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Syrus Dwyane L.

Ramos October 13, 2020

10-HAWKING Homeroom Guidance

Let’s Try This

The youngest child The good Samaritan
The hard-working student The future of the Community
A person who does what he is asked of A responsible person

1. My most important role in my family is being the hard-working student, because being hard-
working can lead to results that can be used to alleviate the pressure from other family members,
it can be used to provide a future for the family, and it can make the family more functional
overall. My most important role in my community is being a responsible person, being
responsible can mean many different things, it can be responsibility to the environment,
responsibility to the country, and the responsibility to the betterment of society.
2. My roles in the family are much more specific and is catered towards my familial needs, while
my roles for my community is broader, and it caters to the community, and every single person in
the community has these roles.
3. I would change my role as the youngest child. The reason as to why I would change this role, is
because I’d rather not get pressured by my parents if my siblings reached success. Expectations
are mounting every single year, and I have to meet those expectations in order for me to be
happy. I’d rather not be burdened by this and become the middle child.
Let’s Explore This

Your Present Self (Grade 10)

Areas of Changes Your Old Self (Grade 7)

a. Observing Hygiene I used to clean up after myself if I I always wash my hands, and I
think that I was dirty. bathe at least 3 times a day.
b. Eating habits (nutritious vs I used to eat junk foods and I drank I rarely eat junk foods, and I
junk foods, etc.) soft drinks often. don’t drink soft drinks.
a. Self-control I was impulsive and spontaneous. I often think about my
decisions often and I do not do
something on instinct.
b. Showing respect I showed respect to my elders and I show respect to everyone I
teachers. interact with, no matter the age.
a. Handling conflicts I stay out of conflicts and I try to I still stay out of conflicts, but
not be involved in these if I were to be dragged into
one, I would be calm and
b. Obedience to I used to disobey authorities, and I obey my authorities, but I still
authorities thought I knew better than them. question them if they did
something that was out of the

a. Study habits I used to cram and procrastinate. I make use of my time and I try
to do all of my assignments in
the given time.
b. Mindful of others I was always mindful of others, I am still mindful of others in
(flushing the toilet after use either in the bathroom or in other every single location I may be.
for the next user, etc.) places.
a. Recognition of Supreme I was raised as a Roman Catholic, I am still a Roman Catholic and
Being as and I am a Roman Catholic. I believe in God.
Master Creator
Personal Changes
a. Views in life, I used to have the wildest dreams I became realistic and I am still
aspirations/dreams about being an astronaut and other trying to figure out what career
space related careers. do I want.

1. My answers have changed, it seems that I have become a different but similar person in the three
years I have been in this school.
2. I took it in stride and I didn’t even notice certain changes that have happened, maybe because
change is a long and arduous process, that takes a long time to be fully materialized.
3. I would still take it well, because I believe that change is inherently a good thing, you can change
from a not-so-good person into a good person. Change is natural, and if I change, the change
would just be a product of the environment.
You can do it

(A) (B)
Situation How are you going to apply self-discipline in this

1. You were tasked to assist your younger siblings in I would first focus on my school works, in order to
their school work. You also have difficulties with not bite off more than I can chew, then if I fully
your school works. understand my lesson, I would then help my
younger siblings with their school works.
2. Your friends invited you to join them in their I would politely decline, due to the reason of I
volunteer work after class. You really like to join haven’t completed my tasks first, and multitasking
them, however, you still need to finish your is always a bad thing to do when you have tasks
modules and learning outputs. piled on top of each other.
3. Your neighbor is about to celebrate her 18th I would like to not attend, because it is plainly
birthday and she invited your family to attend. irresponsible to do so. Our country is already
The party will be joined by their relatives and having a hard time with dealing with the virus, and
friends from different places. (You are all aware I would not like to aggravate the situation.
on the health protocols relative to Covid-19.)

What I have learned

I, Syrus Dwyane L. Ramos, 15, a Grade 10 learner, commit to practice self-discipline through:
1. Knowing what I can do, what I can’t do, and what I could do better;
2. Creating a routine, so that some activities that I struggle with become habits over time;
3. Focusing on what I’m doing and I’ll try to not get distracted.

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