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Seco, Glazy Kim D.


1. What are the principles of Symbolic Interactionism?

• Human beings are endowed with the capacity for thought.

• The capacity for thought us shaped by social interaction.
• In social interaction, people learn the meanings and the symbols that allow them to exercise
their distinctively human capacity for thought.
• Meanings and symbols allow people to carry on distinctively human action and interaction.
• People are able to modify or alter meanings and symbols that they use in action and interaction
on the basis of their interpretation of the situation.
• People are able to make these modifications and alterations because, in part, of their ability to
interact with themselves, which allows them to examine possible courses of action, assess their
relative advantages and disadvantages, and then choose one.
• The intertwined patterns of action and interaction make up groups and societies.

2. What are the Socio-Cultural Functions?

• The regularization of common tasks and activities of collective life; this function gives rise to
routines, norms, public behavior and standard operating procedures.
• The atonement and instilment in the social members of the customary law and values guide and
direct the members towards enlightenment, ennoblement, and perfectibility.
• The veneration of all that are beneficent to the human race and society through the collective
acts of celebration, recognition and commemoration of the people.

3. What are the Socio-Economic Functions?

• Promotion of self-sufficiency for the populace by both the government and the private sectors.
• Strengthening the agricultural and industrial economies of the country.
• Intervention of government in anti-social business practices.
• Balancing people’s needs with the country’s export business.

4. What are the Socio-Political Functions?

• Political governance, legislation, arbitration, social service, social assistance,security and

protection, punitive sanctions, implementation of social justice through laws, and social

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