How To Make French Roll

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How to Make French Roll

 Mix ..., ..., (sebutkan ingredientsnya) in a bowl.

 Pour the water and mix well
 Add margarine and salt
 Knead it until the dough becomes satin-smooth
 Cover the bowl with cloth
 Leave to prove for about .... minutes until doubled in size
 Knock back the dough, then cut it into 50 gram/each
 Cover the pieces of the dough with cloth to prove for about . . .
 Place them on a baking try
 Brush with water then score them
 Do the final proving for about . . . minutes

Top tips for perfect homemade bread:

 Mix the flour, salt and yeast in a large bowl. Make a well in the centre, add the oil
and water, and mix well. If the dough seems a little stiff, add 1-2 tbsp water.

 Tip the dough onto a lightly floured work surface and knead it until the dough
becomes satin-smooth.

 Place it in a lightly oiled bowl to prove. Leave to prove for 1 hour until doubled in
size or place in the fridge overnight.

 Knock back the dough, then gently mould it into a ball. Place it on a baking tray
lined with parchment to prove for a further hour until doubled in size.

 Dust the loaf with flour and cut a cross, about 6cm wide, into the top of the loaf.

 Preheat the oven to 220˚C/fan 200˚C/gas 7 and bake for 25-30 minutes.

 Bake until golden brown and the loaf sounds hollow when tapped underneath.

 Cool on a wire rack.

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