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Tommy Too-Turnts’ Magic Stuffed Pork Roast

disclaimer tommy is not responsible if y’all get too turnt on this bitchin ass roast lmao ok (cuz tommy did for sure)

1 pork tenderloin roast

12 slices (1 pkg) applewood smoked butcher bacon (the thick stuff) OR package of side pork
1 large yellow onion
1 cup sliced mushrooms
2 cups mozzarella cheese
Seasoning/Spice Rub (I used mesquite from the bins at winco)
optional : 1 liter of wine for personal enjoyment while cooking
Preheat oven at 425
Chop bacon, dice it into pieces like a half inch big, and cook in a large skillet to a crisp.
While thats rollin, dice up your onion. Once bacon is cooked, remove it, but leave that hot ass bacon
grease behind, and use it then to saute your diced onions and mushrooms.
Now, take a very sharp boning knife and grab the pork tenderloin. You’re going to flay it out,
meaning place it vertically on counter in front of you, and start cutting top to bottom a half inch from
the surface, and continue on this cut as you “unroll” it so to speak. Its much easier with a stupid sharp
knife, you want to end with a flat piece of pork a half in thick everywhere. I hope that makes sense.
Im willing to do it for you if you want if im too extra and you have no clue what im saying to do lmao
Okay, so get a nice baking dish out, place the saute veggies and bacon on the pork slab you got ready,
spread into a loaf shape top to bottom and top with a bunch of mozz cheese. Now roll all this up like a
buritto, and use your toothpicks to hold the roast rolled up. Coat it, in the pan, with a very light
amount of oil, then rub whatever spice rub you got All over that motherfucker and cover with foil.
Cook time for a pork tenderloin roast is at 425 for 30-35 minutes. If you have a thermometer just
make sure its 145-160 degrees through and through. Let me know how it is, Monique 😜

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