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PATIENT ID : ES.1803.42778

Present Complain : Vomitting, Diarrhea

Patient Complaint :

Patient complain of having diarrhea since this morning, diarrhea about 3-4 times with watery stool no
blood no mucus. She also been vomiting all day so unable to drink well and only eat a little. She also feel
slight increasing in her body temperature.

General Condition :

Mild ill

On Examination :

BP : 110/70 mmHg

P : 68x/mnt

RR : 18x/mnt

Tax : 36.7 C

Eyes : An -/-, Ict -/-, PR +/+ Isocore

Nose: discharge (-)

Throat: Tonsil T1/T1 hiperemis (-) pharing hiperemis (-) inflamed (-) , dirty tongue (-)
Chest :

Cor : S1S2 Single Reguler, Murmur (-)

Po : Ves +/+, Rh -/-, Wh -/

Abdomen : Distention (-), Bowel Sound increasing, tenderness +, H/L unpalpable

Extremity : Warm +/+/+/+, Edema -/-/-/

Lab Result :


Diagnose :

Acute Gastroenteritis

Treatment :

Injection of Trovensis 8 mg i.v.

Injection of Acran 50 mg i.v.

Advice and medication

Medications Given and Doses :

New Diatab, II-I-I

Baquinor forte, b id

Acran, bid

Pimperan, prn

Doctor Recommendation:

Drink adequate water and electrolytes

Eat nutritious food

Avoid spicy and oily food

If the symptoms persist, do follow up into doctor

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