment of Philippine
literary texts to take pride in their roots and identity inspired by the stories of their race, culture and
tradition as manifested in their behavior which reflect their love for country and God’s creations**

Essential understanding: Literary works are relevant in rousing the cultural and historical consciousness among Filipino

Essential question: How will literature produced during the Spanish colonization help me understand the present
sociocultural conditions that the Philippines is experiencing?
Focus: Day 4: Literature under Spanish colonialism(1565-1897)
Review: What have we discussed last meeting?
Motivation: Connect the Story
Activating prior knowledge: How can the experiences of the Filipino writers during the Spanish colonization help you
understand the present traits, traditions, and culture of Filipinos?
II. LESSON DEVELOPMENT B. Broadening of Concept (Meaning)
A. Presentation of Concepts Connecting: What Filipino experiences during the
The students/pupils will know… Spanish colonization were reflected in the literary texts
the struggles of Filipinos during Spanish colonization evident in produced during the period?
their writings Exploring: What if Filipinos did not produce literary
The students/pupils will be able to… texts about their experiences in the Spanish era?
explain the relationship of context with the text’s meaning*** Leading: What were the changes in the Philippine society
transpired when the Spaniards colonized the country?
Essential: How can the experiences of the Filipino
writers during the Spanish colonization help you
understand the present traits, traditions, and culture of
Strategies / Activities: Filipinos?
 Discuss the development of literature during C. Integration (Meaning and Transfer)
Spanish colonialism c.1.Ignacian Core / Related values:
 Analyze the excerpt The Revolution According to Core value: Faith
Raymundo Mata by Gina Apostol Related value: Nationalism
 Group activity: Group students into groups Defends orally or in writing any insinuations or overt
composed of five students each and let them answer insult to the Filipino cultural heritage
the journal of the senses worksheet c.2. Social Orientation: Colonial mentality
c.3. Lesson Across Discipline:
Christian Living: What was contribution of the Spanish
colonization paved way to the religiosity of Filipinos?
c.4. Faith/Biblical Reflection: "Now therefore, I pray
You, if I have found favor in Your sight, let me know
Your ways that I may know You, so that I may find favor
in Your sight Consider too, that this nation is Your
people." Exodus 33:13


Directions: Assess whether the following statements are influences of the Spanish colonization. Draw a check (/) if the
statement is a Spanish influence and an X if it is not.
1. Attending mass during Sundays.
2. Pagmamano as a sign of respect to elderly.
3. Boys and girls are sent to school by their parents.
4. Preparing sumptuous meals during feast days of saints.
5. Preparing pancit during birthdays.
Summary: What have you learned today?
Action: As a Marian, how will your encourage everyone in school and in the community to embrace Filipino ideals, culture,
tradition, and heritage?
Cite specific events in Jose Rizal’s Noli Me Tangere that are parallel to the real experiences of the Filipinos during the
Spanish colonization.
Prepared by: Checked by: Approved by:
Ma. Lourdes M. Aclado Mrs. Vilma T. Cabueñas S. Ma. Jesusita L. Bernate, RVM
Teacher Academic Coordinator Principal
Status of Implementation Modification:
_______ Implemented
_______ partially Implemented
_______ Not Implemented

Date Observed: Remarks:

Observed By:
St. Mary’s College of Catbalogan
Catbalogan City, Samar


Subject: 21st Century Literature from the Philippines and the World Grade: 11
Section: ABM – Faith, Perseverance, STEM – Charity, Courage, Prudence Date: ______________________
Transfer Goal/s: Refine mind and sharpen sense of life as reflected by better understanding and judgment of Philippine
literary texts to take pride in their roots and identity inspired by the stories of their race, culture and
tradition as manifested in their behavior which reflect their love for country and God’s creations**

Essential understanding: Literary works are relevant in rousing the cultural and historical consciousness among Filipino

Essential question: How does language help you become an effective messenger of God’s gospel?
Focus: Day 5: Literature during US colonialism(1898-1945)
Review: What have we discussed last meeting?
Motivation: Video Clip Showing
Activating prior knowledge: What are the things that you know about US and its people?
II. LESSON DEVELOPMENT B. Broadening of Concept (Meaning)
A. Presentation of Concepts Connecting: What language was dominantly used during
The students/pupils will know… the US colonization?
how English language affected the literary works during US Exploring: What if the Americans did not introduce their
colonization language to the Filipinos during their rule in the country?
The students/pupils will be able to… Leading: What were the changes in the society that
understand the power of language used in varied literary texts occurred upon the transition from the use of Spanish
language to the use of English language?
Essential: How does language help you become an
effective messenger of God’s gospel?
C. Integration (Meaning and Transfer)
Strategies / Activities: c.1.Ignacian Core / Related values:
 Analyze the story Dead Stars by Paz Marquez Benitez Core value: Faith
 Role play: Reenact an alternative ending for the story Related value: Strong faith in God/Godliness
Dead Stars Inspires others to faithfully obey God’s commandments.
c.2. Social Orientation: Declining morality
c.3. Lesson Across Discipline:
Oral Communication: How do you avoid
miscommunication whenever you are communicating
with people from other places/culture?
c.4. Faith/Biblical Reflection: “And He said to them,
"Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all
creation. ‘He who has believed and has been baptized
shall be saved; but he who has disbelieved shall be
condemned.” Mark 16:15-16


Directions: Analyze the characters in Paz Marquez-Benitez’s Dead Stars. Identify their traits, characteristics, relationship to
the other characters, and the importance of their role to the story. Write your analyses in the table below.


Summary: What have you learned today?
Action: As a Marian, how will you encourage people in your community to spread God’s message to others?


Read and understand the short story The Scent of Apples by Bienvenido Santos. Write an essay analyzing the short story’s
parallelism in terms of American colonization.
Prepared by: Checked by: Approved by:
Ma. Lourdes M. Aclado Mrs. Vilma T. Cabueñas S. Ma. Jesusita L. Bernate, RVM
Teacher Academic Coordinator Principal
Status of Implementation Modification:
_______ Implemented
_______ partially Implemented
_______ Not Implemented

Date Observed: Remarks:

Observed By:

St. Mary’s College of Catbalogan

Catbalogan City, Samar


Subject: 21st Century Literature from the Philippines and the World Grade: 11
Section: ABM – Faith, Perseverance, STEM – Charity, Courage, Prudence Date: ______________________
Transfer Goal/s: Refine mind and sharpen sense of life as reflected by better understanding and judgment of Philippine
literary texts to take pride in their roots and identity inspired by the stories of their race, culture and
tradition as manifested in their behavior which reflect their love for country and God’s creations**

Essential understanding: Literary works are relevant in rousing the cultural and historical consciousness among Filipino

Essential question: How can your knowledge on the lived experiences of the writers during the Martial Law help you and
the community eradicate the various human rights violations being committed in the present?
Focus: Day 6: Sojourning in the times of Martial Law through literature
Review: What have we discussed last meeting?
Motivation:Song Presentation – Tatsulok
Activating prior knowledge: What first comes into your mind when you hear the words Martial Law?
II. LESSON DEVELOPMENT B. Broadening of Concept (Meaning)
A. Presentation of Concepts Connecting: What were the positive and negative effects
The students/pupils will know… of Martial Law to our country?
literary compositions as reflections of social upheavals Exploring: What if EDSA People Power I did not occur
The students/pupils will be able to… and our country were still under Martial Law?
analyze the figures of speech and other literary techniques and Leading: What are the things that Filipinos can now
devices in the text*** experience that the country is no longer under Martial
identify the geographic, linguistic, and ethnic dimensions of law? How about those that they no longer experience?
Philippine literary history from pre-colonial times to the Essential: How can your knowledge on the lived
contemporary*** experiences of the writers during the Martial Law help
you and the community eradicate the various human
Strategies / Activities: rights violations being committed in the present?
 Students will share what they know or have learned C. Integration (Meaning and Transfer)
about Martial Law c.1.Ignacian Core / Related values:
 Drill on analyzing the persona of the poem Core value: Service
 Small Group Work: Form groups composed of three Related value: Courage
students each and answer the character worksheet Stands up for what is right and just based on one’s
Cristian faith in order to combat the influences of
destructive sub-culture.
c.2. Social Orientation: Violation of human rights
c.3. Lesson Across Discipline:
Oral Communication: How will you feel if you were not
allowed to express your thoughts, feelings, and emotions
on social media or in various mass media platform?
c.4. Faith/Biblical Reflection: “For the entire law is
fulfilled in keeping this one command: ‘Love your
neighbor as yourself.’” Galatians 5:14


Direction: Identify if the following statements are true or not. Write the word TRUE if the statement is factual, if false,
change the underlined word to make the statement correct.
___________ 1. Ferdinand Marcos declared Martial Law during his rule in the Philipines.
___________ 2. Martial Law was proclaimed on September 21, 1974.
___________ 3. EDSA People Power II became the reason why Martial Law ended.
___________ 4. Corazon Aquino became a huge part of Philippine history when she became the first woman president of
the Philippines.
___________ 5. Freedom of expression was prohibited during Martial Law.
Summary: What have you learned today?
Action: As a Marian, how will you exercise your freedom of expression and information without abusing your rights?
Bring an article about Martial Law. Prepare to share information from the article to the class next meeting.

Prepared by: Checked by: Approved by:

Ma. Lourdes M. Aclado Mrs. Vilma T. Cabueñas S. Ma. Jesusita L. Bernate, RVM
Teacher Academic Coordinator Principal
Status of Implementation Modification:
_______ Implemented
_______ partially Implemented
_______ Not Implemented

Date Observed: Remarks:

Observed By:

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