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Exercise Muscle Set- Execution Notes

Bench Press Central (3-10) - Slowly lower the bar as you breathe >keep eyes under the bar.
Chest in, then exhale as you push upward >squeeze shoulder blades.
in one go. >back should form an arch.
- 1 set of 10 reps at 40 kg, add 5kg at
a time.
Half-Squat Butt (3-10) - lower hips as you inhale until your >should look like you're
thighs are roughly parallel to the lowering your butt, not bending
floor. your knees.
- exhale as you stand up, keeping >don't let your knees stick too
your knees straight. far in front.
Lat Pull- Back (3-10) - Bring the bar to your chest. Lean >start out with a weight that
down back while doing so. you can do about 20 reps with.
- slowly return the bar to its original >you can use your back muscles
position without relaxing your grip. more efficiently by deliberately
squeezing your shoulder blades
Dragon Flag Abs (3-10) - lie down flat on the floor. >don't bounce while you stretch
-grab onto something above your head, like a
pole. >gently bend both legs
- bend both legs slightly. >shoulder touch the floor
- bring both legs upwards until toes above your
forehead, knees above shoulders.
- slowly lower them until they're just grazing the
- gradually return to your original position,
deliberately forming a straight line with your
back and legs.
Plank Abs 30 s - straighten out your body, >keep tour body straight
supporting it with your elbows and >pull in your chin
toes. >elbows at 90 degrees
- keep your abs tight, with your >make sure your back doesn't
elbows at 90 degrees, and don't lift wobble. Focus on keeping your
your chin. body straight.
>tighten your stomach
>careful that your back doesn't
move up and down
>body in straight line
Dumbbell Biceps (3-15) - Relax your shoulders > "Cheating" with
curls - Feet about shoulder-width momentum reduces the
apart stress on your biceps.
- Let your shoulders relax >add supination, i.e.
- Don’t arch your back rotations to work your
- when you lift the dumbbell, biceps more effectively. This
make sure you don’t swing your also helps prevent injuries.
- when lowering the dumbbell, *Efficient workouts and
don’t completely extend your proper form, not weight,
elbow. Doing so might damage matters most in weight
it. training.

Chest Press Chest (3-15) - same with push-up - Free weights are recommended but if not
available, Chest Press Machine is a good
Dumbbell Chest, - Holding a pair of dumbbells, sit on - Keep your elbows slightly bent.
- Keep the movement slow and deliberate.
Fly triceps a flat bench and rest the dumbbells - There’s no need to bring the dumbbells
on your knees. together at the top of the movement
- Lie back on the bench and, as you because once they are vertical, there is
almost no resistance to work against.
do so, kick the dumbbells up into - Arching your back and sticking out your
position over your chest, one at a chest will reduce the pressure on your
time. shoulders and focus it on your chest.
- Internally rotating your shoulders (so that
- Spread your legs and plant your your elbows point out to the sides) better
feet flat on the floor. isolates your pectoralis major because it
- Bend your elbows a little, and brings the origin and insertion of the
muscle into better alignment.
internally rotate your shoulders so - Since you can’t go heavy with the
that your elbows point out to the dumbbell fly (because doing so is
sides. dangerous), the exercise is not a mass
builder. As an isolation exercise, it is useful
- Arch your back and stick out your if you want to warm up your chest, pre-
chest. exhaust it before the compound chest
- Inhale as you lower the dumbbells exercises, or flush it at the end of a chest
in an arcing motion to your sides - The dumbbell fly doesn’t target your
until you feel a mild stretch in your inner chest. This is a popular myth.
chest. Isolation of your inner chest is impossible.
The only ways to produce more inner chest
- Exhale as you reverse the motion definition are to build your chest using
until the dumbbells are nearly compound exercises and to reduce your
vertical. body fat.
- Another popular myth is that the
- Repeat. dumbbell fly stretches your pecs to give
you a broader chest. It doesn’t.
Dip Chest, (3-10) - line up two chairs of equal height - avoid relying on momentum
Triceps like so, then stand between them - swinging ruins your sense of
- suspend yourself in the air. Make stability and decreases
sure to bend forward slightly resistance by half
- bend your elbows and slowly lower - if you can’t do regular dips,
your body. This is negative then try doing them with your
movement. Inhale as you go down, feet on the floor
exhale when you reach the peak - when doing dips, make sure
- intensify with putting weighs as your chairs are strong enough to
you dip handle them
Reverse Chest, (3-20) - derived from the dip - recommended to use a chair or
push-up Triceps - focus on lowering your body as sofa that can be fixed in place
slowly as possible without easing up - Avoid using your legs.
- Spread your hands shoulder-width Support yourself with your
apart, then lower yourself as if arms
sitting. - if you don’t have a chair, use
- Use your legs as little as possible by your bed
relying on the strength of your arms - intensify by doing it slowly
- Eyes straight ahead. Make sure to - its okay to take a breather. Just
not hold your breath. Don’t rely on finish the set
Burpee Every (3-N) - Stand straight and natural - this aerobic exercise is effective
muscle - crouch in place with both hands on at burning fat and improving
the ground. Stretch your legs your cardio
backward and assume push-up - Burpees require lots of
posture. Do a push-up. Quickly movement. Don’t forget to
return to a crouch then resume your check your surroundings when
original position. Its more effective if doing them inside.
you include a jump right after.
- Repeat these movements as fast as
you can. Its quite intense, but aim for
3 sets of however many you can do
Front Press Shoulde (3-15) - the front press can work out your >avoid bending your upper
rs front and middle deltoids body, or you might hurt your
- hold the bar from above, with an lower back .
overhand grip.
- position it just above your
- chest squared, elbows out front.
- don’t completely extend your
elbows when lifting the bar.
- keep your upper body straight by
paying attention to your abs and
- lower the bar and return to your
original position.
Bicycle Iliopsoas (20 - Lie face-up, and touch your bent > Don’t twist your neck too
Crunch /Abs each knee to the opposite elbow much
Leg Curls Hamstri (15) - Slowly raise your legs up and > keep your torso flat without
ngs down without lifting your hips your stomach touching the seat
- Bend your legs until the pad makes
contact with your butt

Jumping Nerves, (10 - Basic form is the same as that of a > Body straight; on your tiptoes
> Hands a bit more than shoulder-width
Push-Ups Chest reps) normal Push-Up apart
- When you land, gently bend your > Take care not to hurt your shoulders
> Do it rhythmically, with a good tempo
elbows to relieve some of the > You’ll get more results than you would
with normal push-ups
- Shoulders and knees form a
straight line. Don’t push too hard at
Side bend Obliques (15- - Slowly bend your upper body in > Cheating will throw off your
20) the same direction as the dumbbell balance
then return to your original position > Weight of dumbbell will
- Intensity (Low) Bending towards depend. If you want a slender
the dumbbell waist, then choose a weight you
- Intensity (High) Bending away can do 15-20 reps with.
from the dumbell

Lunge Quads, (10 - Take big steps back and forth while > increase intensity by using
glutes, for kneeling deeply, then return to dumbells
hamstrin each normal
gs, hips leg)
Seated Rows Traps, (15 - pull while squeezing your shoulder > moving your body back and
lats, reps) blades close together then slowly forth wastes energy
return the handle while opening > remember to pull with your
them back up back

Back Back, (10 - lie face down and bend your lower > you can hurt your lower back
extensions trunk, reps) back while lifting your upper body if you bend too much, so be
butt and - lie on your stomach and bend your careful.
thighs body. Brace your butt and raise your > make sure not to lose your
legs as well as your upper body. balance
- while bent, hold up your body for
a bit
- raise yourself up while breathing
out, breathe in when you go back
down. Don’t lose your rhythm. Keep
up the pace.
Hand grip Forearm (10- - start with a resistance you can close > the amount of resistance
s 15) for a set of 10 to 15 reps. varies, so a low-level one wont
- Slowly close and release the give you a workout. Conversely,
gripper without cheating you should avoid high-level
- two handed: closing with both ones that you cant close even
hands and opening it as slowly as once.
possible > average is around 46 kg for
men and 28kg for women
Skull triceps - grip the bar with your thumb > its important not to move your
crushers/lyi around your fingers elbows
> the bar should appears to be moving
ng triceps - bend your elbows and lower the up and down. Elbow movement makes
extension bar down close to your hairline. a semicircle and reduces muscle
- focus on flexing your triceps while resistance by half.
lifting your arms. Tilt the bar a little > Use and EZ bar to do skull crushers.
It puts less weigh on your wrists and
toward your head, not straight up trains specific muscles more effectively.
Isometric 7 - you keep your muscles flexed, > Don’t hold your breath
exercise secon tensed and static for a set period of
(posing) ds time (eg. Plank)
- use your own body, a wall, or the
floor to apply resistance to a specific
- flex at 60% to 70% of your full
strength and hold the pose for seven

Front double biceps

Side Chest
Abdominal and Thigh
Inclined Upper- - the angle of the bench should be > set the weigh to something
bench press middle between 30 and 45 degrees lighter than a normal bench
chest - the space between your hand press
should be wider than shoulder-
width but narrower than a normal
bench press grip
- Slowly lower the bar, and squeeze
your shoulder blades as you lift
straight up. Don’t forget to brace
your legs
Chest Chest 7 - Press your hands together in front of > chest out
Isometrics secs, you and apply pressure with both > Hands don’t move from side-
palms, hold for 7 seconds at 70% of to-side
your strength w/o holding your breath
Back Back 7 secs - Mesh your fingers in front of you > chest out
Isometrics and then pull them in opposite > Hands location around
directions, hold for 7 seconds at 70% stomach area
of your strength without holding
your breath.
Pike Shoulde - Get on all fours, lift your butt and > tip toes
Shoulder rs keep your legs straight, raise your > legs waist width apart
press butt and arms until you make a > hands a bit more than
triangle with your body, bend your shoulder-width apart
arms without lowering your butt
Bodyweight Arms - Push down on the wrist you’re > Relax shoulders
arm curls training with the opposite arm and > Arms moves in straight line
do arm curls
Wrestler’s Neck, - Lay down with your legs bent, > Perform a beautiful arch
Bridge Traps cross your arms, bring your legs > focus on your neck and traps
closer to start the movement, raise > Don’t push yourself too far
your torso with your neck
supporting your body. Don’t bend
your neck too far
- Once you’re used to it, bend (turn)
your neck left and right or move
yourself back and forth to apply
resistance for more effect

Glute Bridge Traps, 10 - Shoulders flat on floor, raise your > keep your shoulders on the
butt, reps hips floor and your knees bent as
apps - When you raise your hips, form a you move your hips
straight line to your shoulders, hold > Don’t hold your breath, don’t
it for it second. Keep your knees overdo it.
closed and your thighs together > Don’t put pressure on your
Shrugs Traps - Legs are shoulder-width apart, and > you can do this with a
the back of your hand face outward. dumbbell or a barbell
- shrug then lower your shoulders, > regardless of which your use,
Repeat this motion make sure to stand straight
- focus on how your traps contract as > many people find their grip
you shrug gives out before their traps do.
Try using a wrist strap if that
> Recommend doing shrugs
alongside hack and shoulder

Push Ups Chest (3-20)

- Keep your hands close > if you cant do 3(20), Its
together to stimulate your important to focus on
triceps and your arms more your form with each
- Keep your hand far apart push-up
and wide for your chest. > so-called speed push-
- Slowly bend your elbows ups you sometime see are
and lower body. Don’t let half as effective at
your hips move up and achieving the original
down. goal of training your
- Keep your body in a line chest. Not recommended.
and straighten your elbows > if it gets too difficult,
- if you can, try increasing the feel free to switch to your
number of reps by speeding knees at any time
up, but don’t go to fast. > don’t overdo it or you’ll
Maintain the basic posture hurt your shoulders
and keep good form.
- breathe as you go down,
breath out as you go up.
Lower your head and body
all the way down. If you’re
struggling, use your knees.

Nugget Information
Golden time >if you consume within 30 minutes of finishing your workout, it has a
dramatic effect on your muscle growth.
Dynamic >make sure to stretch in loose clothing
Stretching -forward and backward shoulder circles.
-side bends to stretch your abs.
-shoulder circles with elbows bent. These stretch your shoulder blades.
-toe touches. These stretch your hamstrings.
-chest stretch. Pull lowered arms back as you push chest outwards.
-hip swing stretch. Swing leg back and forth, side-to-side, then with knee
up, make a circular motion outwards.
Diet Lessons - when you gorge yourself by suddenly eating alot on an empty stomach,
your blood sugar levels shoot up. The pancreas will secret lots of insulin, a
hormone that brings energy to cells. These huge amounts of insulin will
send energy to both fat and muscle cells. This is your body's mechanism for
storing fat in response to over eating.
- a habit of skipping breakfast and eating a huge lunch makes it very easy to
gain weight.
- preparing the same foods differently changes the number of calories.
- when the amount of nutrients is the same, the low-calorie version is the
better option.
[Low<-Calories->High] [Steam<Boil<Saute<Fry]

- a bodybuilder diet is the exact opposite of stuffing yourself. You decrease

the amount of food of food you consume in one meal by eating more often.
This prevents blood sugar spikes because you never eat on an empty
stomach. Example of snack include protein bars and canned mackerel. And
there’s also Protein (mixed with water).
- The point is to choose foods that are high in protein and low in calories.
- there’s no need to cut high calorie foods out of your diet completely.
Having a cheat day where you can eat anything makes your diet more
- When you’re on a low-calorie diet, your body will eventually think this,
and enter into energy-saving mode. The cheat day counteracts this. By
indulging yourself, you trick your body into thinking it has enough calories.
When starting out, its good to have one cheat day per week.
Active Rest - Jogging, walking, swimming, stretching, and light weight training
- If you laze around, it actually takes you longer to recharge. Improving
your blood circulation is an important part of reducing fatigue. It spreads
oxygen throughout your body.
- Light exercise helps improve blood circulation. Essentially, you stimulate
> 2 things to consider if you’re going to do Active Rest.
A.) Don’t go full throttle and increase the intensity of your workout too
B.) If you’re sick or hurt, you should heal up with Passive Rest.

How to - Moving like you’re on a sidewalk will waste your energy.

walk on a - When walking you should: 1.) Walk straight and tall, 2.) Keep your knees
mountain bent, 3.) step with your whole foot, 4.) Take short steps, and 5.) maintain a
steady pace.
How to - grab the rope and pull your body up. The act of pulling upward trains
climb a muscles like the biceps brachii and the teres major.
Climbing - Climbing burns calories like a light jog
Stairs - Descending burns about as many as a riding a bike
- Climbing 400 steps burns roughly the equivalent of a 15-minute jog
> Jumping up steps with momentum burn fewer calories
- Keep your back straight and confidently take each step one at a time
- Ascending (Time x Weight x 0.0349 x Age Correction Factor)
- Descending (Time x Weigh x 0.0658 x Age Correction Factor)

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