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November 14, 2020

English 1 Quiz 8 60% (6/10)

1. Complete the answers to the questions.

- Did Sam go into town yesterday?

A No, did

B No, it did

C No, he doesn't

D No, he didn't

2. Complete the answers to the questions.

- Did you and Ben do drama after school?

A Yes, did we

B Yes, we did

C Yes, we didn't

D No, we did

3. Choose the co rect answer:

- We _____tennis for two hours yesterday afte noon.

A playing

B play

C played

D plays

4. Choose the co rect answer:

I_____ a really good book last weekend.

A read

B made

C went
5. Choose the co rect answer:

- There ______many cars in the street last night.

A aren't

B weren't

C wasn't

6. Choose the co rect answer:

- Jack _______watch television at all yesterday.

A doesn't

B wasn't

C didn't

D don't

7. Are the words in the co rect order to make a question?

What Ma ia time did go to the park?

T T ue

F False

8. Are the words in the co rect order to make a question?

Where did Sandra visit her yesterday f iends?

T T ue

F False

9. Complete the text with the co rect fo m of the verbs in brackets. Use the past simple.

Nota: esc iba SÓLO el pasado del verbo en NEGRILLA para éste punto.

"I had a good evening on F iday. I ______________ (stay) at my

f iend’s house after school. First, we prepared some sandwiches to eat as a snack, and then
we watched our favo ite film on TV. But we ___________________ (not do) any homework because
it was
F iday! That was b illiant! We went to bed late!"

10. Complete the text with the co rect fo m of the verbs in brackets. Use the past simple.

Nota: esc iba SÓLO el pasado del verbo en NEGRILLA para éste punto. No use abreviacion a la

"I had a good evening on F iday. I ______________ (stay) at my

f iend’s house after school. First, we prepared some sandwiches to eat as a snack, and then
we watched our favo ite film on TV. But we ___________________ (not do) any homework because
it was
F iday! That was b illiant! We went to bed late!"

didn't do

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