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Points to Review

1. Aesthetics moreover, in order to integrate ancient people's needs, people ventured into what is now
known as the field of engineering. - the development in this field allowed humans to build structures that
would address their specific needs and wants.
2.Affects of developments in science and technology with all in mind, one can conclude that the
developments in science and technology aside from affecting the lives of people, were the results of many
prior antecedents, our of necessity, people in ancient times were able to discover and invent things that
would impact the lives of the modern people
Agricultural societies
a. Around 10,000 years ago, the development and spread of agriculture led to the emergence of
civilizations in Mesopotamia and China,
b. Food production became more efficient due to the new methods of learning, the invention of more
advanced tools, and the establishment of permanent settlements.
c. Plow animals; irrigation; farming; subsidence farming - enough food for community (producing); surplus
farming -excess goods exchanged to other community
Alarm clock- most utilized gadgets today - purpose is just the same of as present days; to tell an individual
when to stop or when to start.

Ancient times- people were concerned with transportation and navigation, communication and record-
keeping, mass production, security and protection, as well as health, aesthetics, and architecture
Architecture- the development in engineering also ushered in the introduction of architecture. - during
ancient times, elaborate architectural designs were signs of technological advancement of a particular

Babylonian civilization- emerged near the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. - were the great builders, engineers,
and architects.
Chinese Civilization- is considered to be the oldest civilization in Asia. - it was famous among other
ancient civilizations because of its silk trade.

Communication- was also essential in their endeavors to discover and occupy new places

Cosmetics- although the modern time, it is used to improve and highlight the facial features of a person,
Egyptians function in ancient Egypt was for both health and aesthetic reasons. –
ex: Egyptians wore Kohl around the eyes to prevent and even cure eye diseases. Egyptians also believed
tat a person wearing make-up was protected from evil and that beauty was a sign of holiness
4.culture- Is loosely defined as a society's way of life, provides the basis for forging identities.- Allows
people to understand themselves in relation to others and provides them a lens through which they base
what is considered the "right way" of doing things

Cuneiform- first writing system - a system that utilizes word pictures and triangular symbols which are
carved on clay using wedge instruments and then left to dry. - it allowed the Sumerians to keep records of
things with great historical value or their everyday life.

Great wall of China- once considered the only man-made structure that could be seen from outer space- is
said to be the largest and the most extensive infrastructure that the nation built- was constructed to keep out
foreign invaders and control the borders of China. - made with stone, brick, wood earth, and other

8 major contributions during Sumerian civilization

Uruk city,
The Great Ziggurat of Ur
the plow,
and roads
Egyptian Civilization- this civilization is famous for its legacy- located in North Africa

The great ziggurat of Ur- ziggurat- mountain of god, was built in the same manner that they constructed
the city of Uruk. - was constructed using sunbaked bricks. - it was served as the sacred place of their chief
God, where only their priests were allowed to enter.

Greece Athens- known as the birthplace of western philosophy, some of the major achievements of the
Greeks include in-depth works on philosophy and mathematics
Gun - is one of the most interesting inventions in China.

Gun powder- it was developed by Chinese alchemists who aimed to achieve immortality. - they mixed
charcoal, sulfur, and potassium nitrate, but instead of creating an elixir of life, they accidentally invented a
black powder that could actually generate large amounts of heat and gas in an instant. - is also used in
fireworks during important celebrations in china.

Hanging Gardens of Babylonia- major contribution in Babylon civilization

Hanging gardens of Babylon- one of the seven wonders of the ancient world- was said to be a structure
made up of layers upon layers of gardens that contained several species of plants, trees, and vines. -
according to the legends, the great Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar II built the gardens for his wife,
Queen Amytis. - however, no physical evidence has been found to prove the existence of this place.- exact
location is also unknown

Health- a primary challenge ancient people faced was the conservations of life. - different illnesses and
diseases, both natural and man-made, hampered the full potential of a human being

Hieroglyphics- a system of writing using symbols (Egypt)- same says it is adapted from the Sumerians, but
the Egyptians believed that this witting system was provided to them by their gods. - was the language that
tells the modern world of the history and culture of the ancient Egyptian

Hunting and Gathering

a. Communities date as far back as several million years ago and were considered the first societies.
b. The basic social and economic nits were the family and local clan which organized hunting and
gathering activities and distributed the accumulated food supply.
c. Small; nomads; caves

Industrial societies a. Meanwhile, the beginning of the Industrial Revolution in England during the latter
half of the 18th century transformed agricultural societies to _____________
b. Technological advancements resulted in the invention of machines that improved production.
c. The rise of urban centers or cities was also a major development during this period.
d. (1800-1899); 19th century (industrial revolution); introduction of machines and technology; bourgeoisie-
capitalist; proletariat-working class masses

Ink- Egyptians invented this by combining soot with different chemicals to also produce with different
colors. - must withstand the elements of nature since it was use dot record history,, culture, and codified
laws. it must also be temper-proof so that people could not simply tinker with those written down by

Irrigation and dikes- Sumerians were challenged to mass produce food items, but the elements in the
environment seemed uncooperative- Sumerians created ____________ canals to bring water to farmlands
and at the same time control the flooding of the rivers.- one of the most beneficial engineering works- it
increased food production

Julius Caesar- first roman who started to stack up papers/papyrus

Louis Pasteur- a French biologist, microbiologist, and chemist, who found a way to solve the problem
regarding on the food preservation- he also contributed on molecular asymmetry

Mass production- the increase in size and number of nations connoted increased demand for food and
other basic necessities. - this condition implied that people must be able to produce food at a given time and
space since resources were getting scarcer as more people struggled to share the basic necessities.

Medical incubator- invented by Dr. Fe del Mundo, Filipino pediatrician and the first Asian woman
admitted into Harvard Medical School- made by indigenous and cheap materials and did not run on
electricity- made by placing a native laundry basket inside a bigger one. - hot water bottles were inserted
between the baskets to provide warmth and a makeshift hood to allow oxygen circulation- main purpose
was to maintain conditions suitable for a newborn, usually a pre-term baby.

Medieval/ middle ages- also known as age of exploration- it was started by massive invasions and
migrations. - wars were prevalent during this time- wars have resulted in population decline, but during the
latter part of the period, there was a significant rise in population. - trade and commerce among nations
increased = greater demands for transportation technology

Paper or papyrus- they made writing easier for the world- before they used clay tablets for their writing,
but it had a having hard time in safe-keeping and transporting since it is very fragile, heavy etc.- papyrus =
plant that grew abundantly along the Nile river in Egypt; lighter and thinner than clay tablets; less
breakable- Egyptian were able to process the plant in order to produce thin sheets on which one could write
down things. - major accomplishment in Egyptian record-keeping and communications- people were able
to send letters or correspondences anywhere in the world

Pasteurization- food preservation and food safety became an issue - Louis Pasteur invented
____________, the process of heating dairy products to kill the harmful bacteria that allow them to spoil
faster- it helps to store milk for a longer time and it prevents illnesses
4 major contributions during modern times
petroleum refinery,
and calculator

Plow- another farm technology invented by the Mesopotamians- a technology which would enable them to
dig the ground where seeds would be planted. - was invented to dig the earth in a faster pace. - it enabled to
mass produce food without taking so much effort and time.

Society- group of people interacting in one another and occupying a territory; culture/goals

Sumerian Civilization- Sumerian is located on the southernmost tip of ancient Mesopotamia.- Sumerians
are known for their high degree of cooperation with one another and their desire for great things. - they are
not contented with the basic things that life can offer. this desire pushed them to develop many things
connected with science and technology

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